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发布时间: 2024-11-24 11:10:13

① 我毕业后要去一家化工公司工作,做翻译,但对化工英语翻译了解甚少.跪求翻译好的产品介绍,公司介绍

有关化肥的英文: (注编织袋为: woven bag)

活性煆云石 Actomag
堆肥养分剂 Adco
加合物 Addition compound
参杂 Alteration
氰氨基化钙 Aero cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide
好气性 Aerobic
附聚 Agglomeration
附聚槽 Aggregate
搅拌槽 Agitating tank
粗<<an009>>肥 Agramon,Uramon
农用石灰 Agricultural lime
农用食盐 Agricultural salt
蒸制废肉渣 Agrinite ,Peocess tandage
空气离析器 Air separator
熟石灰 Air slaked lime,Slaked-lime
紫苜蓿 Alfalfa
磷酸三钙 Alpha phosphate,Alpha tricalium phosphate
α磷酸三钙 Alpha tricalcium phosphate
瑞典三叶草 Alsike clover
钙铝磷肥 Alumino-calcium phosphate
磷酸铝 Aluminum phosphate
明矾石 Alunite
卡氏标准筛 Amans Kahl standard gauge
磷铝石 Amblygonite
改良剂 Amendment
美国法 American process
醯胺 Amide
氨基酸 Amino acid
石膏硝铵 Ammcmitre
铵磷钾 Ammo phos ko
氨 Ammonia
施氨器 Ammonia applicator
氨水 Ammonia liquor,Aqua ammonia
氨态氮 Ammoniacal nitrogen
氨化肥料 Ammoniated fertelizer
氨化泥炭 Ammoniated peat
氨化过磷酸钙 Ammoniated superphos-phate
氮肥 Nitrogenous fertilizer
氨化用溶液 Ammoniating solution
氨化 Ammoniation
氨化作用 Ammonification
氨化微生物 Ammonifier
干血粉 Ammonite ,Dried meal
酸式碳酸铵 Ammonium bicarbonate
氨基甲酸铵 Ammonium carbamate
碳酸铵 Ammonium carbonate
氯化铵 Ammonium chloride
柠檬酸铵 Ammonium citrate
硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate
含硝氨液 Ammonium nitrate-ammonia solution
钙化硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate-calcium carbonate,Nitro-chalk
钙化硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate-lime-stone,Nitro-chalk
磷酸铵 Ammonium phosphate
硫酸铵 Ammonium sulfate
硝酸铵 Ammonium sulfate nitrate
铵磷甲铵磷乙 Ammophos ,A-B-,
铵磷钾 Ammophoska
非晶态 Amorphous state
钙化硝酸铵 A-N L.Ammonium-mitrate-limestone
嫌气性 Anaerobic
肥料成份 Analysis
堆斜角 Angle of repose
无水硫酸钙,硬石膏 Anhydrite
无水氨 Anhydrous ammonia
无水液氨 Anhydrous liquid ammonia
骨炭 Animal charcoal
动物质氮肥 Animal nitrogenous fertilizer
动物废渣 Animal tankage
退火 Anneal
钠微斜长石 Anorthoclase
颉颃作用 Antagonism
抗生微生物 Antibiotic microbes
磷灰石,磷灰盐 Apatite
磷灰盐类 Apatite group
硫酸钾钙 Aphthitalite,Glaserite
假密度 Apparent density
氨水 Aqua ammonia
电弧法(固氮)法 Arc process
合成硝酸钠 Arcadian niter
合成硝酸钠 Arcadian sodium nitrate
合成硝酸钙 Ari saltpeter
人工乾燥 Artificial drying
人工堆肥 Artificial farm manure ,Artificial manure
人造肥料 Artificial fertilizer
人工堆肥 Artificial manure
仿汤马斯磷肥 Artificial Thomas phosphate
灰分学说 Ash Theory
黑霉法 Aspergillus niger method
可利用度 Assimilability
同化作用 Assimilation
热压锅法 Autoclave process
自动给料器 Automatic feeder
自动过渡器 Automatic filter
自动记录仪 Automatic recorder
蒸制废肉渣 Avail tankage ,Process tandage
有效率,有效度 Availability
有效磷酐 Available phosphoric aicd,A .P .A
有效性植物养份 Available plant food
氨化粗肉粉 Azline
干肉粉 Azotin,Drie meal
非共生好气性固氮菌 Azotobacter
固氮肥菌土盘法 Azotobacter plaque method
硝氨液-B B lipuor
脱氮杆菌 Bacillus denitrificans
β-磷酸三钙 Baeta tricalcium phosphate
折流板 Baffle plate
蔗渣 Bagasse
蔗渣堆肥 Bagasse compost
