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发布时间: 2024-09-17 14:27:37

1. 最详尽的轴承术语(中英文互译)

slewing ring bearing (slewving bearing)回转支承轴承即转盘轴承
1. adapter bearing带固接套的轴承
2. adjustable bearing可调轴承
3. adjustable cone colter bearing圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承
4. aerostatic bearing空气静力轴承
5. agate bearing玛瑙轴承
6. air journal bearing气体轴承
7. air lubricated thrust bearing空气润滑止推轴承
8. aligning bearing(直线)对位轴承
9. alkaline-friction bearing抗磨轴承
10. allowable bearing容许支承力
11. all-rubber type bearing全胶式轴承。全橡胶轴承
12. aluminum base bearing铝基合金轴承
13. aluminum-tin bearing铝锡合金轴承
14. angular ball bearing径向止推滚珠轴承
15. angular contact ball bearing角面接触滚珠轴承,向心止推滚珠轴承
16. angular contact journal bearing角面接触轴颈轴承
17. annular ball bearing向心球轴承,径向滚珠轴承
18. annular contact thrust ball bearing推力向心球轴承
19. antenna bearing(电磁)天线方位
20. antifriction thrust bearing减磨推力轴承,减磨止推轴承
21. antithrust bearing止推轴承
22. asymmetrical roller bearing非对称滚子轴承
23. axial bearing支撑轴承,止推轴承
24. axial thrust bearing轴向推力轴承
25. axle box bearing轴箱轴承
26. azimuth bearing方位
27. babbit metal (cast) bearing(铸造)巴氏合金轴承
28. babbit-lined bearing巴氏合金衬套轴承,衬巴氏合金的轴承
29. back bearing反象限角,后轴承,反方位(炮)
30. back-to-back plex bearing成对双联轴承(外圈宽端面相对)
31. ball bearing滚珠轴承
32. ball collar thrust bearing滚珠环止推轴承,滚珠环推力轴承
33. ball journal bearing球颈轴承
34. ball thrust bearing止推滚珠轴承
35. barrel bearing圆筒轴承
36. base bearing主轴承,底轴承,基轴承
37. bellbearing钟杆推力轴承,小钟杆平球架,炉钟杠杆
38. bevel pinion front bearing小锥齿轮前[后]轴承
39. big-end bearing大端轴承
40. blade bearing刃型支承
41. block bearing支承轴承,止推轴承
42. boring bar bearing镗杆轴承
43. box bearing空转轴承
44. bracket bearing托架轴承
45. bushing bearing衬套轴承
46. cageless rolling bearing无保持架轴承
47. camshaft bearing凸轮轴轴承
48. center bearing下心盘,下心盘支承面;中心支承
49. centring spring rod bearing调准簧杆轴承
50. ceramic bearing陶瓷轴承
51. check bearing检验方位,检验轴承
52. circular unidirectional thrust bearing环状单向推力轴承
53. closed-type bearing密闭形轴承
54. clutch release bearing离合器分离轴承
55. collar (thrust) bearing环形止推轴承
56. combination bearing组合轴承
57. commutator side bearing整流子侧支座
58. composite bearing多层轴瓦,复合轴承
59. compressed air bearing压缩空气轴承,压气轴承
60. concentric adjustable bearing同心调整轴承
61. conical bearing圆锥轴承
62. corrugated bearing梳状轴承,槽形轴承
63. countershaft gear bearing副轴齿轮轴承
64. crank(ed) bearing曲轴轴承,曲柄轴承,连杆轴承
65. cross head holt bearing十字头销轴承
66. cross head pin bearing十字头销轴承
67. cryogenic bearing低温轴承
68. cup-and-cone bearing对开径向上止推轴承
69. cutter bearing滚刀轴承
70. declutch shaft bearing离合器操纵轴承,分离轴轴承
71. diamond bearing金刚石轴承
72. die cast bearing模铸轴承
73. differential drive pinion cage bearing差速器主小齿轮轴承罩
74. differential side bearing差速器壳轴承
75. disk bearing圆盘轴承
76. disk harrow bearing圆盘耙轴承
77. distributor upper bearing配电器上轴承
78. double bearing双列轴承
79. double shield bearing双(护)罩轴承
80. double thrust bearing双止推轴承
81. double-row angular contact ball bearing双列向心推力球轴承
82. double-row ball journal bearing双列径向滚珠轴承
