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发布时间: 2024-10-15 13:31:04

❶ 英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译


1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)
2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)
3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)
4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)
5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)
6. Tom is an American boy.(Tom是个美国男孩。)
7. English is a useful tool.(英语是一种有用的工具。)
8. He is telling them an interesting story.(他正在给大家讲一个有趣的故事。)
9. Britain is a European country.(不列颠是一个欧洲国家。)
10. It takes an hour and a half to get there.(这要花费一小时半到达那里。)
11. It is a pig.(它是一头猪。)
12. It is cotton.(它是棉花。)
13. It is wheat.(它是麦子。)
14. It is a cow.(它是一头母牛。)
15. It is an orange.(它是一只橘子。)
16. It is rice.(它是稻子。)
17. It is an ox.(它是一头公牛。)
18. It is a ck.(它是一只鸭子。)
19. It is water.(它是水)
20. It is a hen.(它是一只母牛。)
21. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.(今天是星期一。明天是星期二。)
22. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday.(今天是星期三。明天是星期四。)
23. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday.(今天是星期五。明天是星期六。)
24. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday.(今天是星期六。明天是星期日。)
25. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday.(今天是星期日。明天是星期一。)
We are workers.(我们是工人。)
26. My sister and I are both pupils.(我的姐妹和我都是学生。)
27. You are all middle school pupils.(你们都是中学生。)
28. They are trees and flowers.(它们是树和花。)
29. Cats and dogs are animals.(猫和狗是动物。)
30. All of them are teachers.(他们都是教师。)
31. The sun is red.(太阳是红色的。)
32. That table is heavy.(那张桌子很重。)
33. I am sixteen.(我十六岁。)
34. Class is over.(课结束了。)
35. The river is faraway.(这条河很远。)
36. Time is up.(时间到了。)
37. The bottle is full of water.(这瓶子装满了水。)
38. I am from Shanghai.(我来自上海。)
39. Comrade Wang is out.(王同志外出了。)
40. The football match is on.(足球比赛开始了。)
41. The boy is over there.(那男孩在那边。)
42. My brother is at home.(我的兄弟在家里。)
43. He is not here.(他不在这里。)
44. She is good at swimming.(她擅长游泳。)
45. I am fond of sports.(我很喜欢运动。)
46. I am tired.(我很累。)
47. You are ill.(你病了。)
48. It is hot today.(今天很热。)
49. The weather is cold.(天气很冷。)
50. It is fine.(这个很好。)
51. The play is good.(这场演出很好。)
52. Snow is white.(雪是白的。)
53. The streets are clean.(街道是干净的。)
54. This hall is full of people.(这个大厅挤满了人。)
55. The library is open.(图书馆开门了。)
56. The film is on.(影片上映了。)
57. My uncle is over there.(我的叔叔在那边。)
58. The cinema is far away.(电影院很远。)
59. The light is off.(灯暗了。)
60. My father is out.(我的父亲外出了。)
61. Her brother is thirteen.(她的兄弟十三岁。)
62. I am eighteen.(我十八岁。)
63. Mr. Smith is from American.(史密斯先生来自美国。)
64. The boys in our class are fond of football.(我们班的男孩很喜欢足球。)
65. Wang Ying is good at music.(王英擅长音乐。)
66.I have a brother.(我有一个兄弟。)
67. He has two English books.(他有两本英语书。)
68. We have a lot of paper.(我们有许多纸。)
69. You have many friends.(你有许多朋友。)
70. My sister has a pen and a ball-pen.(我的姐妹有一支铅笔和一支圆珠笔。)
71. Her classmates have a small library.(她的同班同学们有一个小图书馆。)
72. Our school has twenty classes.(我们的学校有二十个班级。)
73. I have some bread and jam.(我有一些面包和果酱。)
74.There is a teacher’s desk in the classroom.(教室里有一只讲台。)
75. There are forty pupils in the playground.(操场上有四十个学生。)
76. There are some desks and chairs in the office.(办公室里有一些书桌和椅子。)
77. There are two blackboards on the wall.(墙上有两块黑板。)
78. There are four lights in the classroom.(教室里有四盏灯。)
79. There is a loud-speaker in the hall.(大厅里有一只喇叭。)
80. There are two portraits above the blackboard.(黑板上方有两张像。)
81. There is a map and two pictures in the reading-room.(阅览室里有一幅地图和两幅画。)
82.Your pencil is blue. Mine is blue, too.(你的铅笔是蓝色的。我的也是蓝色的。)
