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发布时间: 2024-07-27 15:13:55

1. 鍚勭嶉熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇


鐑чゼ銆Clay oven rolls 娌规潯銆Fried bread stick 闊鑿滅洅銆Fried leek mplings

姘撮ズBoiled mplings 钂搁ズ銆Steamed mplings 棣掑ご銆Steamed buns

鍓插寘銆Steamed sandwich 楗鍥銆Rice and vegetable roll

铔嬮ゼ銆Egg cakes 鐨铔嬨100-year egg 鍜搁腑铔嬨Salted ck egg

璞嗘祮銆Soybean milk

楗 绫伙細

绋楗璕ice porridge 鐧介キ銆Plain white rice 娌归キ Glutinous oil rice

绯绫抽キ銆Glutinous rice 鍗よ倝楗銆Braised pork rice 铔嬬倰楗銆Fried rice with egg

鍦扮摐绮ャSweet potato congee

闈 绫伙細

棣勯エ闈 Wonton 澶х櫧鑿

celery 鑺硅彍

leek 闊鑿

caraway 棣欒彍

spinach 鑿犺彍

carrot 鑳¤悵鍗

loofah 涓濈摐

pumpkin 鍗楃摐

bitter gourd 鑻︾摐

cucumber 榛勭摐

white gourd 鍐鐡

needle mushroom 閲戦拡鑿

tomato 鐣鑼

eggplant 鑼勫瓙

potato, 椹閾冭柉

lotus root 鑾茶棔

agaric 鏈ㄨ

vinegar 閱

peanut oil 鑺辩敓娌

soy sauce 閰辨补

ginger 鐢熷


green pepper 闈掓

pea 璞岃眴

bamboo shoot 绔圭瑡

seasoning 璋冨懗鍝

green soy bean 姣涜眴

soybean sprout 榛勮眴鑺

mung bean sprout 缁胯眴鑺

kale 鐢樿摑鑿

broccoli 鑺辨ぐ鑿

mater convolvulus 绌哄績鑿

dried lily flower 閲戦拡鑿

mustard leaf 鑺ヨ彍

tarragon 钂胯彍

beetroot 鐢滆彍鏍

lettuce 鐢熻彍

preserved szechuan pickle 姒ㄨ彍

salted vegetable 闆閲岀孩

lettuce 鑾磋嫞

asparagus 鑺﹁崯

dried bamboo shoot 绗嬪共

water chestnut 鑽歌崰

long crooked squash 鑿滅摐

gherkin 灏忛粍鐡

yam 灞辫妺

taro 鑺嬪ご

champignon 棣欒弴

dried musroom 鍐鑿

white fungus 鐧炬湪鑰

garlic 澶ц挏

onion 娲嬭懕

wheat gluten 闈㈢瓔

miso 鍛冲檶

caviar 楸煎瓙閰

barbeque sauce 娌欒尪閰

tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 鐣鑼勯叡

mustard 鑺ユ湯

salt 鐩

sugar 绯

sweet 鐢

sour 閰

bitter 鑻

lard 鐚娌


breakfast 鏃╅

to have breakfast 鍚冩棭椁

lunch 鍗堥

to have lunch 鐢ㄥ崍椁

afternoon tea 涓嬪崍鑼(4-5鐐归挓)

high tea 鍗堣尪,鑼剁偣(涓嬪崍榛勬槒鏃)

dinner, supper 鏅氶キ

to dine, to have dinner, to have supper 鍚冩櫄楗

soup 姹

hors d'oeuvre (姝i愬墠鐨)寮鑳冮熷搧

entree 姝h彍

main course 涓昏彍

sweet, dessert 鐢滈

snack 鐐瑰績,灏忓悆

helping, portion 浠,瀹

sandwich 涓夋槑娌,澶硅倝闈㈠寘


meat 鑲

beef 鐗涜倝

veal 灏忕墰鑲

lamb 缇婅倝

sirloin 鐗涜剨鑲

steak 鐗涙帓

chop 杩為ㄨ倝,鎺掗


闂棰樺洓锛氶熷搧鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇1foodstuff n 椋熷搧锛岄熺墿锛涚伯椋燂紝椋熸枡

2food n 椋熺墿锛涘吇鏂

3provisions n 瑙勫畾锛坧rovision鐨勫嶆暟锛夛紱椋熷搧锛涢勫

4viands n 椋熺墿锛涚伯椋燂紙viand鐨勫嶆暟褰㈠紡锛

5pabulum n 椋熺墿锛岃惀鍏伙紱绮剧為熺伯

6vivers n 椋熷搧锛岄熺墿锛坴iver鐨勫嶆暟锛


1銆乨rumsticks (lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken鐘朵技榧撴岄儴鍒) 灏忛浮鑵

2銆乧hicken wings 楦$繀鑶

3銆乵inced 锛坱o cut or chop into veryall pieces锛 steak 缁炶倝

4銆乸ig liver 鐚鑲

5銆乸ig feet 鐚鑴

6銆乸ig kidney 鐚鑵

7銆乸ig heart 鐚蹇

8銆乸ork chop鐚鎺

9銆乷ked meat/bacon 閱鸿倝

10銆乫illet 鏃犻ㄧ殑鑲夌墖鎴栭奔鐗


12銆乸ork-pieces 涓鍧楀潡鐨凜鑲

13銆乴ean meat 鐦﹁倝

14銆乫at 鑲ヨ倝

15銆乻treaky pork 浜旇姳鑲

16銆乸ork dripping 鐚娌规淮

17銆乴ard 鐚娌

18銆乭ock 韫勮唨

19銆乿eal 灏忕墰鐨勮倝

20銆乴amb 缇婅倝

21銆乯oint 鏈夐ㄧ殑澶у潡鑲

22銆乫rying steak 鍙鐓庨熺殑澶х墖鐗涙帓

23銆乵inced beef 鐗涚粸鑲

24銆乺ump steak 澶у潡鐗涙帓

26銆乴eg beef 鐗涢敭鑲

27銆乷x-tail 鐗涘熬

28銆乷x-heart 鐗涘績

29銆乷x-tongue 鐗涜垖

30銆乸ig bag 鐚鑲


1銆乻almon 椴戦奔/澶ч┈鍝堥奔/涓夋枃楸

2銆乧od 槌

3銆乼una 鍚炴嬁楸硷紝閲戞灙楸

4銆乸laice 姣旂洰楸/鍋忓彛楸

5銆乷ctopus 绔犻奔 /鍏鐖楸

6銆乻quid 涔岃醇 /楸块奔

7銆乭addock 榛戠嚎槌

8銆乼rout 槌熼奔銆侀傚悎钂告潵鍚

9銆乧arp 椴ら奔

10銆乧od Fillets 槌曢奔鍧

11銆乧onger /eel 娴烽硹

12銆乻ea bream 娴烽菠

13銆乭ake 槌曢奔绫

14銆丼panish mackerel 椴呴奔

15銆乭airtail/ribbonfish 甯﹂奔

16銆乺oe 楸煎瓙

17銆乷yster 鐗¤泿 /铓

18銆乧lam 铔よ湂

19銆乺azor clam 铔忓瓙

20銆乻callop/fan shell 娴锋墖璐

21銆乵ussel 铓

22銆乧rab 铻冭煿

23銆乸rawn 瀵硅櫨

24銆乻hrimp 铏

25銆乴obster 榫欒櫨

26銆乨ried/shelled shrimps 铏剧背

27銆乨riedall shrimps 铏剧毊

28銆乧rab stick 锜硅倝鏉

29銆乸eeled prawns 铏句粊

30銆乵antis shrimp/sauilla 铏捐檸

31銆亀inkles 鐢拌灪


1銆乷nion 娲嬭懕

2銆乻pring onions锛圔r锛/green onion(Am) 钁

3銆乴eeks 澶ц懕

4銆乬arlic 澶ц挏

5銆乬inger 濮

6銆乸otato 椹閾冭柉

7銆乧arrot 鑳¤悵鍗

8銆乺adish 钀濆崪/灏忚悵鍗

9銆亀hite radish 鐧借悵鍗

10銆亂am 灞辫嵂

11銆乻weet potato/pachyrhizus 鍦扮摐

12銆乼aro 鑺嬪ご

13銆乤ubergine(Br)/eggplant(Am) 鑼勫瓙

14銆乧elery 鑺硅彍

15銆乧abbage 鍗峰績鑿>>

闂棰樺叚锛氱編鍛崇殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳鏂囨庝箞璇磀elicious food

闂棰樹竷锛氭渶濂藉悆鐨勯熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇磘he most delicious food


