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发布时间: 2024-10-19 06:35:17

① 怎样才能当个好老师英文作文!真的,不是高手别进!


There is a saying, "Give me a fish and I eat for a day; teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime". This must be a philosophy of a good teacher.

A good teacher is someone who is able to attend to the students' needs and assist each person in the way that he or she learns best. A good teacher needs to be constantly open to new ideas, be flexible, as well as stay true to the course syllabus and not make sudden changes e to a poor excuse or reason. Also, it would be important if a teacher would be able to structure class activities so that it is evenly distributed between lectures, group activities, class discussions, etc. and there would be a variety of different learning methods helpful for every single student in the class (as not everyone learns the same way), and the grading be distributed over exams, homework, and projects as well (not just focused on one method of grading). A good teacher is fair, generous, kind and understanding, has wisdom and can exercise good judgment. The qualities a good teacher should possess include passionate about teaching, inspiring, interest in the subject he or she is teaching, patience and tolerance, compassion, understanding and respectable.

Teachers are important and make a difference. The quality of teaching is a crucial factor in promoting effective learning. Effective teaching requires indivials who are academically able and who care about the well-being of students.

A good teacher is a master of psychology and knows that the most powerful single factor that enhances achievement is feedback – positive, encouraging and clearly targeted. The setting of appropriate, specific and challenging goals is critical. A good teacher makes purpose and content explicit, plans carefully, uses systematic assessment and feedback, makes connections, encourage students to think about thinking and model what they want the students to do.

A good teacher is also a good learner, learning from, with and for the students.

A good teacher should be a best friend, the best to trust, love and be loved, and gain knowledge from. And a good teacher is the best to remember throughout the days of your life.
Personal qualities

Demonstrate an empathy with pupil thinking, anticipate misconceptions and allow pupils to develop understanding in a variety of ways

Observe pupils in class for signs that they are failing to keep up, are bored, or are not understanding

Show flexibility in responding to pupil needs

Genuinely want pupils to learn, understand and develop critical thinking abilities, as well as master content or learn skills

Encourage pupils to take an active role in working through difficulties and take time to work through concepts in detail with those who have difficulties

Teachers who show enthusiasm for subject, professional area and teaching role motivate pupils as they look forward to coming to that class

Highly effective teachers are viewed as “easy going”, “relaxed”, with an “open” manner. This brings a relaxed atmosphere to the classroom

Communicate effectively

Are resourceful and positive and adopt a problem-solving approach

Are creative and imaginative and have an open attitude to change

Are systematic and well organised, focused, determined and hardworking

Demonstrate empathy and fairness, are caring and approachable


Empathy 同理心就是站在对方立场思考的一种方式。
You have the ability to bond with your students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. To communicate on their level. To be compassionate with them when they are down and to celebrate with them when they are up.

Positive Mental Attitude 积极心态
You are able to think more on the positive and a little less on the negative. To keep a smile on your face when things get tough. To see the bright side of things. To seek to find the positives in every negative situation. To be philosophical.

Open to Change 积极改变
You are able to acknowledge that the only real constant in life is change. You know there is a place for tradition but there is also a place for new ways, new ideas, new systems, and new approaches. You don't put obstacles in your way by being blinkered and are always open and willing to listen to others' ideas.

Role Model 德高为范
You are the window through which many young people will see their future. Be a fine role model.

Creative 有创造性的
You are able to motivate your students by using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. You are different in your approach and that makes you stand out from the crowd. Hence the reason why students enjoy your classes and seek you out for new ideas.

Sense of Humour 幽默
You know that a great sense of humour reces barriers and lightens the atmosphere especially ring heavy periods. An ability to make your students laugh will carry you far and gain you more respect. It also increases your popularity.

Presentation Skills 演讲能力
You know that your students are visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learners. You are adept at creating presentation styles for all three. Your body language is your main communicator and you keep it positive at all times. Like a great orator you are passionate when you speak. But at the same time you know that discussion and not lecturing stimulates greater feedback.

Calmness 冷静
You know that the aggression, negative attitudes and behaviours that you see in some of your students have a root cause. You know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bad experiences in life. This keeps you calm and in control of you, of them and the situation. You are good at helping your students de-stress.

