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发布时间: 2024-10-28 10:58:03

① 桥式起重机英文资料,5000字左右,带翻译,麻烦了

Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical three special crane. Generally common crane lifting trolley, bridge run institutions, the bridge crane metal structure diagram into a group. Crab and the hoisting mechanism, trolley traveling agencies and small frame of three parts. Lifting bodies, including the motor, brake, recer, drum and pulleys. Motor through recer, driving drum rotation, so that rope around the drum or from the roll down to lift heavy objects. Is supporting for small frame and installation of lifting mechanism and the car bodies and other parts of the machine running

② 英文翻译

With the strength measured in millions pounds per square inch, explosion welding can accomplish with no other welding method can. Join nearly every kind of metal combination, no matter the type or composition.


To create an explosion weld, two large pieces of metal are stacked on top one of the other, then covered with explosive. When detonated, the downward force explosion weld two piece together through combination of intense force and remarkable physics.


The exploration welding process begins as soon as the two metal plates arrive the DMC’s proction facilities. To maximize welding force of the explosion, the surfaces of each plate are grinded as uniformly and flat as possible.


The process also removes rusts, oxides, and other surface wounds. They are then ready to be assembled into the pack, which locks the plates into position for the explosion. To build a pack, the stronger and thicker of two plates is laid face up, from now on this plate will be identified as the backer.


Small metal spacers of equal height then are tacked on the surface of the backer and a uniform grid. These spacers will maintain a set gap between the backer and the second plate, which is placed on top. The second plate is thinner than the backer, and is called cladder.


The standard of gap between backer and cladder is less than an inch height, yet without it the explosion weld would be impossible.


DMC uses the explosive powder that is proprietary blend of common and unique explosive chemicals, the amount and exact formulation is always matched to the types of metals involved. Once the pack is set, the explosion is initiated at one end of the cladder, and moves across the upper level of the pack at a uniform speed. This explosive front progressively drives cladder plate downward toward the backer, at slight collision angle caused by the standoff gap.

Forward the collision point, air is forced out of gap at high velocity. All oxides and impurities are expelled. Rendering the plate surface is metallurgically pure and ideal for weld.
As the backend collide, the weld is created nearly instantaneously across the entire surface of the plate.
Not surprisingly, the power of explosion can cause significant deformation to the newly formed cladder. Therefore, upon its return to the processing facilities, the cladder undergoes a final series of corrections.

These include heating the cladder in an oven that causes the metals to soften instantly. This relieves stress from the blend force of explosion’s impact;any bowing or misshape curves are flattened out by either 3 million pound press, or it’s in the cladder, by a series of rollers, known as levelers.


Finally before the plates are shipped, string testing is concted to ensure solid weld between the two plates. Once the plates have been tested to meet the exact specs, it is ready to be shipped to customer.


③ 请教英文专业人士

Must after be weary Repeatedly calculates 需经疲劳验算的

Entire penetration docking and corner joint combination welded joint全焊透的对接与角接组合焊缝

H shape Liang web plate and flange plateH形梁腹板与翼缘板
The design request melts thoroughly welded joint 设计要求熔透的焊缝

④ web、bar这两个词在土木工程专业英语中怎么翻译


  1. 网络

    The Research of the Network Optimization on桐侍察WebGIS /基于Web GIS的网络优化研究

  2. 网页,网站

    introces JSP,JavaBean and JDBC,the thesis arrives at the display of a dynamicWebpage with the help of SQL Server and JSP. /介绍了JSP,JavaBean及JDBC,并利用SQL Server和JSP实现了动态Web网页的显示。

  3. 腹板

    Maximum thickness of the procts is 70mm on theweband 80mm on the flange. 产品的最大厚度:腹板70mm,翼板80mm。


  1. 钢筋

    Research on Dynamic Bond Behavior between Corroded SteelBarand Concrete /锈蚀钢筋与混凝土动态粘谈散结性能研究

  2. 棒材

    Development of alloybar25Cr3MoA for aeroengine / 航空发动机用25Cr3MoA合金棒材的研制


⑤ 柳宗元的 腹板传 的翻译


⑥ 腹板的英语翻译 腹板用英语怎么说

[词典] web; plate; sternum; sterna;
This paper introces structure of waveform steel web prestress concrete box girder and construction method for several bridges.
双语例句 汉英大词典

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