闂棰樺叓锛氣滄垜鍠滄㈢殑椋熺墿鏄鈥濈敤鑻辫鎬庝箞鍐橫y favorite food is



The food that I like is a milk and, chocolate



What's your favourite food My favourite food is hamburger



My favorite food is ice cream and salad, but I only can eat them in hot weather



I the most favorite food is a mango, the most favorite color is purple and white



I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine

闂棰樹節锛氭湁璁稿氬ソ鍚冪殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇磘here are a lot of delicious food




1鍦熻眴 potato 2鐣鑼則omato 3銆傝姳妞拌彍broccoli 4鑺硅彍celery 5钂済arlic 6娲嬭懕onion

7璞囪眴cowpea 8鐧借彍cabbage 9澶ц眴soybean


1鑻规灉apple 2姊╬ear 3棣欒晧banana 4妗冨瓙peach 5瑗跨摐watermelon 6鏌犳琹emon

7鑿犺悵pineapple 8鐏榫欐灉dragon fruit 9鐚曠尨妗儁angtao 10姗樺瓙orange

11鏌氬瓙grapefruit 12鏉廰pricot 13妞板瓙coconut 14鏋jujube 15鍝堝瘑鐡渉ami melon



1鐚鑲塵eat 2楦¤倝chicken 3鐗涜倝beef 4缇婅倝mutton 5楸糵ish 6楦鑲塪uck

骞叉灉 dried fruit

1鑺辩敓peanut 2鏍告 nut 3鏉忎粊almond


1楦¤泲egg 2楦铔媎uck egg 3鍜歌泲salted egg 4鐨甯preserved







钄鑿滅被鐨勮嫳璇鍗曡瘝姣斿傦細Tomato 瑗跨孩鏌裤丳otato 椹閾冭柉銆丼weet potato 绾㈣柉銆丄sparagus 鑺︾瑡銆丄loe 鑺﹁崯銆丅roccoli 瑗垮叞鑺便丅ean Sprout 缁胯眴鑺姐丅itter gourd 鑻︾摐鍜孊ok-choy 灏忕櫧鑿溿



apple 鑻规灉銆乸ear 姊ㄣ乤pricot 鏉忋乸each 妗冦乬rape 钁¤悇銆乥anana 棣欒晧銆乸ineapple 鑿犺悵銆乸lum 鏉庡瓙銆亀atermelon 瑗跨摐銆乷range 姗欍乴emon 鏌犳銆乵ango 鑺掓灉銆乻trawberry 鑽夎帗銆

medlar 鏋囨澐锛屾ф煡鏋溿乵ulberry 妗戞す銆乶ectarine 娌规冦乧herry 妯辨冦乸omegranate 鐭虫Υ绛夈


Potato 椹閾冭柉銆丆arrot 绾㈣悵鍗溿丱nion 娲嬭懕銆丄ubergine 鑼勫瓙銆丆elery 鑺硅彍銆乄hite Cabbage 鍖呭績鑿溿丷ed cabbage 绱鑹插寘蹇冭彍銆 Cucumber 澶ч粍鐡溿乀omato 钑冭寗 Radish 灏忕孩钀濆崪銆丮ooli 鐧借悵鍗溿乄atercress 瑗挎磱鑿溿丅aby corn 鐜夌背灏栥丼weet corn 鐜夌背銆丆auliflower 鐧借姳鑿滅瓑銆


head 澶淬乥rain 鑴戙乻kull 棰呴, 澶寸洊楠ㄣ乭air 澶村彂銆乫orehead 棰濄乼emple 澶闃崇┐銆乪yebrow 鐪夋瘺銆乪yelash鐪肩潾姣涖乷phryon鍗板爞銆乪ye 鐪肩潧銆乪ar 鑰虫湹銆乶ose 榧诲瓙銆乧heek 闈㈤娿乧hest 鑳搁儴銆

pit 鑳稿彛銆乶avel 鑲氳剱銆乤bdomen 鑵归儴銆乼high 澶ц吙绛夈



鑻 ['æp(ə)l]  缇 ['æpl]

n 鑻规灉锛岃嫻鏋滄爲锛岃嫻鏋滀技鐨勪笢瑗匡紱[缇庝繗]鐐稿脊锛屾墜姒村脊锛岋紙妫掔悆鐨勶級鐞冿紱[缇庝繗]浜猴紝瀹朵紮銆

渚嬶細An apple for you, an apple for me


渚嬶細I have an apple and you have two



鑻 [peə]  缇 [pɛr]

n [鍥鑹篯 姊ㄦ爲锛涙ⅷ瀛

n (Pear)浜哄悕锛(鑻)鐨灏

渚嬶細I took this apple for a pear until I tasted it


渚嬶細Pick an orange, pick a pear



鑻 ['eɪprɪkɒt]  缇 [ˈeprɪˌk蓱t]

n 鏉忥紝鏉忓瓙锛沎鍥鑹篯 鏉忔爲锛涙潖**

adj 鏉**鐨

渚嬶細What apricot, peach, pear, jujube trees are everywhere


渚嬶細Another classy aroma, not as grand of classy as cedar, apricot or fresh butter but still it onlyoccurs in the very finest coffees



鑻 [piːtʃ]  缇 [pitʃ]

n 妗冨瓙锛涙冩爲锛涙冪孩鑹诧紱鍙椾汉鍠滄㈢殑浜猴紙鎴栫墿锛

adj 妗冭壊鐨勶紱鐢ㄦ冨瓙鍒舵垚鐨

vi 鍛婂瘑

vt 鍛婂彂

渚嬶細Does she want a peach or a papaya


渚嬶細If want the adequately fragrance peach, sugariness to be developed, do not put it in freezer to save



鑻 [greɪp]  缇 [伞rep]

n 钁¤悇锛涜憽钀勯厭锛涜憽钀勬爲锛涜憽钀勮壊

渚嬶細I like all fruits with the exception of grape


渚嬶細Banana, grape, apple, which of these do you like


2. 海鲜,食品类的英语单词

A. 肉品类 (鸡, 猪, 牛)

Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿
Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸肉
Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿
Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀
Minced Steak 绞肉
Pigs Liver 猪肝
Pigs feet 猪脚
Pigs Kidney 猪腰
Pigs Hearts 猪心
Pork Steak 没骨头的猪排
Pork Chops 连骨头的猪排
Rolled Porkloin 卷好的腰部瘦肉
Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮
Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉
Smoked Bacon 醺肉
Pork Fillet 小里肌肉
Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉
Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉
Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用
Black Pudding 黑香肠
Pork Burgers 汉堡肉
Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉
Pork Dripping 猪油滴
Lard 猪油
Hock 蹄膀
Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉
Joint 有骨的大块肉
Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉
Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰
Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排
Mimced Beef 牛绞肉
Rump Steak 大块牛排
Leg Beef 牛键肉
OX-Tail 牛尾
OX-heart 牛心
OX-Tongues 牛舌
Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉
Shoulder Chops 肩肉
Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉
Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多
Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排
Roll 牛肠
Cowhells 牛筋
Pig bag 猪肚
Homeycome Tripe 蜂窝牛肚
Tripe Pieces 牛肚块
Best thick seam 白牛肚

B. 海产类

Herring 鲱
Salmon 鲑
Cod 鳕
Tuna 鲔鱼
Plaice 比目鱼
Octopus 章鱼
Squid 乌贼
Dressed squid 花枝
Mackerel 鲭
Haddock 北大西洋产的鳕鱼
Trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃
Carp 鲤鱼
Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块,可做鱼羹,或炸酥鱼片都很好吃
Conger (Eel) 海鳗
Sea Bream 海鲤
Hake 鳕鱼类
Red Mullet 红鲣,可煎或红烧 来吃
Smoked Salmon 熏鲑
Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭
Herring roes 鲱鱼子
Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子
Oyster 牡蛎
Mussel 蚌、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜
Crab 螃蟹
Prawn 虾
Crab stick 蟹肉条
Peeled Prawns 虾仁
King Prawns 大虾
Winkles 田螺
Whelks Tops 小螺肉
Shrimps 小虾米
Cockles 小贝肉
Labster 龙虾