Response from our Web visitors

A great teacher Interacts with the child (physically, and mentally)
A great teacher gives affection to the pupils, makes them understand what emotion is.
A great teacher smiles to his/her pupils even when they screw him up.
A great teacher teaches not only text book materials but also The truth that's happening outside. Practice balanced with theory.
A great teacher dedicates him/herself to the job. They made a commitment. Then they have to do it.
A great teacher understands that a child is not only a tiny bundle of joy that can cry, smile, laugh. He/she must understand that in front of him stands a true miracle of life.
Yuventius, Jakarta, Indonesia

A good teacher is someone who teaches not only with mind, but also with heart.

Syanne Helly, East Java, Indonesia

A teacher should have 3 essential qualities.....

There is a saying,"GIVE ME A FISH AND I EAT FOR A DAY, TEACH ME TO FISH AND I EAT FOR A LIFE TIME". This must be a philosophy of a good teacher... She/he should be patient and kind, flexibile and resourceful, tolerant and open minded with a good sense of humour. Enthusiastic and enjoys teaching. should be honest, imaginative and creative. Efficient. Self-disciplined. Helpful. Humble and modest........ In my opinion teacher should be like this.


One who help his students in all respects. He makes his students able to live better life. He teaches students to take decisions in all the conditions. Who is good teacher for his students and also good students for his students and society, having moral character and model for building new good society.

Prafull Bhasarkar, Babupeth, Chandrapur, India

I think that a good teacher should be a good and complete person: curious, passionate, interested about their pupils' interests, wishes, feelings... A really good teacher should be child in his soul which mean, creative, imaginative and ready for exploration etc.

Mirjana Kazija, Rijeka, Croatia

I was graated as a teacher of english in Albania.What really makes a very good teacher is having a lot of intuition and intelligence because having these qualities you will have the power to understand your students'phsycology and behaviour and helping them out would be much easier.A teacher should also be super comprensive to understand what's going on in the students'world.And a teacher should the subject that he/she is teaching.

Migena Mullaj, Reseda, California, USA

A good teacher makes herself available to all students, however, knows which students need extra assistance.
A good teacher is an effective communicator, however, who knows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional concepts.
A good teacher allows students to ask questions, however, does not answer questions without drawing from other students' learning experience first.
A good teacher has classroom rules and proceres which help students know what is expected from them and how the students can help themselves.
A good teacher encourages cooperation and sets an example with other students and faculty.
A good teacher is flexible and able to change lessons "spur of the moment" in order to accommodate the needs of her students.
A good teacher respects all students and encourages good performance.

Marie Garcia, Oyster Bay, NY, USA

A great teacher can be defined by two simple words. Best friend. Who better to trust than a best friend? Who better to love and be loved in return than a best friend? Who better to gain knowledge from, than a best friend? Finally, who better to remember throughout the days of your life, than a best friend? Let's all be teachers, shall we?

Marco Melendez, San Angelo, Texas, USA

A teacher must have motherly love with their students (Means he should be a mother in the school).
He must have Moral character and honesty.
He must be well prepared with his subjects.
He must have a good knowledge of his subjects.
Physically and mentally fit for the job.
He should be active and smart in the classroom.
While teaching he should use so many support materials.
The support material should be prepared himself.
The pupils should be joyful in the class.

② 英语作文我想成为一名教师

I Want to Be A Teacher

I want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teachers are

very good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think they all care for

students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I think I will be strict to my

students in the class. But after class, I want to be their friend and help them in study and

life. Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young students. I must work

hard for my dream.

我想成为一名老师 一篇英语作文

我想成为一名老师范文I Want to Be A TeacherI want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teachers are very good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think they all care for students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I think I will be strict to my students in the class. But after class, I want to be their friend and help them in study and life. Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young students. I must work hard for my dream.将来我想成为一名老师,因为我觉得老师是一份好工作。








My DreamEveryone has their own dreams 。

Someone wants to be a teacher 。

Someone wants to be a singer 。

Let me tell you something about my dream。

Well, I want to be a doctor when I grow up 。

First,I think doctor is a intersting job and I am interested in it 。

And doctor can help people who are illness . I want to help them and make them feel happy . So I must work harder .What's your dream ? Can you tell me?每个人都有自己的梦想。











