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发布时间: 2024-09-09 00:05:52

A. 有关制作牛肉面条步骤的英语短文有哪些

  • Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef . 首先切两个西红柿,切一些牛肉。

  • Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl . 然后在开水中放些面条,在碗里加两茶匙蜂蜜。

  • Then mix them up. 然后把它们混合起来。

  • Finally pour them into the bowl. 最后把它们倒进碗里。

B. 介绍煮面条的英语短文


Today, I told my mother that I would cook instant noodles in the morning.


Mother said to pour a little water on the line, to wait until the water boiled before putting noodles.


After putting noodles, put vegetables, oil, and finally salt. Listening to my mother nagging so much, I was a little scared.


Trembling to pick up the thermos, afraid to pour more water, if more, instant noodles will become convenient hot.


After a while, I saw the water began to bubbling up, thinking: this must be water boiling, put instant noodles into the pot.


According to the mother said vegetables, oil, salt into the pot in turn, with a spoon pressure, waiting for the noodles to soften.


After a while, a burst of fragrance came, which made my mouth water.

C. 英语作文:如何做面条的过程带翻译80词左右

Today, my grandmother to entertain me, give me to eat noodle.
Start, the grandmother put five bowls of flour in a big basin, middle recess, the water in the middle. Just water flour like crater, here, the grandmother put good basin, mix with chopsticks properly, when water is flour suction light, reoccupy hand roll, like scraps of flour and flour into a ball at this moment, like a rough stone, is really a fickle!

After a period of time, flour enough to absorb the water and become soft. 30 minutes later, my grandmother knead the "stone" smooth, pour a bowl of flour on the table, I puzzled, ask: "isn't the dough is already kneaded? How flour?" Grandma smiled and said: "this is in order not to let the dough and the table together." See grandma break out from the mass of a small, rub into a ball, then add flour, with a rolling pin to press the ball into a round shape, the thinner the good, with my hands, and just 3 hands.
Finally, grandma will "circular" folded, cut with a knife into a cm long noodles. To shake a shake, surface is ready.

开始时,奶奶又放了五碗面粉在一大盆,中间凹进处,在中间的水。只是水面粉像火山口,在这里,奶奶又放了较好的盆,用筷子搅拌正确,当水是面粉吸光,再用手卷,像片片粉和面粉倒入一个舞会,这一刻,就像一块粗糙的石头,真是变化无常 !
经过一段时间,面粉,足以吸收水分并变得柔软。30 分钟后,我的祖母揉"石"光滑、 倒一碗面粉在桌子上,我很奇怪,问:"不是面团已经揉好吗?如何面粉吗?"奶奶笑着说:"这是为了不让面团和表在一起,"他说。看到奶奶打破了从一个小小的质量,揉成一个球,然后加入面粉,用擀面杖压成一个圆的形状、 良好的越薄,用我的双手和只是 3 手。

D. 求一篇80字左右初中英语作文 关于做饭的 例如炒米、煮面条等。 谢谢

How To Cook Noodles
Do you like to eat noodles?Do you know how to cook them?Well,That is easy.Now let me teach you.
First,put a deep large pot on the cooker carefully. Boil some water in thepot,and add pork bones to make bone soup.Second,cut up ham,cabbage and green onions finely.Next,cook noodles for 3~5 minutes in the pot when the soup boils.Finally,add the ham,cabbage and green onions lightly.
The delicious noodles are ready!

E. 做面条英语作文加翻译70

At first cut up the chicken into pieces. Then wash the chicken with clear water. And put the chicken into the boiling water,cover the pot cover,and keep heating for about 30 minutes. Minutes after minutes ,you can smell how nice it is. 30 minutes later ,now the chicken is nearly done .Add some salt,green onions. Aha,you have finish it.Take out the chicken into a bowl,just ready to enjoy it

F. 英语作文 介绍老北京炸酱面的做法,字数不少于六十词

I'll give you the practice of the old Beijing noodles

First, pour soy sauce into a bowl, then add water slowly and mix thoroughly;
Second, add soy sauce seasoning mix, cooked;
Third, boiled bean sprouts, cucumber, shredded;
Fourth, the noodles into the water, boil;
Fifth, and finally the bean sprouts and cucumber on a folder to the noodles, along with seasonings you can.

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