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发布时间: 2024-11-15 11:37:53

❶ 我毕业后要去一家化工公司工作,做翻译,但对化工英语翻译了解甚少.跪求翻译好的产品介绍,公司介绍

有关化肥的英文: (注编织袋为: woven bag)

活性煆云石 Actomag
堆肥养分剂 Adco
加合物 Addition compound
参杂 Alteration
氰氨基化钙 Aero cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide
好气性 Aerobic
附聚 Agglomeration
附聚槽 Aggregate
搅拌槽 Agitating tank
粗<<an009>>肥 Agramon,Uramon
农用石灰 Agricultural lime
农用食盐 Agricultural salt
蒸制废肉渣 Agrinite ,Peocess tandage
空气离析器 Air separator
熟石灰 Air slaked lime,Slaked-lime
紫苜蓿 Alfalfa
磷酸三钙 Alpha phosphate,Alpha tricalium phosphate
α磷酸三钙 Alpha tricalcium phosphate
瑞典三叶草 Alsike clover
钙铝磷肥 Alumino-calcium phosphate
磷酸铝 Aluminum phosphate
明矾石 Alunite
卡氏标准筛 Amans Kahl standard gauge
磷铝石 Amblygonite
改良剂 Amendment
美国法 American process
醯胺 Amide
氨基酸 Amino acid
石膏硝铵 Ammcmitre
铵磷钾 Ammo phos ko
氨 Ammonia
施氨器 Ammonia applicator
氨水 Ammonia liquor,Aqua ammonia
氨态氮 Ammoniacal nitrogen
氨化肥料 Ammoniated fertelizer
氨化泥炭 Ammoniated peat
氨化过磷酸钙 Ammoniated superphos-phate
氮肥 Nitrogenous fertilizer
氨化用溶液 Ammoniating solution
氨化 Ammoniation
氨化作用 Ammonification
氨化微生物 Ammonifier
干血粉 Ammonite ,Dried meal
酸式碳酸铵 Ammonium bicarbonate
氨基甲酸铵 Ammonium carbamate
碳酸铵 Ammonium carbonate
氯化铵 Ammonium chloride
柠檬酸铵 Ammonium citrate
硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate
含硝氨液 Ammonium nitrate-ammonia solution
钙化硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate-calcium carbonate,Nitro-chalk
钙化硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate-lime-stone,Nitro-chalk
磷酸铵 Ammonium phosphate
硫酸铵 Ammonium sulfate
硝酸铵 Ammonium sulfate nitrate
铵磷甲铵磷乙 Ammophos ,A-B-,
铵磷钾 Ammophoska
非晶态 Amorphous state
钙化硝酸铵 A-N L.Ammonium-mitrate-limestone
嫌气性 Anaerobic
肥料成份 Analysis
堆斜角 Angle of repose
无水硫酸钙,硬石膏 Anhydrite
无水氨 Anhydrous ammonia
无水液氨 Anhydrous liquid ammonia
骨炭 Animal charcoal
动物质氮肥 Animal nitrogenous fertilizer
动物废渣 Animal tankage
退火 Anneal
钠微斜长石 Anorthoclase
颉颃作用 Antagonism
抗生微生物 Antibiotic microbes
磷灰石,磷灰盐 Apatite
磷灰盐类 Apatite group
硫酸钾钙 Aphthitalite,Glaserite
假密度 Apparent density
氨水 Aqua ammonia
电弧法(固氮)法 Arc process
合成硝酸钠 Arcadian niter
合成硝酸钠 Arcadian sodium nitrate
合成硝酸钙 Ari saltpeter
人工乾燥 Artificial drying
人工堆肥 Artificial farm manure ,Artificial manure
人造肥料 Artificial fertilizer
人工堆肥 Artificial manure
仿汤马斯磷肥 Artificial Thomas phosphate
灰分学说 Ash Theory
黑霉法 Aspergillus niger method
可利用度 Assimilability
同化作用 Assimilation
热压锅法 Autoclave process
自动给料器 Automatic feeder
自动过渡器 Automatic filter
自动记录仪 Automatic recorder
蒸制废肉渣 Avail tankage ,Process tandage
有效率,有效度 Availability
有效磷酐 Available phosphoric aicd,A .P .A
有效性植物养份 Available plant food
氨化粗肉粉 Azline
干肉粉 Azotin,Drie meal
非共生好气性固氮菌 Azotobacter
固氮肥菌土盘法 Azotobacter plaque method
硝氨液-B B lipuor
脱氮杆菌 Bacillus denitrificans
β-磷酸三钙 Baeta tricalcium phosphate
折流板 Baffle plate
蔗渣 Bagasse
蔗渣堆肥 Bagasse compost
