Ⅰ 拥挤的翻译,怎么用英语翻译拥挤,拥挤用英语怎么说
[词典] crowd; push and squeeze; congest; huddle; invade;
Don't push!
Ⅱ 鎷ユ尋鐨勮嫳璇鎬庝箞璇
闂棰樹竴锛氭嫢鎸ょ殑鑻辨枃鎬庝箞璇 鎷ユ尋
n. piling,
v. crowd, pack,
cram, pile, squeeze, gather, congregate, cluster 鎷ユ尋鐨勫煄甯俢rowded city涓嶈佹嫢鎸!Don鈥檛 push!姹借埞椹舵姷鐮佸ご锛岃埞涓婄殑鏃呭㈡嫢鎸や笉鍫銆俆he steamer arrived at the quay with the tourists packed like sardines.杩欎釜鍦版柟寰堝畨闈欙紝涓庡煄甯傜殑鎷ユ尋鍠у殻鍗佸垎涓嶅悓銆俆his place is very quiet, quite different from the hustle and bustle of the cities.鎷ユ尋鐨勮溅杈嗛樆濉炰簡閬撹矾銆侶eavy traffic blocked the road.涓婁笅鐝鏃堕棿鐨勪氦閫氬緢鎷ユ尋銆俆he rush hour traffic is very dense.
闂棰樹簩锛氭嫢鎸ょ殑浜虹兢鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇达紵 杩欎釜寰堢畝鍗曠殑锛屽氨鏄痑 crowd of people
闂棰樹笁锛氭嫢鎸ょ敤鑻辨枃鎬庝箞璇? crowd
n. 缇や紬,涓浼;涓鍫,璁稿,澶т紬
v. 鎷ユ尋,鎸ゆ弧,鎸よ繘
vt. 鎸ゆ弧,灏...濉炶繘;鍌淇,鍌閫
vi. 鎸,鎷ユ尋,鑱
闂棰樺洓锛氭嫢鎸ょ敤鑻辫鎬庝箞璇 crow
闂棰樹簲锛氭嫢鎸ょ殑缈昏瘧锛屾庝箞鐢ㄨ嫳璇缈昏瘧鎷ユ尋锛屾嫢鎸ょ敤鑻辫鎬庝箞璇 鎷ユ尋
[璇嶅吀] crowd; push and squeeze; congest; huddle; invade;
Don't push!
闂棰樺叚锛氭湁鐐瑰お鎷ユ尋锛岀敤鑻辨枃鍜嬭达紵 A little crowded.
闂棰樹竷锛氭洿鎷ユ尋鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇 鏇存嫢鎸
More crowded
crowded 鑻 [?kra?d?d] 缇 [?kra?dɪd]
.adj. 鎷ユ尋鐨; 姘存硠涓嶉氱殑; 鑲╂懇韪垫帴;
[渚嬪彞]He peered slowly around the *** all crowded room.浠栨參鎱㈠湴鐜瑙嗚繖涓鎷ユ尋鐨勫皬灞嬨
闂棰樺叓锛氭嫢鎸よ繖涓璇嶈鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庢牱琛ㄨ揪锛 crowded 褰㈠硅瘝
eg銆俛 crowded car涓杈嗘嫢鎸ょ殑杞
eg students crowded into the school.瀛︾敓鎸よ繘瀛︽牎
闂棰樹節锛氭嫢鎸よ繖涓璇嶈鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庢牱琛ㄨ揪 crowded锛屾嫢鎸ょ殑锛屼綔褰㈠硅瘝銆
the street is crowded on weekends銆備竴鍒板懆鏈杩欐潯琛楅亾灏卞緢鎷ユ尋銆