83. double-row radial ball bearing双列向心球轴承
84. double-row radial spherical roller bearing双列向心鼓面滚子轴承
85. double-row self-aligning spherical roller
86. bearing双列向心球面滚子轴承(自动调心型)
87. drag link bearing拉杆支座
88. drive end bearing主动端轴承,驱动端轴承
89. drive pinion cone bearing主动小齿轮锥形轴承
90. drive shaft bearing主动轴轴承
91. drop-hanger bearing悬挂轴承
92. drum roller bearing鼓形滚柱轴承
93. dry bearing干轴承
94. plex bearing双轴承
95. plex ball bearing成对双联向心推力球轴承
96. dynamo bearing发电机轴承
97. elastically yielding bearing弹性退让轴承
98. elliptical bearing椭圆形轴承
99. enclosed tubular bearing密封套管轴承(属于油浴润滑式轴承)
100. end journal bearing端枢轴承
101. end shield bearing机油滤清器内盖头轴承
102. end thrust bearing止推轴承
103. end-mounted bearing(耙组)两端安装的轴承
104. engine thrust ball bearing止推滚珠轴承
105. established line bearing非标准轴承
106. expansion bearing活动支承,温度)伸胀支承
107. expansive end bearing of bridge活动桥支座
108. fabric bearing夹布胶木轴承
109. fan end thrust ball bearing风扇端止推滚球轴承
110. fan shaft bearing风扇轴轴承
111. Ferro porit bearing渗硫铁系含油轴承
112. filling slot type bearing填槽式轴承
113. film bearing油膜轴承
114. film lubrication bearing油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承
115. fixed-type bearing固定轴承
116. flange bearing带法兰盘轴承
117. flanged cup bearing外环凸缘轴承
118. flexible bearing挠性轴承
119. floating bush bearing浮动衬套轴承
120. flood-lubricated bearing液体摩擦轴承,油膜轴承
121. fluid bearing液压轴承
122. fluid-film bearing流体膜轴承
123. footstep bearing立轴承
124. fore bearing前轴承
125. fork bearing叉轴承
126. forward bearing前象限角
127. four-row tapered roller bearing四列圆锥滚柱轴承
128. free end bearing活动支承,自由支承
129. friction bearing滑动轴承
130. friction thrust bearing摩擦止推轴承
131. front main bearing前主轴承
132. fulcrum bearing支承
133. full-journal bearing全围式滑动轴承full-molded type rubber bearing整体模制式橡胶轴承
134. gas-lubricated bearing气体润滑轴承
135. gear shaft roller bearing齿轮轴滚柱轴承
136. globe bearing球面轴承
137. graphite bearing石墨板(离合器分离的),石墨轴承
138. graphite-containing bearing含石墨的轴承
139. graphited oilless bearing石墨润滑的无油轴承
140. gravity side bearing重力复原旁承
141. grid bearing坐标(网)方位
142. grinding wheel bearing砂轮轴承
143. groove ball bearing带沟球轴承
144. guardbearing动力输出轴的)护罩轴承
145. gudgeon pin bearing活塞销轴承,耳轴销轴承
146. guide bearing导向轴承,导引轴承,定向轴承,导引方位角
147. guide spindle bearing导轴轴承
148. gunmetal bearing炮铜轴承
149. half-and-haif bearing半轴承无盖轴承
150. hanging bearing吊挂轴承
151. hardwood bearing硬木轴承
152. head bearing止端轴承
153. heavy-ty bearing重载轴承
154. hydrodynamic journal bearing液体动压轴承,油膜轴承
155. hydrostatic bearing静压轴承
156. idler shaft bearing空转轴轴承
157. inclined bearing(倾)斜轴承,斜支承
158. inner bearing内轴承
159. intermediate bearing中间轴承
160. jack shaft bearing曲柄轴轴承
161. jewelled bearing宝石轴承
162. Jordan bearing推力套筒轴承
163. journal bearing经向轴承
164. kick-starter bearing冲式起动器的曲柄轴承
165. kingpin bearing凸轮止推回转轴承,止推销轴承,止推枢轴承,中心(转向节)轴承
166. knife-edge bearing刃形支承,刃支承,刀口承
167. knuckle bearing铰式支座,球形支座,关节轴承
168. labyrinth bearing迷宫轴承,曲径式密封轴承
169. laminated bearing夹布胶木轴承,层压轴承
170. leading -screw bearing传动螺杆轴承
