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发布时间: 2024-10-26 00:07:20

『壹』 鼓浪屿的英语作文+意思

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“这里有很多美丽的别墅,”艺术家朱列欧说。 “这里非常漂亮,还不像厦门那么嘈杂。”

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鼓浪屿其他主要吸引眼球的特色是大量殖民时期的房子 - 是19世纪和20世纪初来自14个不同国家的殖民社区遗留下来的。







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A glance towards Xiamen from Gulangyu’s highest point, Sunlight Rock (日光岩), illustrates how the island has maintained its old-world charm while its bigger sister developed into a buzzing city.

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Sunlight Rock dominates Gulangyu’s scenery. Every day, legions of visitors scale the 40-meter-wide stone for a panoramic view of the Gulangyu Island and neighboring Xiamen city center.

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The island’s beaches are one of its main attractions and the opportunity to roll up one’s trousers, splash around in the surf and then stare off into the sunset together is what makes the island so popular with young Chinese couples.

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"When I was young, I had wanderlust," says Zhang Tao (张涛), 23, a Xiamen-based artist originally from northeast Heilongjiang Province. “I wandered all over the place before I finally settled in Xiamen … the city is beautiful, the weather is good and the people are civilized,” says the artist, who lost his left arm, right calf and three fingers on his right hand in a traffic accident at the age of nine. Zhang owns an art shop in the city and comes to Gulangyu on the weekends to paint calligraphy.

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Visitors flock to the island to try its fresh seafood. Every day visitors line up outside 189 Longtou Lu (龙头路189号) to try Gulangyu’s tastiest pan-fried oyster cake (RMB 10 per plate). While the basic dish is served all over the island, the oysters at number 189 are shipped in daily and fried with a special blend of sweet potato powder, eggs and green onions.

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The island’s local government is promoting Gulangyu’s attractions to travelers through a tourism passport (in Chinese only), which is inspired by the stamping-mania ring the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

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Visitors navigate Gulangyu’s winding streets, finding listed stores and scenic spots and collect stamps to compete their “passport”. Businesses make their own stamps, but do not require visitors to make a purchase in order to obtain their stamps.

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Xiamen’s history as a treaty port ensured that many different countries left their architectural mark on the area. Gulangyu features a blend of colonial architecture such as and the Eight Divining-Rod Tower (八卦楼), Huangroung Yuantang Villa (黄荣远堂别墅) and The Seaside Garden Hotel (pictured).

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The (mostly) well-preserved period architecture on the island attracts many artists looking for inspiration. “There are a lot of beautiful villas here,” says artist Zhu Lie’ou (朱列欧). “It’s very pretty and it is not as noisy as Xiamen.”

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Jie Zhao (赵杰), a worker in Xiamen city, looks out to sea as the sun sets over the island and the end of his weekend beach trip. "This is the first time I've come to Gulangyu," says Zhao, who is originally from Yunnan Province. “It is not as pretty as my hometown, Gulangyu has been renovated too much, but I will definitely come back,” he adds.

"Two legs good, four wheels bad," might be the unofficial motto of Gulangyu Island, which lies a short way offshore from the city of Xiamen.

With the warm climate, good air quality, abundant beaches and laid-back lifestyle, Xiamen (厦门) is one of the most pleasant places to visit and live in China: but a lot of the credit goes to its tourism magnet, Gulangyu (鼓浪屿).

The island, which is just under two kilometers square, is a five-minute ferry ride from Xiamen’s urbanized city center and is most famous for its beaches, seafood and a refreshing lack of automobiles, which are banned.

Gulangyu is nicknamed "Piano Island." With a population of around 25,000, the subtropical town contains more than 5,000 pianos and a 450-square-meter piano museum, showcasing more than 40 ancient pianos from around the world.

The other main draw of Gulangyu is the large number of colonial houses -- a legacy of having been an international settlement of 14 different countries in the 19th and early 20th century.

Click the above gallery to enjoy Gulangyu’s mellow lifestyle away from noise, traffic jams and pollution.

Getting there

China Eastern, Juneyao Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, Xiamen Airlines and Spring Airlines fly to Xiamen daily from Shanghai.

A taxi from the airport to the pier takes about 20 minutes, followed by a five-minute ferry ride to reach Gulangyu. Ferry fare is RMB 8 per person.

The island contains many cute hotels in beautiful colonial houses, but budget travelers should look to stay in Xiamen rather than on Gulangyu Island.

Visitors can land at Gulangyu for free at the moment, but the local government is planning to charge an entry fee from July 2012. The fee is expected to be between RMB 100-150.

『贰』 请写一篇以美丽的家乡为题的英语作文。


Shijiazhuang is my hometown. It is a beautiful, rich and beautiful place.


There are rolling hills and terraces.


The dense woods and green grass give the area a colorful coat.


Shijiazhuang has parks and gardens in big cities, as well as hot springs in small cities.


Shijiazhuang not only has a long history, but also is rich in procts.


The key is that it is an important transportation hub.


How beautiful my hometown is! I love my hometown!


