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发布时间: 2024-09-13 04:33:09

A. 请把下面一段话翻译成英文。不要用翻译工具翻译。谢谢!!

自从2007年6月29日第一代苹果手机上市以来,它的影响力逐渐遍及我们的生活的各个层面。它对世界的影响主要表现在以下五个方面。Since June 29, 2007 the first generation of Apple's mobile phone market, its influence spread throughout our life at all levels. It 's impact on the world is mainly manifested in the following five aspects.
1.全新的人机互动体验——iPhone的屏幕虚拟键盘给人们带来了一种简单使用感受,激发了一批新的受用群体。2011年10月,凭借语音控制功能——siri,苹果公司再次震撼了输入程序。这项语音识别技术使得用户可以“说”出指令。1 new human-computer interactive experience -- iPhone virtual keyboard to bring a simple use of feelings, arouse a batch of new benefit groups. In 2011 October, with voice control function -- Siri, Apple Corp again shook the input program. The speech recognition technology allows the user to " say " instruction.
2. 崛起的应用程序——iPhone最关键的特性是它的手持设备操作系统:iOS,以及2008年开放的应用商店,正是它将iphone变成了一部无所不能的手机。2 the rise of iPhone application -- the key characteristic is its handheld device operating system: iOS, as well as the app store opened in 2008, is the iPhone it will become a part of the mobile phone be equal to anything.
3. 永不间断的互联网——iPhone开创了一个全天候网络新时代。它模糊了工作与休闲的界线,培养了一种时时在线的交流方式,也引发了一系列关于如何正确使用智能手机的规则制定。3 nonstop Internet -- iPhone ushered in a new era of all-weather network. It blurs the boundaries of work and leisure, cultivate a kind of always online communication, also caused a series of how to correctly use the intelligent mobile phone rule.
4. 供应链激进主义——随着苹果公司成为当今世界资产市值第一的公司,它的生产供应链也越来越频繁地暴露在镁光灯之下。4 supply chain radicalism -- with Apple Corp to become an asset in today's world 's first company, its proction of supply chain is becoming more and more frequent exposure in the spotlight.
5. 一场产业复兴——iPhone催生了一种更为强大的手机类型,如今大多主要手机生产商都已经生产了触屏智能手机。 5 a revival -- iPhone spawned a more powerful mobile phone type, now most main mobile phone manufacturers have the proction of touch screen mobile phone.
Iphone entered the market in five years, the instry of new and high technology to prosperity and innovation. Perhaps soon, the next shock technology the epoch-making procts will appear again.

B. “人机工程”英语怎么翻译


1. ergonomic

C. 人机料法环 英文怎么翻译

是对全面质量管理理论中的五个影响产品质量的主要因素的简称。人,指制造产品的人员;机,制造产品所用的设备;料,指制造产品所使用的原材料;法,指制造产品所使用的方法;环,指产品制造过程中所处的环境。 应分别翻译成:Man, Machine, Material, Method and Environment.

D. 英语interactive timeout怎么翻译

interactive timeout翻译成中文的意思是。交互式超时


秒为单位; 超时间隔; 前等待活动的秒数


  • 秒为单位

    关闭的连接)时,就会将它们清除掉。 MySQL本身可以通过调整interactive-timeout(秒为单位)配置参数,更改空闲连接的过期时间,所以在设置timeBetweenEvictionRunsMilli

E. 这些用英语怎么翻译,不要用网上网站翻译


陈述要点 to present the main points (in the thesis/ report)

现状分析 the analysis of the current situation

运动,需要大量的时间 movement,it needs a lot of time

健康内的生活方式 the healthy living styles

年轻的电脑容一族 the young "PC-Generation "

设计意义 significance of this design

问题概念化 conceptualization of issues

概念具体化 to detail the concept

概念可视化 to visulize the concept

深化概念 to deepen the concept

使用方式 the ways of using (sth.)

便携 portable

人机分析 analysis by both human and computuer programming

F. 人机对话的英文,人机对话的翻译,怎么用英语翻译人机

人机对话 man-machine conversation
; man-machine dialog
; man-machine interaction


Though much of the information is Web-based and interactive, there are plenty of links to other sites for additional printables and downloads.

柯普和埃米利 豪厄尔之间会有一个音乐性质的人机对话,内容包括特定的函数和语句,然后柯普会给这些特定的音乐语句标上“对”或“错”。

Cope and Emily Howell engage in a musical conversation involving certain compositions or statements, where Cope will label certain musical statements "yes" or "no."


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