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发布时间: 2024-11-17 20:14:52

『壹』 高三的学生即将面临着高考英语翻译

Senior three students are facing the College Entrance Examination.
Senior three students are faced with the College Entrance Examination.

『贰』 高考用英语怎么说

高考用英语表达为National College Entrance Examination。

高考是一个重要的全国性考试,旨在评估学生是否具备进入大学学习的能力。这一考试对于所有参与的学生来说都极为关键,因为它是决定他们能否进入心仪大学的重要门槛。在英语中,"高考"通常被翻译为"National College Entrance Examination",这一表述准确地传达了考试的性质和目的。

具体来说,"National" 突出了其全国性的规模,"College Entrance" 说明了这是大学入学的一个关键阶段,而 "Examination" 则直接对应了考试这一活动。这个翻译既简洁又明了,在国际交流中广泛使用,帮助国外人士准确理解中国高考的概念。

总的来说,高考在英语中的表达为 National College Entrance Examination,这一表述简洁、直观,并能准确传达高考的实质含义。无论是学术交流还是国际沟通,这一表述都被广泛接受和理解。

『叁』 高考倒计时用英语怎么说

Counting down XX Day of the College Entrance Examination

读英语首先你肯定要背些单词咯,但是,要提高英语只背单词是不够的,要背就要背重点单词的词组,高考就爱考词组很多的单词,这样的单词容易混,被猜中答案的概率就低,这种词的词组就要整理出来,大概3000多个这种词组,背完可以稳上125,另外如果想考140分以上的高分的话,还有中低频的词组1.2万个要记忆.你都高三了,可能来不及整理了,推荐你看看永安纤城中学06年高考英语单科状元廖唯伟的笔记.整理了高中所有单词的词组1.5万个,按高考相关度分单元排列的.72页,比任何单词书都轻便.新版让福州的书法家重抄制作的,我刚买一份,才116块.状元爷亲自给我做客服辅导,爽啊. 我原来已经买了旧版106块的了, 已经进步了十多分了,买了新版,希望把没看清的给补上.这样能多进步一点.

『肆』 求写一篇英语作文,120字左右,英语翻译大致意思是“我将要高考了,我想努力考个好大学,但是我不明白

英文作文dear li hua :
thanks for you letter to me ,i feel so sorry to hear you have got some nerves before you facing the university entrance exam .these are some advices for help you.
so how to correctly handle the test pressure? Actually, facing the university entrance exam students like prepare for the competition of athletes, you must kown a certain amount of tension is good, it can improve the test ability of the indivial but not control or high stress will affect the ability to solve the problem, cause the exam results not ideal learning to identify and deal effectively with pressure, can help students to better play to their advantage
firstly you need do for the college entrance examination prepared well
next you should kown reasonable college entrance examination targets are looking forward to the examinee to oneself peacetime learning based on the actual situation and psychological situation to analyze their own learning strength potential,
and then decompression in the heart of the world turn pressure into motivation to what kind of attitude towards the test, to enter the state matter much treat exam, with a positive attitude to help in the examinee if the exam is regarded as a kind of challenge,
last please inspire yourself into the state; Examination is a chance, will be in the mood of a treasure treatment; If the test as a state of will feel nervous; If the exam is regarded as unlucky

『伍』 高考用英语怎么说 高考用英文


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