『叁』 有谁能帮我写一篇“我的家乡株洲”的英语作文哦,不

  • 每一个人都有自己的家乡,家乡的一山一水、一草一木对我们都是那么的亲切和熟悉。是家乡的土养育我们,是家乡的水滋润我们,是家乡孕育了一代又一代的优秀人才。家乡是我们成长的地方,是家乡让我们的童年充满欢笑和希望。我爱我美丽的家乡——思南。思南座落在乌江河畔,是一个古老文明的城市,是一块多情的土地,是充满着无数欢歌笑语的地方。正在一步一步地走向世界、走向未来······思南古城依山傍水,雄伟壮观。加上胜岭春耕、中和夏绿、仁寿秋高、三台积雪、雁塔标霞、五老撑云、德江晚渡、鹭洲泛月八景映衬,又是一座秀丽的山城。思南有着悠久的历史,是一个人杰地灵的地方。它建立于东汉时期,根据记载:在明代不过6000人的思南,就有7个进士87个举人的出现,才有云贵共乡试时,思南城内人一科四举,占两省解额的近十分之一,才有明清两代各有5个解元,居乡试榜首的佳话。也才有明代任兵部尚书、巡抚、布政使、按察史、监察御使、知府等四品以上21个,七品至五品36个官员的出现,到了清代就更多了。今天,专家、学者、科学家、教授、企业家的思南人遍及国内外,这是思南文化发展的延续。乌江河从我的家乡穿流而过,给家乡经济的繁荣作出了卓越的贡献。思南县城被太平关,德圣关,大岩关,小岩关四大关包围着,是古代战争的天然屏障。我为大家介绍一下家乡的乌江河吧!乌江河每天都缓缓地流着,雨天时,山上的洪水泥土使乌江河变得十分浑浊;晴天时,风轻轻飘过,乌江河上波光粼粼、河水清澈见底,两岸的花草树木倒映在水中格外美丽。乌江河上有一座宏伟的乌江大桥。从前,乌江大桥没有建起来,两边的亲人和朋友相聚很麻烦。后来,乌江大桥建了起来,两岸的人来来往往的相聚起来非常方便。大桥两边的路灯像一个个士兵,保卫着乌江大桥。沙洲位于乌江河的中心,又名白鹭洲。在波光粼粼的乌江河的中心,美丽得像一幅无与伦比的图画,充满着无限生机。对了,关于沙洲还有一个小故事。以前,每天清晨都可以听见悦耳的鸟叫声,许许多多的鸟在沙洲上开歌唱会。每天都有大量的白鹭在沙洲上嬉戏,让人心旷神怡,这就是白鹭洲的来历。但现代城市的发展,一栋栋高楼大厦建了起来,清晨再也听不见鸟叫声了。这也是给人们的一个提醒。元宵节游沙洲是我家乡习俗,非常的热闹。我愿家乡的天更蓝,水更清;我愿家乡的天空充满鸟儿,充满歌声;我愿家乡在太阳公公的照耀下,发出万丈光芒······谁不说自己的家乡美,我的家乡更美,我爱我美丽的家乡——思南。

『肆』 求一篇家乡无锡的英语作文 150字左右 简单点的

My hometown is in Wuxi, Jiangsu. It lies in the Yangtze River delta in the southwest of China and is well-known to people as “the land of milk and honey”, making Wuxi one of the most famous places of interest in China. The city is very large in size, it covers an area of as much as 4788 square kilometers. Besides, the climate in Wuxi is fit for a happy living, the weather here is always warm and there is much rain. Moreover, Wuxi owns a lot of rare sources, like marbles, groundwater resources. And we have a lot of wild plants and animals in forests and mountains. By the way, my hometown has a long history which can date from over 5000 years ago. And ring those years, many famous persons were born here, for example, Xu Xiake, Xu Beihong,etc. In all, Wuxi is a remarkable place that proces outstanding people. 字数统计为152词(不含标点及空格),参考资料为网络“无锡”词条,如有不合格之处请自行修改,谢谢合作~

『伍』 介绍我的家乡邛崃英语作文







『陆』 求帮写英语作文 大致意思如下 我的家乡安徽是一个美丽的地方 它因为茶叶而出名 中国十大名茶安

My hometown, AnHui province, is a beautiful city famous for its teas. 4 out of top 10 Chinese teas are proced in Anhui province.Tea is first discovered in China byShennong, who also known as the Emperor of the Five Grains.Tea drinking is a famous traditional culture in China. Mount Jiuua and Huangshan(literally translated as "Yellow Mountains") in Anhui province are well known mountains in China. I love my hometown very much.

  1. My hometown, AnHui province, is a beautiful city famous for its teas.

  2. Tea drinking is a famous traditional culture in my country.

  3. Chinese tea is a beverage made from tea leaves and boiled water.

  4. Chinese tea is drunk as a substitute of plain water and also for health, or for simple pleasure.

  5. Chinese tea is special because itis first discovered in China byShennong, who also known as the Emperor of the Five Grains.

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