i would like to be a teacher.It goes without saying that everybody has his dream,and my dream is to be a teacher.There are many reasons about my dream.Firstly,in my view ,I think work as a teacher will do a lot of things for the society.Secondly,I like my teachers very much,so I want to be one of them.Thirdly,my parents also want me to be a teacher.To achieve my goal,I must study hard.Only in this way can I end up as a teacher.我自己写的,不是复制粘贴的翻译: 我想要成为一个老师 毫无疑问,每个人都有自己的梦想,我的梦想是成为一名老师.对于我的梦想,有很多原因.首先,在我看来,作为一名老师可以为社会做很多事.其次,我非常喜欢我的老师,并且想成为她们中的一员.最后,我的父母也很希望我能成为一名教师.为了实现我的理想,我必须努力学习.只有这样,我最后才能如愿以偿,成为一名教师.上面有一人回答的不能用啊.就是最长的那篇.那篇第一段的内容是这样的:在我进入商业之前,我是一名英语教师,尽管我不是从外语学校毕业的.现在我很想再一次成为一名教师. 你要是用这篇,一看你就是抄的.短的那篇还可以,但第一句话要慎用.因为那是说,我的父母都是老师,他们的学生从他们那里学到了很多,我也是他们学生中的一员. 如果你父母不是老师,这么写就不恰当了. 短的这篇后面写的不错


I want to be a star Do I want to be famous?Yes,of course.There is no one would not want to be famous.When I was a kid,I always dreamed of being a top star and everyone would clap and cheer for me.Then I realised it will not e true and I changed my dream,but still,I want to be a star.I want to be famous in learning.I want to be famous in sporting.I want to be famous around the clas *** ates and also I want to be famous in the teachers!To be famous is my motivation,and always spurs me to study hard,learn more and never give up.I believe I will be a star in study one day!


1.My DreamI have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age ring which I even can't take care of myself. I know that my dream will not e true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.我的梦想我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。




2.I want be a doctor 我想成为一名医生I hope I can bee a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people's lives ring their work.The doctor is called "Angles in White".Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor. 我希望未来的我能够成为一名医生.我出生在一个医生世家.我的父母都是医生.他们经常忙于照顾自己的病人,没有时间来照顾我.在他们工作期间,他们挽救了许多人的生命.医生被人们称为"白衣天使".因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。









终于伴随第一堂化学课的 *** ,新老师走进教室,看到他,我们不由的失望。







终于伴随第一堂化学课的 *** ,一身普通的不能再普通的衣服。
























What do you want to bee in the future? I used to ask myself when I was a child. I often dream of I was Sun Wukong, could fly in the sky like, and fight for justice, never give up and fail. Then was disturb by teacher in the class. When I grow up, I know it is impossible to be Sun Wukong, but I could fight for justice, and never give up, because there are some bad guy who do harm to our society. So I want to be a people police who fight for people.


我想成为这样的人我想要成为一名校长,为我的孩子们做一些事情…… 我要是校长,我上任的头一件事就是改改咱们学校的校服。




I want to be such a personI want to be a principal, for my children to do something...If I were principal, I took office the first thing is to change our school uniforms. I want my students to again to reflect a more students in the youth vigor, spirit of school uniforms. Believe that as long as my students to put on my school uniform, tailored to their must all are full of energy and wisdom. I think my students will love too.


I Want to Be a PoetEver since I was at primary school , I have been interested in Chinese and of all my subjects I do best in it .Chinese culture has a long history and poems are my favourite . I have a lot of books in my study . In my spare time I stay at home doing a lot of reading , especially acient Chinese poems . Some of them present us magnificent pictures of our country , some tells beautiful stories about important events in the history . The more I read , the more I enjoy them . Although the writers are far ahead of us , I feel they are talking to me face to face whenever I read their poems . Now I am determined to write my own poems just like the great poems , singing high praise for our country and for our poeple .

My dreamAs we all know,everyone has a dream.My dream is to be an outstanding baker.When I was a little boy/girl,I was interested in bread and cake.I want to has a bakery of my own when I grew up.I am sure that all the people will like my proct and my bakery will be opened all over the world because I am very hard-working and confident.So in order to achieve my dream,I will study harder and never give up my career.这是我自己写的,按照你的要求写的,不知道你是男是女,所以boy/girl这个地方你要自己选哦。

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③ my possible future英语作文 我想当一个老师,应该怎么写

