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发布时间: 2024-10-22 15:37:21

Ⅰ 当你遇到挫败或失望时,会怎么办 英语作文

(一):Is Frustration a Bad Thing?
According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English,frustration,by definition,means the feeling of being upset or annoyed,especially because of inability to change or achieve something.Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling,some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people.They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental problems.People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide,which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society.
Others,however,hold a different view.They maintain that it is beneficial to people.It goes side by side with success.It inspires people to overcome hardships and difficulties and achieve the final success.People with this view even go so far as to say that no frustration,no success.Indeed,we cannot always hope to embrace success and never accept failure.And most importantly,only if we learn from many a failure can we do things better and finally overcome such a bad feeling as frustration.
Frustration thus is part of our life experience.In our process of growing up,we may inevitably experience it when confronted with situations that don’t come up to our expectations.It is a test of our courage when it befalls us.If we let it control us,we may fall into the abyss of being inflicted by serious psychological problems.But if we harness it and take it as our source of inspiration,we may ultimately enjoy the glory of success.
If there is any single factor that makes for success in living,it is the ability to profit by defeat.Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking.
Confuse defeat with failure,and you are doomed indeed to failure.For it isn't defeat that makes you fail:it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.
Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of.They are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success.But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation,analyze it and learn why you failed.Defeat,in other words,can help to cure its own cause.Not only does defeat prepare us for success,but nothing can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed.If you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away,he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended.It is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated.
If you exploit the power which defeat gives,you can accomplish with it far more than you are capable of.

Ⅱ 当你生病了你会怎样康复的英语作文

When you get up in the morning ,you can take more exercise and play sports like running .For breakfast ,you can have more fruit and drink more milk .For lunch ,you need to eat healthy food ,such as beef ,fish ,vegetables and so on .After lunch ,you can go swimming .For supper ,you must eat some vegetables ,some fish and so on .Before you go to bed ,you can drink more water .
Do you sleep well every night You must get enough sleep and stay happy every day

Ⅲ 求英语作文 当你伤心或遇到困难的时候,你会怎么做呢

Children often have troubles in their childhood. and these trouble will make them disappointed in their life.When i was sad.i always listen to music,it can make me forget some bad things .Sometimes i ask my teachers for help,they can tell me how to do.

Ⅳ 当有人陷入困境,我应该怎么做英语作文。

Things to Remember WhenLife Gets Rough
We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them.However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret?Most of it has to do with attitude. Here are 8 things to remember when lifegets rough:
1. Whatis, is.
Buddha’s famous saying tells us: “It is your resistance to ‘what is’ thatcauses your suffering.” Think about that for a minute. It means that oursuffering only occurs when we resist how things are. If you can changesomething, then take action! Change it! But if you can’t change it, then youhave two choices: (1) either accept it and let go of the negativity, or (2)make yourself miserable by obsessing over it.
2. It’sonly a problem if you think it’s a problem.
Many times, we are our own worst enemy. Happiness is really dependent onperspective. If you think something is a problem, then your thoughts andemotions will be negative. But if you think it’s something you can learn from,then suddenly, it’s not a problem anymore.
3. If youwant things to change, you need to start with changing yourself.
Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Don’t you know peoplewhose lives are chaotic and stressful? And isn’t that largely because they feelchaotic inside? Yes, it is. We like to think that changing our circumstanceswill change us. But we have it backwards—we need to change ourselves firstbefore our circumstances will change.
4. Thereis no such thing as failure—only learning opportunities.
You should just wipe the word “failure” right out of your voc

Ⅳ 如何面对人生挫折 英语作文


Ⅵ 请你描述一下当你高兴,伤心,焦虑时我们应该做些什么英语作文

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to longshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“tingting, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。 was very happy

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