❶ 外贸英语中各种税怎么说
增值税 VAT value added tax
关税 custom ty
消费税 excise ty
关税 tariff 尤指进口税,很少指出口税
出口退税 export rebate
免税 ty/tax exemption 或 ty/tax free
国内税务局 IRS
报复性关税 retaliatory tariff,
惩罚性关税 punitive tariff
保护关税 Protective tariff
反倾销税 Anti-mping Duties
特惠税 Preferential Duty
过境税 Transit Duties
进口附加税 Import Surtaxes
差价税 Variable Levy
外贸英语(Foreign trade English),外贸为商务英语范畴,确切的说是针对外贸行业的英语。主要包括外贸英语口语、外贸英语函电、外贸单证英语等,学习外贸英语主要目的是为了更好地应对国际贸易。
❷ 麻烦翻译一下几个专有名词
增值税Value-added Tax (缩写VAT)
消费税 consumption tax
营业税 excise tax/sales tax/turnover tax
词典中的解释:excise tax(消费税,货物税,执照税,营业税,国内消费税)
资源税 resource tax
城市维护建设税与教育附加、文化事业建设费 tax on urban maintenance & construction as well as ecation addition and cultural construction fee
企业所得税 corporate income tax
外商投资企业和外国企业所得税 income tax for foreign-invested enterprises and foreign enterprises
个人所得税 indivial income tax
土地增值税 land VAT
房产税 real estate tax/property tax
城镇土地使用税 holding tax on urban and county land
契税 contract tax/deed tax
耕地占用税 tax on till-land occupation
印花税 stamp tax
tax on using of vehicles and ships
license tax on vehicles and ships
建账 set up accounts
核算 accounting
apply for and declare to the competent tax government