1. 鑻辫鍙鐖辨庝箞鍐欎綔鏂
1. 鍙鐖辩殑鑻辫鎬庝箞鍐
What adorable curtains!
What an adorable child!
An adorable set of ins.
I find the boy adorable.
My darling, you are adorable.
2. 鍙鐖辩敤鑻辫鎬庝箞鍐
鍙鐖憋細 1. lovely2. amiable3. cute4. likableness5. likability6. loveliness7. prettiness8. oveliness9. sweetness10.cuteness11.lovableness Examples:1. 杩欎釜鍙鐖辩殑灏忕敺瀛╅暱鐫婕備寒鐨勯噾榛勮壊鍗峰彂銆
The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.2. 杩欏箙鐢讳腑鐨勫皬澶╀娇闈炲父鍙鐖便 The cherub in the painting is very lovely.3. 鎴戝愬愮殑灏忓┐鍎块潪甯稿彲鐖便
My sister's infant is very lovely.4. 鎴戠殑灏忓コ鍎垮儚涓灏忕簿鐏典竴鏍峰彲鐖便 My little daughter is as lovely as an elf.5. 杩欎釜灏忓コ瀛╁お鍙鐖变簡锛屾垜鎶婂ス鍙鍋氬皬绮剧伒銆
The little girl is so lovely that I call her a sprite.6. 閭eコ瀛╃帿鐟拌壊鐨勮劯棰婁娇濂规樉寰楅潪甯稿彲鐖便 The girl's rosy cheeks made her look very lovely.7. 璁╄繖涔堝彲鐖辩殑鑺卞洯鑽掑簾鏄鏋佷笉搴旇ョ殑銆
It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden.8. 鎴戠殑灏忓コ鍎垮儚澶╀娇涓鏍峰彲鐖便 My little daughter is as lovely as an angel銆
3. 鍙鐖辩敤鑻辫鎬庝箞鍐
1. lovely
2. amiable
3. cute
4. likableness
5. likability
6. loveliness
7. prettiness
8. oveliness
9. sweetness
1. 杩欎釜鍙鐖辩殑灏忕敺瀛╅暱鐫婕備寒鐨勯噾榛勮壊鍗峰彂銆
The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.
2. 杩欏箙鐢讳腑鐨勫皬澶╀娇闈炲父鍙鐖便
The cherub in the painting is very lovely.
3. 鎴戝愬愮殑灏忓┐鍎块潪甯稿彲鐖便
My sister's infant is very lovely.
4. 鎴戠殑灏忓コ鍎垮儚涓灏忕簿鐏典竴鏍峰彲鐖便
My little daughter is as lovely as an elf.
5. 杩欎釜灏忓コ瀛╁お鍙鐖变簡锛屾垜鎶婂ス鍙鍋氬皬绮剧伒銆
The little girl is so lovely that I call her a sprite.
6. 閭eコ瀛╃帿鐟拌壊鐨勮劯棰婁娇濂规樉寰楅潪甯稿彲鐖便
The girl's rosy cheeks made her look very lovely.
7. 璁╄繖涔堝彲鐖辩殑鑺卞洯鑽掑簾鏄鏋佷笉搴旇ョ殑銆
It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden.
8. 鎴戠殑灏忓コ鍎垮儚澶╀娇涓鏍峰彲鐖便
My little daughter is as lovely as an angel.