83. His book is new. Hers is new, too.(他的书是新的。她的也是新的。)
84. Our classroom is big. Theirs is big, too.(我们的教室很大。他们的也很大。)
85. Her brother is a worker. His is a worker, too.(她的兄弟是一个工人。他的也是一个工人。)
86. Their house is near the park. Ours is near the park, too.(他们的房子在公园附近。我们的也在公园附近。)
87. His room is tidy. Yours is tidy, too.(他的房间很整洁。你的也很整洁。)
88. My sister is not here. Hers is not here, either.(我的妹妹不在这里。她的也不在这里。)
89. Our classroom is not on the first floor. Theirs is not on the first floor, either.(我们的教室不在二楼。他们的也不在二楼。)
90. Your father is not a teacher. Mine is not a teacher, either.(你的父亲不是一个教师。我的也不是一个教师。)
91. Their library is not big. Ours is not big, either.(他们的图书馆不大。我们的也不大。)
92. How nice the song is!(这首歌多么好听啊!)
93. What a wonderful time we’re had!(我们过了一段多么美好的时光啊!)
94. How fast the dog runs!(这只狗跑得多么快啊!)
95. What a clever boy he is!(他是一个多么机灵的男孩啊!)
96. What beautiful music they’re playing!(他们正在演奏多么优美的音乐啊!)
97. How quickly time flies!(时间飞逝得多么快啊!)
98. What an excellent idea you’re got!(你有一个多么出色的主意啊!)
99. What a dear little child he is!(他是一个多么可爱的小孩啊!)
100. He is telling us an interesting story.(他正在给我们讲一个有趣的故事。)
101. We are having a holiday today.(今天我们正在度假。)
102. What are you doing these days?(这几天你正在做什么?)
103. You are speaking so quickly, I can’t understand you.(你这么快地讲着,我没能搞懂你。)
104. Jane’s studying in our school this term. She is preparing her lessons now.(这学期珍妮在我们学校学习。她现在正在准备功课。)
105. Can I use your dictionary for a moment? I’m sorry, but I am using it now.(我能用一下你的词典吗?很抱歉,我现在正在用。)
106. They are doing their best to finish the work in time.(他们正在努力及时完成这项工作。)
107. She is speaking.(她正在讲话。)
108. The children are singing.(孩子们正在唱歌。)
109. I am listening to the radio.(我正在听无线电。)
110. My brother is writing.(我兄弟正在写字。)
111. We are preparing our lesson.(我们正在准备功课。)
112. Our teachers are having a meeting.(我们的老师正在开会。)
113. The dog is running very fast.(狗正在非常快地跑着。)
114. Your sister is looking for her pen.(你的姐妹正在找她的钢笔。)
115. see a map on the wall.(我看见墙上的一张地图。)
