㈠ 外研社新标准英语七年级上册Mole 8思维导图
Mole 8学习模块的写作任务有两个,一个是会写邀请函和答复函,一个是会描述生日晚会或者做一个生日晚会的计划。写作思维导图就是为学生的写作提供支架。一旦学生熟悉了借助思维导图搭建写作框架的策略,学生的写作的为难情绪就会大大减弱。
我名师工作室的陈荷花老师写到:1. 思维导图作为一种现代工作和学习的助推器,与传统的作文提纲相比,用思维导图这一工具为写作前的提纲,能使草稿更为直观、形象、生动,增加学生写前打草稿的积极性,也解决了学生卷面不整洁的问题。2. 用思维导图拟文章框架:通过画思维导图,可以帮助学生理清写作思路,清晰文章框架,强化文章段落的习惯。同时,在看着导图写作时,写作要点就不易遗漏,就不易脱离写作话题。3. 思维导图有助于学生对写作话题内容的激活与整理,有利于对写作要点的记忆。思维导图变传统的线性思维为放射性的网状思维。在写前帮助学生整理与写作有关的词块、句型等内容,避免词穷及句式单一等问题之外,还可以加强知识点间的联系,有助于加深学生对写作要点的记忆。在下次写类似作文时,他们的记忆一定比较深刻。其次,在激发学生思维后,学生的想法也会多起来,于是在整理与挑选内容信息之后,写作的内容也就会丰富起来,文章的亮点也就会出现。最后,它还有益于开发学生的创造力和想象力,对学生学力的培养有很大的帮助作用。
㈡ 名师工作室的翻译是:什么意思
翻译成英文是:Teaching Studio
㈢ 急求学校英语门牌的翻译
Printing room, the committee of the communist moral ecation, teaching, teacher studio, teacher development office, party, trade unions, comprehensive reading room, staff lounge, newsroom, information network center room, office, small technical communication room, studio, studio, a director room, video editing room, video room, south Korean administration office, south Korean department classrooms, art classroom, dancing room, school history showroom, computer service center, home of faculty, expert office, restaurant management office
㈣ 求翻译小学各种功能的教室 英语谢谢><紧急!!!
Secretary office,书记室
School office,校办公室
Reception room,接待室
teacher training office,师训处
meeting room,小会议室
conference room,大会议室
House of Ecation Workers,教工之家
Party member activity Room,党员活动室
The Young Pioneers office,少先队办公室
Young Pioneers team room,少先队队室
finance office,财务室
counseling office,心理咨询室
Sending and receiving room,收发室
Communication room,传达室
comprehensive management office,综合治理办公室
union office,工会办公室
power distribution room,配电房
Technology activity Room,科技活动室
teacher workshops,名师工作室
teaching and research activity room,教研活动室
program-controlled room,程控室
radio room,广播室
equipment control room,设备控制室
teacher offices,教师办公室
canteen management office,食堂管理办公室
male locker room,男更衣室
female locker rooms,女更衣室
storage rooms,储藏室
file rooms,档案室
Labor and technology classrooms,劳技教室
Elementary school labor Skills science and technology studio, 小学劳技科学制作室
naturalistic inquiry lab,自然探究实验室
digital lab natural,自然数字实验室
biological observation room,生物观察室
computer art room,计算机美术教室
music room,音乐教室
astronomical observation room,天文观察室
artificial intelligence lab, art classroom,人工智能实验室 art sculpture,美术教室
stone carving workshops,美术雕塑篆刻创作室
calligraphy classes,书法教室
strength training room,力量训练房
physical training room,形体训练房
stacks room,书库
periodicals reading room,期刊阅览室
student reading room, 学生图书阅览室
teacher reading room ,教师图书阅览室
Class in the classroom 合班教室
Lecture Hall,报告厅
Labor and technology teaching aids room,劳技教具室
Specimen preparation equipment room,仪器标本准备室
Instrument room,乐器室
Music teaching aid room,音乐教具室
Art teaching aids room,美术教具室
Calligraphy teaching aids room,书法教具室
Information preparation room,信息准备室
Sports activity room 体育活动室
Sports equipment room 体育器材室