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发布时间: 2024-09-17 12:27:02

『壹』 100高分悬赏汉译英 急急急!


Practices have shown that the TPR method combines teaching with happiness, which gathers visual ability, listening ability and feeling together. It enables the participants to fully use their mouths, ears, hands and hearts. Also it strongly proves that dynamic memorizing is superior to static one. Various kinds of movements tightly related to the daily life make the English class more active and heated. Due to the students' imagination, their unique movements will certainly shorten the distance between the teachers and the students. Moreover, they will unite knowledge giving and affective cultivation, which finally stimulate the students' willingness and capability in learning, making their interest long-lasting.
1. It helps the students to understand the classroom language, to concentrate and thus lift up the effect of listening.
The classroom language is the basic of class giving, and it decides whether the only-English-speaking class can be carried on, also it is the very beginning to build up students' study habit and their sense of language. But sometimes the students can't understand the classroom language at once. If the TPR method is used, not only can the class be organized in English, it will also overcome the barrier that the students don't work through what they've just heard, what's more, it draws their focus. The body language of the teachers serves as a link. Most of the classroom language is imperative sentences. Asher thinks that the verbs, especially in the imperative sentences, are of the most importance in language, from which the usage and the learning will be developed. The imperative sentences cause the body language and we humans' eyes are likely to focus on the moving subjects. With time goes on, the students can understand what the teachers are talking about even if there is no longer any body language.
Having trained the students like this for a period of time in the process of my teaching pratice, I find that they can mostly get to my orders. It simplifies the explaining of the classroom language, and draws their attention to the class, with their eyes, ears and brains working together, which assures the effect.

2. It does good in the understanding of the words, as well as the memorizing and the usage, and strengthens the linguistic environment.
The tough problem widely existing in the learning of English is that to recite the words sucks. The contents of memory can be divided as image, logic, emotion and motion. Although everyone seems to be able to memorize in these four ways, the effect varies from students in different ages. Junior middle school students are in the process that their memory systems are under the transition from the period of specific image to the one of abstract logic. They can memorize anything vivid faster and more accurately than that is abstract.
To work on their feature in memorizing, I insist my emphasis that we should make them learn in an environment filled with English and try not to use Chinese in the whole period of my teaching practice.
It is difficult because the students don't totally get the meaning of the new words so the teachers can't make themselves understood. To solve this problem, I take advantage of the "body-teaching" approach to help them. For example, when teaching them about the parts of the body as head, eye, nose, mouth, leg, hand, foot, neck, arm, I finger at my own part to show them with my mouth telling the name. Then according to the TPR method, I say," Touch your hand." and let the student respond. Before long will they know how to pronounce and understand its meaning, as well as remember it. Afterwards I choose one or several students to be the "little teacher" to lead others on with the perform, which makes them communicate in motion response, and they will be very active and excited. To strengthen their memory, I also take a competition to train the speed of their response. I will choose two students of the same level stand in front of the blackboard, facing their classmates, eyes covered. I ask them to finger out the part according to my order as fast and preciously as they can. This kind of training is of effect and interest and helps a lot in the process, after which my students have progress in both interest and response.

3. It also contributes to the good atmosphere of class and the relationship between students and teachers
The "body teaching" approach refers to the theory of Humanism Psychology that affection influences the study, which says that a good communication between students and teachers can relieve the students' press and help to build a pleasant atmosphere in learning. Teachers can sing and dance with students in class, which obviously shortens their distance. It helps the students to feel the teachers' love and they are in a somewhat relaxing environment that will lift up their accomplishment. For another example, teachers can make use of an English song to stimulate the student's interest. Listening to the song while doing some warm-up exercises can rapidly draw their attention to the subject "English" and fulfill the atmosphere with pleasure.

『贰』 即知即传

即知即传 是陶行知先生 “小先生”制的重要理念。

『叁』 跪求英文翻译。不要各种词典的翻译,谢谢各位大神了!

Interactive teaching activities in a variety of. In middle school English teaching, the author staff from the following aspects, has carried on the practice of interactive teaching. 1 the interaction between the new curriculum theory emphasizes theinteractive thinking. Discussion and communication is a basic way to realize the interaction, language is a basic tool for communication and discussion, thinking is the content of language, therefore, how to think, to become the key interaction. In order to cause the students' thinking, in addition to the traditional questions,questions, can be set through the music, pictures, and other pieces of context,making learning fun, let the students in hands, mouth, eye, ear, brain, movingemotional, activate thinking inspiration. In actual teaching, design about discuss,some think, draw, act and other activities, all belong to this category. Students in the exchange and discussion, thinking interaction, often collide the spark of wisdom, insight and surprise from time to time. Through the interaction of thinking,contribute to the divergent thinking ability training, more concive to the cultivationof English practical ability, to lay a solid foundation for the future. Interactiveteaching 2 role that teaching is not the teachers and students to learn themechanical phase, but a real "learning community". In the "learning community","teacher" and "student" ceased to exist, replaced by the new term: "teacherstudents" and "students teacher". The teacher is not only to teach, but alsothrough the interaction in teaching, students taught at the same time, through the interaction in teaching. In order to form a better support the teaching atmosphere,can promote "Mr. small": let the students in 3 minutes before class in English about the story or the news, or in the class tail 3 minutes trying to summarize the lessons,let student speaker, or by other means more character interaction. Also in 3 groups of interactive teaching aspects of the emphasis on the cultivation of students' spirit of cooperation, learning on the students to learn at the same time, let the students learn to cooperate. Especially the team based game, contest, debates and other activities, can let the students realized the importance of cooperation. Such as in the process of teaching, I sometimes get 4-5 students spontaneously formedgroup, advance through the network to search for information, and some students also put the information into the multimedia courseware, through each group ofrepresentatives to introce them to the information obtained, and organize them to discuss, from middle school students not only get knowledge, at the same time in the search for information and discussion in the process of interaction and cooperation, give full play to the group, make the teaching activities becometeachers, students, teaching materials, environmental multilateral multi information transmission activity, let the students in interpersonal atmosphere, encouragemutual aid, mutual love, mutual respect, cultivate the spirit of unity and cooperation,forming a good psychological quality and positive, democracy and science the.

『肆』 求英语翻译


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