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发布时间: 2024-10-19 23:26:00

1. 四级英语作文LinTao是我的一位好朋友,他非常喜欢画画,为了提高绘画水平,他参


2. 写信申请参加国际中学生机器人挑战赛的英语作文


3. 英语作文顺序连接词高级有哪些

一般常用的first of all或者用副词形式firstly,其次可以用in addition,最后一般用last but not the least。


to begin with:首先。

【例】To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.




【例】Thus, taking morning exercises regularly may rece the chances of getting sick.






4. 书面表达 假如你是校学生会英语部的李华,为了提高学生的英语写作水平,你校将举办一年一度的英语作文大赛.


Hello classmates, in order to improve the school students' English level, our school will hold the annual contest of English composition, in order to improve our overall level of the inspection.


participating students must meet the following requirements: 1, participating students: 2 grade three time: October 16 in the morning at ten o 'clock 3 where the school hall 4 form 300 words essay, can carry a dictionary 5 30 contestants before the reward according to the grades.


If you are interested, want to win honor for our school's students to participate in the game, our congratulations on your coming.


5. 鑻辫浣滄枃涓嶄細鍐欙紝鎬庝箞鍔烇紵




I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be 鈥 a child again! 鈥 You can visit one of the 鈥 seven wonders of the world, 鈥 such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature!

You can taste the 鈥渕agicial 鈥 ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't forget to bring your backpack!


鎴戝枩娆㈡梾琛屻傛梾琛屼笉浠呭紑闃斾簡鎴戠殑瑙嗛噹锛屼篃璁╂垜寮闃斾簡瀵逛笘鐣岀殑鐪肩晫銆傛洿閲嶈佺殑鏄锛屽畠浣挎垜绮剧炵剷鍙戙備綘鍙浠ュ幓杩鏂灏间箰鍥锛屼綋楠 "閲嶅洖绔ュ勾 "鐨勬劅瑙夈備綘鍙浠ュ弬瑙 "涓栫晫涓冨ぇ濂囪抗 "涔嬩竴锛屽傚ぇ宄¤胺锛屾劅鍙楀ぇ鑷鐒剁殑澹涓斤紒浣犲彲浠ュ搧灏濆埌 "绁炲 "鐨勯熺墿锛屾瘮濡傝 "澶у场璋"銆

浣犲彲浠ュ湪鍐板窛涓婂搧灏 "绁炲 "鐨勫啺姘达紝杩欏彲浠ュ府鍔╀綘鍙樺緱鏇寸編涓斤紝浣夸綘鏇撮暱瀵裤傚彧瑕佸繕璁颁綘蹇冧腑鐨勪竴鍒囩悙浜嬪拰璐熸媴銆傜粡楠屾槸涓绉嶇敓娲荤煡璇嗐傚湪鏃呰屼腑锛屼綘涓瀹氫細浣撻獙鍒拌稿氭柊浜嬬墿銆傚傛灉浣犳复鏈涙洿澶氱殑鑷鐢憋紝浣犵敋鑷充笉闇瑕佷竴涓瀵兼父銆傚彧鏄鍒蹇樹簡甯︿笂浣犵殑鑳屽寘


Nowadays, more and more Chinese people would like to go traveling on holidays. This phenomenon is growing in recent years.

In my opinion, there are many advantages of tourism. Firstly, tourism can promote the development of native economy. Secondly, we can appreciate the beauty in the

traveling. Beautiful scenery not only calms our brain, but also can open our eyes to the

world. Finally, we will meet some persons who have a common goal when you are live in the youth hostel.

In short, It is a useful way to relaxing that is traveling. I am a girl who loves traveling, so there are some tips for you when you traveled. Keep in touch with you parents or friend when you traveled alone. The other one is taking a small amount of cash and keep you bank card in you bag. Last one, I don't hope you traveled on the traditional festival.






Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures锛 meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much锛 you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences锛 but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience锛 which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later锛 you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences锛宼hus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.

The field's his study锛 nature was his book.

Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which锛 although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.