171. lignumvitae bearing层压胶木轴承
172. locating bearing止推轴承,定位轴承
173. lock nut bearing锁紧螺帽座
174. longitudinal wall hanger bearing墙托架轴承
175. long-path bearing远距离方位
176. lower bearing下轴承
177. lower half bearing轴承下瓦
178. lubed-for-life bearing永久润滑轴承(即橡胶轴承)
179. lubri-seal bearing阻油环轴承
180. magnetic bearing磁向位,磁方位
181. magnetic thrust bearing磁性推力轴承
182. main bearing主轴承
183. main rod bearing主杆轴承
184. mainshaft bearing主轴轴承
185. maintenance-free bearing自润滑轴承
186. mechanical bearing轴承(总称)
187. midship shaft bearing中间轴轴承
188. miniature bearing微型轴承,超小型轴承
189. molded-fabric bearing(设计)模制纤维轴承
190. motor support bearing电动机支承轴承
191. movable bearing活动支承
192. multi-roll bearing滚针轴承
193. multirow bearing多列轴承
194. multipart bearing弓形轴承,扇形轴承
195. multiple-groove bearing多油槽轴承
196. neck bearing中间轴承
197. needle bearing滚针轴承
198. needle(type) roller bearing滚针轴承
199. noise-free bearing低噪声轴承
200. nonfilling slot type bearing无滚珠槽的滚动轴承
201. non-locating bearing浮动轴承,不定位轴承
202. non-porous bearing无孔轴承
203. oil film bearing油膜轴承
204. oil flooded bearing油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承
205. oil-bath type bearing油浴润滑式轴承
206. oilless bearing不加油轴承自动润滑轴承石墨润滑轴承,含油轴承
207. oil-retaining bearing含油轴承
208. open spindle bearing开式锭子轴承
209. oscillating bearing关节轴承
210. oscillating journal bearing摆动轴径轴承
211. outboard bearing外置轴承
212. parallel bearing滑动轴承
213. parallel-roller bearing平行滚柱轴承
214. partial bearing半轴承
215. partial journal bearing半围轴承(轴瓦在180°范围内包围着轴颈的滑动轴承)
216. pedestal bearing支承轴承
217. penlum bearing钟摆轴承
218. pin rocker bearing铰接支座,圆柱枢轴摆动轴承
219. pinion bearing小齿轮轴承
220. piston pin bearing活塞销轴承
221. pivot bearing枢轴承,摆动支座,中心(轴尖)支承,立式止推轴承
222. plain-and -ball bearing滑动与滚动组合轴承
223. plane bearing平面轴承
224. plummer block bearing架座,止推轴承
225. pneumatic bearing空气轴承
226. pocket bearing油盘轴承
227. porous bearing多孔轴承
228. powdiron bearing多孔铁轴承,粉未铁轴承
229. power take-off lever bearing动力输出轴轴承
230. preloaded bearing预紧轴承
231. prelubricated bearing预(加)润滑[油密封]轴承,一次润滑轴承
232. pressure-feed air bearing静压空气轴承
233. pressure-loaded bearing承压轴承
234. proper bearing紧密接触轴承
235. pump bearing泵轴承
236. quill bearing滚针轴承
237. radial journal bearing径向轴承,支持轴承,轴颈轴承
238. radial spherical roller bearing径向球形滚柱轴承
239. radial-thrust bearing径向止推轴承
240. rail bearing轨枕,轨承,轨底支承面
241. rear bearing后轴承(车床)
242. rigid type bearing刚性支承点,刚性支承面非自位滚动轴承
243. rim bearing轮缘座,环承
244. ring-oiled sleeve bearing油环润滑式滑动轴承;油环式滑动轴承
245. rocker bearing桥架)摇轴支座; (桁架)伸缩支座
246. rod bearing杆轴承
247. roller bearing滚柱轴承
248. roller step bearing滚柱止推轴承
249. rolling-contact bearing滚动接触轴承
250. rotating journal bearing转动轴颈轴承
251. round bearing转动件轴承
252. rubber bearing橡胶轴承
253. sealed roller bearing密封式滚子轴承
254. sector gear bearing扇形齿轮轴承
255. segmental bearing弓形轴承,弧形轴承,分片互轴承,轴瓦块轴承
256. self-acting air bearing动压空气轴承
257. self-aligning bearing球面轴承,自位轴承
258. self-setting bearing多向调整轴承
259. shafting bearing轴承