包装漏斗 Bagging hopper
包内结块 Bag-set
缝包机 Bag-sewing machine
均衡肥料 Balanced fertilizer
卵形肥料 Ball fertilizer
球磨机 Ball mill
栏筛 Bar screen
肥 Barnyard manure
巴勒公司硝氨液 Barret solutions
碱性熔磷肥 Barret-phosphate
盐基交换 Base exchange
调用合湿基料 Base goods ,Base-mix
调用合湿基料 Base-mix
碱性熔渣 Basic cinder,Basic slag
碱性含钾过磷酸钙 Basic p tassic supers
碱性熔渣 Basic phosphate slag,Basic slag
碱性熔渣 Basic slag
碱性熔渣 Basic slag meal,Basic slag
碱性过磷酸钙 Basic superphosphate
含钠熔肥 Basic-silicon-phosphate
蝙蝠粪肥 Bat guano
分批法 Batch process
斧氏锤磨机 Batcher-hammer pulveriser
野马式纲筛 B-B (Bucking Broncho) Screen
底板 Bed plate
蜂房式炼焦炉 Beehive coke oven
带式运输机 Belt conveyor
带滤机 Belt filter
皂土 Bentonite
贝氏法 Bergius ptocess
贝色麦转化器 Bessemer coverter
贝色麦熔渣 Bessemer slag
二元化成肥料 Binary fertilizer
粘合剂 Binder
生物作用 Biological effect
黑云母 Biotite
乌成学说 Bird Tneory
伯衣二氏法 Birkeland and Eyde process
苦汁 Bittern
黄三叶草,天蓝 Black medick ,Yellow clover
紫大巢菜 Black purple vetch ,Purple vetch
鼓风炉灰尘 Blast furnace flue st
鼓风炉法 Blast furnace process
鼓风炉熔渣 Blast furnace slag
制动装置 Blocking system
血粉 Blood meal
血干粪 Blood pondrette
干血粉 Blood tankage
鼓风气 Blow-run gas
青花羽扇豆 Blue lupine
白种甜苜蓿 Bodharadlle ,melilot
白种甜苜蓿 Bohara clover,White melilot
骨灰 Bone ash
骨炭 Bone black
骨炭 Bone char
骨炭 Bone charcoal
骨制品 Bone compounds
细骨粉 Bone st ,Bone flour
骨肥 Bone fertilizer
细骨粉 Bone flour
骨粉 Bone meal
骨质磷酸三钙,正磷酸三钙 Bone phosphate of lime,B.P.L
骨制过磷酸钙 Bone superphosphate
骨肉粉 Bone tandage
硼沙 Borax
底施 Bottom application
块状磷矿石 Boulder(bowlder)phosphate
蚕豆 Brad bean ,Horse bean
麸 Bran
硫黄石 Brimsrone
压块处理 Briquetting
撒施 Broadcast
百氏化成窖 Broadfield den
斗氏升送机 Bucket elevator
散装 Bulk
定量取料器 Bulk extractor
仓 Bunker
刺三叶草 Bur clover
推挤压力 Bursting pressure
烧土 Burt clay
生石灰 Burt lime,Quicklime
旺季 Busy season
副产炼焦炉 By- proct coke oven
副产中性磷肥 By-pr ct phosphate
副产氨 By-proct ammonia
副产氮肥 By-proct nitrogen
结块 Caking
煨烧骨 Calcined bone
微熔磷肥 Calcined phosphate
微熔磷矿石 Calcined phosphate rock
方解石 Calcite
碳化钙,电石 Calcium carbide
碳酸钙 Calcium carbonate
氰氨基化钙 Calcium cyanamide
偏磷酸钙 Calcium metaphosphate
硝酸钙 Calcium nitrat
硝磷铵化成肥料 Calcium nitrophosphate,Nitrophosphate
正磷酸钙 Calcium orthophosphate
焦磷酸钙 Calcium pyrophosphate
矽磷酸熔渣 Calcium silicate slag
矽磷酸钙 Calcium silicon-phosphate
磷酸钙钠 Calcium sodium phosphate
二水合硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate dihydrate
半水合硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate hemihydrate
过磷酸钙 Calcium superphosphate
生硝 Caliche
钙化硝酸铵 Calmonite ,Nitro chalk
钙化硝酸铵 Cal-nitro,Nitro chalk
低级胶状磷矿 Cal-phos,Coll idal phos-phate
含镁粗<<an009>>肥 Calsi -ureor
硝酸钙<<an009>> Calurea
含镁熔磷肥 Camaphos ,Ca Mg phosphate
含镁熔磷肥 Ca-Mg-phosphate ratio
碳酸磷灰石 Carbon-apatite
碳氮比 Carbon-nitrogen ratio
光卤石 Carnallite
钒酸钾铀q Carnotite
喀 氏粉碎机 Carr`s disintegrator
软骨 Cartilage
折流冷却塔 Cascade cooler
克氏法 Cascale ptocess
酪素磷灰盐 Casein-apatite
蓖麻粕粉 Castor meal
蓖麻粕粉 Castor pomace,Castor meal
