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1电影简介 英语翻译

发布时间: 2024-07-27 18:08:05

㈠ 用英文介绍一部电影!

hello,everyone.i will introce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫) panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.

㈡ 把中文的电影简介翻译成英语,速求!!!

Medical farmhand Dhi lifelong commitment to research-neglected side of the family, until only regret and deathbeds, to the legacy of hours to eight children for compensation. Eight brothers and sisters, to gather in his father's great legacy of the classic dark terror. Each child must be set according to the provisions of the father gathered at the hall spring to the body of the father she did not die. Residence within the strange things have occurred, making the eight brothers and sisters originally to be serious matters nation unite in the process of understanding between resistance possessed valuable.

㈢ 电影的英语简介

The film tells an ideal story of friendship and return of prodigal people. After five years of hard working in the northwest, young farmer Root bagged with a saving of sixty thousand Yuan decides to go back to hometown to get married. During the long journey on the train that is full of thieves, rustic and naïve Root however chooses to believe that it is “a world without thieves”.

2. <玉观音>
Anxin is an anti drug enforcement agent, when she is preparing her wedding with Tiejun, she falls in love with another man, Maojie the passion between them grows vigorously. Unfortunately, Anxin quickly married Tiejun after discovering her pregnancy. Everything seems going fine then, but it is only the beginning of tragedy: Anxin meets Maojie again when disguising herself as a drug dealer, later she even becomes the witness against him which leads his family broken up. However, Mao’s lawyer exonerates Maojie after revealing the affairs between Mao and Anxin. Maojie determines to take revenge and the lovers become enemies……
安心是公安局缉毒大队的侦察员,当他正准备和铁军结婚的时候,她与另外一个男人毛杰产生了爱慕之心,双双坠入爱河。当安心发现自己怀孕之后,她很快与铁军结了婚,婚后的生活和和美美,岂不知这只是悲剧的开始。在一次化装侦察的过程中,安心再次遇见毛杰,作为证人的安心, 在法庭调查毛杰时,提供了毛杰的犯罪证明,毛杰的家庭也因此而支离破碎。后来,毛杰的律师在法庭的调查中揭露了毛杰与安心曾为恋人的关系,毛杰决心要报复安心,曾经自己的恋人,成了敌人……

㈣ 求电影《怪兽大学》英语简介,80-100词左右。初一水平,请加翻译

In monster units, large blame mike Sullivan and MAO blame the two brothers are inseparable companions. But things are not right from the first. In monster university, mike and Sullivan from see the first side cannot tolerate each other. But after a series of things, two people finally solve their differences and accept each other, and to the best of friends.
The monster university of concept map, the big eye son mike Sullivan and MAO blame step into big moment of campus gate, the students around them is full of all kinds of monsters. "Monster university" is the first time in 2001, pixar villain as the leading role of animated sequel to "the monster power unit, two of the much-loved monsters will be on the screen, please in time, and will be entered the university as a ? reading


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