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发布时间: 2024-09-10 09:29:21

㈠ 你经常晚饭后在公园里散步吗 英语翻译

Do you often have/take a walk in the park after dinner?
Do you often walk in the park after dinner?

㈡ 我们都喜欢在公园散步,因为很轻松。 用英语怎么翻译

We all like to walk in the park, because it's relaxing.

㈢ "我去公园散步"用英文怎么说

我去公园散步 go for a stroll in the park
One spring morning I went for a stroll in the park.

㈣ 他在公园里散步用英语怎么说

He is taking a walk in the park.

take a walk:散步 in the park:在公园里


㈤ 在公园散步是我最喜欢的活动之一用外语翻译出来

favourite acticities

原因:one of +可数名词复数

㈥ 你星期天通常干什么我通常在公园散步(翻译成英文)

What do you usually do on weekends?
I usually take a walk in the park.

㈦ 根据汉语意思及所给提示英语,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1.只要他有时间他就在公园散步。(as long as ).

  1. He will walk in the park as long as he has time.

  2. Her schoolbag is different from mine.

  3. My skirt is the same as yours.

  4. In fact, our Chinese teacher is very strict.

  5. My cousin is similar to my uncle.

㈧ 散步用英文怎么说

散步的英文是take/have a walk;stroll;go for a walk/stroll;take a stroll。
散步的英语有很多种表达方法,包括短语和句子,例如take/have a walk;stroll;go for a walk/stroll;take a stroll。散步常用的短语有:去散步go for a walk。户外散步outdoor walk。在草坪上散步stroll on the lawn。散步回来to stroll back。

(8)我经常在公园里散步的英语怎么翻译成英文扩展阅读:散步的英文例句可以写为:你想和我一起散散步吗?Would you like to come for a little stroll with me? / Would you like to join me for a stroll?沿海岸有几处宜人的散步场所There are several pleasant walks along the coast。午饭后我们出去走了一小会儿After lunch we went for a little stroll。 我们在花园中漫步We took a leisurely stroll through the gardens。在海滨人行道上漫步a stroll on the front。悠闲的散步比马拉松长跑对身体更有益A leisurely stroll can be more beneficial than a marathon run。
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