116. My father works in a factory.(我的父亲在工厂工作。)
117. The pupils often play games in the playground.(学生们经常在操场上玩游戏。)
118. Tom and his sister often clean the room together in the morning.(汤姆和他的妹妹经常在早晨打扫房间。)
119. She studies politics, Chinese and other subjects.(她学习政治、语文和其他课目。)
120. The boys pass by the bookstore every day on their way to school.(孩子们每天在上学路上经过书店。)
121. My brother and I wash our clothes every day.(我兄弟和我每天洗我们的衣服。)
122. Our parents usually go to work at seven.(我们的父母通常在七点钟去上班。)
123. Birds fly south in winter.(鸟在冬天飞往南方)
124. Mary lives in New York.(玛丽住在纽约。)
125. We always get up early.(我们总是起床很早。)
126. He usually goes to bed at nine.(他通常九点上床。)
127. It often rains in spring.(天天常常下雨。)
128. I sometimes go to the park.(我有时去公园。)
129. She seldom comes late.(她不常迟到。)
130. Li-li never tells a lie.(丽丽从不撒谎。)
131. I often go to the cinema.(我常常去电影院。)
132. He seldom forgets to do his homework.(他不常忘记做回家作业。)
133. The boy usually goes to school at 7.30.(那男孩通常七点半去上学。)
134. She never talks to her teacher that way.(她从不以那种方式跟老师谈话。)
135. He usually studies in the reading-room.(他通常在阅览室里学习。)
136. We always listen to the radio at 8.00 p. m.(我们总是在上午八点听无线电。)
137. John sometimes watches television in the evening.(约翰有时在晚上看电视。)
138. Wang Fang never comes to school late.(王芳来上学从不迟到。)
139. They are always busy.(他们总是很忙。)
140. I don’t usually take a bath at noon.(我通常不在中午洗澡。)
141. Do you often work so late?(你常常工作得这么晚吗?)
142. This is sometimes true.(这有时是真实的。)
143. We can seldom do it without his help.(没有他的帮助,我们很少能做到。)
144. It is not going to be cold next month.(下个月不会马上很冷。)
145. He is always ready to help people.(他总是助人为乐。)
146. You must never do it again.(你千万不能再做这件事。)
147. She is seldom late for school.(她上学不常迟到。)
148. Do you often read the newspaper after supper.(你常常在晚饭后看报吗?)
149. Tom doesn’t usually wake up so early.(汤姆通常不醒得这么早。)
150. Mary can sometimes choose the right thing.(玛丽有时会选择正确的事情。)
151. Does he usually have breakfast at six?(他通常在六点钟吃早饭吗?)
152. The boys are seldom absent from school.(男生们不常缺课。)
153.Now I am reading the newspaper.(现在我正在看报纸。)
154. We are not going to play basket-ball after school.(我们不打算放学后打篮球。)
155. The workers are building a big ship these days.(这几天工人们正在造一条大船。)
156. The pupils are visiting a photo show now.(学生们现在正在参观摄影展览。)
157. We often play basket-ball with Class Three.(我们常常与三班打篮球。)
158. Wang Ling does a lot of housework every evening, but today he is helping his brother with his lessons.(王林每天晚上做许多家务,但今天正在帮助弟弟温习功课。)
159. I am going to study French next year.(我打算明年学法语。)
160. I am going to read the book this morning.(我打算今晚看这本书。)
161. She is going to help her classmate later.(她打算最近帮助她的同学。)
162. It is going to snow very soon.(过不了多久就要下雪了。)
163. We are going to go to Peking the day after tomorrow.(我们打算后天去北京。)
164. You are going to be middle school pupils next autumn.(你们明年秋季就要成为中学生了。)