C. 蔬果类

Potato 马铃薯
Carrot 红萝卜
Onion 洋葱
Aubergine 茄子
Celery 芹菜
White Cabbage 包心菜
Red cabbage 紫色包心菜
Cucumber 大黄瓜
Tomato 蕃茄
Radish 小红萝卜
Mooli 白萝卜
Watercress 西洋菜
Baby corn 玉米尖
Sweet corn 玉米
Cauliflower 白花菜
Spring onions 葱
Garlic 大蒜
Ginger 姜
Chinese leaves 大白菜
Leeks 大葱
Mustard & cress 芥菜苗
Green Pepper 青椒
Red pepper 红椒
Yellow pepper 黄椒
Mushroom 洋菇
Broccoliflorets 绿花菜
Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食
Coriander 香菜
Dwarf Bean 四季豆
Flat Beans 长形平豆
Iceberg 透明包心菜
Lettuce 莴苣菜
Swede or Turnip 芜菁
Okra 秋葵
Chillies 辣椒
Eddoes 小芋头
Taro 大芋头
Sweet potato 蕃薯
Spinach 菠菜
Beansprots 绿豆芽
Peas 碗豆
Corn 玉米粒
Sprot 高丽小菜心
Lemon 柠檬
Pear 梨子
Banana 香蕉
Grape 葡萄
Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜
Granny smith 绿苹果、较酸
Bramleys 可煮食的苹果
Peach 桃子
Orange 橙
Strawberry 草莓
Mango 芒果
Pine apple 菠萝
Kiwi 奇异果
Starfruit 杨桃
Honeydew-melon 蜜瓜
Cherry 樱桃
Date 枣子
lychee 荔枝
Grape fruit 葡萄柚
Coconut 椰子
Fig 无花果

D. 其它
Long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时
Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软
Brown rice 糙米
THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米
Glutinous rice 糯米

Strong flour 高筋面粉
Plain flour 中筋面粉
Self- raising flour 低筋面粉
Whole meal flour 小麦面粉
Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用)
dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用)
Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点)
Icing Sugar 糖粉
Rock Sugar 冰糖
Noodles 面条
Instant noodles 方便面
Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种
Vinger 醋
Cornstarch 太白粉
Maltose 麦芽糖
Sesame Seeds 芝麻
Sesame oil 麻油
Oyster sauce 蚝油
Pepper 胡椒
Red chilli powder 辣椒粉
Sesame paste 芝麻酱
Beancurd sheet 腐皮
Tofu 豆腐
Sago 西贾米
Creamed Coconut 椰油
Monosim glutanate 味精
Chinese red pepper 花椒
Salt black bean 豆鼓
Dried fish 鱼干
Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带
Green bean 绿豆
Red Bean 红豆
Black bean 黑豆
Red kidney bean 大红豆
Dried black mushroom 冬菇
Pickled mustard-green 酸菜
Silk noodles 粉丝
Agar-agar 燕菜
Rice-noodle 米粉
Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头
Star anise 八角
Wantun skin 馄饨皮
Dried chestuts 干粟子
Tiger lily buds 金针
Red date 红枣
Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头
Mu-er 木耳
Dried shrimps 虾米
Cashewnuts 腰果

3. 各种食物的英文名称

烧饼,Clay oven rolls。油条,Fried bread stick。韭菜盒,Fried leek mplings。水饺,Boiled mplings。蒸饺,Steamed mplings。馒头,Steamed buns。割包,Steamed sandwich。饭团,Rice and vegetable roll。等等 。

4. 英语菜名翻译!跪求高手帮我把一下菜名翻译成英文!!

