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发布时间: 2024-10-23 16:10:44

❶ 谁能给我找篇关于污水处理的中英文翻译

1.1.2 编制原则
1.1.3 编制指导思想
1.1.4 编制目的
1.2 工程概况
1.3 工程特点

❷ 中英文翻译

1.1.2 编制原则依靠科技、加强管理、优化网络、均衡施工。
1.1.2 Principle of preparationRely on science and technology, strengthen management, optimize network and perform construction operation in a balanced way.
1.1.3 编制指导思想严格按照IS09001标准要求,与国际惯例接轨,参照了菲迪克条款对承建商的有关要求,力争使该施工组织设计能全面、系统、科学、有效地指导该工程的安装及调试直至试运行符合施工验收规范和业主要求,从而实现设计意图。
1.1.3 Guideline of preparationThe document has been prepared in strict accordance with the requirement of ISO9001 and in conformity with the international practice. The requirements for contractors in FIDIC terms have been referred to enable the construction organization design to guide the installation and commissioning operations of the work in a complete, systematic, scientific and efficient way until its trial operation meets the construction work acceptance specification and the owner’s requirements and realize the design intent.
1.1.4 Purpose of preparationEnsure the work progress of the project, quality of construction operation, safety, orderliness in operation, environment protection, workers’ physical health to fulfill the owner’s will and make the user satisfied.
1.2 Project informationThe second-phase work of Chongqing Jiguanshi Sewage Treatment Plant is one of the drainage works to be built in the metropolitan area using the loan provided by the Japanese government. The building of the work will help create a safe environment for the sustainable development of the metropolitan area of Chongqing.The second-phase work is based on the first-phase work by completing the works for primary-level treatment and secondary biological treatment, sterilization and sludge disposal so that the treated sewage will reach the state-designated discharge level I before being let into the Yangtze River.Chongqing Jiguanshi Sewage Treatment Plant is used to purify urban sewage made up of rainwater and wastewater. The second-phase work is designed with an output capacity of 600,000 m3/d in dry seasons and 1,350,000 m3/d in rainy seasons. For the second-level biological treatment process, the far-future output capacity of the plant is 800,000 m3/d and the rainy season capacity of the plant is 1,650,000 m3/d.The second-phase work of the sewage treatment plant is designed by Shanghai Public utility works Design and Research Institute.Required construction period: within 360 days after the contact takes effect (including installation and preliminary commissioning).
1.3 工程特点
1.3 Features of the work
1.3.1 The work is to be put to bid in the form of general contraction of equipment supply, installation and commissioning. It therefore has stringent requirement for the bidder. The constructor is responsible for providing equipment as well as the supply, installation and trial operation of the indivial equipment according to the design requirement. He is also responsible for ensuring the outlet water of the plan reaches the state level I standard. If the constructor fails to reach the promised level of performance, he shall make necessary improvement of the equipment or replace it either in the testing period or the 20-month supervised operation.
1.3.2 Stringent requirements for installationThe requirement is fairly stringent for the technical level of installation. A great number of domestically or internationally advanced equipment and instrumentation will be used and the control of installation accuracy is of vital importance to the commissioning operation. The management of the whole treatment plant will be computerized after installation and commissioning.
1.3.3 High degree of automationThe work utilizes the PLC integration and disintegration combination control to measure and control the level/interface, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, concentration of sludge, alkalinity and acidity, flow rate, opening of control valves, concentration of poisonous gasses, voltage, current, power, etc. All process parameters will be displayed on CRT projector screens.
1.3.4 Many cross-operationsConstruction of provided holes for underground pipeline networks, valve shafts and operating equipment must be done in conjunction with the public utility works. Therefore a large amount of cross-operations will be involved.
1.3.5 Many open-air operationsSince open-air operation will be greatly affected by weather. Operation should be carried out as quickly as possible if the weather condition permits and technical measures should be taken ring performing construction in rainy weather.
1.4 Brief information on processes usedA/AO biological treatment processThe secondary-phase of Chongqing Jiguanshi Treatment Plant utilizes the processes of secondary-level treatment, secondary-level biological treatment, sterilization and sludge disposal. The level I criteria of the Chinese National Standard GB8978-1996: Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standard, i.e. BOD5≤20mg/1, SS≤20mg/1, CODcr≤60mg/1, NH3-N≤15mg/1, TP≤0.5mg/1.The treatment plant uses the A/AO biological treatment process, which is based on the A/O process with an anaerobic area added to it. It has the simultaneous dehydrogening and desulphoring function.In the A/A/O process, the sewage water is first let into the anaerobic area where the faculiative anaerobic fermenting bacteria convert the biologically recible organic substances in the sewage water into low-molecule intermediate procts such as VPA (volatile fatty acid). The phosphor-gathering bacteria on the other hand is able to discompose the polyphosphates stored in their bodies. The energy thus released may keep the aerobic polyphosphor bacteria alive in the anaerobic environment. The other part of the energy is then used by the polyphosphor bacteria for actively absorbing the VPA type low-molecule organic substances in the environment and store then in their body in the form of PRB. Then the sewage water is let into the anaerobic area and the denitrificating bacteria make use of the nitrate brought by the back-flowing mixture liquid in the aerobic area and the biologically recible organic substances in the sewage water as the source of carbon for denitrification so as to serve the purpose of recing BOD1 ad denitrogening. Then the sewage water enters the aerating aerobic area and the polyphosphor bacteria, while making use of the remaining biologically recible organic substances in the sewage water, keep growing and reprocing by mainly decomposing the PRB stored in their bodies to release energy and at the same time get dissolved phosphor from the surrounding environment and store them in their bodies in the form of polyphosphor so that the concentration of dissolved phosphor in the outlet water is reced to the minimum. The organic substances, after being used by the polyphosphoring and denitriding bacteria in the aerobic and anaerobic areas, are fairly low in content, which is good for the reproction of the self-supporting nitrifying bacteria and the ammonia and nitrogen are converted into nitrate through the nitrifying effect. Though the non-dephosphoring aerobic heterotrophic bacteria may exist, they are in a disadvantaged position in their competition with other microbes because they are severely suppressed in the amoebic area and unable to get sufficient nutrients in the aerobic area. In the remaining sludge drained, the content of phosphor may be more than 6% (dry weight) e to the presence of a great number of polyphosphor bacteria. The above analysis shows that the A/A/O process has the synchronous denitrgening and dephosphoring function.The A/A/O process has the advantage of alternating actions of anaerobic, oxygen deficiency and aerobic. This may serve the purpose of simultaneously removing organic substances, denitrogening and dephosphoring. Furthermore, this operating condition makes it difficult for the filamentous bacteria to grow and reproce, eliminating the problem of sludge expansion. The A/A/O process is simple and the total dwelling time of hydro-force is shorter than that of other processes of similar type. No additional carbon source will be needed and only slow agitation is required ring the hydrogen deficiency period, thus resulting in a low operating cost.Rainwater and sewage water through the above treatment conforms to the relevant national standard in quality and may be directly let into the Yangtze River.