间接肥料 Catalytic fertilizer ,Indirect fertilizer
生白灰 Caustic lime,Quick-lime
氧化镁 Caustic magnesite
水泥窑灰 Cement flue st
水泥窑灰 Cement kiln st
粘接 Cementing
白噩 Chalk
铅室法 Chamber process
粒状智利硝 Champion sodium nitrate
封照区 Check plot
化学氮氨 Chemical nitrogenous materials
化成肥料 Chemically compounded fertilizers
化学肥料 Chenical fertilizer
化学肥料 Chenical manure,Chemical fertilizer
鸡粪肥 Chicken manure
智利硝 Chilean nitrate
智利钠硝 Chilean nitrate lf soda
智利钾硝 Chilean phtassium nitrate
智利硝 Chilean saltpeter
紫云硝 Chinese milk-vetch
氯磷灰石 Chlor-apatite
软骨粘质 Chondro-mucoid
蚕蛹粕 Chrysalis cake
溶渣,炉渣 Cinder
柠檬酸铵可溶性 Citrate soluble
柠檬酸测定法 Citric acid test
选粒器 Classifier
柯氏制造法 Claude process
秘密配方 closed formula
三叶草 Clover
煤之碳化 Coal carbonization
煤产硫化铁 Coal pyrite
可可粕粉 Cocoa-acke meal
炼焦炉气 Coke oven gas
冷性肥料 Cold manure
低级胶状磷矿 Colimephos,Colloidal phosphate
生胶质 Collagen
低级胶状磷矿 Colloidal phosphate
胶状磷灰石 Collophanite
低级胶状磷矿 Collopos ,Colloidal phosphate
化合态氮素 Combined nitrogen
商品肥料 Commercial fertilizer
可合性 Compatibility
完全化学肥料 Complete chemical fertilizer
完全肥料 Complete fertilizer
多元化成肥料 Complex fertilizer
堆肥 Compost
堆肥菌 Compost bacteria
多室式球磨机 Compound ball mill
多元肥料 Compound fertilizer
多元鱼肥 Compound fish manure
多元肥料 Compounded manure,Compound fertilizer
多元化处理 Compounding
压紧 Compressing
精选矿 Concentrate
加浓完全肥料 Concentrate complete fertilizer
重过磷酸钙 Concentrated superphoshpate
调和器,调和剂 Conditioner
快速乾燥期 Constant rate period
触施 Contact application
接触法 Contact process
连续式化成窖 Continuous den
连续法 Continuous process
转化 Conversion
转算因数 Conversion factor
转化气 Converted
转化器 Convertor
椰子粕粉 Copra cake meal
粪化石 Coprolite
棉子壳粉 Cottonseed hull ash
棉子壳粉 Cottonseed hull flour
封流倾池法 Counter-current decantation
牛粪肥 Cow manure
豇豆 Cow pea
起重式挖料机 Crane-type excavator
槐蓝 Creeping indigo
深红三叶草 Crimsom clover
临界含水量 Critical water content
低级胶状磷矿 Cromphos ,Colloidal phosphate
追肥 Cross dressing
粗制鱼肥 Crude fish scrap
骨粉 Crushed brne mdal ,Bone meal
压碎机 Crusher
轧碎 Crushing
抗压碎力 Crushing strength
水产介壳 Crustacean materials
结晶 Crystallization
结晶器 Crystallizer
酒厂副产钾肥 Curbay ,Molasses potash
腐熟,后熟 Curing
切料机 Cutter
电石固氮法 Cyanamide process
氰氨基化钙 Cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide
氰化物固氮法 Cyanide method
蒸制废肉渣 Darling`s tankage ,Process tankage
配方公开肥料 Declared compounds
深厩k Deep stall method
缺肥症状 Deficiency symptoms
脱氟磷酸三钙 Defluorinated tricalcium phosphate
脱叶剂 Defoliant
脱胶骨料 Degelatinised bone
脱胶骨料 Degreased bone
脱胺作用 Deminization
化成窖 Den
硝酸还原作用 Denitrification
硝酸还原微生物 Denitrifier
水蛇纹石 Deweylite
糊精 Dextrine
磷酸二铵 Diammonium phosphate
磷酸二钙 Dicalcium phosphate
二氰二胺 Dichydrate process
制磷酸,石膏法 Dihydrate process
磷酸二镁 Dimagnesium phosphate
直接施用 Direct application
直接肥料 Direct fertilizers
裂碎机 Disintegrator
置换骨科 Displacement hosphate
酸解骨料 Dissolved bones
酸解多元骨肥 Dissolved bones compound
酸解鸟粪肥 Dissolved guano
白云石 Dolomite
含镁石灰石 Dolomitic limestone

