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发布时间: 2024-07-07 07:51:07

① 赛龙舟用英语写作文

1. 赛龙舟英语作文

Friends, when cicada sound familiar, the scent of the DaoHua yi, please e to my hometown, see rich national characteristics of dragon boat racing! Dragon boat racing of that day of, streets hanging around in a striking slogans, bright flags. Sky people put on the festival of costumes, flooding with on both sides of the river to the mountains. At this time, thronged with colorful flags, flags, good pack festive atmosphere. See, the three single red flare soared into the sky, dozens of dragon boat first bite, then head, tail end from the upstream YuGuanErXia, boiling up immediately on both sides, drums, firecrackers, cheers, a song of a moving symphony. Every dragon boat of different colors, leading article appearance condition, zhang horns, with your eyes open, lifelike, like all real water in. The athletes wearing red dragon boat vest, head white towel with firm a hero ", all the names of the soldiers, as seemed all the spirit. "A rumbling" salute rang, dozens of dragon boat like hold of the arrow on the surface of the flight. The shore of people joy, and clapping cheering. In you chase the dragon boat I cast out, to strive for, who also unwilling to lag behind the scenes, the strong for the leap to the exciting, urged the people exciting. The mander of the article every dragon boat standing in the bow, with vivid cadence, clanging of the drums, double hand draw the KuiShan, feet on the beat up and down. Bend over backwards to go forward, players on beating gongs and drums on the side, the side of hungry cheer. Watch dragon boat a sideline, each all can affect the heart of audience, and my heart is like the ocean waves ShiQiShiFu. Athletes are not live up to the expectations of the audience, they calm and calm, waving muscle bulging arm, desperately struck. Have a dragon boat far ahead, became the QunLong, finally the title. The shore ring out thunderous ovation. So, dragon boat racing in delight over, but that push people learn is in my ears drums, the hard work up scene continually before me flash. Friends, please go to our hometown to, look rich national characteristics of dragon boat racing! 我写了很久,也翻译了很久的。

2. 写赛龙舟英语作文六句话

Dragon boat racing is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival Sports.The winner is who first reach the final.This sport require athletes work together in a team.The leader need to beat the drum and control the forward speed.The dragon boat racing is usually very interesting.。

3. 英语作文龙舟比赛

Dragon Boat Race A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activity in dragon boat festival. Today, my mother took me out to watch dragon boat races. I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race. When we arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the o sides of the river. We found a place can see the match clearly hardly. The participate sat on the boat look like dragon. When the signal to start set, everyone on the boat tried their best to make the boat forward. And the people who were watching also cheered them. The air was very lively。

4. 英语作文赛龙舟120字

Dragon boat race is a traditional culture of our China. The annual Dragon Boat Festival will hold a dragon boat race.I once went to the Dragon Boat Festival folk culture village to see the Dragon Boat race.Each boat there are many players, there are also many dragon boat. Dragon boatstopped at the starting line, the players sitting rest at the Dragon Boat festival.Not long after, only saw a man whistled, all the Dragon Boat fast to the front running,each dragon boat above all a player in front of the drums, for the behind playerscheer, other players in the back raised his oars desperately forward rowing dragon boats.I saw every Dragon Boat color all have differences, similarities of dragon boat is like a dragon, a faucet, a tail, is really beautiful! A dragon boat is dark red, carved with fine patterns. A dragon boat is blue, it also has many beautiful patterns, a beautiful whiteswan carved on a dragon boat, sparkling. A dragon boat is brown, the dragon boat is really different, other dragon boat has a pattern to dress themselves, and the dragon boat a bit patterns are not, just an ordinary dragon boat. This dragon boat made of wood. There is a dragon boat is orange, this dragon boat is made of a little bitpatterns, this point is very delicate, very beautiful!For a start, the deep red dragon boat ahead. In the second row is that orange yellowdragon boat. But then the brown one dragon boat, I do not know how, as a powerful force with brown, brown dragon boat, dragon boat on the players to rowing the dragon boat, row to the first name, though their boat had arrived first, but they are still not proud, fast rowing dragon boats. How else can not catch up with brown Dragon BoatDragon boat.Finally, brown dragon boats rushed to the end. Second rushed to the end is that bluedragon boat, third is a deep red dragon, the fourth is orange yellow dragon boat.This is a wonderful dragon boat race! I like Chinese traditional culture is the Dragon Boat race!赛龙舟是我们中国的一种传统文化。