Flavor crisp Myosoton

Secret system of Niu Jian

Scallion bitter

Maggi fungus

Diving Kimchi

Dried vegetables Chicken Jane

Native bovine Da

Indelible Tiger dishes

Chicken bean jelly

Tuna salad garden

Ice papaya fruit salad shrimp

Fragrance gluttonous frog

Boutique Maoxue Wang

Spicy crab pots

Spicy shrimp pots

Pepper eel Duan

Palace burst shrimp balls

Taro children burn Chicken

Spicy pot of fresh

Ingenious slag slag ck

Nagrand Suantang perch

Pepper pigeon

Tsai Yu-pepper rooster

Secret system of Chinese onion Chinese onion fish

Turnip stew oxtail

Black-faced chicken Ziyang

Pickle Rooster Po

Shoots burning broth

Nagrand pickled fish

Fish fragrant rice

Chicken Laogan Ma Zhen

Spicy beef short-ribs

Nagrand rice crust shrimp

2-Jiang spicy fish

Spicy crisp mouth

Fresh ginseng chicken soup stewed Ukraine

Matsutake soup stewed pigeon

White House hot and sour soup

Taiwan's three-cup chicken

Hakka slightly fries

Taiwan tofu pot

Xiang eggplant tower

Desktop radish sirloin pot

Loofah clam


Beef fritters

Shrimp lettuce

Business was brisk Beef

Dry speeding green beans

Concentrated chicken baby food

Pineapple fritters shrimp

Shrimp stuffed loofah

Hakka stuffed bitter melon

Eel fans pot

Needle mushrooms dried scallop Black Bean Sauce

Huang juice Suantang Baptist Cephalomappa

Seasoning sauce slip fungus

Featured triangle steak grilled fruit

Grilled steak, fruits, small wind

Fruit a small rib roast beef

Super Snowflake steak

Fruit grilled T-bone steak

BBQ grilled beef short-ribs

Black Pepper Steak


Australia's super naked eye steak grilled fruit

Vanilla sauce lamb row

Nagrand steak with French foie gras

Premium Sirloin Steak

French foie gras with bacon

African Spicy Chicken

Fruit roast pork neck row

Australian-style roast beef

Walnut Pork

Japanese Kobe Steak

Nut roast cod with fragrant screw juice

Grilled Snapper with Orange Roasted Vegetables

Ham Cheese Baked grouper

Herb Norwegian salmon

Italian Vegetable Beef Soup

Corn cream soup

Shrimp and pumpkin soup

Asparagus vegetable soup

Black Pepper Beef Pasta

Seafood Pasta

Enoki Cephalomappa Baozi Fan

Black Pepper Beef Baozi Fan

Twice-cooked pork Baozi Fan

Salted fish eggplant Baozi Fan

Desktop assorted noodle

Desktop fried rice

Italian ham pizza

Black Pepper Beef Pizza

Bacon double-mushroom pizza

Extreme Pizza Paradise

Hawaii Pizza

Spicy indelible Pizza

Sandwich Class

Ham sandwiches

Center Sandwich

Blue Mountain Coffee flavor

Need for Blue Mountain Coffee

Comprehensive juice

To domain tea


Bitan snowing


Special tune tea

Fresh Fruit Tea

Lemon (red / green) tea

Citron tea

Longan Red Date Tea

Tea Class

Nagrand pearl milk tea

Ginger pearl milk tea

Taro pearl milk tea

Peanut pearl milk tea

Melon pearl milk tea

Fruit Plate

Richest fruit

Four Seasons Fruit

Mixed Fruit

Special tune tea

Fresh Fruit Tea

Lemon (red / green) tea

Citron tea

Longan Red Date Tea

Tea Class

Nagrand pearl milk tea

Ginger pearl milk tea

Taro pearl milk tea

Peanut pearl milk tea

Melon pearl milk tea

Fruit Plate

Richest fruit

Four Seasons Fruit

Mixed Fruit

Ice category

Integrated milk ice

Red soy milk ice

Green soy milk ice

Mango ice

Smoothie category

Mango Sand

Peanut smoothie

Black Forest Ice Blended

Love smoothie

Passion fruit smoothie

Simi Lu class

Fresh Mango Coconut Sago Lu

Papaya Coconut Sago Lu

Watermelon Coconut Sago Lu

Mango Series

Mango Cheese

Fresh Fruit Cheese

Red bean cheese

Nagrand Mango

Freshly squeezed juice drinks



Strange fruit

Mu Gua

Watermelon juice

Melon Juice

Hami melon juice

Strawberry juice

Juice coconut milk category

Mango coconut milk

Papaya and coconut milk

Watermelon coconut milk

Jagua coconut milk

Melon coconut milk

Juice Milk

Mango Milk

Papaya Milk

Watermelon Milk

Jagua milk

Melon Milk

Special Recommendation

Mang coconut milk Xi

Multi-Mango Sago fishing

Domand coconut rice

Wild Mango fishing

Harbor fishing Wild

Cup / bowl of fruit juice Simi fishing

Mango Sago fishing

Coconut Sago fishing

Kiwi Sago fishing

Papaya sago fishing

Watermelon Sago fishing

Melon Sago fishing

Melon Sago fishing

Strawberry Sago fishing

Fresh fruit Simi fishing

Mango juice at the end of

Coconut milk at the end of

PAPAYA juice

Watermelon juice
Melon juice

Hami melon juice
Strawberry juice

5. 各种食物的英文翻译

1、drumsticks (lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken状似鼓槌部分) 小鸡腿
2、chicken wings 鸡翅膀
3、minced (to cut or chop into very small pieces) steak 绞肉
4、pig liver 猪肝
5、pig feet 猪脚
6、pig kidney 猪腰
7、pig heart 猪心
8、pork chop猪排
9、smoked meat/bacon 醺肉
10、fillet 无骨的肉片或鱼片
12、pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉
13、lean meat 瘦肉
14、fat 肥肉
15、streaky pork 五花肉
16、pork dripping 猪油滴
17、lard 猪油
18、hock 蹄膀
19、veal 小牛的肉
20、lamb 羊肉
21、joint 有骨的大块肉
22、frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排
23、minced beef 牛绞肉
24、rump steak 大块牛排
26、leg beef 牛键肉
27、ox-tail 牛尾
28、ox-heart 牛心
29、ox-tongue 牛舌
30、pig bag 猪肚
1、salmon 鲑鱼/大马哈鱼/三文鱼
2、cod 鳕
3、tuna 吞拿鱼,金枪鱼
4、plaice 比目鱼/偏口鱼
5、octopus 章鱼 /八爪鱼
6、squid 乌贼 /鱿鱼
7、haddock 黑线鳕
8、trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃
9、carp 鲤鱼
10、cod Fillets 鳕鱼块
11、conger /eel 海鳗
12、sea bream 海鲤
13、hake 鳕鱼类
14、Spanish mackerel 鲅鱼
15、hairtail/ribbonfish 带鱼
16、roe 鱼子
17、oyster 牡蛎 /蚝
18、clam 蛤蜊
19、razor clam 蛏子
20、scallop/fan shell 海扇贝
21、mussel 蚌
22、crab 螃蟹
23、prawn 对虾
24、shrimp 虾
25、lobster 龙虾
26、dried/shelled shrimps 虾米
27、dried small shrimps 虾皮
28、crab stick 蟹肉条
29、peeled prawns 虾仁
30、mantis shrimp/sauilla 虾虎
31、winkles 田螺
1、onion 洋葱
2、spring onions(Br)/green onion(Am) 葱
3、leeks 大葱
4、garlic 大蒜
5、ginger 姜
6、potato 马铃薯
7、carrot 胡萝卜
8、radish 萝卜/小萝卜
9、white radish 白萝卜
10、yam 山药
11、sweet potato/pachyrhizus 地瓜
12、taro 芋头
13、aubergine(Br)/eggplant(Am) 茄子
14、celery 芹菜
15、cabbage 卷心菜
16、cucumber 黄瓜
17、tomato 蕃茄
18、cauliflower 花菜
19、asparagus 芦笋/龙须菜
20、broccoli 西兰花
21、marrow(Br)/squash(Am) 番瓜
22、pumpkin 南瓜
23、courgette(Br)/zucchini(Am) 丝瓜/角瓜
24、fragrant flowered garlic 韭菜
25、aloe 芦荟
26、Chinese leaves/cabbage 大白菜
27、]mustard 芥菜
28、pepper 胡椒
29、green pepper 青椒
30、red pepper 红椒
31、mushroom 蘑菇
32、coriander 香菜
33、lettuce 莴苣/生菜
34、chilli 红辣椒
35、spinach 菠菜
36、green beans 四季豆
37、broad beans 扁豆
38、beans sprouts 豆芽
39、pea 碗豆