4. 濂藉彲鐖辩敤鑻辫鎬庝箞鍐欏晩
you are so cute
渚嬪彞1. Oh , so lovely ! i also want , can you give me
2. 49 pretty face with colourful kimono . support
3. The little girl is lovely with chubby cheeks
4. Wow ! so beautiful ! so wonderful ! such a lovely school
5. Daddy , can we keep her ? she ' s so cute
6. They ' re cute . adorable . maybe next time . e on
7. Jenna : she ' s so cute . what ' s her name
璋㈣阿 鏈涢噰绾
5. 鍋氫竴涓鍙鐖辩殑涓瀛︾敓鐨勮嫳璇浣滄枃
First of all, I think we should bee a good student. How to bee a good students? First of all, we should preview and review the text. Second, we should be careful their homework and can not look at other people's answers can not someone else's answers. Another good study habits will help us toward success, saying a good start is half way to success, we should make unremitting efforts to board the pinnacle of learning to bee truly God's favored city! I hope such a good student will bee our real-life example of excellent! If you want to be a good student, three attributes can help you in your studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork. Second, in school life, relationships beeen people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them. Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don't be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination. If you can work toward these goals, you'll bee a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm銆
6. 鑻辫灏忎綔鏂囨庝箞鍐
鑻辫浣滄枃锛堜功闈㈣〃杈撅級鏄鑻辫缁煎悎鑳藉姏鐨勯泦涓浣撶幇锛屾槸璇嶆眹璇娉曢槄璇婚仯璇嶉犲彞绡囩珷缁撴瀯閫昏緫鎬濈淮绛夌殑缁煎悎鑰冩煡.涓鑸鏈夌粡楠岀殑鑰佸笀鍙瑕佺湅涓涓嬩竴涓浜哄啓鍑犲彞鑻辫锛屽氨鑳藉ぇ鑷村垽鏂鍏惰嫳璇姘村钩.瑕佹兂 鐪熸f彁楂樿嫳璇涔﹂潰琛ㄨ揪鑳藉姏锛岄潪鍦ㄨ瘝姹囨儻鐢ㄦ硶鎼閰嶅拰鍩烘湰璇娉曚笂涓嬭嫤鍔熷か.鍚屾椂閫氳繃闃呰绘潵绉绱绱犳潗.浠庢眽璇浣滄枃灏卞彲鐭ヨ嫳璇浣滄枃鏈夊氶毦.涔熷彲寰楀埌鍚绀鸿ユ庝箞璁缁.灏忓﹀埌鍒濅腑鍦ㄥ埌楂樹腑10 澶氬勾锛屾湁澶氬皯瀛︾敓鑳藉熷啓鍑鸿薄鏍风殑姹夎浣滄枃锛 鑻辫浣滄枃鎬庝箞鍐欙紵濂藉湪鐭ヨ佹眰鏍规嵁鏌愪釜 鎯呮櫙璇濋樺啓10 澶氬彞璇濓紝120璇嶅乏鍙筹紝鍚屽父瑕佺湅鎳傛彁绀猴紝璁ょ湡瀹¢橈紝1锛.瀹℃枃浣擄紝瑕佹眰 鍐欐垚浠涔堟枃浣擄紵濡備綍寮澶寸粨灏撅紵鏄涔︿俊锛熸槸鐪嬪浘浣滄枃锛熻繕鏄鏍规嵁鍥捐〃鍐欒璁烘枃锛熷悇绉嶆枃浣 鏈夊ぇ鑷村浐瀹氱殑缁撴瀯. 2锛夛級瀹¤佺偣锛岀壒鍒鏄鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄥ摢涓锛熻瘎鍒 鏃讹紝鏄鎸夎佺偣鏄鍚﹀叏閮ㄦ秹鍙婏紝琛ㄨ揪鏄鍚︽竻妤氭潵瀹 妗f$殑. 瑕佺偣纭瀹氬悗锛岄噸瑕佺殑鏄鐢ㄥソ 鍔ㄨ瘝锛屽彲浠ュ湪鍘熸枃鏃佽竟鎴栧浘涓婃爣鍑烘嫙鐢ㄧ殑鍔ㄨ瘝锛屾渶濂戒竴姝ュ埌浣嶏紝灏嗘椂鎬 涔熷甫杩涘幓锛岀‘瀹氬叏鏂囧熀鏈鏃舵 鏄鐜板湪鏃 杩樻槸杩囧幓鏃讹紵鐩存帴灏嗚ヨ瘝鐨勫舰寮忚〃鍑烘潵锛岀渷鐣ユ墦 鑽夌跨殑姝ラわ紱 3锛夛紝灏嗚佺偣鎵╁厖鎴愬彞瀛愶紝娉ㄦ剰鍓嶅悗闂鐨勮繛璐鍜屼竴鑷. 4锛夛紝鍔 蹇呰佺殑杩炶瘝锛屾槸鍏ㄦ枃杩炶疮鍜屾枃鐞嗛氶『锛屾湁鐨勫彞瀛愬墠鍚庡啀 璋冩暣鍚堝苟锛屽啓鎴愪粠鍙ユ垨浣跨敤闈炶皳璇绛夊叾浠栨墜娈. 5锛.閫氳诲叏鏂囷紝妫鏌ユ槸鍚︽湁閿.鏀规f嫾鍐欏拰鏍囩偣閿欒.鍐欎綔鏂 鏄涓涓澶嶆潅 鐨勬濈淮杩囩▼.涓绡 鍙蜂綔鏂囬渶 鍙嶅嶄慨鏀癸紝鍜岃繘琛屽懆瀵嗙殑鎬濈淮娲诲姩锛屾病鏈夊繀瑕佺殑璇嶆眹锛岀礌鏉愮Н绱鏄鏃犱粠涓嬫墜鐨勶紝澶氳昏寖鏂囷紝澶氱粌涔狅紝鎵嶆湁鏈 鎻愰珮锛屾e傛父娉抽獞杞︾瓑鎶鑳藉彧鏈夐氳繃涓嶆柇缁冧範娓 鍜岄獞 锛岃屼笉鏄绾鐞嗚鸿兘濂忔晥鐨. 棣栧厛瑕佹悶濂介槄璇汇
鍐嶅氨鏄瑕佽繘琛屽ぇ閲忚惧栭槄璇伙紝骞惰颁綇涓浜涘ソ鏂囩珷鐨勭瘒绔犵粨鏋勩 鍔犲己缁冭瘝閫犲彞璁缁 鍏舵★紝瑕佸姞寮虹粌璇嶉犲彞鐨勮缁冦
