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发布时间: 2024-09-14 16:15:12

❶ 哪位朋友能翻译一下下面的文章,急用谢!

In a train bound for Xi'an, a very nice crew, staring at a摸样of migrant workers

Middle-aged man cried, "he ticket."

Rummage around a middle-aged body, and finally found it in the hands of perturbation.

Conctor toward strange to him smiled, and said: "This is the child ticket."

Hold middle-aged man stood, a move one's lips stammered said: "The ticket is not with the disabled children's fare, like it?" A middle-aged conctor looked after and asked: "Are you disabled?"

"I am disabled!" "Then you look at my cards to the disabled."

Nervous middle-aged, and said: "I do not have disability cards, buy a ticket when the conctor to permit me to disability, I can not only buy a ticket for children.

Conctor sneered a bit: "There is no evidence of disability, how can prove that you are disabled ah?"

Middle-aged does not make a sound, only lightly off his shoes, rolled up trouser legs again --- he is only half a foot.

Conctor looked at askance, and said: "I want to see documents are! Are covered FIMITIC Seal."

A pair of middle-aged苦瓜脸, explained: "I do not have local accounts, not people with disabilities to apply for certification. And I are in the private site work, something happens after the owner ran away, I also do not have money to make assessment of hospital ... ... "

Conctor news, asked about the situation.

Middle-aged conctor once again shows that he is a disabled person, bought a ticket and people with disabilities the same as the price of ticket ... ...

Conctor also ask: "Do you permit this disability?"

Middle-aged man said he had no evidence of disability, and then let him watch conctor half feet.

Conctor连看都没look, he impatiently said: "We just do not recognize certification person! Have disability card is disabled, the handicapped permit to enjoy the treatment of persons with disabilities ticket. You get your replacement ticket!"

Click on the middle-aged wither.

Search of the whole body of his pockets and luggage, and only a few dollars, not enough of the replacement ticket. Him with a tearful voice of the conctor said: "My feet were rolling out half of the machine after the workers can no longer play, and do not have the money, and even home回不去also, and this half-price ticket or a fellow who bought me pool ones. magnanimous for you, let me! "

Conctor firmly said: "That will not do."

The female conctor of the conctor took the opportunity to say: "Let him go shovel coal front bar, counted as voluntary labor.
Conctor thought for a while and said: "Good!"
Opposite a middle-aged old comrades could not he stand up and stared at conctor's eyes, said: "You are not a Man?"
Conctor inexplicably said: "This is not with me What is the relationship between Man ah!"
"You tell me, you are not a Man!"
"Of course I was a Man." "How do you prove that you are a Man do? Man your card out to everyone to see!"
The people around you burst out laughing.
愣了愣conctor, said: "I am a big man standing here, are fake or not?"
Old comrades shook his head and said: "I and you, the only certified person is not identified, has a Man Man card is not certified is not a Man a Man.

Conctor shell card, but at other times can not think of what to deal with.

The female conctor to stand up for the conctor rescue her old comrades said: "I am not a Man, what you have told me that well."

Pointing to the old comrades Her nose, said: "You are not the person!"