6. 菜名翻译 急!!!答得快又准者分数追加 谢谢

八宝鸭 ck stuffed with the eight treasures
八宝冬瓜 eight jewelled white gourd
八宝豆腐 beancurd with eight delicious
八宝饭 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures; eight treasures
八宝鸡 stuffed chicken
八宝鸡丁 eight treasures with diced chicken; diced chicken with assorted
八宝辣酱 eight treasures in hot sauce
八宝酿鸭 ck stuffed with eight delicacies
八宝蒸河鳗 steamed eel with eight treasures
八珍扒大鸭 stewed ck with chop suey
八珍扒鸭 eight-treasures braised cking
八珍冬瓜盅 assorted meat soup with winter melon
八珍豆腐羹 beancurd &chop suey soup
白扒鲍鱼 braised abalone in white sauce
白八燕窝 swallow nest with white gravy
白扒鱼翅 shark's fin in white gravy
白饭 plain rice
白肺汤 pork lung soup
白扣羊肉 boiled mutton
白萝卜 white turnip
白切鸡 plain chicken
白切肉 boiled pork slices; sliced boiled pork
白油烘蛋 baked/crispy egg in white oil; golden omelet
白玉藏珍 winter melon surprise
白斩鸡 chopped cold (boiled) chicken; tender boiled chicken with soy
白汁全鱼 mandarin fish with white sauce
白杓玻璃虾 shrimps scalded with catchup
百花鸡 chicken with stuffed shrimps
百花酥鹑蛋 stuffed shrimps with quail eggs
百页肉丝 shredded pork &sliced minced leaf
百叶包肉 beancurd leaf rolls with minced pork
百叶肉丝 shredded pork &sliced beancurd leaf
拌干丝 beancurd noodles &celery salad
拌海蜇 jellyfish with soy sauce
拌黄瓜 fresh cucumber with bean sauce; mixed fresh cucumber
拌萝卜丝 mixed shredded turnip
拌三丝 mixed shreds (chicken ham; cucumber; meat; etc.)
拌鸭掌 ck webs with soy sauce
拌海蜇皮 mixed jellyfish salad
棒棒鸡 bon bon (steamed shredded) chicken
煲猪肉汤 stewed pork &vegetable soup
鲍鱼菇 grey mushroom (abalonelike)
鲍鱼鸡片汤 sliced chicken &abalone soup
鲍鱼芦笋汤 abalone &asparagus soup
爆牛肚 fried tripes
爆全丁 fried medley dish
爆三样 fried three kinds of meat
爆双脆 fried three kinds of meat
词语 解释
北京烤鸭 fried pork stomach &chicken gizzard
荸荠罐 Beijing (roast) ck
碧绿酿仙掌 shrimp-stuffed fairy feet
碧绿野鸡卷 stir-fried pork rolls with broccoli
碧玉珠虾 azure jade freshwater shrimp
冰糖肘子 pork joint stewed with rock sugar
冰汁银耳 white fungus in honey sauce
玻璃虾球 glassy shrimp beancurd with spinach
菠菜 spinach
菠菜豆腐 stewed beancurd with spinach
菠菜豆腐汤 spinach &beancurd soup
菠菜泥 chopped spinach with ham &carrots
菠菜汤 spinach soup
菠萝焗烧鸭 fried ck with pineapple
菠萝鸭片 sliced ck with prineapple
菜扒三菇 mushrooms with vegetables
菜饭 vegetable rice
菜脯煎蛋 omelet with salted &dried radish
菜干 dried vegetable
菜片鹌鹑松 minced quail with lettuce
菜心狮子头 greens &Chinese meatballs
菜心双元汤 soup of chicken and fish balls with vegetables
菜心素鳗 mustard green stem with vegetables
菜蘧鸡球 fried chicken balls with vegetables
菜蘧鸡球饭 rice with chicken balls &vegetable
菜蘧牛肉 fried beef with vegetables
菜蘧肉片汤 sliced pork &vegetable soup
菜蘧虾球 prawn balls with green kale
草菇 straw mushroom
草菇鲍鱼 abalone with button mushrooms
草菇菜心 cabbage heart with mushrooms; straw mushroom with stems of
mustard greens
草菇罐 canned straw mushrooms
叉烧肉 barbecued/broiled pork
叉烧肉鸡蛋花 barbecued pork with stuffed eggs
茶叶蛋 tea flavoured egg
长寿菜 longevity greens/mustard green
长寿面 long-life noodles
炒扁豆 stir-fried green beans
炒大虾 fried prawns
炒蛋 scrambled eggs
炒冬菇 fried mushrooms
炒豆苗 fried bean sprouts
炒肚尖 fried pig's tripe tip
炒饭 fried rice
炒甘蓝菜 fried kale
炒鸽松 fried minced pigeon
炒滑鱼球 fried fish balls
炒鸡蛋 scrambled egg
炒鸡丁 stir-fried chicken cubes
炒鸡什 fried chicken giblets
炒鸡丝 fried/stir-fried chicken shreds
词语 解释
炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork
炒龙虾片 fried sliced lobster
炒面 fried noodle
炒木须肉 stir-fried pork and eggs
炒牛肉丝 fried beef slices; fried shredded beef
炒肉丁 fried diced meat/pork; fried meat cubes
炒肉丝 fried pork shreds
炒软肝 fried liver
炒双脆 fried kidney with pork tripe
炒双冬 fried bamboo shoots with mushrooms
炒四件 fried chicken liver &giblets with fungus &bamboo shoots
炒虾球 fried shrimp balls
炒虾腰 fried shrimp &pig kidney
炒响玲 fried bell shaped pork
炒蟹粉 fried crab meal
炒蟹肉 fried crab meal
炒雪笋 fried bamboo shoots
炒羊肚 fried lamb tripe
炒腰花 stir-fried kidney with assorted vegetable
炒腰片 fried sliced (pork) kidney; fried sliced raw pig's kidney
炒鱼片 fried fish slices
炒玉兰片 stir-fried bamboo shoot slices
炒猪肝 fried pig's livers
炒鱿鱼 fried squid
炒鱿鱼卷 fried squid rolls
炒鱿鱼丝 fried shredded squid
炒鳝糊 fried eel paste
词语 解释
陈皮大虾 orange flavoured prawns
陈皮鸡 chicken with orange flavor; orange flavoured chicken
陈皮牛肉 beef with orange peel; orange flavoured chicken
陈皮子鸡 chenpi chicken; chicken fried with orange peel
成都子鸡 sauteed chicken; stir-fried chicken in Chengtu style
豉椒鸭片 fried sliced ck in chili bean sauce
豉汁牛肉 fried beef with soybean sauce
豉汁排骨 spareribs with soybean sauce
豉汁田鸡 fried frog with soybean sauce
臭豆腐 fried beancurd of strong odour
臭豆腐干 fried pungent beancurd
川椒炒白菜 stir-fried cabbage with peppers
川鸭掌 ck's feet soup
川翼洋菇 stuffed chicken wing soup
串烤牛仔 veal brochettes
鹑蛋猪肚汤 pork stomach soup with quail eggs
葱爆牛肉 sliced beef with scallions fried
葱烤排骨 spare-ribs with scallion
葱烧海参 scallion flavoured sea cucumbers
葱烧鸭 onions ck
葱烧鲫鱼 stewed carp with scallions
葱酥鲫鱼 braised crisp crucian carp
葱蒜炒双肝 stir-fried liver with scallions &garlic
葱油肥鸡 boiled chicken with onion oil
葱油烤鱼 roast fish with scallions
葱油淋嫩鸡 chicken steamed with scallions
醋辣鸡 chicken in sour and chilli sauce
醋溜白菜 cabbage with sweet &sour sauce
醋溜肥蟹 fried crabs with sweet &sour sauce
醋溜黄鱼 yellow fish with honey sauce; sweet &sour yellow fish
醋溜鱼卷 fish rolls in sour sauce
醋溜鱼片 fish slices in vinegar gravy; sweet &sour sliced fish
脆皮八宝鸭 crisp fried stuffed ck
脆皮豆腐 crispy-skinned beancurd
脆皮鳜鱼 fried mandarin fish in sour and sweet
脆皮鸡 crispy skinned chicken; chicken barbecued with spices; fried
脆皮全鱼 barbecued mandarin fish
脆皮乳鸽 roast spring pigeon
脆皮烧肥鸡 crispy-skin chicken
脆皮虾球 crisp shrimp balls
脆皮鸭 crispy skinned ck; ck barbecued with spices
脆皮鱼 fried crisp fish
脆皮炸腐角 deep-fried stuffed beancurd
脆皮鱿鱼 deep fried squids
脆皮鲳鱼 crispy pomfret
大地炒鸽松 stir-fried minced dove with bream
大红肠 bologna sausage
大黄瓜 cucumber
大龙虾沙拉 lobster salad
大卤面 boiled noodles with fungus; sliced pork &eggs
大拼盆 assorted cold dish
大肉面 pork noodles
大蒜鲶鱼 catfish with garlic
大头菜 black salted turnip
大闸蟹 steamed crab
带汤速煮面 instant noodles &soup base
蛋炒饭 fried rice with eggs
蛋花汤 soup of egg flakes
蛋饺 egg mplings
蛋皮鱼卷 fried fish roll
灯笼鸡 chicken wrapped in cellophane/paper
冬菜 spiced cabbage
词语 解释
冬菇扒豆腐 braised Chinese mushrooms &beancurd
冬菇白菜 winter mushroom and Chinese cabbage
冬菇菜心 winter mushroom &mustard green stem
冬菇冬瓜汤 winter mushroom and winter melon soup
冬菇豆腐 beancurd with winter mushrooms
冬菇鸡片汤 sliced chicken &mushroom soup
冬菇扣肉 red-fried vegetarian pork with winter mushroom
冬菇汤 winter mushroom &ck giblet soup
冬菇鸭杂汤 white gourd
冬瓜 white gourd
冬瓜火腿夹 hamstuffed white gourd in broth
冬瓜三味汤 three-flavored white gourd soup
冬瓜鸭块 ck cutlets with white gourd
冬笋鸡片 fried sliced chicken with bamboo shoots
冻鸡 chicken in aspic
冻肉 cold pork; meat in aspic
冻肉卷 galantine
豆瓣鳜鱼 mandarin fish in chilli bean sauce
豆瓣酱 broad bean paste
豆瓣鲤鱼 carp braised with hot bean paste; crucian carp in chilli bean
豆瓣牛肉 beef in chilli bean sauce
豆瓣鸭块 ck cutlets in chilli sauce
豆包 wet skin of beancurd
豆腐 beancurd
豆腐干丝汤 dry beancurd shreds soup; shredded dried beancurd soup
豆腐海带汤 beancurd &kelp soup; beancurd &edible seaweed soup
豆腐花 uncongealed beancurd
豆腐脑 uncongealed beancurd
豆干 dried tofu
豆苗虾仁 fried shrimp with pea shoots; fried shrimp with bean-leaves
豆皮 skin of beancurd
豆豉生蚝 stir-fried oysters with black beans
豆豉虾仁 fresh shrimp with black beans
豆豉蒸鲤鱼 carp steamed with fermented black beans
豆豉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with fermented black beans
炖鸭 stewed ck
炖猪脚 stewed pig's feet