5. 关于传统赛龙舟介绍的英语作文50词左右

Dragon boat race is a traditional culture of our China.The annual Dragon Boat Festival will hold a dragon boat race.I once went to the Dragon Boat Festival folk culture village to see the Dragon Boat race.Each boat there are many players,there are also many dragon boat.Dragon boatstopped at the starting line,the players sitting rest at the Dragon Boat festival.Not long after,only saw a man whistled,all the Dragon Boat fast to the front running,each dragon boat above all a player in front of the drums,for the behind playerscheer,other players in the back raised his oars desperately forward rowing dragon boats.I saw every Dragon Boat color all have differences,similarities of dragon boat is like a dragon,a faucet,a tail,is really beautiful!A dragon boat is dark red,carved with fine patterns.A dragon boat is blue,it also has many beautiful patterns,a beautiful whiteswan carved on a dragon boat,sparkling.A dragon boat is brown,the dragon boat is really different,other dragon boat has a pat。

6. 端午节DragonBoatFestival英语作文


人们总是吃粽子和赛龙舟来庆祝它。 The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It is very popular. 这个节日最出名的是龙舟赛,特别是在有着充足的河流和湖泊的南方。

真的是很受欢迎的。The rice mpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice mplings. They are very delicious. 这个粽子是用糯米和肉等做成的。


And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have mitted suicide by drowning himself in a river. 端午节是为了纪念屈原。他是一个诚实的大臣、在河里自杀把自己淹死了。

Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting! 总的来说,端午节是非常有趣的。

7. 关于龙舟节的英语作文,有初中的,快

Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this event is to memorate one of ancient China ring the great poet - Qu Yuan established. I am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just the day time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. Dragon-boat race to reach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching Wai was packed, and I saw a gap on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded the past. This position clear at a glance down the entire river. Dragon-boat race began, each boat is like a arrow, the一个劲forward, every boat is tied to many of the following are mplings, each step forward, there are people on the boat with a knife to cut rice mplings thrown into the water the next. Each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: on the 1st minute lead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. Van Suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a faster boat. At this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand is immediately followed by the rhythm of the : "Thunk! Thunk! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho 。

" seems to boost the morale of God , has started drizzling. Really drum! Voice! Cheers! Blast sound! Rain! Sweat! Compatible with the river water! Dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the FT. Graally, graally. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. . . . . . The end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out of control! Two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finish line of the! Dragon-boat race is a fierce petition ah! 赛龙舟是端午节的一种独特的民俗活动,这个活动的起因是为纪念我国古代时的一伟大的诗人——屈原而设立的。


这个位置居高临下整个江面一目了然。 赛龙舟开始了,每只龙舟都像一支离弦的箭,一个劲的向前冲,每一只龙舟下面都都绑着不少粽子,每向前一步,龙舟上都有人用刀子把粽子斩下扔进水里。

每只龙舟的速度都不分上下:一会儿1号领先,不一会儿8号又追上了。 突然,划船手好像力气大增,每一只龙舟的速度更快了。


天公也好像来助威,开始下起了毛毛细雨。真是鼓声!人声!助威声!声声震耳!雨水!汗水!江水水水相容! 龙舟的速度越来越快,仿佛龙群在江水中急速飞腾。



终点越来越近,只见5号的力量一发不可收拾的爆发了!把后面的两条龙舟远远地甩在后面,然后冲线了! 赛龙舟真是一项激烈的比赛啊。

8. 【要一篇英语作文:Today'stheDragonBoatDay要求:家人的活动】作

英文:Today is the Dragon Boat Festival,I am very happy.I help my mother make zonzis.Grandfather and father on the sofa watching dragon boat racing program.Grandma watched in the newspaper.For a while,we eat zonzis together,watching the Dragon Boat race.中文:今天是端午节,我特别开心.我帮妈妈做粽子.爷爷和爸爸在沙发上看着赛龙舟的节目.奶奶在一旁看着报纸.一会,我们大家一起吃粽子,看着赛龙舟的比赛.备注:可以点击追问,把你写的文章(中文)给我,帮你翻译。

② 以Our Community为题写一篇英语作文

My name is Bob,i live in yu shan cun, many familes and their young children live here.I live in there happily. There are many old peoples living here.They all love the places that they live.Because they lived there for so many year and they are accustomed to enjoy this 's living style.The old peoples are all kind to each other,they all easygoing and hardworking.They although are elderly but some also can do farm work,so they are differ from city's old people.My home is a independent big house including a big yard.My parent are working in the big factory.In all the time, they are hard making money for improving the family's future and the factory's future and the national future.There are many tall buildings and small parkings in the community.Our community is very small but developing fastly.My neighbor is many all kinds of people and some factory and some company and many houses.Now,ours life become better and better,but we also should make the best effort for to make the best future.