骞虫椂鍦ㄧ粌涔犱腑鐨勯敊璇涔熻佸仛濂借板綍锛屽啀瀵圭収姝g‘鍙ュ瓙锛屼娇鍦伴亾鐨勮嫳璇鍙ュ瓙濡傚悓鏉′欢鍙嶅皠锛岃惤绗斿氨瀵广 浜嗚В鑻辫鍐欎綔鏍煎紡 杩樻湁锛岃佷簡瑙h嫳璇鍐欎綔鐨勪笉鍚屼綋瑁佷笌鏍煎紡銆
鍙浠ュ厛鐪嬩竴鏈浠嬬粛鑻辫鍐欎綔鍏ラ棬鐨勪功锛屽硅嫳璇鍐欎綔鏈変竴涓鍒濇ョ殑姒傚康锛屽傛庝箞鍐欒璁烘枃锛屽備綍鎻愬嚭璁烘嵁锛屽備綍灞曞紑锛屽備綍纭瀹氫腑蹇冨彞锛涘張濡傦紝鑻辫淇$殑鏍煎紡锛屽備綍鏍规嵁涓嶅悓韬浠藉啓涓嶅悓缁撴潫璇绛夛紝鐒跺悗鏍规嵁涓嶅悓鐨勪綋瑁佽繘琛屽啓浣滅粌涔犮 鐢ㄨ嫳璇鍐欐棩璁 瑕佸吇鎴愯拌嫳璇鏃ヨ板嫟缁冪瑪鐨勫ソ涔犳儻銆
2. 用英语描写你的朋友gina的宠物 英语作文
英文:My friend gina have a cute little cat, its head round, top with a pair of sharp, small ears, big green eyes like two small lights. The cat likes to play it, put Mao Xiangun on the floor, rolling back and forth. At this time, it would have screamed, issued a "meow" sound. I ate something, it always with that bright eyes looked at me, I want to say: "I also want to eat!" I will offer half of it. It uses the lick, eat with appetite to eat. I really love this cat!
3. 描写可爱猫的英语作文
My home have a cat, it's called "meow" 1 year old this year.
Kitten "meow" fur is white with black lines, a pair of pink ears, two eyes of sapphire embedded in her eyes, it's a black and white spots around their necks bowknot, slender also hanging on the tail of a small bell, every step, is "ding ding" the bell ring.
It temper very strange, say it clever, it can play a night in the outside, let who can't call it back; Said it greed and play, sometimes it will find a warm place to sleep, what all don't ask. If it happy, it will gently "meow, meow," exclaimed, with a body rub my legs, sometimes while I write a composition to my draft of paper, above is printed under several plum flower; But if it is not happy, without saying a word. Even if take it favorite fish luring it, it also ignored me.
It will be particularly strong curiosity. On one occasion, I put a wool ball rolled towards it, it's probably thought a "monster", suddenly jump, hide away, wool ball stopped. Kitten down fixedly staring at, for, see reel nothing happened, just quietly walks forward, "meow," cried out. Thread or motionless. At that time, the cat can no longer bear, muster up courage in thread, turned several turn around, and then out of his front PAWS gingerly touched. When it understand thread does not exist danger, haobuguji to play with them for a while, with nose smell smell a while carrying the "trophy" running around, very proud.
A lovely cat.
My home have a cat, that is my grandma gave me 9 years old birthday. Cat is very cute, whole body black and white, two triangular ears, a pair of round eyes, will send green light at night, and seem to be very intelligent. As long as you call a "meow ~ ~" he ran will rub your feet. So this cat call - si si.