包装漏斗 Bagging hopper
包内结块 Bag-set
缝包机 Bag-sewing machine
均衡肥料 Balanced fertilizer
卵形肥料 Ball fertilizer
球磨机 Ball mill
栏筛 Bar screen
肥 Barnyard manure
巴勒公司硝氨液 Barret solutions
碱性熔磷肥 Barret-phosphate
盐基交换 Base exchange
调用合湿基料 Base goods ,Base-mix
调用合湿基料 Base-mix
碱性熔渣 Basic cinder,Basic slag
碱性含钾过磷酸钙 Basic p tassic supers
碱性熔渣 Basic phosphate slag,Basic slag
碱性熔渣 Basic slag
碱性熔渣 Basic slag meal,Basic slag
碱性过磷酸钙 Basic superphosphate
含钠熔肥 Basic-silicon-phosphate
蝙蝠粪肥 Bat guano
分批法 Batch process
斧氏锤磨机 Batcher-hammer pulveriser
野马式纲筛 B-B (Bucking Broncho) Screen
底板 Bed plate
蜂房式炼焦炉 Beehive coke oven
带式运输机 Belt conveyor
带滤机 Belt filter
皂土 Bentonite
贝氏法 Bergius ptocess
贝色麦转化器 Bessemer coverter
贝色麦熔渣 Bessemer slag
二元化成肥料 Binary fertilizer
粘合剂 Binder
生物作用 Biological effect
黑云母 Biotite
乌成学说 Bird Tneory
伯衣二氏法 Birkeland and Eyde process
苦汁 Bittern
黄三叶草,天蓝 Black medick ,Yellow clover
紫大巢菜 Black purple vetch ,Purple vetch
鼓风炉灰尘 Blast furnace flue st
鼓风炉法 Blast furnace process
鼓风炉熔渣 Blast furnace slag
制动装置 Blocking system
血粉 Blood meal
血干粪 Blood pondrette
干血粉 Blood tankage
鼓风气 Blow-run gas
青花羽扇豆 Blue lupine
白种甜苜蓿 Bodharadlle ,melilot
白种甜苜蓿 Bohara clover,White melilot
骨灰 Bone ash
骨炭 Bone black
骨炭 Bone char
骨炭 Bone charcoal
骨制品 Bone compounds
细骨粉 Bone st ,Bone flour
骨肥 Bone fertilizer
细骨粉 Bone flour
骨粉 Bone meal
骨质磷酸三钙,正磷酸三钙 Bone phosphate of lime,B.P.L
骨制过磷酸钙 Bone superphosphate
骨肉粉 Bone tandage
硼沙 Borax
底施 Bottom application
块状磷矿石 Boulder(bowlder)phosphate
蚕豆 Brad bean ,Horse bean
麸 Bran
硫黄石 Brimsrone
压块处理 Briquetting
撒施 Broadcast
百氏化成窖 Broadfield den
斗氏升送机 Bucket elevator
散装 Bulk
定量取料器 Bulk extractor
仓 Bunker
刺三叶草 Bur clover
推挤压力 Bursting pressure
烧土 Burt clay
生石灰 Burt lime,Quicklime
旺季 Busy season
副产炼焦炉 By- proct coke oven
副产中性磷肥 By-pr ct phosphate
副产氨 By-proct ammonia
副产氮肥 By-proct nitrogen
结块 Caking
煨烧骨 Calcined bone
微熔磷肥 Calcined phosphate
微熔磷矿石 Calcined phosphate rock
方解石 Calcite
碳化钙,电石 Calcium carbide
碳酸钙 Calcium carbonate
氰氨基化钙 Calcium cyanamide
偏磷酸钙 Calcium metaphosphate
硝酸钙 Calcium nitrat
硝磷铵化成肥料 Calcium nitrophosphate,Nitrophosphate
正磷酸钙 Calcium orthophosphate
焦磷酸钙 Calcium pyrophosphate
矽磷酸熔渣 Calcium silicate slag
矽磷酸钙 Calcium silicon-phosphate
磷酸钙钠 Calcium sodium phosphate
二水合硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate dihydrate
半水合硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate hemihydrate
过磷酸钙 Calcium superphosphate
生硝 Caliche
钙化硝酸铵 Calmonite ,Nitro chalk
钙化硝酸铵 Cal-nitro,Nitro chalk
低级胶状磷矿 Cal-phos,Coll idal phos-phate
含镁粗<<an009>>肥 Calsi -ureor
硝酸钙<<an009>> Calurea
含镁熔磷肥 Camaphos ,Ca Mg phosphate
含镁熔磷肥 Ca-Mg-phosphate ratio
碳酸磷灰石 Carbon-apatite
碳氮比 Carbon-nitrogen ratio
光卤石 Carnallite
钒酸钾铀q Carnotite
喀 氏粉碎机 Carr`s disintegrator
软骨 Cartilage
折流冷却塔 Cascade cooler
克氏法 Cascale ptocess
酪素磷灰盐 Casein-apatite
蓖麻粕粉 Castor meal
蓖麻粕粉 Castor pomace,Castor meal