③ 浠How to learn English well鍐欎竴绡囪嫳璇浣滄枃

浠ヤ笅鏄涓夌瘒浠銆奌ow to learn English well銆涓洪樼殑鑻辫浣滄枃锛屼緵澶у跺弬鑰冦❤





Title: How to learn English well

English is a global language and it's important to learn it well. Here are some tips for improving your English skills:

  1. Listening: Listen to English podcasts, music, and movies. This will help you improve your listening skills and vocabulary.

  2. Speaking: Practice speaking with native speakers or other learners. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, as this is how you learn.

  3. Reading: Read books, articles, and newspapers in English. This will help you improve your reading speed and comprehension.

  4. Writing: Keep a journal in English or write emails to friends in English. This will help you improve your writing skills and grammar.

By following these tips, you can improve your English skills and become more confident in using the language.


  1. global [ˈ伞loʊbl] adj. 鍏ㄧ悆鐨勶紱鍏ㄤ笘鐣岀殑

  2. vocabulary [vəˈkæbjələri] n. 璇嶆眹锛涜瘝姹囪〃

  3. comprehension [ˌk蓱ːmprɪˈhenʃn] n. 鐞嗚В锛涢嗘偀




  1. 鍚鍔涳細鍚鑻辫鎾瀹銆侀煶涔愬拰鐢靛奖銆傝繖灏嗗府鍔╀綘鎻愰珮鍚鍔涘拰璇嶆眹閲忋

  2. 鍙h锛氫笌姣嶈涓鸿嫳璇鐨勪汉鎴栧叾浠栧︿範鑰呯粌涔犲彛璇銆備笉瑕佸虫曠姱閿欙紝鍥犱负杩欐槸浣犲︿範鐨勬柟寮忋

  3. 闃呰伙細闃呰荤敤鑻辫鍐欑殑涔︾睄銆佹枃绔犲拰鎶ョ焊銆傝繖灏嗗府鍔╀綘鎻愰珮闃呰婚熷害鍜岀悊瑙h兘鍔涖

  4. 鍐欎綔锛氱敤鑻辫鍐欐棩璁版垨缁欐湅鍙嬪啓鐢靛瓙閭浠躲傝繖灏嗗府鍔╀綘鎻愰珮鍐欎綔鎶宸у拰璇娉曘






Title: How to learn English well

Learning English well is very important for people who want to communicate with others from different countries. Here are some tips on how to learn English well: first, listen to English songs, watch English movies and TV shows, and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation; second, speak English as much as possible, even if you make mistakes, don't be afraid to practice; third, read English books, newspapers, and magazines to improve your vocabulary and grammar; fourth, write English essays or diary entries to practice your writing skills. Remember to keep practicing and improving yourself.


  1. intonation [n.] 璇璋冿紱澹拌皟

  2. vocabulary [n.] 璇嶆眹锛涜瘝琛

  3. grammar [n.] 璇娉曪紱鏂囨硶








How to Learn English Well

Learning English well is not an easy task, but it is achievable with the right approach. Here are some tips on how to improve your English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Firstly, listening is a crucial part of learning English. You can listen to English radio stations or watch English movies and TV shows. Try to understand as much as you can and make notes of new words and phrases.

Secondly, speaking is also important. Practice speaking with native speakers or other learners. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, as they are a natural part of the learning process.

Thirdly, reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary and grammar. Read books, newspapers, and articles in English on topics that interest you.

Finally, writing is essential for improving your English skills. Start by writing short paragraphs about your daily life or topics you are interested in. Ask a teacher or a friend to correct your mistakes.

By following these tips, you can improve your English skills and become fluent in the language.


  1. Achievable (adj.) - capable of being accomplished; 鍙浠ュ疄鐜扮殑

  2. Crucial (adj.) - extremely important; 鍏抽敭鐨

  3. Native speakers - people who speak English as their first language; 浠ヨ嫳璇涓烘瘝璇鐨勪汉

  4. Vocabulary (n.) - the words used in a language; 璇嶆眹

  5. Grammar (n.) - the rules for using words in a language; 璇娉









④ 以Healthy eating为题写一篇英语作文

这篇文章我可是太熟悉啦!在中考前,我基本上每隔两周就要写一篇以Healthy Eating为主题的作文练习!下面就让我把练习中总结的作文思路毫无保留地分享给你!



Eating habit is a very important part in our lives.A good eating habit make you healthy and strong.This is my eating habit.I like to have some pieces of bread and two eggs for breakfast,it keeps my sprite well.For lunch,I like to have something different such as hamburgers,steack and so on.And eat less for my dinner,because before sleeping,you should eat less.Some fruit are my better choice.Let us eat healthy food to keep ourselves fit!