From small to large, I have too many "want to be......" But now, I want to be a teacher.
大家都知道,老师的职责就是给同学们传授知识。人们经常把老师比作辛勤的园丁,而学生就是祖国的花朵。我们这些花朵难道不需要辛勤的园丁来浇灌吗?正是因为有了这些辛勤、无私奉献的园丁,我们的祖国才会有娇艳而美丽的花朵。 假如我是一名教师,我一定不会整天板着脸,让学生们怕我。虽说是严师出高徒,但我不想严厉过头。可是也不能过分和蔼可亲,不能让他们胡作非为。那就合二为一,五分和蔼,五分严厉,不仅能成为学生们的好朋友,而且能成为一名出色的教师。 假如我是一名教师,我一定不会留很多抄抄写写的作业。因为,这些简单的作业没有什么意义,只能换来同学们的抱怨。 假如我是一名教师,我一定要让学生们懂得学习是一件快乐的事,作业只是课堂后的一个复习。课堂上,我用生动幽默的话语讲解课文。瞧!讲台下,一双双渴望知识的小眼睛正聚精会神地盯着我看呢!
As we all know, it is the responsibility of the teacher to impart knowledge to students. People often compare teachers to hard gardener, and students are the flowers of the motherland. We don't need these flowers gardener watered? It is because of the hard work and selfless dedication of the gardener, our country will have a fresh and beautiful flowers. If I were a teacher, I will not be serious all the time, so that students are afraid of me. Although it is a tough nut, but I don't want to severe head. But also cannot too be courteous and accessible, not let them play the gangster. It is one kind of five points, five points, tough, not only to become the good friend of the students, but also can become an excellent teacher. If I were a teacher, I will never leave a lot of homework. Because of the simple operation, has no meaning, only in exchange for the students complain. If I were a teacher, I must let the students a happy thing to know how to learn, work is just a review after class. The classroom, I use vivid and humorous words to explain the text. Look! Under the platform, a keen knowledge of both eyes was staring at me!
If I were a teacher, I will put the students into the nature of the classroom. In spring, I take them to fly kites, butterfly; summer, I took them by boat, catching dragonflies; autumn, I took them fruit picking, collecting leaves; winter, I brought them snowball fights, snowmen, it can increase the extracurricular knowledge. I do not believe that such a life, students write a composition of no words can write; I don't believe it, so the childhood life, students will easily forget.
I really want to become a glorious people's teacher, want to experience the taste of the teacher's day, I want to put all my knowledge to others. So, now I have to study hard, to strive for the ideal, I will realize my dream of future teachers.

④ 如何成为一名好老师高中满分英语作文4篇


My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has o big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a *** ile on her face.
Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.
Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

How to Be a Good Teacher
Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than ecation to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find it’s difficult, because only knowledge can’t make us a good teacher.
As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have prehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Don’t judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our ty is to ecate them, not to criticize them. For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldn't do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students. For example, we should make a real atmosphere to attract the students’ interests. Since most students like doing things with their hands, we can assign them some tasks to do. Sometimes we can also do some activities with them. I believe the students will learn best when they are happy.
Sometimes, we may be troubled by some naughty students. Therefore, we must have patience. We have to lead them in the right way. However, if they don’t pay attention to us, we ought to be strict with them, until they are well-behaved.
These are my personal ideas. Maybe they are correct in a way, while they are not enough for us. So I will devote more diligence to my work and get more experience from teaching.
A good teacher, in our minds,means that giving us all knowledge he knows absolutely, supervising studentsstrictly, teaching students by holding their hands, assigning proper homeworkto students and being kind enough to give students time to relieve pressure and so on. Of course, these are my previous ideas which show myimmaturity to a certain extent. But those ways catering to examination-orientedecation are necessary before stepping into university. With the age andexperience growing, my thoughts bee mature graally.
From the perspective of a collegestudent, it’s quite ridiculous that a college teacher still follow the teachingpatterns of middle school because of the freedom and open of university. In myhumble opinion, first of all, as a college teacher, the most basic is thatteachers should possess good professional quality and be proficient in theirteaching subjects, which means that they will not only explain the textthoroughly, but also tell students more extracurricular knowledge on the icto broaden their horizons and make them throw light on the text deeply.Meanwhile, teachers should mobilize the enthusia *** and initiation of studentsto make the whole class lively and be good at asking questions to encouragestudents to think on their own and foster their creativity, rather than letthem learn by rote. What’s more, in university---- an academic palace, teachersshould regard students as their friends to establish good relationship beeenteachers and students, and create an equal platform for students to speak theirmind freely. This way of teaching benefits teachers as well as students.
To sum up, college is differentfrom middle school, so there is a great difference beeen them in teaching. Aordingly,college teachers should hold different teaching methods towards collegestudents. Only this can make a good college teacher.