间接肥料 Catalytic fertilizer ,Indirect fertilizer
生白灰 Caustic lime,Quick-lime
氧化镁 Caustic magnesite
水泥窑灰 Cement flue st
水泥窑灰 Cement kiln st
粘接 Cementing
白噩 Chalk
铅室法 Chamber process
粒状智利硝 Champion sodium nitrate
封照区 Check plot
化学氮氨 Chemical nitrogenous materials
化成肥料 Chemically compounded fertilizers
化学肥料 Chenical fertilizer
化学肥料 Chenical manure,Chemical fertilizer
鸡粪肥 Chicken manure
智利硝 Chilean nitrate
智利钠硝 Chilean nitrate lf soda
智利钾硝 Chilean phtassium nitrate
智利硝 Chilean saltpeter
紫云硝 Chinese milk-vetch
氯磷灰石 Chlor-apatite
软骨粘质 Chondro-mucoid
蚕蛹粕 Chrysalis cake
溶渣,炉渣 Cinder
柠檬酸铵可溶性 Citrate soluble
柠檬酸测定法 Citric acid test
选粒器 Classifier
柯氏制造法 Claude process
秘密配方 closed formula
三叶草 Clover
煤之碳化 Coal carbonization
煤产硫化铁 Coal pyrite
可可粕粉 Cocoa-acke meal
炼焦炉气 Coke oven gas
冷性肥料 Cold manure
低级胶状磷矿 Colimephos,Colloidal phosphate
生胶质 Collagen
低级胶状磷矿 Colloidal phosphate
胶状磷灰石 Collophanite
低级胶状磷矿 Collopos ,Colloidal phosphate
化合态氮素 Combined nitrogen
商品肥料 Commercial fertilizer
可合性 Compatibility
完全化学肥料 Complete chemical fertilizer
完全肥料 Complete fertilizer
多元化成肥料 Complex fertilizer
堆肥 Compost
堆肥菌 Compost bacteria
多室式球磨机 Compound ball mill
多元肥料 Compound fertilizer
多元鱼肥 Compound fish manure
多元肥料 Compounded manure,Compound fertilizer
多元化处理 Compounding
压紧 Compressing
精选矿 Concentrate
加浓完全肥料 Concentrate complete fertilizer
重过磷酸钙 Concentrated superphoshpate
调和器,调和剂 Conditioner
快速乾燥期 Constant rate period
触施 Contact application
接触法 Contact process
连续式化成窖 Continuous den
连续法 Continuous process
转化 Conversion
转算因数 Conversion factor
转化气 Converted
转化器 Convertor
椰子粕粉 Copra cake meal
粪化石 Coprolite
棉子壳粉 Cottonseed hull ash
棉子壳粉 Cottonseed hull flour
封流倾池法 Counter-current decantation
牛粪肥 Cow manure
豇豆 Cow pea
起重式挖料机 Crane-type excavator
槐蓝 Creeping indigo
深红三叶草 Crimsom clover
临界含水量 Critical water content
低级胶状磷矿 Cromphos ,Colloidal phosphate
追肥 Cross dressing
粗制鱼肥 Crude fish scrap
骨粉 Crushed brne mdal ,Bone meal
压碎机 Crusher
轧碎 Crushing
抗压碎力 Crushing strength
水产介壳 Crustacean materials
结晶 Crystallization
结晶器 Crystallizer
酒厂副产钾肥 Curbay ,Molasses potash
腐熟,后熟 Curing
切料机 Cutter
电石固氮法 Cyanamide process
氰氨基化钙 Cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide
氰化物固氮法 Cyanide method
蒸制废肉渣 Darling`s tankage ,Process tankage
配方公开肥料 Declared compounds
深厩k Deep stall method
缺肥症状 Deficiency symptoms
脱氟磷酸三钙 Defluorinated tricalcium phosphate
脱叶剂 Defoliant
脱胶骨料 Degelatinised bone
脱胶骨料 Degreased bone
脱胺作用 Deminization
化成窖 Den
硝酸还原作用 Denitrification
硝酸还原微生物 Denitrifier
水蛇纹石 Deweylite
糊精 Dextrine
磷酸二铵 Diammonium phosphate
磷酸二钙 Dicalcium phosphate
二氰二胺 Dichydrate process
制磷酸,石膏法 Dihydrate process
磷酸二镁 Dimagnesium phosphate
直接施用 Direct application
直接肥料 Direct fertilizers
裂碎机 Disintegrator
置换骨科 Displacement hosphate
酸解骨料 Dissolved bones
酸解多元骨肥 Dissolved bones compound
酸解鸟粪肥 Dissolved guano
白云石 Dolomite
含镁石灰石 Dolomitic limestone