260. shell bearing轴承壳
261. shifting bearing活动支座
262. shock absorber bearing减震器座
263. side rod bearing边杆轴承
264. single plate ball bearing单垫片滚珠轴承
265. single row angular contact ball bearing单列向心推力球轴承
266. single row cylindrical roller bearing单列短圆柱滚子轴承
267. single shield bearing单罩轴承
268. single thrust bearing单向推力轴承,单向止推轴承
269. single-row bearing单列轴承
270. single-row separable ball bearing分离型向心推力球轴承
271. single-row tapered roller bearing单列圆锥滚子轴承
272. sintered metal bearing烧结金属轴承
273. sleeve bearing套筒轴承,滑动轴承
274. slewing bearing旋转枢轴轴承
275. slide bearing滑动轴承
276. sliding double bearing滑动复式轴承
277. snap-ring bearing开口环轴承
278. snap-ring ball bearing(在负荷端)带止动垫圈的滚珠轴承
279. solid journal bearing整体轴颈轴承
280. solid roller bearing实心滚子轴承,整体滚柱轴承
281. special guide bearing特种导承
282. spherical bearing球面轴承,球形支座,球面支承
283. spherical roller thrust bearing推力球面滚子轴承
284. spigot bearing导向轴承,套筒轴承,小载荷轴承,轻载轴承,插口轴承
285. spindle bolt bearing心轴螺栓轴承
286. spiral roller bearing螺旋(式)滚子轴承
287. spot contact bearing滚珠轴承
288. spring plank bearing摇枕吊轴
289. sprocket shaft bearing链轮轴轴承
290. square-bore ball bearing方(轴)孔滚珠轴承
291. squeeze film bearing(挤)压(油)膜轴承
292. starter main shaft bearing起动机主轴轴承
293. steady bearing支撑轴承(防止长轴摆动)
294. steep angle bearing大锥角滚柱轴承
295. steering gear worm thrust bearing转向蜗杆止推轴承
296. steering knuckle thrust bearing转向关节主动轴承
297. steering worm bearing转向蜗杆轴承
298. steering worm sector bearing转向器扇形蜗轮轴承
299. step bearing立式止推轴承,踏板轴承,阶式止推轴承
300. straight roller bearing普通滚柱轴承
301. stuffing box bearing填料压盖轴承,密封轴承
302. suspension bearing吊轴承
303. swing bearing摆动支座,摆锤支座
304. swivel bearing旋转轴承
305. taper-bore cylindrical-roller bearing 锥孔圆柱滚子轴承
306. taper-roller bearing锥形滚柱轴承
307. textolite bearing夹布胶木轴承
308. thermo-expansion compensation angular ball bearing热胀补偿向心球轴承
309. thrust bearing推力轴承,止推轴承推力座
310. tin-copper-graphite bearing青铜石墨轴承
311. tip bearing枢轴承,枢支座
312. toe bearing立式止推轴承
313. top bearing上盖(顶盖)轴承
314. Torrington needle bearing(无内座圈的)冲压外座圈滚针轴承
315. torsion bearing抠转轴承
316. transverse bearing径向轴承
317. truck side bearing(机车的)下旁承,底板,镶板,闸瓦托
318. trunnion bearing耳轴承
319. tumbler bearing铰式支座,摆动支座(轴承)
320. two-direction self-aligning ball thrust
321. bearing双球面止推滚珠轴承,自调止推滚珠轴承
322. two-piece bearing对开轴承,拼合轴承,可调轴承
323. two-point bearing二点交叉定位
324. uncoupling lever shaft bearing互钩开关杆轴承
325. universal-joint cross bearing万向接头轴承
326. universal-joint needle bearing万向节针式轴承
327. upper bearing上轴承,上轴瓦
328. upper center crankshaft bearing曲轴主轴承上中轴瓦
329. water lubricated bearing水润滑轴承
330. water pump shaft bearing水泵轴轴承
331. water-sealed bearing防水轴承
332. weight-carrying roller bearing径向滚柱轴承
333. wheel bearing轮轴轴承
334. wick-lubricated bearing油渑润滑轴承
335. winch worm shaft bearing绞车蜗杆轴承
336. wire race ball bearing钢丝滚道球轴承
337. wooden bearing木制轴承
338. worm bearing蜗杆轴承
339. worm shaft roller conical bearing蜗杆锥棍轴承
340. worm thrust bearing蜗杆止推轴承
341. wrist-pin bearing十字头销衬套,活塞销衬套