One time, come to my house, my cousin 7 birthday that day my mood very bad, because my mother reading my diary I quarreled with her. Mother put the food is ready, I a person holding a bowl put some cabbage and fish downstairs to a person eating a meal. "Meow", came running, eyes looking at me like to say: small master, don't be angry. Although still a little angry, but also much better.
Another time, I was at home carefree boring, took a fairy tale book sitting in a chair. Took a basket of apples to eat while watching, unexpectedly have a mouse in the basket, I shout loudly 1: ah!!!!!!!!!! Think thought seemed to know what happened to "lightning". Rat jumped from the basket, I ran into my bedroom, scarlett thought also follow to run in. When I come to the bedroom, think think already ate the mouse under the bed light (or a little bit of blood), to see that I'm here rubbing on my feet again miaomiao calls like saying "master, I am very much, want to reward me, oh. Of course I am not hesitate from section in the refrigerator and pulled out a fish tail gave thought to eat.
My little cat, lovely, if you want to see it, you are welcome to come to my house to play oh.
4. 描述可爱的小兔子的英语作文,谢谢
5. 可爱的小朋友英语怎么写作文
1. 写小朋友在一起玩的英语作文20字
It's really fun to play together.
The afternoon sports class on Monday, Alice and Betty took to the playground jump rope. Their movements are varied, and they dance and laugh. You see! They're having a good time!
2. 英语小作文俩个小朋友的一天
The afternoon of June 28th, the citizens of Tongxiang Zhang 10 year old son Yang Yang (a pseudonym) and several children to go out to play, stayed out all night. 7on the morning of 29, looking for family found Yangyang's body floating in the Ding Jia Qiao Hong river.The first to find the body is the child's uncle, according to him, when friends and relatives around looking for a night without children home, when he felt might have an accident, then went to the people's bridge near the river for children. When he saw the river a floater, immediately call the police. The police will be floating debris salvage up, finding that it is triumphantly bodies. After examination, the child isdrowned.The boy's father told reporters, the 28 day is the first day of the holidaytriumphantly at 6 in the evening, he and several children to go out to play,"triumphantly didn't know how to swim, so I didn't think they would run to the river to play." Here, the child's father have choke with sobs.The work of the several workers near said, now the weather is hot, have a child toswim in the river every day, a few days ago in the afternoon does have a dozen children at play in the water near the.The little girl underwater panion sneak homeIn Yangyang family lost the child's grief, a primary school the second gradestudents Zhou Quan Zhen Yuan Yuan (a pseudonym) also had the unfortunate.28 day afternoon at about 1, near the factory in the horse master to the river towash a foot, found a few pieces of children's clothes on the shore. Careful horse master felt that something was wrong, immediately find a few noon still swimming there children, sure enough, the master of horse from the child's mouth was informed that, Lu Robinson group of 9 year old girl round sink into the river. The villagers fled in the river for the round, 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the round by the villagers found, when she has stopped breathing.The round accident place from the nearest house only fifty or sixty meters, if someone had timely rescue, round there is hope of survival. However, when the round sank, 3 children swimming and she didn't cry for help, but quietly ran home.Round clas *** ates Lele (alias) said, when she saw the round and round with swimming, sinking, she especially afraid of, there is no shout *** s help.From the editor: since the beginning of last year, the number of children Evening News reported the drowning deaths has reached 21 people. Although the evening news reminding schools and parents to pay attention to the child summer safety,but the tragedy has repeatedly staged, this can not but arouse our reflection.Children's summer safety is not only a family, a school's responsibility, is the responsibility of society as a whole. The relevant departments should strengthen the service, the establishment of swimming safety warning signs on the Bank of the river, lake, pond, strengthen the preventive measures in the swimming drowningaccident prone locations. Each receive a distress signal to the public, also should not hesitate to stretch out his hand, seeking to rescue method actively proper.。
3. 英语介绍美国小朋友平日生活的作文怎么写
Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.
I get up at six o'clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o'clock.
After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o'clock.then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.
4. 写关于写英语作文可爱活泼一点的简单
My mother always plains about my bad behavior, like I don't eat up the food and sometimes I don't have responsibility on what I do. I decide to behave myself, I want to help my mother to relieve her pressure. So I want to be a good child, I will eat up the food, no more pick up them and I also will keep on finishing the job I do.我的妈妈总是抱怨我的坏习惯,比如我不吃完食物和有时候我对自己做的事情没有责任感。