酸性肥料 Acid fertilizer
酸性鱼肥 Acid fish
量酸槽 Acid measuring tank
过磷酸钙 Acid phosphate ,Calcium superphosphate
重过磷酸钙 Acid phosphate of lime ,Concentrated
贮酸槽 Acid storage tank
量酸秤 Acid weigher
成酸 Acid-forming
酸度 Acidty
酸化剂 Acilant
酸解鱼肥 Acilated fish
酸解 Acilation
放射菌 Actinomyctes
活性污泥 Activated sludge
活化 Activation

尿素: urea
氯化铵:ammonium chloride
氯化钾:potassium chloride
硝酸铵:ammonium nitrate
硝酸钾:potassium nitrate
硝酸钙:calcium nitrate
硝酸钠:sodium nitrate
炭酸氢铵:ammonium bicarbonate
过磷酸盐: superphosphate
亚磷酸:phosphorous acid
硫酸铵:ammonium sulphate
磷酸钙:calcium phosphate
磷肥:phosphate fertilizer
钾肥:potash fertilizer

❷ 几个化学工艺上的专业术语,请帮忙翻译一下

1.中温变换炉: medium temperature shift converter
低温变换炉: low temperature shift converter
甲烷化炉: methanation converter
2.碳化工序: carbonization process
3.氨水回收二氧化碳生产碳酸氢铵的装置: device(s) for the recovery of Carbon dioxide and proction of ammonium bicarbonate from ammonia


❸ 汽车美容方面的英语


front wheel
rear wheel
rear window
windscreen wiper/windshield wiper
radiator grille
wing mirror
roof rack,luggage rack
license plate,number plate
electrical system,wiring
dipped headlight
sidelights,parking lights
direction indicator
front blinker
taillight,tail lamp,rear lights
backup light,reversing light
stoplight,stop lamp
rear blinker
sparking plug/spark plug
back seat,rear seat
driver's seat,driving seat
passenger seat
steering wheel,wheel
rear-view mirror,driving mirror
gear stick,gear change,gearshift
brake pedal
clutch pedal
hand brake
foot brake
fan belt
inner tube
drain tap
exhaust pipe
spare wheel