1. 滚动轴承 rolling bearing


2. 单列轴承 single row bearing


3. 双列轴承 double row bearing


4. 多列轴承 multi-row bearing


5. 满装滚动体轴承 full complement bearing


6. 角接触轴承 angular contact bearing


7. 调心轴承 self-aligning bearing


8. 可分离的轴承 separable bearing


9. 不可分离轴承 non-separable bearing



10. 英制轴承 inch bearing


11. 开型轴承 open bearing

12. 密封圈轴承 sealed bearing


13. 防尘盖轴承 shielded bearing


14. 闭型轴承 capped bearing


15. 予润滑轴承 prelubricated bearing


16. 仪器精密轴承 instrument precision bearing


17. 组配轴承 matched bearing



1. 向心轴承 radial bearing

主要用于承受径向负荷的滚动轴承,其公称接触角在0°到45°之间,基本零件为内圈、外圈和带或不带 保持架的滚动体。

2. 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing


3. 角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing


4. 外球面轴承 insert bearing


5. 锥孔轴承 tapered bore bearing


6. 凸缘轴承 flanged bearing

7. 滚轮(滚动)轴承 track roller (rolling bearing)


8. 挡圈型滚轮(滚动)轴承 yoke type track roller (rolling bearing)


9. 万能组配轴承 universal matching bearing



1. 推力轴承 thrust bearing


2. 轴向接触轴承 axial contact bearing


3. 角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing


4. 单向推力轴承 single direction thrust bearing

5. 双向推力轴承 double-direction thrust bearing


6. 双列双向推力轴承 double row double-direction thrust bearing


7. 直线(运动)轴承 linear(motion)bearing



1. 球轴承 ball bearing


2. 向心球轴承 radial ball bearing


3. 深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing


4. 装填槽球轴承 filling slot ball bearing


5. 锁口球轴承 counterbored ball bearing


6. 三点接触球轴承 three point comtact ball bearing


7. 四点接触球轴承 four point contact ball bearing

8. 推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing


9. 单列双向推力球轴承 single row double-directino thrust ball bearing


10. 双排单向推力球轴承 doubel row single-direction thrust ball bearing



1. 滚子轴承 roller bearing


2. 向心滚子轴承 radial roller bearing


3. 圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing


4. 圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing


5. 滚针轴承 needle roller bearing


6. 冲压外圈滚针轴承 drawn cup needle roller bearing


7. (凸)球面滚子轴承 convex roller bearing


8. 凹面滚子轴承 concave roller bearing

9. 球面滚子轴承 spherical roller bearing


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32.7 Springs serving also as torque and thrust members
32.7 弹簧还可以作为扭力和推力构件
This system, Fig. 32.3, known as the Hotchkiss drive, is the most widely used.
此系统被称为霍奇基斯传动,如图32.3 所示,它是最为广泛使用的传动装置。
The springs A are rigidly bolted to the axle casing B. Their front ends are pivoted in brackets on the frame or vehicle structure, and their rear ends connected to the structure by means of either swinging links, or shackles C. or simply sliding in brackets as in Figs 35.7 and 37.18.
弹簧A 被螺栓紧固在轴箱B 上。它们的前端使用枢轴链接方式固定在框架或车辆结构上的支架内, 后端则通过摇杆、钩链C 或仅在支架上活动与结构连接在一起,如示图35.7 和37.18。
Obviously torque reaction causes the springs to flex, or wind up, as shown exaggeratedly in Fig. 32.4.
Brake torque of course would flex them in the opposite direction.
Since the front ends of the springs are anchored to the pins on the structure, they will transmit drive thrust and brake drag.
The freedom of their rear ends to move fore and aft of course allows for variations in the curvature, or camber, of the spring with vertical deflection.
Wind-up of the springs under brake or drive torque causes the axle to rotate through a small angle, causing its nose either to lift, as in Fig. 32.4, or to drop.
In the illustration, the spring wind-up has shifted the alignment of the final drive bevel pinion shaft from its normal attitude LO to LN, in which circumstances the propeller shaft would be subjected to severe bending loads were it not for the universal joints at O and M.
在示图中,弹簧的收卷已经将主减速器的圆锥小齿轮轴从正常属性LO转换到LN,在这种情况下,如果不是万向节在O 和M 位置的话,传动轴就会承受到巨大的弯曲负荷。
When the axle moves upwards relative to the carriage unit, it must move in the arc of a circle whose centre is approximately the axis of the pivot pin at the front end of the spring.
The propeller shaft, on the other hand, must move on the arc of a circle centred on its front universal joint.
Because these two centres are not coincident, the distance between the front universal joint and the forward end of the bevel pinion shaft will vary as the propeller shaft swings up and down.
This variation is accommodated by the incorporation of a sliding joint somewhere in the drive line between the gearbox output shaft and bevel pinion in the axle.
Usually a sliding splined coupling is formed on a fork of one of the universal joints, but sometimes a universal joint of the pot type, as for example in Fig. 26.12, is used.
通常情况下,在其中一个万向节叉上就可以构成一个的滑动的齿槽联轴节, 但是有时候则使用球笼式万向节,如示图26.12。
The example illustrated is the Birfleld Rzeppa constant-velocity joint, another would be the very neat and simple universal joint used on the inner ends of the swinging halfshafts of the 1955 Fiat 600 rear-engine car.
In the latter instance a rubber joint at the outboard end of each shaft accommodated the cyclic variations in velocity.
Rotation of the axle about a longitudinal axis, for example if one wheel only rises, is accommodated mainly by flexure of the springs, in a torsional sense, of rubber bushes, and by deflections of the shackles or within clearances in sliding end fittings.
For cross-country vehicles, however, special forms of connection of the spring ends to the frame are sometimes used to isolate the springs from such twisting effects.
Figs 37.13 to 37.15.
示图37.13 到示图 37.15。
Copyright@2010 Lawrence All rights reserved

3. 进口轴承的外贸英语



adapter bearing带固接套的轴承

adjustable bearing可调轴承

adjustable cone colter bearing圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承

aerostatic bearing空气静力轴承

agate bearing玛瑙轴承

air journal bearing气体轴承

air lubricated thrust bearing空气润滑止推轴承

aligning bearing(直线)对位轴承

alkaline-friction bearing抗磨轴承

allowable bearing容许支承力

all-rubber type bearing全胶式轴承。全橡胶轴承

aluminum base bearing铝基合金轴承

aluminum-tin bearing铝锡合金轴承

angular ball bearing径向止推滚珠轴承

angular contact ball bearing角面接触滚珠轴承,向心止推滚珠轴承

angular contact journal bearing角面接触轴颈轴承

annular ball bearing向心球轴承,径向滚珠轴承

annular contact thrust ball bearing推力向心球轴承

antenna bearing(电磁)天线方位

antifriction thrust bearing减磨推力轴承,减磨止推轴承

antithrust bearing止推轴承

asymmetrical roller bearing非对称滚子轴承

axial bearing支撑轴承,止推轴承

axial thrust bearing轴向推力轴承

axle box bearing轴箱轴承

azimuth bearing方位

babbit metal (cast) bearing(铸造)巴氏合金轴承

babbit-lined bearing巴氏合金衬套轴承,衬巴氏合金的轴承

back bearing反象限角,后轴承,反方位(炮)

