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发布时间: 2024-06-28 12:42:52

① 关于节日英语作文4篇



Ho-soul or when air Hokyo, Sally Lai Yun between a silent death; evenly divided over a long journey of a thousand miles Ban Yun Qu Ming; Jiaotu air from the outside off the string, the toad demon off to the front of Health; Ling twist about to be hand in hand with more to be Galaxy plete clearance. Lunar New Year every year on August 15, is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival. At this time of the year's mid-autumn, is called the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the Chinese Lunar New Year, a year into four seasons, on a quarterly basis and is divided into Bangladesh, Chung, the three parts of the quarter, which the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Zhongqiu. Autumn Moon over the remaining months of the year the full moon is more round. Brighter, so they called the "Xi-on" and "Ba Yuejie." This evening, people look up to the sky, such as jade disk Langlang Ming, bringing next to the Full Moon, there are several Qing-yun, such as tobacco Siwu, indemnity kept in the moonlight. We head around, looked at the moon in the sky, far away thinking about loved ones, like the poem of Li Bai's Night "give hope for the first moon, think of head home." Every time the Mid-Autumn Festival es, people will do the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes as gifts, my Mid-Autumn Festival, just a collection of holiday gifts, home of the increase mooncakes continuous, each box of moon cakes have a variety of shapes and Different tastes, such as "the circular. Square. Triangle", and Yerong taste, eggs, sweet, salty, and so on, very tasty.

关于节日英语作文2:Duanwu Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi ***glutinous rice wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves*** and racing dragon boats.The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.

.关于节日英语作文3:My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn Day. Do you know why? Firstly, it’s day for family gathering. On Mid-autumn Day, families will stay together and eat a big dinner. My families always make very delicious food. After dinner, families will enjoy the beautiful full moon. We often have a good talk and eat moon cakes and fruits. For me, I like moon cakes very much. They are so tasty. Besides, the Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. It’s my favorite season.


关于节日英语作文4:My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is New Year. It is a very important festival in Chinese culture. In fact, it's the highlight of the year. Everyone returns home for a family reunion.We have a big feast and chat about all the things that have happened in our lives. People also visit each other. We exchange gifts and good wishes for the next year.


New Year is especially fun for kids. That's because we get presents and treats, including red envelopes filled with money. We also get to set off fireworks. But we never forget that this holiday is a time to give thanks. We feel grateful for our family and the things that we have. Finally, we think about the future and the great year ahead.



② 关于节日英语作文合集5篇

那么多节日,你喜欢哪些呢?下面给大家分享一些关于节日 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。


There are many festivals in a year, I love Children’s day, because on that day, I can have many candies from school. In the school, i will play many games, there will be no class on Children’s day, everybody will have fun. Children’s day is my favorite day, the day belongs to me. I enjoy that day so much. My parents will also celebrate it for me.


It is known to all that China has the history of more than 5,000 years and the culture influences generations. No matter where people live, they keep the traditional festivals. Such as the people who live in Chinatown. Though some of them have been immigrants, they still celebrate the traditional festivals. So in every corner of Chinatown, the Chinese traditional features can be seen everywhere. The preservation of the traditional culture is the key to help the country live so long. After the long period of time, the essence of the culture part have been inherited while the negative part has been removed. Many culture even influences the foreign country, such as Confucius Institution, where foreigners learn Chinese culture and mandarin. Though we are facing the impact of Hollywood culture, the traditional festivals provides an important way to save local culture.


When the traditional festival comes, everybody is excited about it, because they will have holiday to relax. The meaning of these festivals is remembered by the old generation all the time, while some young people do not know. So when we enjoy the holiday, we need to know more about the traditional culture.

A foreign girl shot a video to ask Chinese young people something about Mid-autumn festival. To everybody’s surprise, a lot of them did not know the story about this big day. When I was very small, I have watched many TV series telling about the myth of Hou Yi and his wife. I learned many Chinese myths and legends from the shows. Though some people enjoy the festival, they should learn the culture.

With the development of Chinese economic power, more and more foreigners are interested in learning Chinese. Some are very crazy about the traditional culture. They study famous great old poems and novels, treating the great characters as idols.

The traditional festival is the important way to preserve our culture, which is the great treasure of human being. We are so proud of it, because it is priceless.