1 ACC activated carbon canister 活性碳罐
2 ACI automatic car identification system 汽车自动识别系统
3 air cushion car 气垫车
4 air-cooled car 空气冷却式汽车,空冷式车辆,空冷式轿车(装用空冷式发动机的轿车)
5 APC aperture card 穿孔卡片
6 ASU automatic interference suppression for car radios suppresses ignition no
ise in the FM band 调频干扰自动抑制,在汽车收音机中附加入此电路即可抑制高压点火(噪音)的干扰
7 baby car 微型轿车,超微型轿车(美俚语,=mini car,cycle car,midget car);婴儿小车
8 backfiring in carburetor 化油器回火(=explosion in the carburetor)
9 baggage car 行李车
10 brake shoe carrier 制动蹄座
11 brush carrier 刷架
12 C&M care and maintenance 维修及保养
13 C.CARB conventional carburetor 常规化油器
14 C.P. car park (停)车场
15 C/O carry over 携带
16 cable-testing car 电缆检查车
17 car aerial 汽车天线(=automobile aerial)
18 Car Alarm theft-deterrent system 汽车防窃警报系统
19 car antenna 车上天线,车载天线,汽车天线
20 car body 轿车车身
21 car mechanic 汽车维修工,机动车维修工
22 car navigation computer 车用导航计算机,车用导行计算机
23 car park 停车场,停车处
24 car waiting to repair 待修汽车
25 car wander 汽车蛇行
26 car wash 洗车台,汽车清洗站
27 car wash trade 洗车业
28 car washer 洗车设备,洗车机;街道清洗机
29 car washing department 洗车工间,车辆清洗工间
30 car washing installation 洗衣装置,洗车设备
31 car washing installation 洗衣装置,洗车设备
32 car washing machine 洗车机
33 car with elevator 带升降机车辆,升降机汽车
34 car with four independent wheels 四轮独立悬架式轿车
35 carb 化油器,汽化器(carburator的简称)
36 CARB 1.化油器(carburettor) 2.碳化,渗碳(carbonization)
37 carb adjustment 化油器调准,化油器调节
38 CARB California Air Resources Board 加里福尼亚大气资源局
39 CARB carburetor 化油器,汽化器
40 carboard 纸板,硬纸板
41 carbon 碳(代号C);碳棒,电刷,石墨,积炭,积碳层
42 carbon electrode 碳棒,碳电极
43 carbon monoxide 一氧化碳(CO)
44 carbonization test (润滑油)积炭试验
45 CARE corporate average regulated emission 公司规定的平均有害物排放量
46 CARP cooperate automotive research program 汽车合作研究程序
47 CARR carriage 车溜板
48 CARR carrier 运载工具,载体
49 carriage 车辆,车架,支架,托架;(机床的)拖板;机器的滑动部分;底座,底盘;承重装置,承载器;运输,运费
50 carriage body 车身
51 CARS computer aided routing system 计算机辅助(运输网络中)选线系统
52 CART carton 卡片纸
53 cartridge 管壳,盒;卡盘,夹头;座;套筒;衬套(过滤器的)芯子;(照像)胶卷;支架
54 cartridge fuse 熔断丝管,熔断丝
55 cartridge paper 画图纸,图画纸
56 CAT carburetor air temperature 化油器空气温度
57 CFC chlorofluorocarbons 含氯氟烃(氟属致冷剂)
58 CFRC carbon fiber friction material 碳纤维摩擦材料
59 CFRP carbon fiber reinforced plastic 碳纤维强化塑料
60 CL car load 车辆载负
61 CLCC closed loop carburetor control 闭环化油器控制
62 CO carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
63 CO2 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
64 COEI carbon-monoxide emission index 一氧化碳排放指数
65 COF container-on-flt car 平板车装运集装法,集装箱在平板货车上的运输方法
66 convertible car 活顶篷轿车
67 COTY car of year 当年(流行)的汽车,年款汽车
68 CP car post 停车场
69 CPT carpet 地毯
70 CR carriage return 回车
71 CUCV commercial utility cargo vehicle 商用,轻型,多用途载货汽车
72 DCCSC divided-chamber carbureted stratified-charge engine 分隔式燃烧室混合气层状充气发动机
73 diaphragm carburettor 膜片式化油器
74 diesel-engined passenger car 柴油(发动)机客车,柴油机轿车
75 differential carrier 差速器壳(=differential case,differential housing)
76 dismantling from car to units 汽车拆成部件,汽车拆成总成
77 drill carriage 钻轴滑座