back-to-back plex bearing成对双联轴承(外圈宽端面相对)

ball bearing滚珠轴承

ball collar thrust bearing滚珠环止推轴承,滚珠环推力轴承

ball journal bearing球颈轴承

ball thrust bearing止推滚珠轴承

barrel bearing圆筒轴承

base bearing主轴承,底轴承,基轴承


bevel pinion front bearing小锥齿轮前[后]轴承

big-end bearing大端轴承

blade bearing刃型支承

block bearing支承轴承,止推轴承

boring bar bearing镗杆轴承

box bearing空转轴承

bracket bearing托架轴承

bushing bearing衬套轴承

cageless rolling bearing无保持架轴承

camshaft bearing凸轮轴轴承

center bearing下心盘,下心盘支承面;中心支承

centring spring rod bearing调准簧杆轴承

ceramic bearing陶瓷轴承

check bearing检验方位,检验轴承

circular unidirectional thrust bearing环状单向推力轴承

closed-type bearing密闭形轴承

clutch release bearing离合器分离轴承

collar (thrust) bearing环形止推轴承

combination bearing组合轴承

commutator side bearing整流子侧支座

composite bearing多层轴瓦,复合轴承

compressed air bearing压缩空气轴承,压气轴承

concentric adjustable bearing同心调整轴承

conical bearing圆锥轴承

corrugated bearing梳状轴承,槽形轴承

countershaft gear bearing副轴齿轮轴承

crank(ed) bearing曲轴轴承,曲柄轴承,连杆轴承

cross head holt bearing十字头销轴承

cross head pin bearing十字头销轴承

cryogenic bearing低温轴承

cup-and-cone bearing对开径向上止推轴承

cutter bearing滚刀轴承

declutch shaft bearing离合器操纵轴承,分离轴轴承

diamond bearing金刚石轴承

die cast bearing模铸轴承

differential drive pinion cage bearing差速器主小齿轮轴承罩

differential side bearing差速器壳轴承

disk bearing圆盘轴承

disk harrow bearing圆盘耙轴承

distributor upper bearing配电器上轴承

double bearing双列轴承

double shield bearing双(护)罩轴承

double thrust bearing双止推轴承

double-row angular contact ball bearing双列向心推力球轴承

double-row ball journal bearing双列径向滚珠轴承

double-row radial ball bearing双列向心球轴承

double-row radial spherical roller bearing双列向心鼓面滚子轴承

double-row self-aligning spherical roller bearing双列向心球面滚子轴承(自动调心型)

drag link bearing拉杆支座

drive end bearing主动端轴承,驱动端轴承

drive pinion cone bearing主动小齿轮锥形轴承

drive shaft bearing主动轴轴承

drop-hanger bearing悬挂轴承

drum roller bearing鼓形滚柱轴承

dry bearing干轴承

plex bearing双轴承

plex ball bearing成对双联向心推力球轴承

dynamo bearing发电机轴承

elastically yielding bearing弹性退让轴承

elliptical bearing椭圆形轴承

enclosed tubular bearing密封套管轴承(属于油浴润滑式轴承)

