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发布时间: 2024-10-22 22:27:16


In China ancient books, there are about five thousand years ago the earliest documented ancestors of the Miao, this is from the the Yellow River basin to the South until the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is known as the "southern barbarian" of the clan and tribe. Miao has a long history, its ancestors may be part of the ancient three south. One that originated from the Shang and Zhou era "bristle" people. In Qin and Han Dynasties, living chiefly in Xiangxi, eastern Guizhou area, including in the name of "Changsha, Wuling 'or" five Xi man ", and then graally spread all over the mountains in the southwest migration. There are thought to be related to the ancient "Jiu". Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan Miao has to Chi at doing their own ancestors. Legend has it that Chi You is "Jiuli" monarch, before 5000, Jiuli tribe and Huang Di tribal conflict, lost and out of the lower reaches of the Yellow River, Yangtze River, downstream occupy. Graally formed a "three seedlings". After second Century BC, most ancestors of Miao nationality have moved to Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. Hainan Miao from Guangxi to the sixteenth Century soldiers.Miao area was dominated by agriculture, hunting as supplementary. Cross stitch work, embroidery, tapestry, batik, paper cutting, jewelry manufacturing arts and crafts such as the beautiful and colorful, renowned at home and abroad. Among them, the Miao batik process has a history of thousands of years. Miao dress up more than one hundred and thirty kinds, with any one of the world's national costumes match. Miao is a singing and dancing, especially love songs, song of the famous wine. Miao Lusheng is the most representative instrument.Hmong paid great attention to etiquette. Guests visit, will slaughter ck hospitality, if all the way to the guests, the Hmong people used to ask the guests to drink wine horn. Chicken, chicken to the guests to respect the elderly, chicken to give the youngest guest. In some places there are heart-shaped custom, is the oldest home owner to heart-shaped or ck heart with chopsticks to guests, but guests can not eat their own, must be equally heart-shaped to present the old man. Small amount of alcohol as the guests, didn't like fat meat, can explain the situation, the owner is not forced, but not enough to eat, is seen as an insult to the host.

Ⅱ 关于《贵阳特色》的英语作文








人口 2000年末,全市总人口331.57万人,其中:非农业人口152.41万人,人口密度为每平方千米413人。在总人口中,市区人口186.91万人。其中:非农业人口130.49万人,人口密度为每平方千米778人。


资源 贵阳地处贵州腹地,生物、矿产、能源和旅游资源都比较丰富,开发潜力很大。





Ⅲ 关于少数民族的英语作文

The Tibetan Minority
As it is known to us all, there are 55 minority groups in China, each with its traditional customs, costumes and culture. Now let’s take a look at the Tibetan Minority.
Tibetan Minority group live in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan Province. And the highest ridge in the world─beautiful and mysterious Tibet is their major habitat .As the fertilized prairie stretches around the habitants as far as the eyes can see, most people live on animal husbandry, raising sheep, goats, cattle and growing a special kind of plant called Qingke. On account of the unique climate, people often wear warm and comfortable boots in winter, and they are always dressed in delicate robes which are made of the fur of sheep. Often they take off one sleeve of the clothes and tie it around their waists in order to work easily and use it as warm quilts at night.
Both men and women there like wearing silver ornaments, which look very mysterious and full of magical power. And they are good at singing and dancing, and the men there can have braids too. When they meet an important guest, they will present him or her a Hada, a piece of long white silk cloth to show their respect. And they will also treat the guest to a special kind of drink called Suyou Tea, which some people find hard to enjoy.Besides, the habitants have developed both their own written and spoken languages, and the long poems they wrote play an important role in Chinese literature. And there are many well-protected culture relics as well, taking the grand Budala Palace as an example. It is a historical museum as well as an art treasury, where people can share their spirit belief in Buddhism and get artistic entertainment of the carved paintings and the beautifully-written chirographies.

Ⅳ 英语作文 向笔友介绍中国少数民族的基本情况

Dear Emily,
I'm glad to learn that you're interested in China.I'm more than happy to introce you more of China.
China,being one of the four ancient civilizations,has a long history and therefore there are many places of ancient sites.Besides,China has a vast region hence many beautiful natural sceneries are found in China as well.And e to the long history and vast area,there are in total 56 races living harmoniously with huge populations in China.
China has not only ancient sites and sceneries,also she has modern metropolitans such as Hong Kong and Shanghai which attracts millions of travelers each year
As an old saying,talking is nothing more than seeing.I hope you can come and visit China yourself and view these beautiful sceneries with your own eyes.
Yours Sincerely,
Hua Li

Ⅳ 谁能用英文介绍出新疆美食

英语: Xinjiang is located in the motherland as inland by a strong continental climate, where gathered a lot of ethnic minorities, most of the residents prefer to meat-based diet, beef and mutton can be seen everywhere here, so that by the Xinjiang sure to try the local Kaoquan Yang, as well as a real string of Xinjiang lamb, lamb pilaf and hands. Pasta is the main staple food in Xinjiang, where the more common one called "Nang", showing apricot yellow, surrounded by thick, thin middle. There sesame Nang, meat Nang, Nang layers, such as g Nang and other varieties, is a kind of flour mixed with yeast surface, light salt and noodles, baked cake made of. Nang mind when doing thin at the bottom of the bundle of numerous holes, each affixed to Nang Pit, to be braised roast 10 minutes later, crisp taste of "Nang" on the pan, and this "Nang" may keep well, and So many visitors to Xinjiang deliberately brought back taste of this food. According to Xinjiang because it is a long time here than other places in the fruit sweet, so Turpan grapes, Hami melon is well-known at home and abroad. Xinjiang cuisine: roast lamb pilaf thin-skinned mplings baked buns Kaoquan Yang Xiang-Fen Tang Nang La striped clutch jen na Smoked breast meat Ma Ma San intestinal oil seed oil tower sub-hanging braised pork noodle soup Niangpi seed oil San Kuqa sub-Pal Wood breast milk horse milk wine 翻译: 新疆由于地处祖国内陆,受大陆气候影响较强,这里聚集着不少少数民族,居民的饮食大多喜欢以肉食为主,牛羊肉在这里随处可见,因此到了新疆一定要尝一下当地的烤全羊,以及真正的新疆羊肉串,羊羔肉和手抓饭。 新疆的主食是以面食为主,当地较普遍的一种称作“馕”,呈杏黄色,四周厚,中间薄。有芝麻馕、肉馕、层层馕、比如克馕等品种,是一种用面粉掺酵面、淡盐水和面,烤制成的饼。做时在馕心底部的薄处扎无数小孔,贴于馕坑壁,加以焖烤,十几分钟后,香脆味美的“馕”就出锅了,这种“馕”可久放,因此许多游客到了新疆特意带这种食品回来品尝。 新疆由于是照时间长,这里的瓜果较其他的地方都要甜,因此吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密瓜更是闻名海内外。 新疆美食: 烤羊肉 烤全羊 抓饭 薄皮包子 烤包子 香馕粉 汤拉条子 手抓肉 马奶子 纳仁 熏马肠 油馓子 油塔子 挂卤肉 库车汤面 酿皮子 油馓子 帕尔木 奶茶 马奶子 奶酒

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