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发布时间: 2024-09-29 19:37:47

㈠ 四块蛋糕的英文是什么呢

four pieces of cake

㈡ 数字1至20的英文单词怎么读

1 one [ w^n ]

2 two: [ tu: ]

3 three: [ θri: ]

4 four: [ fo: ]

5 five: [ faiv ]

6 six: [ siks ]

7 seven: [ 'seven ]

8 eight: [ eit ]

9 nine: [ nain ]

10 ten: [ ten ]

11 eleven: [ i'leven ]

12 twelve: [ twelv ]

13 thirteen: [ 'θə:'ti:n ]

14 fourteen: [ 'fo:'ti:n ]

15 fifteen: [ 'fif'ti:n ]

16 sixteen: [ 'siks'ti:n ]

17 seventeen: [ 'seven'ti:n ]

18 eighteen: [ 'ei'ti:n ]

19 nineteen [ 'nain'ti:n ]

20 twenty: [ 'twenti ]



十四到十九就是在英语四到九之后加上-teen,如十四:fourteen,十五是例外:fifteen,二十也是例外:twenty 因为前提改变。 












6). l,000以上,先从右往左数,每三位数加一个“,”,第一个“,”前为thousand.第二个“,”前为million,第三个“,”前为billion(美式)或thousand ,million(英式),然后一节一节地表示。

1--12 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

13-19 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

20-90 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

21-99 (几十)+“——”+(几)23:twenty-three 34 thirty-four 91 ninety-one

几百几十 586 five hundred and eighty-six 803 eight hundred and three

百,千,百万,十亿 1,001one thousand and one

㈢ 英语翻译报价有知道的吗现在每千字大概多少钱啊


㈣ 在图中 翻译成英语 急求!!

1.on the wall
2.in your pencil box
3.Where is my bag
3.Where is her baseball
4.Is her book in the bookcase
5.My key is on the dressing table
6.Boys and girls stand under the tree
7.A pen is in the book

㈤ 请帮忙翻译成英语.谢谢

Jiuchi long, three glasses of tea, 10 universities, Liangwan metres, four red paper, five orange basket, seven boxes of matches, four police officers, 3,000 tons of coal, five pencils, three pieces of bread and four glasses of water , A few milk, a dish of meat, two news, a large piece of ice, five deer, 10 sheep, one pants, sets of clothes into English, which is a plural form, such as three glasses of tea, "Tea" into a plural it, or "cup"?

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