耳环鱿鱼 squid-shreds in Sichuan style
发菜鱼翅 hair-like seaweed with shark fins
番瓜 pumpkin
词语 解释
蕃茄蛋花汤 tomato &egg soup
蕃茄豆腐汤 tomato &beancurd soup
蕃茄锅巴 tomato &pot-stuck rice
蕃茄牛肉饭 rice with tomato &beef
蕃茄鱼片 tomato &fish slices
蕃茄玉米汤 tomato &corn soup
方便面 instant noodles
翡翠牛肉丸 emerald-jade beef croquettes
翡翠乌鱼子 emerald-jade caviar
粉丝 mungbean noodle
粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken with rice flour
粉蒸肉 steamed pork with rice flour
风鸡 dry breezed chicken; dry-blown chicken
凤城炒鳝鱼丝 stir-fried eel shreds
凤肝菜胆 chicken livers with vegetables
凤肝鸽片 sliced pigeon &chicken liver
凤肝螺片 fried whelk slice &chicken livers
凤肝鲜鱿鱼 chicken livers with squid rolls
凤肝鲜鱿鱼卷 chicken liver &squid rolls
凤凰大拼盘 phoenix appetizer plate
凤尾虾 phoenix-tailed prawns
凤尾腰花 fried kidney
凤尾鱼 long-tailed anchovy
凤爪冬菇汤 mushroom &chicken feet soup
凤爪汤 vegetable chicken feet soup
凤爪冬菇汤 mushroom &chicken feet soup
凤爪甲鱼汤 turtle &chicken feet soup
芙蓉菜花 cauliflower with egg-white
芙蓉蛋 fried egg-white
芙蓉鸡片 chicken slices with egg-white; omelet chicken slices; sliced
chicken in egg-white sauce
芙蓉虾仁 shrimps with egg-white
芙蓉蟹肉 crab meat with egg-white sauce
芙蓉竹笋汤 Sichuan bamboo shoot and egg-white soup
词语 解释
腐乳 preserved beancurd; beancurd cheese
富贵火腿 vagabond ham
富贵鸡 steamed chicken with stuffing
干贝扒双球 vegetable balls with scallops
干贝炒蛋 fried eggs with scallops
干贝冬菇汤 scallop &mushroom soup
干贝丸子汤 scallop soup with meat cabbage
干贝鱼翅 shark's fin with scallops
干贝炖白菜 stewed dried scallops with cabbage
干扁牛肉丝 stir-fried beef with vegetable
干扁四季豆 dry-cooked string beans; fried string beans
干炒牛肉丝 stir-fried beef shreds
干炒四季豆 stir-fried string beans
干煎大明虾 sauteed prawns
干煎虾丸 dry fried shrimp balls
干烧比目鱼 turbot in chilli sauce
干烧冬笋 fried bamboo shoots in oil; pungent winter bamboo shoots
干烧鳜鱼 mandarin fish in chilli sauce
干烧黄鱼 fried yellow fish with pepper sauce
干烧鲤鱼 carp in chilli sauce
干烧龙虾 fried carp with chili sauce
干烧明虾 dry-fried sweet prawns; spicy stir-fried prawns; broiled prawns
with chili sauce
干烧牛肉 slow roasted beef
干烧茄子 dry-cooked pungent eggplant
干烧全鱼 fried mandarin fish with pepper sauce
干烧鲜鱼 fresh fish with pepper sauce
干烧鱼 fish in chilli sauce
干烧鱼翅 dry-cooked shark's fins
词语 解释
甘蓝菜 kale borecole
橄榄菜 kale borecole
高丽肉条 deep-fried pork strips Korean style
高丽虾丸 prawn balls in Korean style
鸽蛋 pigeon eggs
鸽蛋扒鸭 braised ck with pigeon eggs
鸽蛋肝汤 quail egg &liver soup
鸽蛋土司 toast fried with quail eggs
鸽汤 pigeon soup
蛤蜊汤 clam soup
蛤蜊蒸蛋 steamed eggs with clams
各式炒蛋 assorted omelets
公司汤 soup of the day
宫保鸡丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced
chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper
宫保虾仁 pungent vegetarian shrimps
宫保鱿鱼 stir-fried squid rools
宫爆鸡丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced
chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper
宫爆腰花 stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts
咕噜蜜肉 sweet &sour pork; Cantonese/Guangdong style
古老肉 fried pork in sweet and sour sauce
古老肉 sweet &sour boneless pork
挂绿虾丸 prawn balls with vegetable
怪味鸡 spiced chicken with a wonderful taste; chicken with special hot
怪味牛百叶 ox tripe of Sichuan style
罐头牛肉 canned beef
罐头碎牛肉 canned corned beef
罐焖鸭子 braised ck en casserole
罐焖羊肉 mutton en casserole
广东叉烧肉 Guangdong Cantonese roast pork
广东泡菜 Guangdong Cantonese pickled vegetable
广州炒饭 fried rice in Guangdong style
广州烩饭 steamed rice Guangdong style
贵妃斑鱼卷 stir-fried fish rolls with corn
贵妃鸡 chicken wings &legs braised in brown sauce; chicken wings
锅巴 crispy rice
锅巴海参 sea cucumbers in crisp rice
锅巴肉片 sliced meat with crispy rice; meat pieces with crispy rice
锅巴三鲜 soup of rice crust and three delicacies
锅巴虾仁 fried shrimps with crisp rice
锅巴虾仁 shrimp with crisp rice
锅烧羊肉 braised mutton
锅塌豆腐 baked beancurd
锅贴明虾 fried fresh prawns on toast
锅贴鸭 fried ck cutlets
锅贴鸭片 pan-baked steamed ck
词语 解释
海参 sea cucumber; [France] beche-de-mer
海参锅巴 sea cucumber with crispy rice
海米白菜 Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps
海米白菜汤 cabbage soup with dried shrimps
海堂百花菇 stuffed mushrooms with shrimp paste
海蜇皮 ( salted) jellyfish
海蜇双脆 crispy jellyfish
海鳝 sea sturgeon
蚝油焗鸡 stewed chicken with oyster sauce
蚝油扒凤翼 chicken wings with oyster sauce
蚝油扒鸭 grilled ck with oyster sauce
蚝油菜心 green cabbage in oyster sauce
蚝油叉烧 roast pork with oyster sauce
蚝油冬菇 fresh mushrooms with oyster sauce
蚝油鸡球 chicken balls with oyster sauce
蚝油鸡翼 chicken wings in oyster sauce
蚝油煎鸡脯 sauteed chicken with oyster sauce
蚝油牛肉 oyster sauce beef; stir-fried beef with oyster sauce; beef in
荷包蛋 poached eggs
荷叶米粉蒸肉 pork steamed with rice flour in lotus leaves
荷叶蒸鸡 steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaves
核桃鸡丁 stir-fried chicken with walnuts; diced chicken with walnuts
合菜带帽 assorted vegetable covered with egg; fried various vegetable
红扒鱼翅 braised shark's fin
红萝卜 carrot
红烧鲍鱼 red-cooked abalone
红烧唇翅 shark's lip &fin in brown sauce
红烧豆腐 beancurd with brown sauce; red-cooked beancurd pieces
红烧肚子 stewed pork tripe
红烧对虾 stewed prawns in soya sauce
红烧干贝 stewed scallops with brown sauce
红烧广肚 shark's tripe braised in brown sauce
红烧海参 sea cucumbers braised in brown sauce; red-cooked sea cucumber
红烧河鳗 braised eel with brown sauce
红烧黄鱼 red-cooked yellow fish
红烧鸡 braised chicken
红烧甲鱼 turtle in brown sauce
红烧面结 carp in brown knots
红烧明虾 fried prawns braised in brown sauce; fried prawns with brown
红烧牛肉 beef with brown sauce; braised beef
红烧牛杂拌 braised beef offal
红烧牛腩 stewed beef tenderloin chunks
红烧排骨 spareribs braised in brown sauce; red-cooked spareribs
红烧茄子 red-cooked eggplant
红烧全鸭 braised whole ck in soy sauce
红烧全鱼 mandarin fish with brown sauce
红烧肉 braised pork; pork braised in brown sauce; stewed pork with
brown sauce; red-cooked pork
红烧狮子头 pork balls stewed in brown sauce
红烧啼筋 braised pork tendons
词语 解释
红烧丸子 stewed meat balls
红烧鸭 ck with brown sauce
红烧羊肉 stewed mutton
红烧鱼 fish in brown sauce
红烧鱼翅 braised shark's fins; shark's fin in brown sauce; stewed
红烧鱼肚 braised fish maw; fish tripe with brown sauce
红烧鱼头 stewed fish head with brown sauce
红烧鱼丸 fish balls with/in brown sauce
红烧鱼圆 fish balls with/in brown sauce
红烧鳗鱼 braised congo eel
红油肚丁 pork tripe with hot pepper oil
红油鸡丁 diced chicken with hot sauce
红油鸡块 cold chicken appetizer with hot sauce
红油鸭掌 ck webs in chilli sauce
红油鱼肚 fish maw in chilli sauce
红糟鸭片 ck slices in wine sauce
红枣小鸡 dried red dates with vegetable chicken
红焖牛肉 braised beef
红焖笋尖 braised bamboo shoots tips
红焖肘子 braised pork joint
红焖猪腿 braised leg of pork
红煨牛肉 stewed beef
红煨羊肉 haricot mutton
葫芦八宝鸡 gourd-shaped chicken with stuffing
胡瓜 pickled cucumbers
蝴蝶大拼盘 butterfly appetizer
蝴蝶明虾 prawns with mushrooms
虎皮鹑蛋 wrapped quail eggs
花灯大拼盘 colored lantern appetizer plate
花瓜 pickled cucumbers
花瓜炖鸡 chicken &pickled cucumber stew
花椒牛肉 cayenne beef
花生酱 peanut butter/paste
花生蒸肉 steamed pork with peanuts
滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambled eggs
滑蛋牛肉饭 rice with sliced beef &eggs
滑蛋鱼片 fried fish pieces with scrambled eggs
滑溜里脊 pork slices with gravy
滑牛肉丸汤 beef ball soup
滑肉片 sliced pork with cream sauce
滑肉汤面 boiled noodles with pork
滑鱼片汤 sliced fish soup
黄豆芽 yellow soybean sprout
黄瓜滑肉片汤 cucumber &sliced meat soup
黄酒焖全鸭 braised ck in rice wine
黄酒焖猪排 braised pork chops in rice wine
黄鱼羹 yellow fish soup
回锅肉 double-cooked pork slices; stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot
回锅鱼翅 double-cooked shark's fin
烩红椒 red peppers in gravy
烩鸡丝 chicken shreds with peas
烩鸭丝 ckling shreds &mixed vegetable soup
烩鸭掌 braised ck feet/webs
火锅 chafing dish
火腿 ham (pork); Chinese ham (pork)