How to be a good english teacher
Hello everyone. Today, I’d like to talk about“How to be a good English teacher”. To be honest, I’m really happy to stand here and say something about it.
First of all, as a teacher of English, we must study English everyday. We must improve our English . We should take a lot of time to learn English. The ways how to improve our English are many now. Such as reading English books, magazines, newspapers, listening to tape recorders of English and radio, watching VCD of English and TV and seeing films. Today most of us and our schools have puters. We can use it to look up English programs for watching, listening and even for talking and writing.Anyway, learning English takes time, so we must have a strong will and enough patience. Please remember“Rome was not built in a day !” If we are good at English, we can teach it easily and freely.
Secondly, we must change our teaching ways. “Interest is the best teacher.” We must make the students learn English on the base of interest. Let them study happy and relax. We should give the most of time to students. Let them do more practice with English. we can also help them to play games, practice in groups, have free talks, tell stories, sing English songs and so on. These activities can make the students change “Want me to study” into “ I want to study ” and “ I love study ”.
Thirdly, To be a good English teacher, we must think it is important to love our job and love our students. Love your students. They will love you, too. The students can study hard just because of the teacher’s love. We should care for each student.
In a word, we should put our hearts and souls into the teaching career. Here is a rhyme we can remember.
Good, better, best
Never let it rest
Till good is better
And better is best.


to begin with, you should be professional about what you teach. secondly, a sense of responsibility is a must. thirdly, it's of great importance for you to love students.


把学生当作自己的儿女来教育和爱护 做学生的朋友 多和一些青春期表现异常的学生交流沟通 帮助他们解决疑惑
不要强迫学生接受你并不十分肯定的偏激观点 督促和培养学生热心、细心、善性、乐观、善于思考和总结的良好品行


好教师,心中要有爱,这种爱不仅是对工作的热爱,更是对学生的关爱。 用真爱去关心学生。对“好学生”关爱备至,而对“差学生”更应加倍的关爱与呵护。用爱去发现他们学习上每一点滴的进步,去寻找他们生活、品德上每一个闪光点,加以充分的肯定和激励,让他们感到温暖,增强自信,缩小师生间心灵上的距离,使他们把教师当成知心朋友

尊重学生、信任学生,并不等于对学生放任自流,对他们自身存在的错误视而不见。尚处于成长之中的学生在日常学习、生活中难免犯错误,班主任对学生的感情灌注和对学生提出严格、合理的要求相统一。严格要求学生正是热爱学生的具体表现,真正热爱学生的教师总是能把爱与严结合起来,做到从爱出发,从严出发,去教育学生。严格要求学生也是一门学问。随心所欲、严格无边不仅不会对学生的成长、进步起到有利的作用,弄不好还会使学生逆反心理膨胀,产生对教师的牴触情绪,激化师生间的矛盾,使教育效果适得其反。严格要求也要讲求科学性。有这样几点体会:一是严而有理。严格要求是符合学生身心发展规律、符合教育规律的,是由教育过程的需要及教学教育任务决定的。 二是严而有度。教师对学生的实际水平、理解能力和可接受性有了全面正确的了解,才能对学生提出符合他们的实际,能为他们的思想水平、认识程度所接受的要求。三是严而有方。教师对学生提出的要求,要能使学生心悦诚服地接受,切切实实地执行。单纯地命令、禁止不一定有显著的效果,采取疏导的方式,寓教育教学要求于学生的各项活动中,效果就比较理想。四是严而有恒。一种要求一经提出就要使它相对稳定,不能时严时松。教师应该对要求的落实作经常性的检查,而逐步培养学生良好的学习和行为习惯。

目 录?

怎样做一个好教师,不仅是新上讲台教师要思考的问题,对每位教师都是个永恒的题目。 今年我已经是一个有着四年教龄的教师,,如何当一个让学生喜欢的好老师,这一直都是我在思索的一个问题,也是我所不断追求为之奋斗的目标。在我心目中的好老师应该具备以下几个方面。
俗话说:活到老,学到老。更何况一名人民教师,要给学生一杯水,自己必须有一桶水。我认为要做一名好老师,甚至必须有一河的活水。这就要求我们不断学习。首先,学习三个代表的重要思想、党员先进性的理念等,思想上始终与党中央保持一致,全面贯彻党的教育方针。其次,学习现实生活中鲜活的事例,比如象为救护学生而献出自己生命的小学教师殷雪梅;为捐助贫困失学儿童而劳累过度身患重病的艺人丛飞;优秀的 *** 员张斌、雷燕等,把他们作为自己行动的楷模,学习的榜样,吃苦在前,享乐在后。再有,学习先进的教育教学理念,用以指导自己的实践,滋润自己的心田,提高自己的业务知识和能力。积极参加各项业务活动,吸收新的资讯,多向有经验的教师学习,多进行教学反思,提高自身的业务素质和教科研的能力。只有不断学习,善于学习,才能不断提高自我,完善自我,才能吸引学生喜欢学习我所教的课程。