78 ECC electronically controlled carburetor 电子控制的化油器
79 ECC-CU (control unit) electronically controlled carburetor control unit 电子控制的化油器控制装置
80 EFC electronic fecdback carburetor 电子反馈式控制化油器(电脑根据排气管中O2传感器信号,自动调节空燃比)
81 EFC electronic fuel controlled carburetor 电子燃油控制化油器
82 EIC carbon emission index 碳排放量指数
83 electronically controlled carburetor 电脑控制化油器,电子控制式化油器(简称ECC)
84 electronically controlled carburetor-control unit 电子控制式化油器的电子控制器(简称ECC-Control unit)
85 emissions carburetor 防污染化油器
86 enclosed cardan shaft 封闭式传动轴(=encased propeller shaft)
87 EOHC engine-out hydrocarbon 发动机排出的碳氢化合物
88 explosion in carburetor 化油器回火(放炮)
89 explosion in the carburettor 化油器回火(=backfiring in carburetor,blowback,popping back)
90 exposed cardan shaft 开式万向传动轴;开式甲唐轴
91 fast back car 斜背式轿车
92 FBC feedback carburetor 反馈控制式化油器
93 float carburettor 浮子式化油器
94 float of carburettor 化油器,浮子
95 forecarriage (挂车)前转向架
96 four door convertible car 四门车篷可折叠式轿车
97 four-tire car四轮胎轿车(指使用被尖物刺穿或放炮漏气后仍能继续行驶的轮胎,因而不再需要备用胎的的汽车)
98 front-wheel-drive car 前轮驱动轿车(简称f-w-d car)
99 fuel-cell car 燃料电池(驱动的)轿车(1996年5月14日,由Mercedes-Benz公司在柏林展出世界上第一辆氢燃料电池轿车,系将甲醇在车上通过一个专门的反应器,产生H2和CO2,接着将H2导入一个聚合物电池,在触媒的作用下,与空气反应,产生H2O和电流,用电流驱动车辆)
100 f-w-d car 前轮驱动轿车(front-wheel drive car)
101 general purpose car 万能车,万用车,多用途车,多功能轿车(如全轮驱动的北京切诺基轿车)
102 GPC glass carbonate composite 玻璃聚碳酸酯复合材料
103 GT grade touring car 跑车
104 GT grand touring car 豪华高速旅游车
105 H/C fuel hydrogen/carbon ratio 燃油中(烃的)氢碳比
106 H/C hydrogen/carbon (烃的)氢碳比
107 HC hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物
108 H-Carb Hitachi 2Bbl carburetor (日本Hitachi)两腔化油器
109 HCEI hydrocarbon emission index 碳氢化合物排放指数
110 HCS high carbon steel 高碳钢
111 HCSHT high carbon steel heat treated 热处理过的高碳钢
112 HPSiC hot-pressed silicon carbide 热压碳化硅
113 IFC carb integrated fuel control carburetor 综合控制供油化油器
114 implement carrier 机具运载装置,通用机架
115 instrument carrier panel 仪表板(=instrument board)
116 instrument carrier plate 仪表板(=instrument board)
117 insulating carton 绝缘纸板
118 intelligent car 智能化汽车,无人驾驶汽车,智能轿车(指运用计算机技术、电子技术、信息技术,使汽车能以最佳路线,最佳工况行驶,且能在自动公路上无人驾驶,自动行驶)
119 intercar radio 汽车之间的无线电通讯装置,车间无线电通讯装置
120 ISCO indicated specific carbon monoxide 指示马力一氧化碳排放率(量)
121 ITC international touring car championship 国际旅游(游览)轿车冠军
122 jet carburetor 喷雾式化油器
123 KDC knock down car 就地装配的汽车,当地组装的汽车
124 KDCL knock down in carloads (货物)以散装状态装车
125 laggage carrier (车内)行李架,行李搬运车(=bag-gage carrier)
126 lamp carrier 灯座
127 LCL less-than-carload 零担的(货运)
128 lining of car 车身衬里
129 load-carrying 承载负荷的,承载的,承重的
130 long base car 长轴距轿车
131 luggage carrier 行李箱,行李架
132 luggage carrier extension (汽车)行李架的延长部分
133 luggage carrying capacity 行包承载能力,行李容量(=luggage capacity)
134 M.CARB modified carburetor 改进的化油器
135 main carburettor 主化油器
136 microprocessor controlled car 微机控制轿车(一般指微机控制点火、喷油、变速的轿车)
137 motor car mechanic(ian) 轿车技工,轿车技师,轿车机械技术员(=automobile mechanic)
138 motorcar headlamp 汽车前照灯(=automobile headlamp)