7. 小学关于食物的英语单词

关于食物的英语单词有meat肉、noodles面条、bread面包、rice米饭、soup汤、cake蛋糕、milk牛奶、fish鱼肉、ice-cream冰激凌、巧克力、cheese奶酪、egg鸡蛋、hot dog热狗,等等。



1、读音:英[miːt] 美[miːt]



The meat will rot if it isn't kept cool.



1、读音:英['nuːdl] 美['nuːdl]



The noodle is in the shape of a waistbelt.



1、读音:英[bred] 美[bred]



vt.在 ... 上撒面包屑


They had nothing to eat but stale bread.



1、读音:英[keɪk] 美[keɪk]



He passed me one fifth of the cake.



1、读音:英[fɪʃ] 美[fɪʃ]





We caught three little fishes.


8. 一些关于食物的英语单词的翻译,求高手帮下

食品单词汇总 A. 肉品类 (鸡, 猪, 牛) Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸肉 Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀 Minced Steak 绞肉 Pigs Liver 猪肝 Pigs feet 猪脚 Pigs Kidney 猪腰 Pigs Hearts 猪心 Pork Steak 没骨头的猪排 Pork Chops 连骨头的猪排 Rolled Porkloin 卷好的腰部瘦肉 Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉 Smoked Bacon 醺肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉 Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉 Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用 Black Pudding 黑香肠 Pork Burgers 汉堡肉 Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉 Pork Dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油 Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉 Joint 有骨的大块肉 Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰 Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Mimced Beef 牛绞肉 Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉 OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心 OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉 Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉 Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排 Roll 牛肠 Cowhells 牛筋 Pig bag 猪肚 Homeycome Tripe 蜂窝牛肚 Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚
sandwich 三明治 |l.6
&;吃喝玩乐在北京 High Beijing -- 吃喝玩乐在北京 High Beijing tF
hamburger 汉堡6LIo
coke 可乐#!@
milk tea 奶茶m/_{hO
hot 热的x'V5O
cold 冷的3"6G
juice 果汁TJ
ham 火腿86
egg 蛋j
egg biscuit 蛋饼;Lp7
toast 土司 %~;n'n
bacon 培根肉3;m
&;吃喝玩乐在北京 High Beijing -- 吃喝玩乐在北京 High Beijing ]bBl
soy sauce 酱油D:taGA
chili sauce 辣椒Lx
straw 吸管r
sweet soybean milk 甜豆浆 ==g(_
salty soybean milk 咸豆浆3HN`n
steamed bun 馒头fc
stuffed steamed bun 包子C&F<
rice milk 米浆OzzSL
orange juice 柳橙汁d^{\?
bread 面包oS|:?Q
onion rings 洋葱卷mZjt
soup 汤FT^
iced drinks 冰9YW
lukewarm 温热x*
fried egg 荷包蛋&'i|P
jam 果酱ln=+jA
strawberry jam 草莓酱5twzAZ
orange marmalade 桔子酱r
fresh milk 鲜奶C
goat's milk 羊奶^m
fried shredded meat 肉松n
food 食品
pork 猪肉
chicken 鸡肉
drink 饮料
potato 土豆
onion 洋葱

sauce ------酱油

fish 鱼
french fries 炸薯条
jam 果酱
juice 果汁
jello 果冻
chocolate 巧克力
sandwich 三明治
hamburger 汉堡
rice 米饭
coke 可乐
milk tea 奶茶
ham 火腿
egg 蛋
egg buscuit 蛋饼
toast 土司
meat bun 肉包子
meat 肉
pork 猪肉
chicken 鸡肉
drink 饮料
vegetable 蔬菜
tomato 西红柿
potato 土豆
onion 洋葱
pizza 比萨饼
coffee 咖啡
cake 蛋糕
hot dog 热狗
noodles 面条
bread 面包
回答者:Nationnality - 助理 二级 12-10 11:46
评价已经被关闭 目前有 5 个人评价

60% (3) 不好
40% (2)

其他回答 共 5 条
1.水蜜桃Honey peach,
3.冻枣frozen jujube,
7.甘蔗sugar cane,
8.椰子coconut tree,
10.荔枝litchi chinensis,
sausage 香肠
black pudding, blood sausage 血肠
cold meats 冷盘 (美作:cold cuts)
chicken 鸡
turkey 火鸡
ck 鸭
fish 鱼
vegetables 蔬菜
dried legumes 干菜
chips 炸薯条,炸土豆片 (美作:French fries)
mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥
pasta 面条
noodles 面条,挂面
macaroni 通心粉
consomme 肉煮的清汤
broth 肉汤
milk 奶
cheese 奶酪
butter 奶油
bread 面包
slice of bread 面包片
crust 面包皮
crumb 面包心
egg 蛋
boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs 水煮蛋
hard-boiled eggs 煮硬了的蛋
fried eggs 煎蛋
poached eggs 荷包蛋
scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋
omelet 煎蛋卷
pastry 糕点
sponge cake 奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕
tart 果焰糕点
biscuits (英)饼干,(美)小面包
persimmon 柿子
walnut 胡桃
hazelnut 榛子
peanut 花生
date 枣
chestnut 粟
currant 醋粟
coconut, cocoanut 可可
bilberry 越桔
blackberry, blueberry 黑莓
avocado 鳄梨
black currant 红醋栗
blood orange 红橙
citron, grapefruit 香橼
damson 大马士革李
almond 巴旦杏
nutmeg 肉豆蔻
papaya, papaw 番木瓜
guava 番石榴
pistachio 阿月浑子
prickly pear 仙人掌果
raspberry 覆盆子
soursop 刺果番荔枝
回答者:Lisa皮皮 - 助理 二级 12-10 11:14
apple,orange,pear,peach,banana,lemon,grape,cake,sandwich,cucumber,potato,tomato,eggplant, egg,mpling,cherry,pumpkon,carrot,peanut,onion,bean,cabbage,celery,ginger,plum,litchi,mango
回答者:SASA撒娇 - 魔法师 五级 12-10 11:16
饺子mpling 汤圆 Sweet mplings served insoup
烧饼 Clay oven rolls
油条 Fried bread stick
水饺 Boiled mplings
馒头 Steamed buns
饭团 Rice and vegetable roll
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鸭蛋 Salted ck egg
豆浆 Soybean milk


稀饭 Rice porridge
白饭 Plain white rice
糯米饭 Glutinous rice
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg

刀削面 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
乌龙面 Seafood noodles
板条 Flat noodles
榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
米粉 Rice noodles


紫菜汤 Seaweed soup
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup


臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
虾球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
肉丸 Rice-meat mplings
火锅 Hot pot
boiled salted ck 盐水鸭 preserved meat 腊肉 barbecued pork 叉烧 sausage 香肠 fried pork flakes 肉松 BAR-B-Q 烤肉 fried egg 煎蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油