165. They are going to visit the museum next week.(他们准备下星期参观博物馆。)
166. They are not going to stay here.(他们不打算住在那里。)
167. She is not going to mend her shoes.(她不打算补自己的鞋。)
168. You are not going to have an English lesson tomorrow.(你们没计划明天上英语课。)
169. I am not going to watch TV today.(我不打算今天看电视。)
170. You are not going to see the film next Sunday.(你们不打算下星期天看这部电影。)
171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚写信给他父亲。)
172. I shall be at middle school next year.(明年我将要读中学。)
173. You will hear the news tonight.(今夜你将会听到这条消息。)
174. He will tell it to you the day after tomorrow.(他将会在后天把这件事告诉你。)
175. She will play volley ball after school.(放学后她要打排球。)
176. It will be cold tomorrow.(明天要冷了。)
177. The baby will be able to walk soon.(这婴儿不久就能走路了。)
178. We shan’t be middle school pupils next year.(我们不会在明年成为中学生的。)
179. She won’t read the book this evening.(她今晚不会看这本书。)
180. They won’t see the film this week.(他们这星期不会去看这部电影。)
181. You won’t hear from him tonight.(你不会在今夜收到他的信。)
182. I shan’t be sixteen until early next month.(我到下个月月初才十六岁。)
183. They won’t be able to come this evening.(他们今晚不能够来了。)
184. There will be a football match next Sunday.(下星期天将有一场足球赛。)
185. There will be more new machines in the workshop.(车间里将有更多的新机器。)
186. There won’t be any rain next few days.(过几天不会下雨。)
187. There will be several new film on next season.(下个季度会有几部新影片。)
188. We don’t go to school on Sunday.(我们星期天不上学。)
189. He does his homework in the evening.(他在晚上做回家作业。)
190. I first met him on a spring evening.(春天的一个晚上我第一次遇见他。)
191. My sister usually gets up at six o’clock.(我姐姐通常在六点钟起床。)
192. Her father lived in Tientsin at that time.(那时他父亲住在天津。)
193. We have dinner at a quarter to twelve.(我们十一点三刻吃饭。)
194. I left for Peking on September 11.(我是九月十一日赴北京的。)
195. Chang Hua is going to stay here next month.(张华打算下个月在这儿呆着。)
196. We are learning Lesson Ten this week.(这星期我们正在学第十课。)
197. She often works at night.(她常常在夜里工作。)
198. She worked late last night.(她昨夜工作得很晚。)
199. They went to the park the day before yesterday.(前天他们去过公园。)
200. It will be very hot next month.(下个月将会很热。)


❷ 220个常用英语单词带中文翻译

1 the [ðə, ði:] art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前]

2 be [bi:,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在
3 of [əv, ə, ɔv] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于
4 and [ənd, ænd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且
5 a [ei, ə, æn, ən] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个)
6 to [tu:, tu, tə] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到
7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于 ad.进;到达
8 he [hi:, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人
9 have [hæv,həv] aux. v.已经 vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得
10 it [it] pron.它;这;那
11 that [ðæt] a./ pron.那,那个; ad.那样,那么