Spring Festival is my favorite among all the Chinese traditional festival. The first reason why I love it the most is because I can get lucky money on that festival. It is the Chinese custom that the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festival to wish a good luck for the young generation. Moreover, people everywhere on those days are full of happiness. Quarrel, fight and abuse are almost disappeared at that time. Meanwhile, my mother will make a big meal for us to celebrate. Everyone will forget the unhappy thing they meet, instead remembering to appreciate life to wish a better future. That is my favorite festival.


When the festival comes, I will be very excited, because it is a good time for my families to get together and we share our happiness. My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn festival. I can have moon-cake. It is so delicious for me. The moon looks so bright and big, and we can appreciate it while playing the cards in the balcony.

关于节日英语作文合集5篇相关 文章 :

★ 关于节日的英语作文小学5篇

★ 我最喜欢的节日英语作文5篇

★ 有关节日的英语作文小学5篇

★ 关于节日的小学英语作文5篇

★ 关于j节日类的英语优秀作文范文5篇

★ 关于端午节的英语作文5篇

★ 我最喜欢的节日英语作文5篇(2)

★ 节日英语作文

★ 喜欢的节日英语作文4篇

★ 关于中秋节英语作文带翻译5篇

③ 关于端午节的英语作文结尾带翻译

Dragon Boat Festival,often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival,is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.Dragon Boat festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan.He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government.People sat on dragon boats,and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums.Hence,toady we sail the dragon boats to celebrate this festival.

④ 关于传统节日英语作文

China is a constant stream of history. From the fall to the war, from peace to prosperity. The traditional culture of thousands of years is profound and profound. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn festival, the double ninth festival, and I like the most lively festival of the year - the Spring Festival.

The eve of the Spring Festival, the streets of the shops are full of red lanterns, with glittering couplet, a faction of renewing atmosphere, the wall in the shop are repainted, glass also wipe were shining brilliantly. At this moment, a large crowd of people with the joy of the spring rush to the big store to buy New Year goods, the goods in the store are full of the goods, so much to make you dazzling, unable to choose. The sounds of cars, the peddlers' cries, and the children's shouts of joy are the happy symphonies of the lively street.

The night on New Year's eve is more lively! There are a lot of delicacies on my desk: the red meat with the juice, the fragrant hot pot, and lots of delicious fruit. We propose a toast to the health and success of our elders. The elder also wants us to good study, day day up! At the dinner table everyone was eating and talking about the change of the year.

At night, people set off fireworks. The fireworks sent out beautiful flowers in the sky. I saw little friends playing, and I thought: let my fireworks make a beautiful picture of the bright night sky. So I lit the fireworks, "boom!" A sound of fireworks in the air was a gorgeous rainbow. "Wow! That's beautiful! "They cried out in chorus. I laughed and lit the second...

How happy the Spring Festival is! I wish every day was Spring Festival!
The passage mainly tells us the importance of protecting traditional Chinese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and changing lifestyle. Besides, China is nationwide sparing no efforts to do it.

The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. It is reported that the Guangdong government pays special attention to protecting Chaoju***潮剧***, a local drama born in Chaozhou in the eastern Guangdong province.

In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture effectively. To start with, we should make a law to regulate the society’s performance. Besides, we should draw more people’s attention to it, for the more they know about the importance of culture protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public.

In a word, it is high time for us to treasure and develop our own valuable culture.
The Mid-Autumn festival is a traditional festival in our country. It originated from the tang dynasty, when the moon was the center of the moon. In the qingming period, it became a "festival of folk custom".

The Mid-Autumn festival is second only to the Spring Festival. The Mid-Autumn festival is the time of the flower and the moon. People thought of the reunion of the world from the moon in the sky. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn festival is called "reunion" in ancient times. People yearn for the round circle. Reunions are ideal for the Chinese people. "I hope that the people will be long, the beautiful wishes of the people." The Mid-Autumn festival attaches great importance to the cultivation and expression of family affection, and has an irreplaceable role in promoting social harmony.

I like Mid-Autumn festival very much. When it es to the Mid-Autumn festival, our family will enjoy the moon, moon cakes and watch the Mid-Autumn festival. This year the Mid-Autumn festival, our family reunion together, everybody say *** ile, but happy. The moon was not as bright as the Mid-Autumn festival. But it was beautiful. The moon sometimes looked like a shy, beautiful maiden, and the wind brother said a few words, and hid behind the clouds, and covered a veil, and looked more delicate and charming. Now and then, like a naughty child, look at us for the holidays! I saw it, and I couldn't help it. Dad heard it and asked, "what are you laughing at?" I said, deliberately and mysteriously, "secrets."