6. 高考英语作文文体分类【应用文分的细点】

在写记叙文的活动时,不要套用和议论、说明文的格式, 如first, second, last but not least. 否则大有文体不对之嫌。 引出叙述,可启用for example, the first/next/last thing to consider is ……
The …that was held/happened in ….was really impressive and unforgettable.
There are many unforgettable things in my memory and I will never forget the …..that I experienced in the summer of ….
When it comes to the most unforgettable …. In my life, I will naturally think of …..that happened in ….
Time flees! My senior high school life has come to an end before I know it. There are so many unforgettable things in the past three years which
are worth mentioning. The most wonderful one is …….
As soon as I see the title”……”, it proces an extraordinary sequence of mental images. Vivid memories
come flooding back of the spring festival ten years ago.
发传单宣传,制定计划,咨询(send leaflets,publicize,make a considered plan,consult sb)活动进行时大家如何分工合作,相互支持,齐心协力完成任务。这样语言就可以比较丰富,内容可以充实出彩,不会造成无话可说。
你可以用这样的短语或句子来写,比如:Through the activity, I realize that…,
This experience makes me fully aware of the importance of …
I firmly believe that …
After the activity, I can’t help falling into deep thought.
The activity is really a great success. I feel very proud of our performance and efforts. /I feel relieved to see that …
Eg; in the activity, I am aware of the importance of being
supportive, understanding, cooperative, with which what seems impossible will
become possible.
I find that love is actually rooted in
people’s heart. It is love that makes the world go round and add color to people’s life.
I truly understand the saying "Love is to us what water is to plants.”
Not only does love bring others happiness, it also enrich your life and makes your feel accomplished.
broaden one’s mind, enrich our life experience, enable us to be more independent, enhance our ability to …, uplift our mind and spirit,
prepare us for the future alt society, strengthen the friendship between fellow students…,facilitate the harmony of the society.
近些年,英语高考中的作文中看图说话的类型出现了多次。 看图说话的作文貌似简单,实则“小身材,大味道‘。 它既考察了学生运用描述性语言,描述图片的内容,又考察了学生的作文思维品质: 学生在看到图片之后,要在短时间之内,思考突出图片中的那些核心内容,并要把图片中的内容同现实生活联系在一起,陈述与图片主题一致的现实生活中的情况;最后还要对这种情况发表个人看法或提出解决问题的方案等等。 所以高中英语的看图说话绝非是我们儿时语文课的看图说话的要求。 同学们在提笔前,一定要了解到英语中看图说话作文的结构。 一般来说, 我们的作文构思如下;
Para.I: 简要描述图中所显示的内容,注意描述与主题相关的核心内容。
Para.II: 主体部分:根据图片中所反映的内容,联系实际生活,阐述生活中存在的此类情况,或由照片中的情形想到发生在自己身上的经历。 。记住: 这一段是层层递进式地把生活中的现象细致地描述出来, 而无需发表感慨。
Para.III: 提出对生活中的这一现象的分析,个人看法或解决问题的方法建议或呼吁。
1)As can be seen from the picture, 如图所示,
2)After seeing the picture, I can’t help falling into deep thought. The first question that comes into mind is…看罢图片,我不仅陷入了深思。我想到的第一个问题是。。。
3)The picture does reveal some problems worthy of our concern.这幅图片的确反映了值得我们关注的一些问题。
4)The picture reveals a common scene frequently taking place around us.这幅图片反映了我们生活中常常发生的一个情景。
5)I used to have the same experience as the person in the picture does.我过去已有过类似图片中的主人公的经历。
6)The picture reminds me of the experience when I was…..这幅插图使我想起了我在。。。时候的一段经历。
7)Now exists a prevailing trend in society that......

1)I am writing to complain about……我写信投诉。。。
2)I am disappointed to find thatthings were quite the opposite.我很失望的发现情况完全相反。
3)Since I have suffered a lot both physically and spiritually, I demand that you refund the cost and solve the problem as soon as possible.因为我身心皆遭到伤害,我坚决要求退赔所有费用并能尽快解决问题。
4).If you do not do this, I will complain to the consumer council and resort to law.如果你们不按我的要求去做,我将投诉到消费者协会并诉诸法律。
C. 常用短语
refund 退赔
resort to law 诉诸法律
defend consumers‘ rights捍卫消费者权益

7. 关于学生参community activities写篇英语作文

This morning,I went to the neighbourhood committees to participate in community activities.Officers took us to the railway station to clean the seats of the waiting room .After getting to the waiting room and seeing the dirty seats, we started to clean them..After a while,we cleaned all the seats , we are very happy.Because our community has made its own contribution to a sub.I was pleased to participate in the activities.

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