酸性肥料 Acid fertilizer
酸性鱼肥 Acid fish
量酸槽 Acid measuring tank
过磷酸钙 Acid phosphate ,Calcium superphosphate
重过磷酸钙 Acid phosphate of lime ,Concentrated
贮酸槽 Acid storage tank
量酸秤 Acid weigher
成酸 Acid-forming
酸度 Acidty
酸化剂 Acilant
酸解鱼肥 Acilated fish
酸解 Acilation
放射菌 Actinomyctes
活性污泥 Activated sludge
活化 Activation

尿素: urea
氯化铵:ammonium chloride
氯化钾:potassium chloride
硝酸铵:ammonium nitrate
硝酸钾:potassium nitrate
硝酸钙:calcium nitrate
硝酸钠:sodium nitrate
炭酸氢铵:ammonium bicarbonate
过磷酸盐: superphosphate
亚磷酸:phosphorous acid
硫酸铵:ammonium sulphate
磷酸钙:calcium phosphate
磷肥:phosphate fertilizer
钾肥:potash fertilizer

② 英语翻译技巧有哪些

指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如:
①、What about calling him right away?
马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何? (增译主语和谓语)
②、If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.
③、Indeed, the reverse is true.
Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词)
While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps. (增译连词)

This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.(增译介词)

In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增译暗含词语)

Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.(增译注释性词语)


①、You will be staying in this hotel ring your visit in Beijing.

②、I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection. (省译名词)

Our instituteis co-administrated by the States Ecation Commission and the municipal government. (名词转动词)

②、Too much exposure to TV programs will do great harm to the eyesight of children.

Thanks to the introction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensivenational strength has greatly improved. (动词转名词)

④、I’m all for you opinion.

⑤、The reform and opening policy is supported by the whole Chinese people.

⑥、In his article the author is critical of man’s negligence toward his environment.

⑦、In some of the European countries, the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance.

We don’t have much time left. Let’s go back. (句型转换)

All the students should develop morally, intellectually and physically. (名词转副词)


①、Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States.
同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。 (在主谓连接处拆译)

②、I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitalityfor which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.

③、This is particularly true of the countries of the commonwealth, who see Britain’s membership of the Community a guarantee that the policies of the community will take their interests into account.

China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.(合译)


In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正译)
In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反译)

You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正译)
This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反译)

Suddenly he had a new idea. (正译)
He suddenly thought out a new idea. (正译)
A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him. (反译)

He still could not understand me. (正译)
Still he failed to understand me. (反译)

She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正译)
She is anything but a bright student. (反译)

⑥、Please withholdthe document for the time being.

在汉语中,定语修饰语和状语修饰语往往位于被修饰语之前;在英语中,许多修饰语常常位于被修饰语之后,因此翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。倒置法通常用于英译汉, 即对英语长句按照汉语的习惯表达法进行前后调换,按意群或进行全部倒置,原则是使汉语译句安排符合现代汉语论理叙事的一般逻辑顺序。有时倒置法也用于汉译英。如:

①、At this moment, through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other occasions in the whole history of the world.

②、I believe strongly that it is in the interest of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.

Great changes have taken place in China since the introction of the reform and opening policy.(全部倒置)

①、You are the representative of a country and of a continent to which China feels particularly close.