139 motorcar horn 汽车喇叭,轿车用喇叭
140 motorcar owner 轿车车主
141 motorcar radio set 汽车收音机(亦称motorcar set)
142 motorcar repair shop 汽车修理场,轿车修理车间,轿车检修站
143 motorcar rim 小汽车轮辋,轿车轮辋
144 motorcar set 轿车收音机(=autoradio,automobile radio set,car radio receiver
,car radio set,automobile receiver)
145 mounted load carrier 悬挂式装载车
146 multicylinder car 多缸发动机汽车
147 multi-nozzle carburetor 多喷油嘴式化油器(指化油器除主喷油嘴外,还有辅助喷油嘴,以适应高速、加速等工况用)
148 multi-throat carburetor 多腔化油器(=multibarrel,carburetor)
149 NFB non feedback carburetor 无反馈式化油器
150 Nissan Bluebird car 日产鸟蓝轿车(日本)日产公司1992年推出两种不同车身的蓝鸟轿车ARX-G,SSS-G,装用4缸发动机,排量2000ml,最大功率107kw,前轮驱动,可在挡风玻璃左上角显示行车速度及有关安全行车的指示)
151 Nissan Figaro car 日产费加罗轿车(日本日产公司1991年推出的微型轿车.装用SOHC涡轮增压发动机,排量387ml,最大功率56kW,自动变速,可折叠式软车顶)
152 NMHC non-methane hydrocarbon(emission) 不含甲烷的碳氢化合物(排放)
153 oil pump carrier 油泵泵壳,油泵托架,油泵小车
154 one way car 一次性轿车,便宜轿车,低级轿车
155 orthodox car 传统汽车,正统汽车,普通汽车,一般汽车
156 PAH poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (发动机的)多环芳香族碳氢化合物(排放物)
157 PAH poly-aromatic hydrocarbon (发动机的)芳烃碳氢化合物(排放物)
158 passenger(-car)rim 轿车轮辋
159 passenger-car chassis 轿车底盘160 passenger-carrying chassis 客车底盘(一般指大客车底盘)
161 PC polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯
162 PCAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 多环芳香族碳氢化合物
163 petrol-electric car 汽油-电动车辆
164 PGM-CARB programmed carburetor 可编程的化油器,电脑控制化油器
165 piston ring carrier 活塞环槽镶座(=ring carrier)
166 planet carrier 行星齿轮架,行星架
167 planet wheel carrier 行星齿轮轴架
168 planetary gear carrier 行星齿轮架
169 planetary pinion carrier (行星齿轮机构的)行星架(=planet carrier)
170 popping in carburettor 化油器放炮,化油器回火(back firing in carburettor,popping-back)
171 posh car 最漂亮的轿车(英俚),豪华轿车
172 premier car company 第一流的轿车公司,名列前矛的汽车公司
173 primary carburetor 初级化油器,一级化油器(除高速、大负荷下使用二级化油器外,其他常用工况都使用一级化油器,亦称primary side)
174 RC power car rotary combustion power car 转子发动机汽车
175 rear-engine car 后置发动机轿车,发动机后置式汽车
176 rear-steering car 后轮转向车
177 remoulded car 改造的汽车;改装的汽车;改型汽车
178 right hand control car 右转向盘车辆,右座驾驶车辆(用于靠左行驶的国家,=righthand drive car)
179 ring groove carbon remover 活塞环槽积炭清除工具
180 roof stick carline (木制厢式货车车身的)横顶梁,拱梁
181 safety car 安全汽车(指碰撞时,乘员不致遭受重大伤害的轿车,目前处于试验阶段)
182 saloon car 普通轿车(双排座轿车,驾驶员座与乘客间无隔板,=closed car,简称saloon,美国称sedan)
183 scraped car 报废汽车,废车
184 seal cartridge 密封衬套
185 secondary carburetor 次级化油器,二级化油器(在高速、大负荷下使用的双级化油器的第二级,亦称secondary side)
186 sedan car 轿式小客车,轿车
187 semitrailer pole carriage 杆式半挂车
188 SHF synthesized hydrocarbon fluid 合成烃润滑
189 sightseeing car 游览客车,观光汽车
190 SISIC silicon carbide reaction-sintered 反应烧结碳化硅
191 solar car 太阳能汽车,太阳能轿车(=solar powered car)
192 sonic-nozzle carburetor 声速喷嘴化油器
193 spare wheel carrier 备胎架
194 special passenger car 特种轿车(特种用途的轿车,如检阅车,指挥车)
195 spring carrier 钢板弹簧支架
196 spring carrier arm 弹簧托架
197 SSIC silicon carbide pressureless-sintered 不加压烧结碳化硅
198 steam-powered car 蒸汽动力汽车,蒸汽机汽车
199 steam-powered motor-car 蒸汽动力汽车,蒸汽机汽车
200 straight-eight car 直列八缸发动机汽车