end journal bearing端枢轴承

end shield bearing机油滤清器内盖头轴承

end thrust bearing止推轴承

end-mounted bearing(耙组)两端安装的轴承

engine thrust ball bearing止推滚珠轴承

established line bearing非标准轴承

expansion bearing活动支承,温度)伸胀支承

expansive end bearing of bridge活动桥支座

fabric bearing夹布胶木轴承

fan end thrust ball bearing风扇端止推滚球轴承

fan shaft bearing风扇轴轴承

Ferro porit bearing渗硫铁系含油轴承

filling slot type bearing填槽式轴承

film bearing油膜轴承

film lubrication bearing油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承

fixed-type bearing固定轴承

flange bearing带法兰盘轴承

flanged cup bearing外环凸缘轴承

flexible bearing挠性轴承

floating bush bearing浮动衬套轴承

flood-lubricated bearing液体摩擦轴承,油膜轴承

fluid bearing液压轴承

fluid-film bearing流体膜轴承

footstep bearing立轴承

fore bearing前轴承

fork bearing叉轴承

forward bearing前象限角

four-row tapered roller bearing四列圆锥滚柱轴承

free end bearing活动支承,自由支承

friction bearing滑动轴承

friction thrust bearing摩擦止推轴承

front main bearing前主轴承

fulcrum bearing支承

full-journal bearing全围式滑动轴承

full-molded type rubber bearing整体模制式橡胶轴承

gas-lubricated bearing气体润滑轴承

gear shaft roller bearing齿轮轴滚柱轴承

globe bearing球面轴承

graphite bearing石墨板(离合器分离的),石墨轴承

graphite-containing bearing含石墨的轴承

graphited oilless bearing石墨润滑的无油轴承

gravity side bearing重力复原旁承

grid bearing坐标(网)方位

grinding wheel bearing砂轮轴承

groove ball bearing带沟球轴承


gudgeon pin bearing活塞销轴承,耳轴销轴承

guide bearing导向轴承,导引轴承,定向轴承,导引方位角

guide spindle bearing导轴轴承

gunmetal bearing炮铜轴承

half-and-haif bearing半轴承无盖轴承

hanging bearing吊挂轴承

hardwood bearing硬木轴承

head bearing止端轴承

heavy-ty bearing重载轴承

hydrodynamic journal bearing液体动压轴承,油膜轴承

hydrostatic bearing静压轴承

idler shaft bearing空转轴轴承

inclined bearing(倾)斜轴承,斜支承

inner bearing内轴承

intermediate bearing中间轴承

jack shaft bearing曲柄轴轴承

jewelled bearing宝石轴承

Jordan bearing推力套筒轴承

journal bearing经向轴承

kick-starter bearing冲式起动器的曲柄轴承

kingpin bearing凸轮止推回转轴承,止推销轴承,止推枢轴承,中心(转向节)轴承

knife-edge bearing刃形支承,刃支承,刀口承

knuckle bearing铰式支座,球形支座,关节轴承

labyrinth bearing迷宫轴承,曲径式密封轴承

laminated bearing夹布胶木轴承,层压轴承

leading -screw bearing传动螺杆轴承

lignumvitae bearing层压胶木轴承

locating bearing止推轴承,定位轴承

lock nut bearing锁紧螺帽座

longitudinal wall hanger bearing墙托架轴承

long-path bearing远距离方位

lower bearing下轴承

lower half bearing轴承下瓦

lubed-for-life bearing永久润滑轴承(即橡胶轴承)

lubri-seal bearing阻油环轴承

magnetic bearing磁向位,磁方位

magnetic thrust bearing磁性推力轴承

main bearing主轴承

main rod bearing主杆轴承

mainshaft bearing主轴轴承

maintenance-free bearing自润滑轴承

mechanical bearing轴承(总称)

midship shaft bearing中间轴轴承

miniature bearing微型轴承,超小型轴承

molded-fabric bearing(设计)模制纤维轴承

motor support bearing电动机支承轴承

movable bearing活动支承

multi-roll bearing滚针轴承

multirow bearing多列轴承

multipart bearing弓形轴承,扇形轴承

multiple-groove bearing多油槽轴承

neck bearing中间轴承

needle bearing滚针轴承

needle(type) roller bearing滚针轴承

noise-free bearing低噪声轴承

nonfilling slot type bearing无滚珠槽的滚动轴承

non-locating bearing浮动轴承,不定位轴承

non-porous bearing无孔轴承

oil film bearing油膜轴承

oil flooded bearing油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承

oil-bath type bearing油浴润滑式轴承

oilless bearing不加油轴承自动润滑轴承石墨润滑轴承,含油轴承

oil-retaining bearing含油轴承

open spindle bearing开式锭子轴承

oscillating bearing关节轴承

oscillating journal bearing摆动轴径轴承

outboard bearing外置轴承

parallel bearing滑动轴承

parallel-roller bearing平行滚柱轴承

partial bearing半轴承

partial journal bearing半围轴承(轴瓦在180°范围内包围着轴颈的滑动轴承)

pedestal bearing支承轴承

penlum bearing钟摆轴承

pin rocker bearing铰接支座,圆柱枢轴摆动轴承

pinion bearing小齿轮轴承

piston pin bearing活塞销轴承

pivot bearing枢轴承,摆动支座,中心(轴尖)支承,立式止推轴承

plain-and -ball bearing滑动与滚动组合轴承

plane bearing平面轴承

plummer block bearing架座,止推轴承

pneumatic bearing空气轴承

pocket bearing油盘轴承

porous bearing多孔轴承

powdiron bearing多孔铁轴承,粉未铁轴承

power take-off lever bearing动力输出轴轴承

preloaded bearing预紧轴承

prelubricated bearing预(加)润滑[油密封]轴承,一次润滑轴承

pressure-feed air bearing静压空气轴承

pressure-loaded bearing承压轴承

proper bearing紧密接触轴承

pump bearing泵轴承

quill bearing滚针轴承

radial journal bearing径向轴承,支持轴承,轴颈轴承

radial spherical roller bearing径向球形滚柱轴承

radial-thrust bearing径向止推轴承

rail bearing轨枕,轨承,轨底支承面

rear bearing后轴承(车床)