②、What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differences.

If the announcement of the recovery of Hong Kong would bring about, as Madam put it, "disastrous effects," we will face that disaster squarelyand make a new policy decision.

如:Decision must be made very rapidly; physical enranceis tested as much as perception, because an enormous amount of time must be spent making certain that the key figures act on the basis of the same information and purpose.



如:How can the European Union contribute to the development of a European film and television program instry which is competitive in the world market, forward-looking and capable of radiatingthe influence of European culture and of creating jobs in Europe?


③ 机的英语是什么

机英语是:machine; engine; aircraft; aeroplane

④ 时间紧迫,哪位朋友能帮忙翻译一下一些设备的英文名称悬赏300分!谢谢!


1骨料回流螺旋 aggregate backflow screw
2无轴螺旋输送机 shaftless screw conveyor
3三螺旋锥形混合机 triple spiral conical mixer
4斗提机 bucket elevator
5挤胶机摇摆头 rubber extruder swinging head
6减速机 speed recer
7奈莫泵 NEMO pump
8耐腐蚀泵 corrosion resistance pump
9排污泵 sewage pump
10自吸泵 self suction pump
11屏蔽泵 shielded pump
12潜水泵 submersible pump
13管道泵 pipeline pump
14泥浆泵 slurry pump
15骨素泵 ossein pump
16助滤泵 drainage filter pump
17预涂泵 pre-coat pump
18加压泵 pump(booster pump)
19螺旋式浓浆泵 spiral thick slurry pump
20溶气水泵 air-in-water pump (air associated water pump)
21计量泵 metering pump
22风冷式压缩机 air cooled compressor
23水冷式压缩机 water cooled compressor
24发电机 generator
25汽轮发电机 turbo generator
26柴油发电机 diesel generator
27预破碎机 pre-crusher
28棉饼破碎机 cotton cake crusher
29骨碎研磨机 bone grinding machine
30磨粉机 grinder
31隔栅机 grid machine
32筛粉分离器sieve separator
33重力分离机 gravity separator
34旋转筛 rotating screen
35纸板过滤机 paper filtration
36圆盘过滤机disk filter
37UF超滤机UF ultrafilter
38棉饼过滤机 cotton cake filter
39脱酸机 acid extractor
40圆盘捞渣机 disc slag-dredger
41麻石除尘器 Mashi st remover
42废水处理系统 waste water treatment system
43油水分离机 oil-water separator
44真空吸滤机vacuum suction filter
45碳滤水柱 carbone water filter column
46搅拌槽 agitating tank
47潜水搅拌器 submerged agitator
48三螺旋锥形混合器 triple spiral conical mixer
49压棉机 cotton presser
50空气加热器 air heater
51空气冷却器 air cooler
52再生降温热交换器 regenerative desuperheater heat exchanger
53蒸煮水帘系统boiling (digesting) wet curtain system
54蒸汽减温器 steam desuperheater
55氨制冷系统 ammonia refrigeration system
56乙二醇系统 glycol system
57蒸汽制冷机steam refrigeration machine
58双头螺旋蒸发器 double spiral evaporator
59空气干燥机 air dryer
60冷干机 refrigeration dryer
61冷冻式干燥机 refrigerant air drier
62蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler
63重油罐 heavy oil tank
64酸碱储罐 acid-base storage tank
65储气罐 air storage tank
66中和池 neutralization tank
67浸灰池 liming pool
68骨仓 bone silo
69浸酸桶 pickling barrel
70PLC控制器 PLC controller
71电动执行机构 electric actuator
72软启动器 soft starter
73电容补偿柜 capacitor compensation cabinet
74地磅测量 loadometer (weight bridge) measure
75节流阀 throttle (choke) valve
76旋塞阀 plug valve
77调节阀 control (adjusting) valve
78减压阀 pressure recing valve
79柱塞阀 plunger valve
80紫外线杀菌器 ultraviolet sterilizer