How do you know about the Mid-Autumn festival?





⑤ 一篇关于节日的英语作文


Fifteenth day Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.

People will eat ring the Lantern Festival, the South and the North are different, so there's to eat glutinous rice balls, which have a literary reference, saying it was Yuan feel Lantern with "Yuan Consumers" So the Lantern named Tangyuan. Hanging lanterns in the streets on both sides. That is festive, but also lively.

Lantern Festival is also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, the young men and women get along with fireworks, dancing folk dance and lantern making.

Lantern Festival this day, people walking on the street, watching lanterns, guess riddles. People are immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

Fifteenth day after the Lantern Festival, people began the new year's work.

The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.
On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round.

⑥ 传统节日英语作文优秀范文

我们国家有很多传统节日,你对于传统节日的了解有多深呢?可以用英语介绍一下,让外国的友人也了解一下我们的传统节日。下面是我为你整理的传统节日 英语 作文 ,希望对你有帮助!

Dragon Boat Festival is the traditional day in China, it is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. The common activity for different places are dragon boat competition and eating zongzi. In my hometown, there will be the dragon boat competition every year. A lot of teams join this activity and there are full of audiences stand on the river side, wathing and yelling for the teams. It is one fo the biggest matches in my hometown. What’ more, making zongzi is also the tradition. My mother makes the zongzi at this time every year, she told me that she learned it from my grandma and she would teach me in the future.

端午节 是中国的传统节日,它在农历5月5日。不同地方的共同活动是龙舟比赛和吃粽子。在我的家乡,每年将会有龙舟比赛。很多团队加入这个活动,有观众站在河边,一边观看,一边为团队助喊呐威。这是我家乡最大的一个比赛。更重要的,做粽子也是传统。我母亲在每年这个时候都会包粽子,她告诉我,她从我奶奶那里学,她将来也会教我。
China has many traditional festivals among the year. But I like Mid-Autumn Festival the most. It means harvest, because it is celebrated in the harvest season. And it is the time for famers to express their thanks for harvest. In addtion, it’s the day for reunion. Some people call it Tuanyuanjie. The people work or study far away from home will come back to get-together with their families. They will eat a big meal and mooncake at that time. I hate parting but love reunion. So Mid-Autumn Day is my favorite festival.

一年之中中国有很多传统节日。我最喜欢的是 中秋节 。那意味着收获,因为它是在收获的季节里面庆祝的。那也是让农民们感激收获的时候。 此外,它也是团圆的日子。有人把它称为团圆节。在远方工作或学习的人都会回来与家人团聚。他们会在那个时候一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐和月饼。我讨厌离别,喜欢团圆。所以我最喜欢的节日是中秋节。
Spring Festival is my favorite among all the Chinese traditional festival. The first reason why I love it the most is because I can get lucky money on that festival. It is the Chinese custom that the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festival to wish a good luck for the young generation. Moreover, people everywhere on those days are full of happiness. Quarrel, fight and abuse are almost disappeared at that time. Meanwhile, my mother will make a big meal for us to celebrate. Everyone will forget the unhappy thing they meet, instead remembering to appreciate life to wish a better future. That is my favorite festival.

春节 是 中国传统节日 中我最喜欢。我最喜欢它的第一个原因是因为我可以得到压岁钱。老人会在春节给孩子们压岁钱来祈祷年轻一代能有好运气是中国习俗。此外,在那段时间里到处都充满着快乐。争吵,打架和辱骂几乎都听不到了。而且我妈妈会给我们做一顿大餐来庆祝。每个人都忘记了那些不开心的事,而是记住了感激生活,希望一个更美好的未来。这就是我最喜欢的节日。


1. 中国传统文化相关英语作文范文

2. 关于节日的英语作文带翻译

3. 高考节日英语作文2017年范文

4. 关于端午节的英语作文

5. 关于节日的英语短文带翻译

⑦ "节日"英语作文不少于8句(用上first,next,then,finally)

Today is spring festival. We got up very early this morning . First we cleaned our houses in the morning . Next we were dressed up and got ready for the festival. Then we helped mother to make some delious food such as dishes, fruits ,mplings and so on. In the evening we made mplings and set off fireworks . Finally we watched TV and waited for the bell of the new year.We all enjoyed ourselves.


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