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发布时间: 2024-09-13 14:03:08

❶ 请求会翻译英语的高手帮我翻译英语作业 明天要交

go off and turn left, get to the Fengchi square , go along for a stretch , and get to the Minying Road, then get intio the section and go through, you will get to the school, then go up a slope and turn right, so you get to the school gate.

❷ 出门直走右转在直走在向左转在直走在向右转到学校用英语怎么翻译

Go straight and turn right and then go straight and then turn left and then go straight and then turn right to the school

❸ 翻译出门左转直走有个中国银行

turn left outside the door and go straight, there you will find a Bank of China,

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