❸ 几个【生物化学】英文缩写!急急急!


HnRNAG :核内不均一RNA 为存在于真核生物细胞核中的不稳定、大小不均的一组高分子RNA(分子量约为105~2×107,沉降系数约为30—100S)之总称。占细胞全部RNA之百分之几,在核内主要存在于核仁的外侧。认为hnRNA多属信使RNA(messenger ribonucleic acid,mRNA)之先驱体,包括各种基因的转录产物及其成为mRNA前的各中间阶段的分子,在5’末端多附有间隙结构,而3’的末端附有多聚腺苷酸聚合酶分子。这些hn-RNA在受到加工之后,移至细胞质,作为mRNA而发挥其功能。大部分的hnRNA在核内与各种特异的蛋白质形成复合体而存在着。


NADP:烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)


英文全称为:flavin mononucleotide,中文名:黄素单核苷酸
生物氧化时,氧化呼吸链由4中具有传递电子能力的复合体组成,线粒体内膜蛋白质用胆酸等去污剂处理及离子交换层析分离,磕纯化出内膜的呼吸链成分,得到这4中仍具有传的电子功能的蛋白质-酶复合体(complex),分别为复合体Ⅰ,复合体Ⅱ,复合体Ⅲ,复合体Ⅳ,各含有不同的组分。其中复合体Ⅰ又称为NADH-泛醌还原酶,在三羧酸循环和脂酸β-氧化等过程的脱氢酶催化反应中,大部分代谢物脱下的2H是由氧化型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,NAD+)接受,形成还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH+H+)。NADH+H+的电子经复合体Ⅰ继续传递氧化。复合体Ⅰ由三部分组成,成“L“形,其一臂突出线粒体基质,由两部分组成,其中之一就是黄素蛋白。而FMN即为黄素蛋白的辅基。

❹ 请教一下,双胶玻璃是什么英文怎么翻译

英文国际标准为:two-sided scotch tape

❺ x开头的英文单词有哪些

1、xform 变换;参考转换

2、xylitol [有化] 木糖醇

3、Xana 奇景

4、Xanthippe 泼妇、詹蒂碧

5、xenic 异类的

6、xeric 干旱的

7、xerography 电子照相法

8、xylophone 木琴

9、xenophobia 排外


xebec 小型三桅帆船;

xenic 异类的;

xenogamy 异花授粉;

xenogenesis 自然发生;

xenograft 异种皮移植;

xenolith 捕虏岩;

xenomania 崇洋者;

xenomorphic 他形的;

xenon 氙(化学元素)

xenophobe 仇外;

xenophobia 惧外者;

xenophobic 恐惧外国人的;

xerantic 除湿的;

xeric 干旱的;

xeroderma 皮肤干燥病;

xerography 电子照相法;

xerophagy 严斋/严斋;

xerophthalmia 干眼病;

xeroradiography 静电放射照相术;

xerosis 干燥病;

xerostomia 口干燥病;

xerotic 干燥病的;

xerox 复印;

xiphisternum 剑胸骨;

xiphoid 剑状软骨;

xylem 木质部;

xylene 二甲苯;

xylitol 木糖醇;

xylophone 木琴;

xylophonist 木琴演奏家;

xylose 木糖;

xyster 刮骨刀;


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