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发布时间: 2024-09-27 09:44:10

A. 宣传自己组织团体的广告英语作文100词

Dear Propriter:
This is Lihua.It's my honour to send this letter to you.I am very interesting in your English drama club when I saw your picture poster.And I would like to jion the big family if you appove.I have many hobbies,such as English song,film,playing football.By the way,I am the the organization memeber in my class and I think they are my strength.My classmate like me very much and they are all enjoy our class activies.I hope I can in charge of the organization task in your club.And I will be a good member in this club.I would like to show myself and practise my self
And I also can make many friend by this way.
Hope you can give me the chance.Thank you very much.Waiting for your good news.

B. 演讲社团招募启事英语作文

Welcome to English Club!Here is a platform to show your outstanding abilities,and at the same time to help you develop a range of great skills.

In the club you can enjoy a variety of activities including staging musical dramas,holding group discussions and watching Oscar-winning movies.You will have a lot of opportunities to take part in these extra-curricular activities.Your active participation is helpful to your communication skills and managing interpersonal relationship.And through various activities you could raise your level of proficiency in English.A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.

Our office number is xxx(whatever).and Our email is xxx(whatever).The deadline for entries is oct.23rd.Come on,join US and enjoy yourself now!

C. 求英语社团招新广告英语作文120字

Welcome to English Club
Have you ever heard English club? Are you interested in English? Do you want to improve your English? Come and join us!
In our club, lots of activities will be organized. Such as English corner, English debating competition and so on. If you want to show your English talent, we also hold English speeching competition every month. If you are outgoing, our club will be your best choice. Because you can make lots of new friends here! Every year, our club will invite many foreign teachers to communicate and play with our members. They will introce a significant number of interesting things in their countries to broaden your eyes. Of course, you can also make friends with them. We believe you will gain lots of happiness in our club.
Come on ! We are waiting for you!

D. 英语作文:加入学校学生会开设的绘画俱乐部的申请书。信中必须包括:1.加入理由。2.加入后的计划。

Dear school leaders, hello:


I volunteer to apply to join the school community, this is a spur and improve for me, is also one of my training and test, I apply to join the organization, and strive to make their own contribution to the school teaching management.

我认为社团部作为我院一个业余生活的组织部门,是丰富校园生活的重要支柱,在校园这个大家庭里一直占有着举足轻重的作用。不仅担任学院社团部 其他工作的开展监督检查督促等职能,更能以自己的表率作用促进学校的管理工 作上新台阶,更能激发学生的学习热情,使他们养成良好的习惯,使学生的精神面貌发生新的变化。

I think the community department in our hospital as an amateur life organizations, is an important pillar of the rich campus life, occupies a campus play a decisive role role in this big family. Not only as other college community department to carry out supervision and inspection and supervision functions, and more to their exemplary role to promote a new step for school management, more can stimulate the learning enthusiasm of students, so that they develop good habits, so that the spirit of students changes.

因此,它对于促进学院学生的管理工作有着重要的意义。可以说学院纪检工作是学院管理工作的重中之中,是管理之基,是服务之本, 因此我申请加入这个组织。

Therefore, it is of great significance to promote the college student management work. Can be said that the school discipline inspection work is the management work of the College of management, is the base, is the service of this, so I apply to join the organization.


If I join this organization, I will feel honored, I will set strict demands on themselves, abide by the rules and regulations of the college, the control standard for the gap, to improve their own quality, conscientiously fulfill the discipline inspection organization have given functions, give full play to the supervision, inspection, management functions, adhere to equal standard before, not to engage in small groups, as well as an affair, impartially, all for the development of the college, all for the school of management, all for the benefit of the students, and put themselves in college students of this collective, find out the location, is subordinate to the organization, obey the arrangement, in school management, to make its own contribution, and improve his ability in management, inspire insurgent passion, learning the correct attitude, establish lofty ideals, to establish a correct outlook on life, values, cherish the time, study hard, be disciplined example, earnestly study example, college to achieve great development, create new brilliance for the college to make their own contribution, I will from now on to this goal, please school leaders approved my request.


Yours sincerely



E. 劝一个学生加入社团英语作文

Pay More Attention to the Spelling
As we know,spelling is an important part of English learning.Only when we spell an word correctly,can we remember it clearly.Hower,many students attach little importance to spelling.The cause is that they don't think spelling is important.What's more,spelling is hard work,and they don't it.
In my view,we should pay great attention to our spelling.It's a good way to remember words.We should spend more time on spelling so that we can remember the new words clearly.

F. 写一封参加英语社团的自荐信!英语作文


Dear President,


I am very interested in the English club after reading its advertisement. With your permission, I hope I can join the big family.


I am good at surprise English drama performance, and I will be a very useful member of the club. I hope I can show myself and practice myself. I can also make a lot of friends in this way.


I hope you can give me this opportunity. Thank you. Looking forward to your reply!


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