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发布时间: 2024-09-27 18:37:45

『壹』 这儿是我的一些照片。英语翻译

Here are some of my pictures!

『贰』 英语翻译:我在公园里拍了许多照片

I took many pictures in the park

『叁』 英语翻译 可是我照片太少了

But my photos are only a few.Don't be disappointed.

『肆』 我拍了好多照片用英语的过去式怎杨说

I took many photos.

『伍』 英语翻译 这里面有我的一张照片用英语怎么说,是写信的,放在信里的照片.

there is a photo of me

『陆』 照片英文怎么说

问题一:照片用英语怎么说 picture或者photo。。。。。

问题二:照片英文怎么写 照片
n. photograph,
picture, photo 如果照相机焦点不对准,照片就会模糊。If the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred.把照片放大have a photograph enlarged大照片常由小照片放大而成。An enlargement is often made from a *** all photograph.附寄一张照片enclosed herewith a photo免冠照片bareheaded photo这些照片使我回想起我的学生时代。The photographs made me think back to my schooldays.我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念。My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.如果照相机镜头聚焦不准,照片就会模糊不清。If your camera is not brought into focus, the photograph will be blurried.照片显出了明晰的影像。The photograph showed a distinct image.这照片比你本人漂亮。This photograph flatters you.她把照片抢了过去。He snatched away the photo.这张照片有点失真。The picture isn’t quite true to the original.在第四十四页上有一张一艘船的照片。There is a picture of a ship on page 44.一张照片graphic; a photo; a photograph; a picture看照片的时候仔细点儿,别弄脏了。When you look at the photographs, please be careful and don’t *** udge them.扫描电子显微镜照片scanning electron micrograph我帮我的同学扫描照片。I helped my clas *** ate scan the pictures.随信寄上三张照片。Enclosed in the letter are three photos.我随信附上一张照片。I have enclosed a photo with this letter.我把照片和信一并寄给你。I will send you the photo along with the letter.这些照片是在哪儿拍的?где были сделаны эти фотографии?

问题三:照片的英文怎么写 photo

问题四:照片用英文怎么写啊? 照片
phot龚graph; photoprint ; picture ;photo
colour photograph
The photo has taken well.

问题五:图片英文怎么写 pic/picture,photo,image,户llustration(插图),legend(图例)

问题六:图片用英文怎么写? 你好!

问题七:一张……的照片 用英语怎么说? A piece of... Photos of

问题八:照照片 用英语怎么说 take the photos

问题九:你的照片英文怎么说 your photo / photograph(形容词性物主代词+名词的用法)
a photo of you (所有格的用法)
photo口语 photograph书面语,用哪个都可以
那your photo就可以了,如果是多张照片,就用复数your photos

问题十:这是我拍的照片 用英文怎么说 this is the photo i took

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