⑤ 如何成为一名好老师高中满分英语作文4篇

How to Be a Good Teacher
Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than ecation to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find it’s difficult, because only knowledge can’t make us a good teacher.
As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Don’t judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our ty is to ecate them, not to criticize them. For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldn't do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students. For example, we should make a real atmosphere to attract the students’ interests. Since most students like doing things with their hands, we can assign them some tasks to do. Sometimes we can also do some activities with them. I believe the students will learn best when they are happy.
Sometimes, we may be troubled by some naughty students. Therefore, we must have patience. We have to lead them in the right way. However, if they don’t pay attention to us, we ought to be strict with them, until they are well-behaved.
These are my personal ideas. Maybe they are correct in a way, while they are not enough for us. So I will devote more diligence to my work and get more experience from teaching.
A good teacher, in our minds,means that giving us all knowledge he knows absolutely, supervising studentsstrictly, teaching students by holding their hands, assigning proper homeworkto students and being kind enough to give students time to relieve pressure and so on. Of course, these are my previous ideas which show myimmaturity to a certain extent. But those ways catering to examination-orientedecation are necessary before stepping into university. With the age andexperience growing, my thoughts become mature graally.
From the perspective of a collegestudent, it’s quite ridiculous that a college teacher still follow the teachingpatterns of middle school because of the freedom and open of university. In myhumble opinion, first of all, as a college teacher, the most basic is thatteachers should possess good professional quality and be proficient in theirteaching subjects, which means that they will not only explain the textthoroughly, but also tell students more extracurricular knowledge on the topicto broaden their horizons and make them throw light on the text deeply.Meanwhile, teachers should mobilize the enthusiasm and initiation of studentsto make the whole class lively and be good at asking questions to encouragestudents to think on their own and foster their creativity, rather than letthem learn by rote. What’s more, in university---- an academic palace, teachersshould regard students as their friends to establish good relationship betweenteachers and students, and create an equal platform for students to speak theirmind freely. This way of teaching benefits teachers as well as students.
To sum up, college is differentfrom middle school, so there is a great difference between them in teaching. Accordingly,college teachers should hold different teaching methods towards collegestudents. Only this can make a good college teacher.

⑥ 我的梦想是当一名老师的英语作文六十字以上


Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be doctors. Others hope to be scientists. My dream is to bee a teacher.


Teachers can not teach us many things at school, but they do their

best to teach us how to learn. Thanks to them, we learn knowledge. And

at the same time, we learn how to live a happy life. They spend most

time on their students. They are great in my eyes.

老师不仅能在学校教给我们许多事情,而且他们尽力教会我们如何去学习.感谢他们,我们学到了知识.并且在同时,我们知道怎么幸福地生活. 他们花费他们大多数时间在他们的学生身上.他们在我的眼里是伟大的.

I hope to be a teacher because I admire teachers. I know it is not

easy to make my dream e true. But I decide to study harder from now

on. I am sure my dream will e true.








⑦ 如何当一名英语老师英语作文

How to Be a Good English Teacher?

I’m pround of being an English teacher in the 21st Century. But how to be a good English teacher. Here, I’d like to share my views on this problem with you.

To be a good English teacher, we must think it is important to love our job and love our students. Someone says teaching is the most brilliant career under the sun. We should have the strong sense of the ty. We should love our work and put our hearts into the work. Love your students. They will love you, too. The students can study hard just because of the teacher’s love. We should care for each student, especially for those who lag behind in study.

Good habits are important in studying activities. The better the habbits, the better the effects. But how to develop good babits is not an easy question.My idea is to tell them to learn by themselves :before class→ and make notes in class.→practise and revise after class. The major thing is leading the correct way to learn. We should not only give them fish but also teach them how to fish.

In a word, in order to be an excellent English teacher. We should put our hearts and souls into the teaching career and we should improve the quality of teaching. Here is rhyme we can remember.

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