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发布时间: 2024-09-30 14:10:33

A. 谁能帮忙翻译一下这篇文章,谢谢

Wuzhen trip

my lecture topic is 'my Wuzhen tour'.

I went to the Dragon Boat Festival season Wuzhen, Wuzhen is difficult to describe, Wan Ya, quiet, beautiful, like a Southern woman, this is my impression of Wuzhen.

Wuzhen is said that when it rains it have more mood to play, just that the world is a drizzle, so we truly appreciate the elegant and quiet it wan.

Wuzhen is a southern town famous, but it is a beautiful rivers and lakes.(乌镇是江南有名的古镇,同时它是个很美的水乡) Our first visit to the first attraction is one hundred museum, after reading I marvel at the level of the ancient creatures, fine workmanship of these ancient beds, has a long history, they are some unique style, and some ornate, luxurious, non- a wooden bed in the boutique is not south, can not help to sigh the profound Chinese culture.(我们首先到的第一个参观景点是百床馆,看了后让我惊叹于古人的造物水平,这些古床雕工精美、历史悠久,它们有的风格独特,有的装饰华丽、豪华气派,无一不是江南木床中的精品,不由人不由衷地感叹中国文化的博大精深。) I want this bed can also be crafted when the person must be peace and happiness, which is the ancient Chinese people's mind. (我在想当床也能被如此雕琢的时候,人一定是平和与幸福的,这就是古老中国人的心境。)

The second attraction is Wuzhen's Brewery.(第二个景点是乌镇的酿酒坊) Fils had no smell to the appearance of bursts of wine, to see come out of the hands are holding three white wine, I was very sective.(未见酒坊的模样就已闻到了阵阵的酒香,看见走出来的人手里都拿着三白酒,让我很是心动。) Three white people wine is Wuzhen, natural ingredients hand lead. (三白酒是乌镇人的美酒,天然原料纯手工酿成。)This wine is pure and mellow, sweet and delicious, young and old Safe to drink.(此酒醇厚清纯、香甜可口,男女老少皆宜饮用。) Its aroma, alcohol mellow, mellow entrance, aftertaste and clean with fragrance without a break and notoriety. Popular South centuries, enring. (以其香气浓郁、酒味醇厚、入口绵甜、回味爽净、余香不绝而名声远扬。几百年来风靡江南,经久不衰。)

At night, the night Wuzhen beautiful, light a lot of light.(到了晚上,乌镇的夜景很美,亮起了好多盏灯。) Most memorable is hanging in the waterside Nazhan Deng, says Kam Tong.(记忆最深刻的就是挂在水边的那盏灯,上面写着锦堂。) But, time goes by, Dengying broken, evening, see, there were mottled. However, they still hung on the waterfront porch quietly, quietly watching the boats still to ship to, still lonely in there waiting, though, to wait on it, just a gesture! I inadvertently think of the poem(只是,时间流转,灯影残破,今夕见时,已有斑驳。但是,却依旧静静的挂在水边廊下,依旧安静的看着船来船往,依旧寂寞在那里等待,虽然,等待于它,只不过是一个姿态而已!):
you are coming?
Yes, I came.
I know you will come.
I know you know.

Beautiful night, beautiful poetry, beautiful southern town, I forget.


B. 求翻译成英文

乌镇是浙江的一座古老水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔,这是一处迷人的地方,有许多古桥,中式旅店和餐馆, 在过去的一千年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化, 是一座展现古文明的博物馆。 乌镇所有房屋都用实木建造。数百年来,当地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市。无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜和发现。
Wuzhen is an ancient water town of Zhejiang, located in the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale River, it is a charming place, there are many ancient bridges, Chinese style hotel and restaurant, in the past one thousand years, the Wuzhen River and the way of life has not experienced many changes, is a show of ancient civilization museum. All the houses in Wuzhen are built of wood. For hundreds of years, locals have built homes and markets along the river. Countless beautiful and spacious courtyard hiding in the house, the tourists everywhere will have a surprise and discovery.

C. 50分 高分求 英语翻译 关于风景

1.Swimming Wuzhen Xishan, busy in the only life. And his family lovers, inlge in the sun southern town green, Jiuhan the occasion of drunk people, watching people stream bridges. 2.You take the subway in Shanghai, is a very suitable for backpackers to travel a good way to help themselves, not only in Shanghai and have thoroughly enjoyed themselves for fun and shopping are not afraid of getting lost, the most important thing is special to save money save time 3.Hangzhou, the United States, the United States in the West Lake. The beauty of West Lake, the United States in its lakes and mountains in picturesque West Lake, the United States, the United States in the hills, blending with the humanities, completely forgetting the beauty of West Lake, but also the United States in people's right to her care and for their. 4.Historical Context of the tradition. West Lake, Hangzhou and Pong-sheng, Hangzhou West Lake and the name for. Since ancient times, "the world Westlake 36, it is the most beautiful Hangzhou"

D. 在过去一千年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化翻译


In the past thousand years, the water system and the life way of Wuzhen has not gone through many changes.

E. 用英语翻译乌镇位于浙江省桐乡市北部

Wuzhen is located in the north of Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province.

F. 英语翻译感谢解答


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