⑤ 请中文翻译英文

Shen oil-trimming machine arm 1, the proct functions, features 1. For the stone plate cutting board, fillet, flower line, saw blade Wen Shi, for stone steps;
2. 国内独家采用整体铸造工艺,彻底解决了薄板材加工过程中“爆边”等质量问题,切面垂直度、平面度和直线度明显提高; 2. Domestic exclusive use of the whole casting process, solve the thin sheet processing, "Explosive Edge" and other quality problems, cut perpendicularity, flatness and straightness significantly improved;
3. 含“专利技术”石材(切边、定厚)机械免维护工作台行走机构;减少了用户维修费用以及误工误时损失; 3. With "patented" stone (trimming and thickness) Mechanical Maintenance-free table travel mechanism; reces user error when maintenance costs and loss of working time lost;
4. 导轨油浸密封、防尘、防水; 4. Guideway Oil seal, stproof, waterproof;
5. 动力头采用防尘、防水结构,延长了轴承的使用寿命; 5. Power head with st, waterproof structure, extending the service life of bearings;
6. 动力头可360度自如调整; 6. Power head can be freely adjusted 360 degrees;
7. 动力头升降、左右移动均为电动控制。 7. Power head down, move around all electric control.
二:主要技术参数: 2: The main technical parameters:
锯片直径300-600mm; Saw blade diameter 300-600mm;
锯切板材最大宽X厚1400X250mm; Cutting the maximum sheet width X thickness 1400X250mm;
电机功率:主电机11千瓦(; Motor power: main motor 11 kilowatts (;
升降电机0.75千瓦。 Lifting Motor 0.75 kilowatts.
三:安装及日常保养用户购买本公司机器设备后,首先,应整理出一块不小于6mX2m的平地以备机器设备安装。 3: Installation and daily maintenance of equipment users to buy the company, the first one to be sorted out no less than 6mX2m the ground to prepare for equipment installation. 设备到达安装位置,必须用水平尺从纵、横两个方向,分六个测试点降设备校平后,在机床下沿周边浇灌水泥紧固,待水泥定型后方能试车使用。 Equipment to reach the installation location, must be spirit level from the vertical, horizontal two directions, in six test points down equipment after the school level, along the surrounding water in the machine fastening of cement, concrete shape only after a test to be used.
接通电源试车时,应点动一下动力头电机,观察其旋转方向是否与保护罩的标示的方向相同,否则,应交换电线相位后,才能正式开机工作。 Switch on the power test, it should look to move the power head motor, observe the direction of rotation is marked with the protective shield of the same direction, and shall exchange wire phase only after the official start of work.
用户应在使用一段时间(一至三个月)后,对机器设备的螺栓等紧固件进行检查,是否松动脱落,发现后,应及时紧固或补充。 Users should use the period of time (one to three months), the right equipment to inspect bolts and other fasteners, is loose in the discovery, in time or additional fastening.
四:操作方法1. 切边根据锯切石板材的宽、长尺寸,首先调整悬臂横向螺杆(电动或手动)把锯片刀对准拖板相应的排屑槽,再调整悬臂升降杆(电动或手动),使锯片刀深入排屑槽3-5mm即可,然后,在拖板平面上放置好端面和侧面的定位块,即可进行切边工作。 4: Operation 1. Trimming sawing stone slab under the wide, long size, the first lateral adjustment screw cantilever (electric or manual) the knife blade corresponding junk slot aligned extension units, and then adjust the cantilever lift rod (electrical or manual), so that knife blade depth can be 3-5mm Chip slot, then put the plane in the extension units good end and side of the positioning block, you can be cutting edge work. 操作者在切边时,应根据石板材的厚度和硬度不同,控制锯切速度,以免造成设备损坏或人伤事故。 The operator when the cutting edge, should be based on stone plates of different thickness and hardness, cutting speed control to avoid equipment damage or human injury accidents.
2. 倒角或切斜边松动动力头转盘的三颗星锁紧螺栓,调整锯片至需要的角度后,锁紧其松动的三颗螺栓,即可工作。 2. Chamfer or bevel cut loose three-star power head locking wheel bolts, adjust the blade to the desired angle, the locking its loosening three bolts, you can work.
3. 锯切花线、条纹石根据花线、条纹石宽度尺寸,增加垫片、锯片数量,即可达到目的。 3. Sawing flower line, striped lines under the flower, stripe width size stone to increase the pads, saw the number, you can achieve the purpose.
五、注意事项1.更换锯片必须锁压紧螺母,否则,锯片飞出造成设备人伤事故; V. Notes 1. Replacement blades to compress the lock nut, otherwise, saw people flying out of injury accidents caused by equipment;
2.锯切石材板时,端面、侧面放置的定位块应平整、牢固、无松动,否则,会影响据切面的平整、平行度等质量; 2. Sawing stone board, face, side to place the positioning block should be flat, solid, no loose, otherwise, will affect the section of the formation, according to the parallel degree of quality;

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