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发布时间: 2024-11-28 13:04:46

『壹』 英语Periodically executed jobs怎么翻译

Periodically executed jobs:定期执行工作



  • adv. 定期地,周期丛行性地;偶渗哪哗尔,间歇


mend periodically周期性地康复

ache periodically周期地疼

overflow periodically周期性泛滥


  • getheron anyshortcomings,likedifficultyincommunicating wellorcollaborating.


  • Someof the缓巧 hurricanes.


『贰』 的翻译,怎么用英语翻译长期性,长期性用英语怎么说

  • 长期性;非周期性secular

  • 长期性变化secular change

  • 长期性故障内chronic troubles

  • 长期性能long-term behaviour; long-term performance

  • 长期性倾销long term mping

  • 长期性缺陷defect chronic

  • 长期性失业chronic unemployment

  • 长期性自容卑chronic low self esteem

  • 长期性的故障chronic troubles

  • 长期性的融资工具permanent funding vehicles

  • 长期性浮游生物permanent plankton; permanently plankton

  • 长期性人力需求long term manpower demand

  • 长期性通货膨胀secular inflation

  • 长期性重力变化secular gravity variation

  • 长期性和深层次矛盾longstanding and deep-seated problems

『叁』 求新闻的分类及其英文翻译

6.按反映社会生活的内容分:有政治新闻、经济新闻、法律新闻、军事新闻、科技新闻、文教新闻、体育新闻、5oy.cn 社会新闻等。

『肆』 求把下面一段话翻译成英语,急。谢绝机器翻译。

Despite the fact that, in the wake of high speed economic growth, unemployment rate has moved downward in recent years, however, the eruption of America's "Sub-prime loan" crisis already has broad negative impact on China's and the globe'首孙脊s economic growth, and since the third quarter of last year, there was a huge downward slide in China's export, as a result of the impact of decreased demand of the American and international markets and the rising of domestic labour cost. the pulling effect that export has on the growth of national economy also declines consequently. Simultaneously, owing to the many years'凯锋 continued expansion of China's fixed capital investment, the pulling effect of investment on economy has also further become weakened. The combined effect of those factors prompts China's economic growth to be faced with an accelerated downward pressure, which would undoubtedly make it more difficult to bring unemployment under control. Hence, it is necessary for us to unite and change globe'者渗s and domestic situation (condition),and timely adjust the macro policy for economic growth and unemployment control, in order to realise the positive interaction between economic growth and expansion of obtaining employment.

5.1 Close link of expanding internal demand and expansion of obtaining employment to economic growth is the foundation of broadening employment
attainment. International financial crisis is still spreading, and China's economic growth has also started to slide downward as a result, we should expand internal (domestic) demand under the circumstances of weak external demand, so that we could protect our economic growth and at the same time rece unemployment. Because, maintaining national economy's speedy, sustained and steady growth is not only concive to the prevention of cyclical unemployment, but it is also beneficial to raising effective employment attainment rate, enlarge the scope of employment. Conversely, the increase in employment would enable the effective use of labour resources, and increase labourers' income, thus promote economic growth. However, this does not mean that economic growth would certainly proce growth in employment attainment, as this kind of pulling effect still requires various types of influencing factors such as economic growth mode etc.,

Economic growth is unable to turn to the expansion of employment attainment opportunity. In other words, it still requires the cooperation of corresponding macroeconomic policy, in order to realise the positive interaction between economic growth and expansion of employment attainment. In the process of expanding domestic demand and
stimulating economic growth, one needs to pay great attention to the overall plan of various proction technique's progress, properly manage the development of relationship between labour intensive; capital intensive and technology intensive types of proctions, so as to guarantee the realization of employment attainment growth with economic growth speed as prerequisite.

Currently, in order to withstand the unfavourable impact of international economic environment, the following measures can be taken
to expand domestic demand: enlarge consumptions, especially those of the residents; continue to adjust income allocation structure, increase low income group's income and peasants' subsidy; increase government's expenditure, accelerate municipal administration's infrastructures and public facilities construction, improve people's livelihood; speed up the carrying forward of energy saving work; stabilize the real estate market and regulate market's rules and orders, conscientiously implement
differential taxation and credit policies, encourage and support rational housing spending and promote steady and healthy development of real estate market etc., However, it needs to prevent blind and excessive expansion; avoid incing new bubble.
When resolving present issues, attention must be paid to the hidden and potential problems and closely follow the situation so as to discover new situation and new symptom in good time, and do not accumulate problems until they are big. An important lesson from the American sub-prime loan crisis which happened ring the last round's economic cyclical low ebb¾ it began in 2001, in order to prevent serious economic decline and to stimulate pick up, a policy, of flexibility and lacking in supervision was adopted, which led to the build up of real estate bubble in 2004, around the economic peak, and finally brought about the serious crisis in 2007-2008.

Many measures to expand spending had been take ring the attempt to maintain growth and enlarge domestic demand, such as raising the income of middle and low income residents, improve various social safeguard system, nurture spending hot spots, stabilize and expand huge spending on houses and cars etc., expand public services spending in the aspects of ecation, health, and culture etc.,

The expansion of investment still could lead to the increase of investment rate ring the stage of China's instrialization, and the processes of China's accelerated urbanization and the upgrade of spending structure with regards to housing and transport.
In the wake of China's synthesizing the strengthening of national power,
there is a special point of difference between the current investment expansion and the previous one: the current one pays great attention various projects that relate directly to the improvement of people's livelihood, such as government's safeguard on the increase of the degree of power of investing in housing construction. There is a special relationship between investment and spending that has to be clearly identified. This lies in the international standardization which stipulates that, in calculating national economic statistic, housing constructions are treated as "investment" and included in the expenditure method for items in the "fixed capital formation" of domestic total proction value; yet when residents purchase houses for their own use, it is supposed to be treated as spending as far as the residents' livelihood expenditure is concerned, however, only a small
amount of depreciation charges are included in the item of "final expenditure" ring the yearly statistical calculation.

In other words, houses are treated as special procts which are more regarded as " investment" and much less treated as "spending" in the yearly statistical calculation. When a nation is in the peak period of housing construction, investment rate would appear to be relatively high. From the long term view, after the enlargement of residents' house statistics base, spending rate would be raised in statistics.

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