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发布时间: 2024-09-09 12:17:32

① 求关于酶学方面的生物学英文原文与译文

Oxidize revivification 酶
English name:oxidordeuctase
Elucidation:the ability catalyst dichotomy son the occurrence oxidize the generic name of 酶 of restoring the function.Oxidize the 酶 (oxidase;oxydase) ability catalyst material the function been oxidized by the oxygen among them, take off the hydrogen 酶 (dehydrogenase) ability catalyst appurtenance quality member to take off a hydrogenous function.Mainly is existed in cell in.

The ammonia 基 transfers 酶
Transaminase, aminotransfe-rase

Also be called to turn ammonia 酶 .BE the catalyst transfers the ammonia 基 of α -amino acids to the α -酮 the sour formation new 酮 is sour to respond with amino acids of the generic name of 酶 is D.the Needham(1927) discovers in the pigeon chest muscle of the ammonia 基 transfer a function, afterwards A.E.Braunstein and M.G.Kritzmann etc. studied the property of this 酶 , discover almost to all exist this kind of 酶 in all living creatures.Have already known having a valley ammonia sour ammonia 基 transfers 酶 and day ammonia 基 with sour winter ammonia to transfer 酶 to wait various amino acids different ammonia 基 to transfer 酶 especially, the reaction can go against, the living creature which participates amino acids synthesizes.Take the phosphoric acid 吡哆醛 as to assist 酶 .It with with take off to assist the form that the egg white of 基酶 combines to change into the phosphoric acid 吡哆胺 , and the born 酮 is sour.Become amino acids with other 酮s sour reactions, oneself reply to change into phosphoric acid 吡哆醛 .Also have the valley ammonia 酰胺 in the liver, day winter the α -ammonia 基 of the ammonia 酰胺 transfer to transfer 酶 for酮 sour ammonia 基 .
Egg white water solution 酶
(Protease, proteinase)
The catalyst many 肽s or the 酶 of protein water solution know together as, calling egg white 酶 .Extensive cent department among the animal, plant and the germ, category numerous, dissolve a 酶 body to contain quantity in digest way and various cell inside the body of animal is abundant.The egg white 酶's metabolism to machine body and living creature adjust to control an important function.The molecular weight is generally about 2-30,000.
The egg white 酶 can is divided into inside the 肽酶 and the outside 肽酶 according to the part of water solution bottom thing, the former water solves protein middle the 肽 key of the part, the latter then from protein of ammonia 基 or the bitter end of 羧基 graally decline solution amino acids cripple 基 .

The crack matches 酶
The catalyst is removed a certain gene by the bottom thing but remains a pair of reaction of keys, or pass adverse reaction the generic name of the 酶 of reaction that a certain 基 regiment add a double key up

Different 构酶
The different 构酶 also calls the different 构 turns 酶 , is the generic name of 酶 that the catalyst born and different construction responds.It is one of the 酶 classificatory and main category.Can is divided into according to responding a way:differ dissimilitude 构酶 , eliminate 旋酶 , follow anti- and different 构酶 etc..

Synthesize 酶
Won't accompany with gland 苷 decomposition but catalyst of three phosphoric acids to synthesize the 酶 of reaction to be called to synthesize the reaction that the 酶(Synthase) synthesizes a 酶 catalyst to contain ATP etc. 基 quality, respond complications, the ATP resolves for the ADP with positive phosphoric acid or AMP and burnt phosphoric acid









② 求一篇关于酶的英文文献翻译,急需,追加100分。

Etymology and history

Eard BuchnerAs early as the late 1700s and early 1800s, the digestion of meat by stomach secretions[7] and the conversion of starch to sugars by plant extracts and saliva were known. However, the mechanism by which this occurred had not been identified.[8]

In the 19th century, when studying the fermentation of sugar to alcohol by yeast, Louis Pasteur came to the conclusion that this fermentation was catalyzed by a vital force contained within the yeast cells called "ferments", which were thought to function only within living organisms. He wrote that "alcoholic fermentation is an act correlated with the life and organization of the yeast cells, not with the death or putrefaction of the cells."[9]

In 1877, German physiologist Wilhelm Kühne (1837–1900) first used the term enzyme, which comes from Greek ενζυμον, "in leaven", to describe this process.[10] The word enzyme was used later to refer to nonliving substances such as pepsin, and the word ferment was used to refer to chemical activity proced by living organisms.

In 1897, Eard Buchner began to study the ability of yeast extracts that lacked any living yeast cells to ferment sugar. In a series of experiments at the University of Berlin, he found that the sugar was fermented even when there were no living yeast cells in the mixture.[11] He named the enzyme that brought about the fermentation of sucrose "zymase".[12] In 1907, he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his biochemical research and his discovery of cell-free fermentation". Following Buchner's example, enzymes are usually named according to the reaction they carry out. Typically, to generate the name of an enzyme, the suffix -ase is added to the name of its substrate (e.g., lactase is the enzyme that cleaves lactose) or the type of reaction (e.g., DNA polymerase forms DNA polymers).[13]

Having shown that enzymes could function outside a living cell, the next step was to determine their biochemical nature. Many early workers noted that enzymatic activity was associated with proteins, but several scientists (such as Nobel laureate Richard Willstätter) argued that proteins were merely carriers for the true enzymes and that proteins per se were incapable of catalysis. However, in 1926, James B. Sumner showed that the enzyme urease was a pure protein and crystallized it; Sumner did likewise for the enzyme catalase in 1937. The conclusion that pure proteins can be enzymes was definitively proved by Northrop and Stanley, who worked on the digestive enzymes pepsin (1930), trypsin and chymotrypsin. These three scientists were awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.[14]

This discovery that enzymes could be crystallized eventually allowed their structures to be solved by x-ray crystallography. This was first done for lysozyme, an enzyme found in tears, saliva and egg whites that digests the coating of some bacteria; the structure was solved by a group led by David Chilton Phillips and published in 1965.[15] This high-resolution structure of lysozyme marked the beginning of the field of structural biology and the effort to understand how enzymes work at an atomic level of detail.

③ 请问酵素的酶活力,是什么意思...酵素的质量是用酶活力来衡量的吗!

酶活力(enzyme activity)也称为酶活性,是指酶催化一定化学反应的能力。酶活力的大小可用在一定条件下,酶催化某一化学反应的速度来表示,酶催化反应速度愈大,酶活力愈高,反之活力愈低。测定酶活力实际就是测定酶促反应的速度。酶促反应速度可用单位时间内、单位体积中底物的减少量或产物的增加量来表示。在一般的酶促反应体系中,底物往往是过量的,测定初速度时,底物减少量占总量的极少部分,不易准确检测,而产物则是从无到有,只要测定方法灵敏,就可准确测定。因此一般以测定产物的增量来表示酶促反应速度较为合适.
1.定义 指酶催化一定化学反应的能力。
2.单位 在特定条件下,1分钟内转化1微摩尔底物所需的酶量为一个活力单位(U)。温度规定为25度,其他条件取反应的最适条件。
3.测定 一般采用测定酶促反应初速度的方法来测定活力,因为此时干扰因素较少,速度保持恒定。反应速度的单位是浓度/单位时间,可用底物减少或产物增加的量来表示。因为产物浓度从无到有,变化较大,而底物往往过量,其变化不易测准,所以多用产物来测定。
参考: http://ke..com/view/212797.htm?fr=ala0

④ 关于酶的英文翻译有没有啊

A cell sol catalyzed decomposition of glucose enzyme

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