bear's paw 熊掌
breast of deer 鹿脯
beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参
sea sturgeon 海鳝
salted jelly fish 海蜇皮
kelp, seaweed 海带
abalone 鲍鱼
shark fin 鱼翅
scallops 干贝
lobster 龙虾
bird's nest 燕窝
roast suckling pig 考乳猪
pig's knuckle 猪脚
boiled salted ck 盐水鸭
preserved meat 腊肉
barbecued pork *烧
sausage 香肠
fried pork flakes 肉松
BAR-B-Q 烤肉
meat diet 荤菜
vegetables 素菜
meat broth 肉羹
local dish 地方菜
Cantonese cuisine 广东菜
set meal 客饭
curry rice 咖喱饭
fried rice 炒饭
plain rice 白饭
crispy rice 锅巴
gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥
noodles with gravy 打卤面
plain noodle 阳春面
casserole 砂锅
chafing dish, fire pot 火锅
meat bun 肉包子
shao-mai 烧麦
preserved bean curd 腐乳
bean curd 豆腐
fermented blank bean 豆豉
pickled cucumbers 酱瓜
preserved egg 皮蛋
salted ck egg 咸鸭蛋
dried turnip 萝卜干
menu 菜单
French cuisine 法国菜
today's special 今日特餐
chef's special 主厨特餐
buffet 自助餐
fast food 快餐
specialty 招牌菜
continental cuisine 欧式西餐
aperitif 饭前酒
dim sum 点心
French fires 炸薯条
baked potato 烘马铃薯
mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥
omelette 简蛋卷
pudding 布丁
pastries 甜点
pickled vegetables 泡菜
kimchi 韩国泡菜
crab meat 蟹肉
prawn 明虾
conch 海螺
escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉
bacon 熏肉
poached egg 荷包蛋
sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋
over 煎两面荷包蛋
fried egg 煎蛋
over easy 煎半熟蛋
over hard 煎全熟蛋
scramble eggs 炒蛋
boiled egg 煮蛋
stone fire pot 石头火锅
sashi 日本竹筷
sake 日本米酒
miso shiru 味噌汤
roast meat 铁板烤肉
sashimi 生鱼片
butter 奶油
beverages 饮料
soya-bean milk 豆浆
syrup of plum 酸梅汤
tomato juice 番茄汁
orange juice 橘子汁
coconut milk 椰子汁
asparagus juice 芦荟汁
grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁
vegetable juice 蔬菜汁
ginger ale 姜汁
sarsaparilla 沙士
soft drink 汽水
coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐
tea leaves 茶叶
black tea 红茶
jasmine tea 茉莉(香片)
tea bag 茶包
lemon tea 柠檬茶
white goup tea 冬瓜茶
honey 蜂蜜
chlorella 绿藻
soda water 苏打水
artificial color 人工色素
ice water 冰水
mineral water 矿泉水
distilled water 蒸馏水
long-life milk 保久奶
condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶
cocoa 可可
coffee mate 奶精
coffee 咖啡
iced coffee 冰咖啡
white coffee 牛奶咖啡
black coffee 纯咖啡
ovaltine 阿华田
chlorella yakult 养乐多
essence of chicken 鸡精
ice-cream cone 甜筒
sundae 圣代; 新地
ice-cream 雪糕
soft ice-cream 窗淇淋
vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋
ice candy 冰棒
milk-shake 奶昔
straw 吸管
pineapple 凤梨
watermelon 西瓜
papaya 木瓜
betelnut 槟榔
chestnut 栗子
coconut 椰子
ponkan 碰柑
tangerine 橘子
mandarin orange 橘
sugar-cane 甘蔗
muskmelon 香瓜
shaddock 文旦
juice peach 水蜜桃
pear 梨子
peach 桃子
carambola 杨桃
cherry 樱桃
persimmon 柿子
apple 苹果
mango 芒果
fig 无花果
water caltrop 菱角
almond 杏仁
plum 李子
honey-dew melon 哈密瓜
loquat 枇杷
olive 橄榄
rambutan 红毛丹
rian 榴梿
strawberry 草莓
grape 葡萄
grapefruit 葡萄柚
lichee 荔枝
longan 龙眼
wax-apple 莲雾
guava 番石榴
banana 香蕉
string bean 四季豆
pea 豌豆
green soy bean 毛豆
soybean sprout 黄豆芽
mung bean sprout 绿豆芽
bean sprout 豆芽
kale 甘蓝菜
cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜
broccoli 花椰菜
mater convolvulus 空心菜
dried lily flower 金针菜
mustard leaf 芥菜
celery 芹菜
tarragon 蒿菜
beetroot, beet 甜菜
agar-agar 紫菜
lettuce 生菜
spinach 菠菜
leek 韭菜
caraway 香菜
hair-like seaweed 发菜
preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜
salted vegetable 雪里红
lettuce 莴苣
asparagus 芦荟
bamboo shoot 竹笋
dried bamboo shoot 笋干
chives 韭黄
ternip 白萝卜
carrot 胡萝卜
water chestnut 荸荠
ficus tikaua 地瓜
long crooked squash 菜瓜
loofah 丝瓜
pumpkin 南瓜
bitter gourd 苦瓜
cucumber 黄瓜
white gourd 冬瓜
gherkin 小黄瓜
yam 山芋
taro 芋头
beancurd sheets 百叶
champignon 香菇
button mushroom 草菇
needle mushroom 金针菇
agaricus 蘑菇
dried mushroom 冬菇
tomato 番茄
eggplant 茄子
potato, spud 马铃薯
lotus root 莲藕
agaric 木耳
white fungus 百木耳
ginger 生姜
garlic 大蒜
garlic bulb 蒜头
green onion 葱
onion 洋葱
scallion, leek 青葱
wheat gluten 面筋
miso 味噌
seasoning 调味品
caviar 鱼子酱
barbeque sauce 沙茶酱
tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱
mustard 芥茉
salt 盐
sugar 糖
monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味

vinegar 醋
sweet 甜
sour 酸
bitter 苦
lard 猪油
peanut oil 花生油
soy sauce 酱油
green pepper 青椒
paprika 红椒
star anise 八角
cinnamon 肉挂
curry 咖喱
maltose 麦芽糖
jerky 牛肉干
dried beef slices 牛肉片
dried pork slices 猪肉片
confection 糖果
glace fruit 蜜饯
marmalade 果酱
dried persimmon 柿饼
candied melon 冬瓜糖
red jujube 红枣
black date 黑枣
glace date 蜜枣
dried longan 桂圆干
raisin 葡萄干
chewing gum 口香糖
nougat 牛乳糖
mint 薄荷糖
drop 水果糖
marshmallow 棉花糖
caramel 牛奶糖
peanut brittle 花生糖
castor sugar 细砂白糖
granulated sugar 砂糖
sugar candy 冰糖
butter biscuit 奶酥
rice cake 年糕
moon cake 月饼
green bean cake 绿豆糕
popcorn 爆米花
chocolate 巧克力
marrons glaces 唐炒栗子
breakfast 早餐
lunch 午餐
brunch 早午餐
supper 晚餐
late snack 宵夜
dinner 正餐
ham and egg 火腿肠
buttered toast 奶油土司
French toast 法国土司
cheese cake 酪饼
white bread 白面包
brown bread 黑面包
French roll 小型法式面包
appetizer 开胃菜
green salad 蔬菜沙拉
onion soup 洋葱汤
potage 法国浓汤
corn soup 玉米浓汤
minestrone 蔬菜面条汤
ox tail soup 牛尾汤
fried chicken 炸鸡
roast chicken 烤鸡
steak 牛排
T-bone steak 丁骨牛排
filet steak 菲力牛排
sirloin steak 沙朗牛排
club steak 小牛排
well done 全熟
medium 五分熟
rare 三分熟
beer 啤酒
draft beer 生啤酒
stout beer 黑啤酒
canned beer 罐装啤酒
red wine 红葡萄酒
gin 琴酒
brandy 白兰地
whisky 威士忌
vodka 伏特加
on the rocks 酒加冰块
rum 兰酒
champagne 香槟
meat 肉
beef 牛肉
pork 猪肉
chicken 鸡肉
mutton 羊肉
bread 面包
steamed bread 馒头
rice noodles 米粉
fried rice noodles 河粉
steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉
macaroni 通心粉
bean thread 冬粉
bean curd with odor 臭豆腐
flour-rice noodle 面粉
noodles 面条
instinct noodles 速食面
vegetable 蔬菜
crust 面包皮
sandwich 三明治
toast 土司
hamburger 汉堡
cake 蛋糕
spring roll 春卷
pancake 煎饼
fried mpling 煎贴
rice glue ball 元宵
glue pudding 汤圆
millet congee 小米粥
cereal 麦片粥
steamed mpling 蒸饺
ravioli 馄饨
nbsp;cake 月饼
green bean cake 绿豆糕
popcorn 爆米花
chocolate 巧克力
marrons glaces 唐炒栗子
breakfast 早餐
lunch 午餐
brunch 早午餐
supper 晚餐
late snack 宵夜
dinner 正餐
ham and egg 火腿肠
buttered toast 奶油土司
French toast 法国土司
cheese cake 酪饼
white bread 白面包
brown bread 黑面包
French roll 小型法式面包
appetizer 开胃菜
green salad 蔬菜沙拉
onion soup 洋葱汤
potage 法国浓汤
corn soup 玉米浓汤
minestrone 蔬菜面条汤
ox tail soup 牛尾汤
fried chicken 炸鸡
roast chicken 烤鸡
steak 牛排
T-bone steak 丁骨牛排
filet steak 菲力牛排
sirloin steak 沙朗牛排
club steak 小牛排
well done 全熟
medium 五分熟
rare 三分熟
beer 啤酒
draft beer 生啤酒
stout beer 黑啤酒
canned beer 罐装啤酒
red wine 红葡萄酒
gin 琴酒
brandy 白兰地
whisky 威士忌
vodka 伏特加
on the rocks 酒加冰块
rum 兰酒
champagne 香槟
meat 肉
beef 牛肉
pork 猪肉
chicken 鸡肉
mutton 羊肉
bread 面包
steamed bread 馒头
rice noodles 米粉
fried rice noodles 河粉
steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉
macaroni 通心粉
bean thread 冬粉
bean curd with odor 臭豆腐
flour-rice noodle 面粉
noodles 面条
instinct noodles 速食面
vegetable 蔬菜
crust 面包皮
sandwich 三明治
toast 土司
hamburger 汉堡
cake 蛋糕
spring roll 春卷
pancake 煎饼
fried mpling 煎贴
rice glue ball 元宵
glue pudding 汤圆
millet congee 小米粥
cereal 麦片粥
steamed mpling 蒸饺
ravioli 馄饨

烧饼 Clay oven rolls
油条 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek mplings
水饺 Boiled mplings
蒸饺 Steamed mplings
馒头 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
饭团 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋饼 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鸭蛋 Salted ck egg
豆浆 Soybean milk

饭 类
稀饭 Rice porridge
白饭 Plain white rice
油饭 Glutinous oil rice
糯米饭 Glutinous rice
卤肉饭 Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee
pudding(布丁)tea(茶)hot pot(火锅)pancakes(煎饼)toast(烤面包)pie(派)mooncake(月饼)soup(汤)apple(苹果)orange(橙子)pear(梨)peach(桃)banana(香蕉)lemon(柠檬)hot dog(热狗)pizza(比萨)spring roll(春卷)soda(汽水)muffin(松饼)cake(蛋糕)


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