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发布时间: 2024-10-23 10:24:08

1. 大家帮帮忙翻译一下,是中文翻译成英文哦~~~越简单越好,急用啊~~~

The coal resource in China is comparatively abundant, it will not be in shortage within 100 years. By the end of the year 2002, it is discovered that the usable coal storage in China is 188.6 billion tons, 145 tons per capita, 1.45 tons for consumption per capita. The coal resource can be exploited for more than 100 years based on the yearly proction of 1.9 bippion tons. It is reported that, the coal resource took 73 percent in China's non-renewable energy.

2. 采矿专业 英语翻译

本设计是达茂铁矿露天开采的工艺与开拓设计,年产量200万吨。This opencut exploitation and pioneer design is applied to Damao Iron Mine, with an annual output of approximately 2 million tons.
采用境界剥采比不大于经济合理剥采比的原则圈定露天开采境界。Open-pit boundary is contoured with the application of the rule of boundary stripping ratio less than or equal to economic stripping.
并进行可采储量及平均剥采比的计算。And make a caculation of proved reserves and average stripping ratio.

用矿山延伸速度验证生产能力。Throughput is verified by extension rate of the mine.

编制露天矿采掘进度计划时,平均剥采比乘系数的方法初定生产剥采比,电铲的效率根据类似矿山选取。 When working out the open-pit excavation schele, proction stripping ratio is initially decided by the approach of average stripping ratio mutiplied by coefficient while efficiency of electric shovel selected on the basis of similar mines.
本矿采用斜坡汽车螺旋坑线开拓。 The mine is exploited by vehicles along the slope of the spiral pit-line.
工艺部分包括穿孔设备选型及其数量的计算、电铲设备的选型及其数量的计算、汽车数量的计算及选型、推土机选型及数量计算、辅助设备的选型及数量的计算等。Techniques include the selection and caculation of drilling equipments,electric shovels,vehicles,bulldozer as well as assistant auxiliary equipments.
爆破方法是选择及药量计算,运输调车方式是选择,排土方法的选择及排土计算。 Blasting method is the selection of dosage and caculation;shunting method is the selection as well as the selection of mping and and mping caculation.
关键词:露天开采 开拓 工艺 采掘进度计划
Key words: open-pit exploitation;excavation;techniques;excavation schele


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