12 for [fə, fɔ:] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向 conj.因为故
13 they [ðei] pron.他(或她、它)们
14 I [ai] pron.我
15 with [wið, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着
16 as [æz, əz] ad.同样地 prep.当作 conj.随着;因为
17 not [nɔt] ad.不,没,不是
18 on [ɔn] prep.在…上;向;处于;在 ad.上;向前
19 she [ʃi:, ʃi] pron.她
20 at [æt, ət] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事
21 by [] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于 ad.在近旁;经过
22 this [ðis] a.这,这个;今,本 pron.这,这个
23 we [wi:, wi] pron.我们
24 you [ju, ju:] pron.你,你们
25 do [, :] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动
26 but [bʌt,bət] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外 ad.只
27 from [frəm,frɔm] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与
28 or [ɔ:, ə] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然
29 which [witʃ] pron./ a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些)
30 one [wʌn] num.一 pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的
31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请
32 all [ɔ:l] a.全部的;尽量的 ad.很 pron.全部
33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意 n.意志;遗嘱 vt.用意志驱使
34 there [ðɛə] pron.[与be连用,“有”] ad.在那里
35 say [sei] v.说;表明 ad.比如说,大约 n.发言权
36 who [hu:] pron.谁,什么人;[关系代词]…的人
37 make [meik] vt.做,制造;产生;成为 n.品牌,类型
38 when [wen] ad./ pron.什么时候;在…时 conj.当…时
39 can [kæn,kən] aux. v.能;可以 n.罐(头) vt.把…装罐保存
40 more [mɔ:r] ad.更(多) a.更多(大)的 n.更多的人(或物)
41 if [if] conj.如果,假如;是否;即使;无论何时
42 no [nəu] ad.不,不是,没有 a.没有的;不许的
43 man [mæn] n.(成年)男人;人,人类 vt.给…配备人员
44 out aut] ad.出,向外;在外;出现;完;过时
45 other [ˈʌðə] a.别的;其余的 pron.另一个人(或物)
46 so [səu] ad.那么,非常;如此 conj.所以;以便
47 what [wɔt, wɑ:t] pron.什么;[关系代词] a.多么;什么
48 time [taim] n.时间;次;倍[ pl.]时期 vt.为…安排时间
49 up [ʌp] ad./ a.向上(的) prep.沿…往上;在…上面
50 go [gəu] vi.去;变得;进行;放;通往;消失 n.尝试
51 about [əˈbaut] prep.关于;在…周围 ad.大约;在附近
52 than [ðæn, ðən] conj.比
53 into [ˈintu, ˈintə] prep.进,入,到…里;成为;很喜欢
54 could [kud] v. aux.can的过去式;[虚拟语气等]可以(能)
55 state [steit] n.状态;国家,政府;州 vt.陈述,说明
56 only [ˈəunli] ad.只;反而 a.唯一的;最好的 conj.可是
57 new [nju:] a.新的,新出现的,新生产的;生疏的
58 year [jiə, jə:] n.年,年份
59 some [sʌm,səm] a.一些,有些;某个 pron.一些 ad.大约
60 take [teik] vt.带(去);做;花费;拿;服用;乘;拍
61 come [kʌm] vi.来(自);经过;至;实现;开始;发生
62 these [ði:z] pron.[this的复数]这些
63 know [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得
64 see [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得
65 use [ju:z, ju:s]vt.用;耗费,利用 n.使用,应用;用途
66 get [get] vt.获得;收到;理解 vi.变得;逐渐;到达
67 like [laik] v.喜欢 n.[ pl.]相似(物) prep.像 a.相像的
68 then [ðen] ad.当时;那么,因而;然后,于是
69 first [fə:st] num.第一 a.第一的 ad.首先;第一次;宁可
70 any [ˈeni] pron.无论哪个; a.任何的 ad.丝毫
71 work [wə:k] v.工作;有效 n.工作;职业[ pl.]著作
72 now [nau] ad.(到)现在,如今;这时候;马上
73 may [mei] n.五月
74 such [sʌtʃ] a.这样的 ad.那么 pron.这样的人(物)
75 give [giv] vt.给予;提供 vi.塌下,折断,弯曲;让步
