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发布时间: 2024-10-13 10:01:08

❶ 关于炒土豆的英文作文要有详细的过程必须简短还有翻译

Fried potato silk is a happy Sunday, mom and dad are not at home, so I can display skills to the full! - a delicious potato silk. First, I picked up a large and round potato, placed in the left hand, carefully cut up, for fear that my hands cut. One, two, three...... In a little while potatoes "clothes" I took off. I am tired sweating, but look smooth potatoes, very pleased. I put the potatoes into the plate, walked to the water pipe 'before', and twisted his head, clean water from his mouth came out. I rubbed my potatoes with my hands, and turned it over, and the potatoes, which had been washed, were displayed in front of me. Then I put the potatoes on the board, but potatoes as special and me, running east west, yo. What a naughty little baby. I learned my mother's method, holding the potatoes with my hands, holding a knife in one hand. From the middle break "". Then, the cut wire, a thin piece of thick, not uniform. Finally be accomplished. I first opened fire, and then put it into the oil, oil heat, pre shredded potatoes inside with a shovel turned up. Then put green pepper, and put the lid on. After a few minutes, should be cooked, finally I put salt, chicken and other spices inside. Stir after a delicious potato in my hand was born. I take a big mouth to eat, eat their own to do the potato, the heart is happy to open the flower. The fried potatoes in this matter, I understand, my mother is very hard, I want for my mother to share grief.
炒土豆丝 又是一个快乐的星期天,爸爸妈妈都不在家,这下我可以大显身手了!——做一盘色香味俱全的土豆丝。 首先,我拿起一个既大又圆的土豆,放在左手中,小心翼翼的削起来,生怕把我那双手削伤。一根、两根、三根……不一会儿土豆的“衣服”就被我脱了下来。累的我是大汗淋漓,但是看着光滑的土豆,甭提多高兴了。 我把土豆放进盘子里,走到自来水管 ’面前’,拧着它的头,干净的水就从他的嘴里流出来了。我用手搓着土豆,然后给它翻了个身,洗了澡的土豆就展现在我面前。接着我把土豆放在案板上,可是土豆好像专门和我作对,东跑跑,西溜溜。真是个淘气的小娃娃。我学着妈妈的方法,用手按住土豆,一只手拿着刀。从中间“一刀两断”。接着又切成丝,结果,一片薄一片厚,好不均匀。最后终于大功告成了。 我先打开火,接着放进油,灯油烧热后,把事先切好的土豆丝放了进去用铲子翻了翻。再放进青辣椒,又把锅盖盖上。过了几分钟,应该熟了,最后我把盐,鸡精等调料放了进去。搅均后一盘香喷喷的土豆就在我手里诞生了。我大口大口的吃着,吃着自己做的土豆,心里乐开了花。 通过炒土豆这件事,我明白了,妈妈很辛苦,以后我要为妈妈分担解忧。

❷ 做饭英语作文带翻译


❸ 土豆炒肉的做法英语作文

To help give a fried potato silk English version of O (a step, a _) O thank you
There are a lot of fried potatoes fried potato silk practices, have fried potatoes, fried potato shredded green pepper potato silk, fried meat, fried potatoes, spicy fried potatoes, potatoes fried egg and so on. Here we introce a few simple fried potatoes wire practice, do not know how to fry potatoes, want to learn how to fry potato silk, a better understanding of how to make friends as a reference.
Edit this paragraph] first:
Material Science:
400 grams of potato carrot 5cm shallot 10 wine 2 tablespoon salt 1 tsp sugar amount, the amount of oil
Chinese medicine: pepper 1 tsp ginger 1 (shredded)
1, potatoes peeled, cut into filaments match rod.
2, the 1 placed in the water rinse, put in the bamboo grate to filter water.
3, carrots cut into the same thread.
4, shallot chopped green onion.
5, heating oil into the wok, and potatoes, carrots, ginger, stir fry transparent sprinkle pepper.
6, then add wine, salt, sugar mix.
7, Sheng into the plate, sprinkle with chopped green onion can be.
[edit this paragraph] second:
1 potato shred, water wash, wash the starch, fried when not stick pan.
2 wok into the amount of oil, stir fry onion, stir flavor.
3 into the potato chips, if too much of the pot on the water. Salt.
4 stir fry the minced garlic, stir fry two, out of the pot. You can also add a little msg. If you like to add a little vinegar vinegar.
[edit this paragraph] third:
Raw materials: 400 grams of potatoes, onions 1; soy sauce, salt, vinegar, pepper the right amount.
Making method:
(1) the potatoes peeled cut filaments, with hot remove and drain; onions washed mince.
(2) the hot pan fried pepper, onion, add potatoes stir evenly, add seasonings stir.
Features: can also add a little sugar, taste more delicious.
Above is the Chinese reference, if the translation of a good additional 50 points, thank you


Egg with tomato stir fry
I am always not a very good cook, but this dish that I often prepare was taught by my mother. I like to cook Egg with tomato stir fry. First I cut the tomato into thin slices and I beat the egg until the surface have a little bit bubbles. I then, add a pinch of salt inside the egg that I just beat. Now i heat up some oil in the pan. When the oil is hot enough I pour the egg in the pan and break the egg into smaller pieces. Then, I add in the tomatoes that i have sliced previously. I stir the egg and tomota together for about 5 minutes, then I add in a little bit of salt and chopped green onions. Egg with tomato stir fry is made with just these easy steps.
我一直不是很会做菜,可是这一道菜是是我妈妈教我的。 我喜欢做西红柿炒鸡蛋。 我先把西红柿给切成细条,然后打蛋,直到蛋表面有一点泡泡我就知道蛋打好了。然后我在蛋里加一点盐。现在我要把油给加热了。当油温够了我就把鸡蛋倒进锅里,然后用炒菜的铲子把鸡蛋给弄得小块一点。然后我把之前切过的西红柿倒进锅里和鸡蛋一起炒5分钟,然后我往锅子里加一点盐和葱。西红柿炒鸡蛋就做好了。

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