On the train being bound for Xi'an, a very beautiful crew member, tries to get at appearance's being staring at a civilian worker Middle-aged person , the loudness explanation "check tickets". A fit turns middle-aged person over all over the body have looked for , have finally have found , have shot but in in one's hands. Very much, the attendant laughed at , towards him said "This is a children ticket ". Middle-aged person holds back red face , says be speaking haltingly: Is not the "children ticket like deformed man ticket price? The attendant has thought that middle-aged person asks road one times: "Are you a deformed man "? "I be a deformed man "! "That your deformity certificate I is thought that ". In short supply, middle-aged person gets up , said "I do not have the deformity certificate, when buying a ticket , the ticket seller asks me for the children ticket that deformity certificate , I buy no way out just now right away. The attendant has laughed grimly once: Is the certificate , why can testify you "without deformity a deformed man? Middle-aged person not making a sound, however take off the shoes lightly, start trouser leg having been coiled up he only has half soles. Looked at , attendant wall-eyed or cross-eyed person said That "I want to watch be a certificate! Be the embossed stamp that Federation of the Disabled prints on". Middle-aged person set of balsam pear face, makes an explanation saying: "I do not have local registered permanent residence , the household is not handled the deformity certificate. I am that the construction site labours in personal friend or relatives and , the boss has run after taking place getting it over , I am acted as neither qian to the hospital appraising, ,'' The head of train crew asks about condition coming hearing the message and rushing. Middle-aged person once more is explained to the head of train crew, self has been a deformed man , has bought a price same as deformed man ticket ticket, ... The head of train crew also asks about: "Your deformity certificate? Middle-aged person said he does not have the deformity certificate , proceed to let the head of train crew look at half sole of him right away. The head of train crew even has not watched , he says impatiently: "Our attestation block of wood enter into a certain relationship with person! Have the deformity certificate to be a deformed man, pay having deformity certificate talent enjoying the deformed man ticket. You buy ticket after the normal time as quickly as possible! The middle-aged person once has been spiritless. He has turned time over bag and baggage of the whole body, only have a several yuan , foundation is not enough to buy ticket after the normal time. He the cavity says with crying to the head of train crew: After "my sole quilt machine being rolled losing halves, will not have again also money since without end delicate ,the company native place cannot also go back , this half price ticket has still been that fellow-townsman pool money to the woollen cloth that I buy. Ask you for help please do not be too hard on me this time, let my bar slip"! The head of train crew says determinedly: "That is incapable ". That daughter attendant takes the chance to say to the head of train crew: "Let him get rid of headstock shoveling coal , calculate doing voluntary labour. The head of train crew wanted to say: "Good"! A old comrade of middle-aged person opposite side has hated to see , he has stood up being staring at eye of the head of train crew , has said: "Your whether be or not man "? The head of train crew says inseparably: What "this have something to do with my whether be or not man! "You tell our , your whether be or not the man right away"! "I certainly am a man ". Is what "you use to testify you a man? Come to be taken a look at by everybody taking out your man certificate"! The person once on every side breaks into laugh. The head of train crew has stood in amazement standing in amazement , has said: "My important man is standing in here , being still fake could it be said that is not "? The comrade has shaken the head saying an old people: "I am same as you , attestation does not identify person only, have the man certificate to be a man , have no the man certificate Jiu Bu Shi man ". The head of train crew has got stuck , a period of time cannot think what answers to come words. That daughter attendant stands out helping the head of train crew out of a predicament , she says to old comrade: "I have been not a man , what words you have had to come to an agreement with me". The old comrade relies on her nose , says: "You are basic Jiu Bu Shi person "! The attendant once is in a frenzy of rage , point sound shouts road: "Your mouth burn totally! You said I am not what person is? !'' Old comrade one face laughed at , says calm , sly: Are "you person? That is easy to take a look at coming taking out your testimony of a witness, ,'' All around person bursts into a peal of laughter once more. He is that only has middle-aged person of half soles , all these , not to know when surely being gazing at at present he fixes , hold in the mouth in self's eyes only when one people has not laughed at, the full tear, does not know being to feel wronged , being to be thankful , be still enmity.
Conctor like furious, screaming cried: "You point a clean mouth! You say, I am not a person that?!"

Old comrades looked calm, sly smile, said: "The person you are? Well, you come up with the witnesses to look at ... ..."

Around the person guffaw together once again.

❷ 某人很惊讶的英文翻译以及surprise的所有用法



Her face showed surprise at the news. 听到这个消息她脸上露出了惊奇。
He gave me a surprise by arriving early. 他的早到使我大吃一惊。
【二】 surprise用作动词时,后接某人作宾语,意为“使……惊奇;使……震惊”。例如:
The news greatly surprised us. 这条消息使我们大为惊讶。
【三】 surprise 用法大比拼
(1)to one's surprise 意为“使某人吃惊的是……”它对全句进行解释或说明,表示说话人对上文的看法或态度,一般放在句首。例如:
To our surprise,the boy won the prize. 使我们惊奇的是这个男孩获奖了。
(2)in surprise 意为“惊奇地;吃惊地”它修饰谓语动词。例如:
“How did you come here?” she said in surprise. “你怎么到这儿来的?”她惊讶地说。
(3)be surprised 可单独使用或跟不定式。例如:
When I received his letter,I was very surprised. 当我收到他的信时很吃惊。

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