76 over [ˈəuvə] prep.在…的上;关于 ad.颠倒地 a.结束的
77 think [θiŋk] vt.认为;想;打算 vi./ n.想,思考
78 most [məust] ad.最;十分 a.最多的;大部分的 n.大多数
79 even [ˈi:vən] ad.甚至 a.平的;平稳的;双数的 v.(使)平坦
80 find [faind] vt.发现;感到;判决 n.(有价值的)发现物
81 day [dei] n.天,一昼夜;白昼,白天;时期,时代
82 also [ˈɔ:lsəu] ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地
83 after [ˈɑ:ftə] prep./ conj.在…之后 a.以后的 ad.后
84 way [wei] n.方法;路;方面[ pl.]习俗 ad.非常
85 many [ˈmeni] a.许多的,多的 pron.许多人,许多
86 must [mʌst] aux. v.必须,应该;一定 n.必须做的事
87 look [luk] v.看;显得;朝着;打量 n.看;脸色
88 before [biˈfɔ:] prep.在…前 conj.在…以前 ad.以前
89 great [greit] a.大的;伟大的;好极的;擅长的
90 back [bæk] ad.回原处 n.背;后面 a.后面的 v.后退
91 through [θru:] prep.穿过;从头到尾;凭借 ad./ a.自始至终
92 long [lɔŋ] a./ ad.长(期)的(地) n.长时间 vi.渴望
93 where [wɛə] ad./ conj.在哪里;在…的地方 pron.哪里
94 much [mʌtʃ] ad.十分; a./ n.多(的),大量(的)
95 should [ʃud, ʃəd] aux. v.[shall的过去式];应当;可能
96 well [wel] ad.好地;完全地 int.那末 a.健康的 n.井
97 people [ˈpi:pl] n.人(们);[the~]人民;民族 vt.居住于
98 down [daun] a./ ad.向下(的),在下面 prep.沿着…而下
99 own [əun] a.自己的 vt.有,拥有
100 just [dʒʌst] ad.正好;只是;刚才 a.正义的;恰当的

101 because [biˈkɔz] conj.因为

102 good [gud] a.好的;擅长的; n.善,好处[ pl.]商品
103 each [ˈi:tʃ] pron.各(每)个 a.各,各自的,每 ad.对每个
104 those [ðəuz] pron.[that的复数]那些
105 feel [fi:l] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉 vt.摸;认为 n.感觉
106 seem [si:m] vi.好像,似乎
107 how [hau] ad.怎么,怎样;多么,多少
108 high [hai] a.高(级;尚;兴)的 ad.高 n.高峰(潮,水平)
109 too [tu:] ad.也,还;太,过于;很,非常
110 place [pleis] n.地方;职位;名次 vt.放置;任命
111 little [ˈlitl] a.小的;短的;不多的 n.极少 ad.毫不
112 world [wə:ld] n.(全)世界,地球;世间(人);界,领域
113 very [ˈveri] ad.很;完全地 a.正是的,真实的;完全的
114 still [stil] ad.还;然而 a.静止的 n.剧照 v.(使)平静
115 nation [ˈneiʃən] n.国家,民族
116 hand [hænd] n.手;指针;人手;帮助;手艺 vt.交,递
117 old [əuld] a.老的;过时的;以前的;老练的
118 life [laif] n.生命;一生;生活,人生;生物;活力
119 tell [tel] v.讲(述),告诉;吩咐;认出;显示;生效
120 write [rait] v.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信(给)
121 become [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得 vt.适合,同…相称
122 here [hiə] ad.在(向,到)这里 int.[用于引起注意]
123 show [ʃəu] v./ n.表明;出示;演出,放映;展览(会)
124 house [haus] n.房屋;公司;(H-)议院 vt.给…房子住
125 both [bəuθ] a.两个…(都) pron.两者(都),双方(都)
126 between [biˈtwi:n] prep.在…之间;为…所**
127 need [ni:d] vt.需要;缺少 aux.v.必须 n.需要;贫困
128 mean [mi:n] vt.意思是;意欲 vi.特意 a.吝啬的;平均的
129 call [kɔ:l] v./ n.把…叫做;打电话给;叫;访问;电话
130 develop [diˈveləp] vt.发展;制订;产生 vi.生长;发展
131 under [ˈʌndə] prep./ ad.在…下面;少于;在…情况下
132 last [lɑ:st] a.刚过去的;最后的 ad.最后 vi.持续
133 right [rait] a./ ad.对(的);右(的) int.好 n.权利;右
134 move [mu:v] v.搬;动摇;感动 n.动作;移动,搬家
135 thing [θiŋ] n.事;物[常 pl.]局面;所有物,用品
136 general [ˈdʒenərəl] a.一般的;总的,普遍的;笼统的 n.将军
137 school [sku:l] n.学校,学院;上学,学业;学派
138 never [ˈnevə] ad.从不,永不;决不,千万不
139 same [seim] a.相同的 pron.[the-]同样的人(物)
140 another [əˈnʌðə] pron.再(另)一个 a.再一个的;别的
141 begin [biˈgin] v.开始
142 while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然 n.一会儿 vt.消磨
