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发布时间: 2024-12-02 06:25:08

① 我会跳舞,但是跳得不好(英语翻译

I can dance, but not very well其实就行,你要是觉得太口语就用 I can dance, but I can't do it very well.

② 跳舞 翻译成英语


n. dance,
v. dance 会餐来后,男女青年自们成对成对地去跳舞。After dinner the boys and girls paired off and went to the dance.孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten.战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除。The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted.星期六晚上她净去跳舞。She goes nowhere but to the dance party on Saturday evenings.孩子们开心地围着他跳舞。The children dance round him in delight.

③ 跳舞的英语翻译 跳舞用英语怎么说

[词典] dance; shake a leg; foot; step it; toe and heel it;
John, let's go for a dance!--Sorry, I don't know how to shake a leg.

④ 我跳舞英语翻译

I dance.

⑤ “跳舞”用英语怎么写

Every time they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood.

⑥ 璺宠垶鐨勮嫳鏂囨庝箞璇

dance鐨勮婚煶鏄鑻 d蓱#720ns锛岀編 d#230nsn 鑸炰細璺宠垶鑸炶箞鑸炴 vi 璺宠垶鎵嬭垶瓒宠箞 vt 璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 渚嬪彞The girls are making up for the dance缈昏瘧濂冲╁瓙浠涓轰簡鍙傚姞鑸炰細姝e湪鍖栧嗙煭銆
dance鐨勮婚煶鏄鑻 d蓱#720ns锛岀編 d#230nsn 鑸炰細璺宠垶鑸炶箞鑸炴 vi 璺宠垶鎵嬭垶瓒宠箞 vt 璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 The waves danced in the sunlight娉㈡氮鍦ㄩ槼鍏変笅璺宠垶杩戜箟璇 step 鑻 step 缇 st銆
璺宠垶鑻辨枃涓篸ance锛岃嫳寮忚婚煶涓篸蓱#720ns锛岀編寮忚婚煶涓篸#230ns閲嶇偣璇嶆眹瑙i噴dance n 鑸炶箞鑸炰細鑸炴洸 vi 璺宠垶璺宠穬椋樻壃 vt 璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 adj 鑸炶箞鐨勭敤浜庤烦鑸炵殑 鍙岃渚嬪彞He whisked her across銆
1璺宠垶 dance锛岃婚煶缇巇#230ns鑻眃蓱#720ns2閲婁箟n鑸炶箞鑸炰細鑸炴洸vi璺宠垶璺宠穬椋樻壃vt璺宠垶浣胯烦璺僡dj鑸炶箞鐨勭敤浜庤烦鑸炵殑nDance浜哄悕鑻变腹鏂娉曞綋鏂3渚嬪彞I銆
Dance锛岃嫳 d蓱#720ns锛岀編 d#230nsn 鑸炰細璺宠垶鑸炶箞鑸炴 vi 璺宠垶鎵嬭垶瓒宠箞 vt 璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 鍓璇 dancingly 鍚嶈瘝 dancer 杩囧幓寮 danced 杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝 danced 鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝 dancing 绗涓変汉绉板崟鏁般
璺宠垶鐨勮嫳鏂嘾ance 鑻辨枃鍙戦煶d蓱#720ns涓鏂囬噴涔塶 鑸炶箞鑸炰細鑸炴洸 vi 璺宠垶璺宠穬椋樻壃 vt 璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 adj 鑸炶箞鐨勭敤浜庤烦鑸炴壆鏁g殑 渚嬪彞Then we put the music on锛 and we all danced the Charleston銆
浣犲ソ锛屽緢楂樺叴鍦ㄨ繖閲屽洖绛斾綘鐨勯棶棰樿烦鑸炵敤鑻辫 dance 鑻 d蓱#720ns 缇 d#230nsn 鑸炶箞鑸炰細鑸炴洸 vi 璺宠垶璺宠穬椋樻壃 vt 璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 adj 鑸炶箞鐨勭敤浜庤烦鑸炵殑 n Dance浜哄悕鑻便
浣犲ソ锛屽緢楂樺叴鍦ㄨ繖閲屽洖绛斾綘鐨勯棶棰樿烦鑸炵敤鑻辫 dance 鑻 d蓱#720ns缇 d#230nsn鑸炶箞鑸炰細鑸炴洸 vi璺宠垶璺宠穬椋樻壃 vt璺宠垶浣胯烦璺 adj鑸炶箞鐨勭敤浜庤烦鑸炵殑 nDance浜哄悕鑻变腹鏂娉曞綋銆
鈥滆烦鑸炩濈殑鑻辨枃琛ㄨ揪涓衡渄ance鈥漝ance 鑻眃蓱ns 缇巇#230nsn 璺宠垶 鑸炰細 鑸炴洸 鑸炶箞鑹烘湳vi 璺宠垶 鎵嬭垶瓒宠箞 鎽囨檭 璺宠穬vt 浣胯烦鑸炶瘝缁 鐭璇 Just Dance 鑸炲姏鍏ㄥ紑 鑸炲姏鍏ㄥ紑绯汇
dance 鑻 d蓱#720ns 缇 d#230nsn璺宠垶锛岃垶韫堣垶姝ヨ垶韫堣壓鏈鑸炰細鑸炴洸璺宠穬锛岃烦鍔锛屾憞鏅冿紝闂鍔╨t缇庝繗 榛戠ぞ浼氬府娲句箣闂寸殑鏂楁达紝 娲句粭 v璺宠垶璺虫煇绉嶈垶浠ヨ烦鑸炶〃绀 璺宠垶璺冲緱璺宠穬锛岄泙璺冦

浣犳効鎰忓拰鎴戣烦鑲涓捐垶鍚楋紵dance鍦ㄦ棩甯镐腑鐨勫簲鐢 1Come on Doreen锛 let#39s dance鏉ュ惂锛屽氱惓锛屾垜浠璺宠垶鍚2He#39s still learning how to dance浠栦粛鍦ㄥ︽庢牱璺宠垶3He can#39t dance for toffee锛佷粬鏍规湰涓嶄細璺宠垶鑻辨枃銆

a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music a particular example of these movements and steps 2U 鑸炶箞鑹烘湳the art of dancing锛 especially for entertainment 3C 璺宠垶 an act銆
1璺宠垶鐨勮嫳璇璬ance锛岃嫳 d蓱#720ns 缇 d#230ns2浠栬瘯鐫璺宠垶锛屼絾鏄澶绗ㄦ嫏锛屽お鍒鎵鍘嗙己纰He tried to dance锛 but he was too clumsy and awkward3浠栦粛鍦ㄥ︽庢牱璺宠垶Hes still learning how to銆

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