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发布时间: 2024-10-27 09:31:06

Ⅰ 写一个你所熟悉的公园.公圆里有什么你最喜欢什么英语作文,不少于5句话.



Riverside Park is a beautiful and unforgettable place.


As soon as you enter the gate, you will see the beautiful flower bed. The chrysanthemums in the flower bed are colorful, red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow, so beautiful! Chrysanthemum fragrance, occasionally will lead to butterflies and bees flying in the flowers.


The big trees beside the path are tall and straight, including poplar, maple, willow, gingko, pine The leaves are very dense, and there are many colors, including emerald green, golden yellow and brown red. When the wind blows, the leaves clatter. Birds sometimes sing in the branches, sometimes shuttle in the trees, very busy.


The lake is so clear that you can see the fish in it. There are also groups of cklings on the lake. Occasionally, cklings catch a little fish and have a good meal. Sometimes, they play games together. It's very lively! By the lake, people come boating and fishing every day.


The most beautiful place in Riverside Park is the zoo. There are places to raise pigeons. Some white pigeons walk on the ground and some fly in the sky. I like playing here and feeding pigeons.


On the grass of the park square, children fly kites and catch butterflies. It's so busy! Riverside Park is so beautiful. I like riverside park.


Ⅱ 描写公园的英语作文不超过三十字

It is quite a big park —it takes about ten minutes to walk from one end to the other end.
There is a pond,or small lake,in the middle of the park.
The air in the park is nice and cool.
There is a path that goes around the lake as well as paths going around the edges of the park.
There are a lot of people with stalls there,and they sell all sorts of things,such as ice-cream,soft drinks,and fried chicken.
You can also see a lot of people dancing and playing musical instruments.
In the daytime,you can rent a paddle boat and explore the lake,and there is also a place where you can drive bumper cars.
But I usually just sit and relax in the cool of the shade of a pavilion.
Then I think about how nice it is to get away from the crowded and busy city,about how nice it is not to have to breathe in exhaust fumes.
The park is the amusement centre for the children and the elderly people.

Ⅲ 用公园做主题的英语作文要用六十个单词以上怎样写

This is a park. It is a national park. It is free. There are usually many people in the park. The park is very beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in the park. People always take a walk in the park. Some of them sing and dance in the park. Some children play games in the park. All people have a good time.


In xiamen there is a park. It's a big and beautiful park. It has two gates. They are the north gate and the west gate. Many people park their bikes in front of the gates.
There is a shop at the north gate. When you go into the park through the north gate you will find a large square on your right and you will see lots of trees and flowers around you. In the west of the park there is a playground.
Sometimes some children fly kites on it and some people sit on the grass and chat. In the middle of the park there is a lake. there are many boats on it. There is a hill in the east of the park.
The park is very beautiful. I love it very much. Will you come to visit it some day?

I went the park near my school with my family on Sunday. This park was holding a interesting garden party where was crowded by many people. When sunday the park was always very crowded. There was a lot of old men doing morning exercises and many children going with their parents. During our around walking I saw my classmate XX boating there. I said hello to her and she asked me to enjoy boating with her. So I took the boat and speaked with XX for a while. Then we pulled the boat over where planted a few lilieswhich was my faverate flower. I used my digital camera taking several picture. At that time my cellphone was ringing. That is my mother she call me for going back.

Ⅳ 描写公园的英语作文最多四句

The park are full of people in the morning. Everyone knows doing exercise is good for health. Look! There are a group of old men under the big tree. They are doing Taiji. There are lots of young men playing table tennis. The old women are near the table. They are dancing. Some young children are walking with their parents in the park. 早晨公园里满是人. 人人都知道锻炼有益健康. 看, 在大树下有一群老年人,他们在打太极拳. 有许多年轻人在打乒乓球.在球台附近有些老大娘在跳舞. 一些小孩子在父母的陪伴下在公园里散步

Ⅵ 以我喜欢公园为主题写一篇英语作文注意用上therebe句型

BaoGong Park is big and good-looking, there are many trees, flowers and a Great Lakes. In the middle of the park ,there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the park, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers.

Ⅶ 鑻辫浣滄枃鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鍏鍥鏈夌炕璇

1. 鑻辫浣滄枃鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鍏鍥鏈夌炕璇

It was a nice day. My family and I went to the park to have a walk. There are a lot of people in the park. They are all enjoying different kinds of activities. Some are playing cards, some are playing chess, some are walking their dogs, and others are talking and laughing happily with their friends. I like this kind of atmosphere. The park is a good place to relax ourselves. It is also a good place to do some exercise to keep healthy. (85瀛) 澶╂皵寰堝ソ锛屾垜璺熸垜瀹朵汉鍘诲叕鍥鏁fャ


2. 鑻辫浣滄枃鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鍏鍥鏈夌炕璇

It was a nice day. My family and I went to the park to have a walk. There are a lot of people in the park. They are all enjoying different kinds of activities. Some are playing cards, some are playing chess, some are walking their dogs, and others are talking and laughing happily with their friends. I like this kind of atmosphere. The park is a good place to relax ourselves. It is also a good place to do some exercise to keep healthy.



3. 浠ユ垜鍠滄㈠叕鍥涓轰富棰樺啓涓绡囪嫳璇浣滄枃娉ㄦ剰鐢ㄤ笂therebe鍙ュ瀷

BaoGong Park is big and good-looking, there are many trees, flowers and a Great Lakes. In the middle of the park ,there is a *** all river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the park, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers.銆

4. 鑻辫浣滄枃鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鍏鍥30瀛

鑻辫浣滄枃鎴戝枩娆㈢殑鍏鍥30瀛桺eople's Park in my hometown is the park I like most. It full of trees and flowers. There is also a river inside the park. People can read books under the tree, and do exercises on the empty ground. It's a very peaceful place, a lot of people e to have a rest and enjoy the beautiful view. I like it very much too銆

5. 鐢ㄨ嫳璇浠嬬粛鑷宸辨渶鍠滄㈢殑鍏鍥

Every flowers bloom, we all like to go to the park to play, photography. Elsewhere e here, will definitely give you a surprise, they take a another one, like when you never see the same has been shot.

Where the game is also very fun, you playagain, you also want to play second, bumper cars the trampoline 銆傘 especiallyfun. My favorite flowers there, and colorful. Like brocade woven endless, thenstretches; like the glow in the sky, so bright; like altitude rainbow, then geous. Particularly the United States, you will like this flower so beautiful trail plus on such a beautiful flower, was particularly the United States. Will this rosy attracted

You on the tower looking down below, youwill see the beautiful scenery, which around that, then around the following, it is even more beautiful.

If you like this you can see what I say is not true, you must Oh锛佹瘡鍒扮櫨鑺辩洓寮鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鎴戜滑閮藉枩娆㈠埌鍏鍥鐜╄嶏紝鐓х浉銆傜壒鍒鏄鍒鐨勫湴鏂圭殑浜烘潵杩欓噷鏃讹紝涓瀹氫細璁╀綘澶у悆涓鎯婏紝浠栦滑鎷嶄竴寮犲張涓寮狅紝鍍忔椂鍐嶄篃瑙佷笉鍒颁竴鏍凤紝涓鐩存媿銆




6. 涓绡囧啓鍏鍥鐨勮嫳璇浣滄枃

There is a park called the "Natural Park" in my city.It's very big and very beautiful.There are many nice flowers and green trees in the park.The air in the park is very fresh.I like to go to the park in the morning with my parents.We all like running slowly in the morning.The park has many attractions,just like a *** all amusement park.So on the weekends,many families enjoy going to the park to have a great time.



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