⑤ 鑻辫鍐欎綔鏂囨垜鏄涓鍖荤敓


  1. 浠嬬粛鑷宸辨垚涓轰竴鍚嶅尰鐢熺殑鍘熷洜鍜岀粡鍘嗐

  2. 鎻忚堪鍖荤敓鐨勮亴璐e拰宸ヤ綔鍐呭癸紝鍖呮嫭璇婃柇銆佹不鐤椼侀勯槻鐤剧梾绛夈

  3. 璁ㄨ哄尰鐢熷湪绀句細涓鐨勫湴浣嶅拰浣滅敤锛屼互鍙婂规偅鑰呭拰瀹跺涵鐨勫奖鍝嶃

  4. 寮鸿皟鍖荤敓闇瑕佸叿澶囩殑涓撲笟鐭ヨ瘑鍜屾妧鑳斤紝濡傛矡閫氳兘鍔涖佷汉闄呭叧绯汇佸喅绛栬兘鍔涚瓑銆

  5. 鍒嗕韩鍖荤敓宸ヤ綔涓鐨勬寫鎴樺拰鍥伴毦锛屼互鍙婂備綍鍏嬫湇杩欎簺闂棰樸





I am a doctor. My job is to diagnose and treat patients with various illnesses. Every day, I see patients who are suffering from physical or emotional pain. As a doctor, I have a responsibility to provide the best possible care for my patients.

Sometimes, my job can be very challenging. I have to make difficult decisions about treatment options and communicate these decisions to my patients and their families. I also have to deal with patients who may be uncooperative or difficult to work with.

Despite these challenges, I find my work as a doctor incredibly rewarding. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a patient recover from an illness or injury and knowing that you played a role in their recovery.


1. diagnose (鍔ㄨ瘝) - 纭璇婏紱璇婃柇

2. treatment (鍚嶈瘝) - 娌荤枟

3. challenging (褰㈠硅瘝) - 鍏锋湁鎸戞垬鎬х殑锛涘洶闅剧殑

4. uncooperative (褰㈠硅瘝) - 涓嶅悎浣滅殑锛涗笉閰嶅悎鐨








Title: I am a Doctor

I am a doctor. My job is to take care of people's health. Every day, I see patients with different illnesses and try my best to help them recover. I need to diagnose their conditions, prescribe medication, and monitor their progress. Sometimes, I need to perform surgeries or other medical proceres.

Being a doctor is not just a job, it's a calling. I feel a sense of responsibility to my patients and their families. I listen to their concerns, answer their questions, and provide emotional support. It's important to treat the whole person, not just their illness.

As a doctor, I also have a ty to stay up-to-date on the latest medical research and techniques. I attend conferences and read medical journals to improve my knowledge and skills. I work with other healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care for my patients.

In conclusion, being a doctor is a challenging but rewarding profession. I am proud to be able to make a difference in people's lives and help them achieve better health.


1. diagnose (v.) 鈥 to identify a disease or condition based on symptoms and medical tests; 璇婃柇

2. prescribe (v.) 鈥 to recommend or order medication or treatment for a patient; 寮鑽鏂

3. surgery (n.) 鈥 a medical procere that involves cutting into the body to treat an injury or illness; 鎵嬫湳

4. emotional support (n.) 鈥 providing comfort and encouragement to someone who is going through a difficult time; 鎯呮劅鏀鎸

5. healthcare professional (n.) 鈥 someone who works in the medical field, such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist; 鍖荤枟涓撲笟浜哄憳










Title: I am a Doctor

I am a doctor. My job is to help people when they are sick or injured. I have studied medicine for many years and have a lot of experience in the field. As a doctor, it is my ty to provide the best possible care for my patients.

My job involves diagnosing illnesses and injuries, prescribing medication, and performing medical proceres. I work long hours and sometimes have to make difficult decisions, but I know that my work is important and can make a real difference in people's lives.

Being a doctor requires a lot of knowledge and skill. I have to keep up with the latest advances in medicine and be able to apply them in my practice. I also have to be compassionate and understanding, as my patients often come to me when they are feeling vulnerable and scared.

Overall, being a doctor is a challenging but rewarding career. I feel privileged to be able to help people every day and make a positive impact on their lives.

Difficult words:

  1. diagnose (鍔ㄨ瘝)锛氳瘖鏂鐤剧梾鎴栫梾鎯

  2. prescribe (鍔ㄨ瘝)锛氱粰鏌愪汉寮鍏峰尰鐤楁不鐤楁柟妗

  3. procere (鍚嶈瘝)锛氬尰鐤楁不鐤楁垨鎵嬫湳

  4. compassionate (褰㈠硅瘝)锛氬规e湪閬鍙楃棝鑻︾殑浠栦汉琛ㄧ幇鍑哄叧蹇冨拰鐞嗚В







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