143 number [ˈnʌmbə] n.数字;号码[常略作N o.]号 vt.编号
144 part [pɑ:t] n.部分;零件;作用 v.(使)分开 ad.部分地
145 turn [tə:n] v.转动;扭转;(使)变成 n.转向;轮流
146 real [riəl] a.真的,真正的;真实的,现实的
147 leave [li:v] v.出发;离开;留下 n.准假;许可;告辞
148 might [mait] aux. v.[may的过去式];可能 n.力量;权势
149 want [wɔnt, wɑ:nt] v.想要;缺乏 n.不足[ pl.]需要的东西
150 point [pɔint] n.要点,观点;点;时刻 v.指,指明
151 form [fɔ:m] n.形式;外形;表格 v.形(构)成,产生
152 off [ɔ(:)f] ad.…掉(下);离开;停止;休息 a.休息的
153 child [tʃaild] n.小孩,儿童;子女,孩子
154 few [fju:] a./ n.[表示否定]很少(的),几乎没有(的)
155 small [smɔ:l] a.小的;少的;不重要的
156 since [sins] conj./ prep.从…以后;因为 ad.后来
157 against [əˈgenst] prep.逆,反(对),违反;对...不利
158 ask [ɑ:sk] vt.询问;请求;邀请 vi.(for)请求
159 late [leit] a.晚的;晚期的;最近的 ad.迟,晚
160 home [həum] n.家(乡);原产地 a.家庭(乡)的 ad.回家
161 interest [ˈintrist] n.兴趣;利息(率)[ pl.]利益 vt.使感兴趣
162 large [lɑ:dʒ] a.大的;(数量)多的,众多的
163 person [ˈpə:sn] n.人
164 end [end] n.末尾;尽头;终止;结果 v.结束,终止
165 open [ˈəupən] a.开的,开放的,公开的 v.开;开始;开放
166 public [ˈpʌblik] a.公众的;公共的;公开的 n.公众,民众
167 follow [ˈfɔləu] vt.接着;遵照;听懂;注视 vi.(紧)接;懂
168 ring [ˈdjuəriŋ] prep.在…期间
169 present [priˈzent, ˈprezənt] a.出席的;现在的 n.现在;礼物 vt.赠(送)
170 without [wiˈðaut] prep.无,没有 ad.在外面
171 again [əˈgein] ad.再(又)一次;到原处;而且
172 hold [həuld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持 n.握住;掌握;船舱
173 govern [ˈgʌvən] vt.统治,治理,管理;支配,影响
174 around [əˈraund] ad.在周围;到处;大约 prep.遍及
175 possible [ˈpɔsəb(ə)l] a.可能的,做得到的;可接受的,合理的
176 head [hed] n.头(脑);顶部;领导 vt.领导 vi.朝…行进
177 consider [kənˈsidə] v.考虑,细想;认为,把…看作;考虑到
178 word [wə:d] n.(单)词[ pl.]言语,话;传说;诺言
179 program [ˈprəugræm] n.计(规)划;节目(单);程序 vt.编程
180 problem [ˈprɔbləm] n.问题,疑难问题;思考题,讨论题
181 however [hauˈevə] ad.然而,可是;无论如何 conj.不管怎样
182 lead [li:d] v.带路;领导;致使;通向 n.领导;主角;铅
183 system [ˈsistəm] n.系统;制度,体制;方法;身体
184 set [set] n.(一)套 a.规定的 vt.放,安装 vi.落山
185 order [ˈɔ:də] n.顺序;定购;秩序;命令 vt.命令;定购
186 eye [ai] n.眼(睛);视力;眼力;监督 vt.看,审视
187 plan [plæn] n.计划;平面图,示意图 v.(制订)计划
188 run [rʌn] vi.跑;运转;竞选;流 vt.经营 n.跑步
189 keep [ki:p] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止;遵守;保有
190 face [feis] n.脸,面部表情;外表;表面 v.面向;面对
191 fact [fækt] n.事实,真相
192 group [gru:p] n.组,群;集团 vt.把…分组;使聚集 vi.聚集
193 play [plei] v.玩,打(球等);播放 n.戏剧;游戏,比赛
194 stand [stænd] vi.站;坐落;处于;忍受 n.台;摊;立场
195 increase [inˈkri:s, ˈinkri:s] v.增加,增长,增强 n.增加,增长,增强
196 early [ˈə:li] a.早(期)的,在前的;早熟的 ad.在早期;早
197 course [kɔ:s] n.课程;过程;做法;路线;(一)道(菜)
198 change [tʃeindʒ] v.改变;交换;兑换 n.变化;更换;零钱
199 help [help] v.帮(援)助;有助于;[呼救]救命 n.帮助(手)
200 line [lain] n.(界)线;条纹;方针;线路 v.排队(齐)

201 city [ˈsiti] n.城市,都市
202 put [put] vt.放,使处于;表达;提交;记下
203 close [kləuz] v.关;(使)接近 a.近的 ad.接近地 n.结束
204 case [keis] n.事例;情况;病例;案件;盒;手提箱
205 force [fɔ:s] n.[ pl.]军队;暴力 vt.强迫;用力推动
206 meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;见面;满足 vi.相遇;开会 n.运动会
207 once [wʌns] ad.一次;曾经,一度 conj.一旦…(就…)
208 water [ˈwɔ:tə] n.水 vt.浇(供,加)水 vi.流泪(口)水
209 upon [əˈpɔn] prep. 在...之上.
