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发布时间: 2024-09-27 09:09:58

㈠ 求“想一想”等英文翻译

想一想、have a think
做一做、have a action
试一试、have a shot
评一评、have a review
说一说、have a talk
练一练:have a practice

活动主线:principal line of game


㈡ 翻译英语: 1 读 英语单词 2 看书 3 看英语书 4 喜欢看英语书 5 做一个飞机 6 试一下 7

1.read the English words
2.read the book
3.read the English book
4.like reading English books
5.make a model plane
6,have a try

㈢ 英语翻译1.在我的暑假期间,我打算当一名帮助需要的人的志愿者;2.我们所有人都应该做我们所能做的,去

1、During my summer vacation, I'm going to be a volunteer to help people in need;
2、We should all do what we can, to make the contribution for the national construction;
3、He longed to have a girlfriend, and his willingness to share sb.'s joys and sorrows;
4、Students are not allowed to do school bans;
5、His speech made a deep influence to the middle school students;
6、--There is no doubt, no need to argue with him.--It is no wonder that he didn't have a girlfriend.
7、Ladies and gentlemen, please note, I would like on behalf of the company, for $

㈣ 英语翻译 你能告诉我们该怎么做

You can tell us how we should do

㈤ 英语翻译~1想要做某事的三种表达方法~2有的人选择做某事而有的人则……… 3能~可以做某事两种表达


three express ways of wanting to do one thing.


someone would select to do something while others……


two express ways the thing can be done.





㈥ 翻译成英语1:你应该认真做作业,认真学习2:希望你好好学习,身体健康

^1. You should do your homework/assignments carefully, and you should study hard.
2. I hope that you study hard, and keep healthy/and be in good health.

祝你学习抄进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

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