rigid type bearing刚性支承点,刚性支承面非自位滚动轴承

rim bearing轮缘座,环承

ring-oiled sleeve bearing油环润滑式滑动轴承;油环式滑动轴承

rocker bearing桥架)摇轴支座; (桁架)伸缩支座

rod bearing杆轴承

roller bearing滚柱轴承

roller step bearing滚柱止推轴承

rolling-contact bearing滚动接触轴承

rotating journal bearing转动轴颈轴承

round bearing转动件轴承

rubber bearing橡胶轴承

sealed roller bearing密封式滚子轴承

sector gear bearing扇形齿轮轴承

segmental bearing弓形轴承,弧形轴承,分片互轴承,轴瓦块轴承

self-acting air bearing动压空气轴承

self-aligning bearing球面轴承,自位轴承

self-setting bearing多向调整轴承

shafting bearing轴承

shell bearing轴承壳

shifting bearing活动支座

shock absorber bearing减震器座

side rod bearing边杆轴承

single plate ball bearing单垫片滚珠轴承

single row angular contact ball bearing单列向心推力球轴承

single row cylindrical roller bearing单列短圆柱滚子轴承

single shield bearing单罩轴承

single thrust bearing单向推力轴承,单向止推轴承

single-row bearing单列轴承

single-row separable ball bearing分离型向心推力球轴承

single-row tapered roller bearing单列圆锥滚子轴承

sintered metal bearing烧结金属轴承

sleeve bearing套筒轴承,滑动轴承

slewing bearing旋转枢轴轴承

slide bearing滑动轴承

sliding double bearing滑动复式轴承

snap-ring bearing开口环轴承

snap-ring ball bearing(在负荷端)带止动垫圈的滚珠轴承

solid journal bearing整体轴颈轴承

solid roller bearing实心滚子轴承,整体滚柱轴承

special guide bearing特种导承

spherical bearing球面轴承,球形支座,球面支承

spherical roller thrust bearing推力球面滚子轴承

spigot bearing导向轴承,套筒轴承,小载荷轴承,轻载轴承,插口轴承

spindle bolt bearing心轴螺栓轴承

spiral roller bearing螺旋(式)滚子轴承

spot contact bearing滚珠轴承

spring plank bearing摇枕吊轴

sprocket shaft bearing链轮轴轴承

square-bore ball bearing方(轴)孔滚珠轴承

squeeze film bearing(挤)压(油)膜轴承

starter main shaft bearing起动机主轴轴承

steady bearing支撑轴承(防止长轴摆动)

steep angle bearing大锥角滚柱轴承

steering gear worm thrust bearing转向蜗杆止推轴承

steering knuckle thrust bearing转向关节主动轴承

steering worm bearing转向蜗杆轴承

steering worm sector bearing转向器扇形蜗轮轴承

step bearing立式止推轴承,踏板轴承,阶式止推轴承

straight roller bearing普通滚柱轴承

stuffing box bearing填料压盖轴承,密封轴承

suspension bearing吊轴承

swing bearing摆动支座,摆锤支座

swivel bearing旋转轴承

taper-bore cylindrical-roller bearing 锥孔圆柱滚子轴承

taper-roller bearing锥形滚柱轴承

textolite bearing夹布胶木轴承

thermo-expansion compensation angular ball bearing热胀补偿向心球轴承

thrust bearing推力轴承,止推轴承推力座

tin-copper-graphite bearing青铜石墨轴承

tip bearing枢轴承,枢支座

toe bearing立式止推轴承

top bearing上盖(顶盖)轴承

Torrington needle bearing(无内座圈的)冲压外座圈滚针轴承

torsion bearing抠转轴承

transverse bearing径向轴承

truck side bearing(机车的)下旁承,底板,镶板,闸瓦托

trunnion bearing耳轴承

tumbler bearing铰式支座,摆动支座(轴承)

two-direction self-aligning ball thrust bearing双球面止推滚珠轴承,自调止推滚珠轴承

two-piece bearing对开轴承,拼合轴承,可调轴承

two-point bearing二点交叉定位

uncoupling lever shaft bearing互钩开关杆轴承

universal-joint cross bearing万向接头轴承

universal-joint needle bearing万向节针式轴承

upper bearing上轴承,上轴瓦

upper center crankshaft bearing曲轴主轴承上中轴瓦

water lubricated bearing水润滑轴承

water pump shaft bearing水泵轴轴承

water-sealed bearing防水轴承

weight-carrying roller bearing径向滚柱轴承

wheel bearing轮轴轴承

wick-lubricated bearing油渑润滑轴承

winch worm shaft bearing绞车蜗杆轴承

wire race ball bearing钢丝滚道球轴承

wooden bearing木制轴承

worm bearing蜗杆轴承

worm shaft roller conical bearing蜗杆锥棍轴承

worm thrust bearing蜗杆止推轴承

wrist-pin bearing十字头销衬套,活塞销衬


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