210 war [wɔ:] n.战争;斗争,竞
211 build [bild] vt.建造;创立 vi.向顶点发展 n.体型,体格
212 hear [hiə] vt.听见;听到,得知;审讯,听证 vi.听说
213 light [lait] n.光;灯;火 a.明亮的;轻的 vt.点亮
214 unite [ju(:)ˈnait] v.(使)联合,(使)团结,(使)统一
215 live [laiv] vi.居住;活;难忘 vt.生活 a.活的;直播的
216 every [ˈevri] a.每一(个);每…一次的,每隔…的
217 country [ˈkʌntri] n.国家,全国人民;[the~]农村,乡村
218 bring [briŋ] vt.带来;把…引来;促使;使发生
219 center [ˈsentə] n.圆心,正中;中心 v.(around)把…集中于
220 let [let] vt.允许,让;假设;出租

❸ 九年级上册的一二单元的英语单词怎么读,急请帮忙

|评论 咨询专家中学英语教师王光煊专业领域:中学英语|合作机构:江西省泰和县三都中学提问者对回答的评价:谢谢,会对我有帮助的,我能加你为好友吗 相关内容 2009-08-02 谁能给我一个能教我读初3(九年级上册)的英语单词的网站啊`人教版... 50 2011-08-15 新目标九年级上册英语单词mp3 还要有读中文的 要带拼读的 3 2011-07-22 九年级上册第一单元英语单词怎么读 2011-08-20 新目标九年级上册英语单词mp3 还要有读中文的 2012-08-15 新目标九年级上册英语单词mp3格式 要有中文 最好能带拼读 更多相关问题>> 英语单词:mp3 英语单词:下载 英语单词:音标 英语单词:软件 2010-02-05 高中英语单词朗读mp3 62 2011-03-11 英语单词mp3下载 55 2010-02-01 高中英语单词MP3 49 2009-10-18 高一英语单词mp3 41 2009-10-16 4级英语单词mp3下载 28 更多关于英语单词:mp3的问题>> 2009-10-15 高中英语单词表下载 209 2009-04-27 英语单词发音软件下载 487 2010-02-21 高中英语单词听力下载 90 2009-10-16 高一英语单词表下载 85 2009-09-05 英语单词读音下载地址 79 更多关于英语单词:下载的问题>> 2009-10-17 英语单词音标查询 646 2009-07-12 英语单词音标 172 2009-10-19 西瓜英语单词音标 152 2010-04-30 英语单词的音标发音 142 2009-10-06 英语单词音标翻译 95 更多关于英语单词:音标的问题>> 2009-04-27 英语单词发音软件下载 487 2009-10-17 教读英语单词的软件 37 2009-05-28 读英语单词软件 29 2009-10-19 读英语单词的软件 19 2008-08-02 背英语单词 软件 18 更多关于英语单词:软件的问题>> 按默认排序|按时间排序 其他回答 共1条 2012-08-16 17:58璇丹快乐成功|二级我会读 ,要怎么帮你呢 我来完善答案完善答案通过审核后,可获得3点财富值最新回答:2012-12-26 07:12 版本:1个历史版本

❹ 帮忙翻译成英语,急!!!!!!

In 1923, tsinghua university, interest in reading of the liang sicheng art. He considered to study in the United States, but no decision learn anything. At that moment, from Europe to recommend returning LinHuiYin for their architecture. She said: "the western classical architecture inspired me, that I am filled with desire to bring some home. We need to make a hundred immortal architectural theory construction!" Hence two people meet test-taker number. Thus, an architecture art and engineering, became their lifelong career.
One day, liang sicheng LinHuiYin and received a package from the motherland, the song dynasty is an ancient building ", the author li commandment. This is a book of the northern song dynasty, official architectural design manual and buildings like the technical specification, had no man books can understand. Liang sicheng on their own knowledge, this is the gobbledygook unique architectural language in western and system, may be the key to open the Chinese architecture.
Books are the father of liang sicheng, liang qichao and found the building of this book was printed manuscripts and ZhuQi bells, liang qichao's friend, he later created the first study of Chinese ancient Chinese academic institutions, build society. -
Liang sicheng LinHuiYin and learn homecoming, with "create French" to shenyang, in the northeast university as a principal chang established architecture. But the September 18th incident, "they just started the interruption. Hence, liang sicheng join ", "China construction society of the French research focused on building.
Liang sicheng LinHuiYin and the wedding is carefully choosing, it is the author of "building the birthday; lee, And their son named LiangCongJie, and li commandment. Say "build" this has become a French life affects liang sicheng a force.
Then, by way of the field investigation liang sicheng, in a nationwide survey of ancient. He heard someone saw a photograph, and ancient ShunTengMoGua, bus bumped into a small town with a long, finally found a majestic building, it is the earliest extant in China, was founded in 152. Accordingly, he published the first Chinese ancient science report: "jixian terraces of GuanYinGe temple stand.
Hebei folk tunes "small cattle in zhaoxian county sing:" a wooden bridge, the tower." Liang sicheng, since the bridge in zhaoxian county to the wooden tower, it shouldn't fictitiousing zero. He was found on so!
In the hinterland of hardships is liang sicheng unbelievable, but we can realize he turns exciting moments TaPoTieXie, "at sk, I suddenly saw in the dark purple background a flash of gem -- that is near the mountains around a red-and-white pagoda reflects the golden sunset."
Liang sicheng even unarmed climb 10 meters high, thousands of DaCha root bridge, he finished the China's earliest existing fu-gong temple of all the surveying and mapping work.

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