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发布时间: 2024-09-29 14:05:11

1. 关于涨价的英文翻译

I am very sorry, but the day before yesterday the prices of raw materials of proct B are skyrocketed . I am very sorry to inconvenience you this。because the temperature is extremely cold here now, our Province has taken measures to limit electricity an average of 1 day is necessary to stop the power.and The spring festal is approaching, orders soared, even though the plant all nights to work overtime, some orders are still not come out in time, such as A procts are now basically no longer proced, because of mainly raw materials have been used up.
I am very sorry to inconvenience you ,this is the lowest cost price .
I hope you understand and accept our new price

2. 浠锋牸鐨勮嫳鏂囨槸浠涔堬紵




  • n.浠锋牸锛涗唬浠凤紱浠峰硷紱璐圭敤

  • v.缁欌﹀畾浠凤紱浼颁环锛涜创浠锋牸鏍囩撅紱姣旇緝浠锋牸




  • accept the price鎺ュ彈浠锋牸

  • advance price鎻愰珮浠锋牸

  • advance in price浠锋牸涓婃定

  • affect price褰卞搷浠锋牸

  • agree to the price鎺ュ彈浠锋牸

  • ask price鎵撳惉浠锋牸

  • hike price娑ㄤ环

  • hold down price闄嶄綆浠锋牸

  • increase price鎻愰珮浠锋牸

  • inquire price璇㈤棶浠烽挶

  • keep down price闄嶄綆浠锋牸

  • keep up price鎶楂樹环鏍

  • fixed price鍥哄畾鐨勪环鏍

  • flat price缁熶竴浠锋牸

  • floating price娴鍔ㄤ环鏍

  • forward price鏈熻揣浠锋牸




1銆乀he price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.


2銆乀here are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.


3銆乀he price depends on the intricacy of the work.


3. 英文翻译:你价格和付款条件都没有确认,我没有办法帮你安排生产。我们再次涨价了,请以附件发票为准

翻译:Your price and terms of payment are not confirmed. I can't help you arrange the proction. We have increased the price again. Please attach the attached invoice

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