❹ 化学英语翻译

Calcium insulation material feldspar

Potassium feldspar ore by after pretreatment system in CaCl potash feldspar powder, and Ca0 for additives in melting condition of potash feldspar decomposition, and synthesis of calcium feldspar, K + exists in the form of KCl with a concentration, carbonation filtrate, electronic procts, preparation grade potash follow-up process does not proce new waste and resource utilization of nearly 100 %. After the solid-liquid separation of a low concentration of KCl returns potash feldspar decomposition experiment inlets, no wastewater discharge. Burn limestone forging of CO2 gas purification, used by the concentration of KCl, so the carbonization process without emissions.
Under the condition of melting in 900 degrees Celsius, potash feldspar decomposition rate can reach more than 80%, the concentration of 4g K20 around/L for making electronics potash provides possibility.
The crystallization temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and snow calcium silicon stone synthetic reactions. In 850 ° c to 950 degrees c range, with temperatures of potash feldspar, K20 dissolving rate increase. From 850 ° c to 900 degrees Celsius, K20 dissolving rate did not increase apparently, and 900 degrees Celsius temperature to make the 950 degrees c K20 dissolving rate increase. By XRD analysis results, with temperatures, potash feldspar diffraction intensity of peaks and significantly reced, and the intensity of calcium feldspar diffraction peak is accordingly increased. Namely temperature of potash feldspar decomposition and calcium are favorable forming feldspar. According to the experimental results to determine the crystallization temperature for 900 deg c.

Keywords: potassium feldspar, sintering reaction, calcium silicate, calcium feldspar

❺ 谁能帮我翻译 几个工业方面的 词汇翻译成英语

1 High energy ion implantation
2 High resistance of abrasion
3 Wolfram Carbide
4 Steel Proct of Abrasion-Resistant
碳化钨-钢耐磨产品(Wolfram Carbide-Steel Proct of Abrasion-Resistant 简称WCSP)
5 Titanium carbide
6 这什么意思? “高温耐磨钢”?High-temperature abrasion resistant steel
7 Ceramic-liner Composite Steel tube(直径大于1.5厘米的粗管的话用pipe)
8 Send a drawing to me.

❻ 碳化的英语翻译 碳化用英语怎么说

[词典] carbonization; carbonizing; carbonize; [化] carbonation;
This paper describes the chlorination process of waste tungsten carbide powder.

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