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发布时间: 2024-06-28 11:21:45

『壹』 灯笼起源于东汉英语四级翻译


Chinese lantern has originated from the Western Han Dynasty. Around the yearly Lantern Festival, people all hang red lanterns up, which are symbols of reunion, to create a festive atmosphere. Lanterns later become a joyous symbol for Chinese.

Chinese lantern synthesizes techniques of painting art, paper cutting, paper bundling and prickseaming. Palace lantern and gauze lantern are the most famous among the lanterns made in ancient China.

Nowadays, lanterns still paly an important role in home decoration, but the material of some lanterns have changed from paper and bamboo to cloth, plastics and iron wire, and their shape and colour have been quite different from traditional ones.

『贰』 灯笼起源于东汉英语四级翻译




“起源于”这个词组常常出现在真题中,一定要掌握它的英文表达:originate from/in,derive from,come from等。

“东汉”是中国历史的朝代,我们要翻译出“朝代dynasty”这个词,整个“东汉”就是“Eastern Han Dynasty”。


『叁』 2019年6月英语四级翻译真题及答案



The lion dance has been a traditional Chinese folk art for more than 2000 years. In the lion dance, two performers share a lion costume, one moving the head and the other moving the body and tail. They skillfully cooperate to imitate the various movements of a lion. As the king of beasts, the lion symbolizes happiness and good luck, so people usually perform lion dances ring the Spring Festival and other festivals. Lion dances can also be seen on other important occasions, such as store openings and wedding ceremonies, which often attract many people to watch.


灯笼起源于东汉, 最初主要用于照明。在唐代,人们用红灯笼来庆祝安定的生活。从那时起,灯笼在中国的许多地方流行起来。灯笼通常用色彩鲜艳的薄纸制作,形状和尺寸各异。在中国传统文化中,红灯笼象征生活美满和生意兴隆,通常在春节、元宵节和国庆等节日期间悬挂。如今,世界上许多其他地方也能看到红灯笼。


Lanterns originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and were at first used primarily for lighting. In the Tang Dynasty, people used red lanterns to celebrate a stable life. Since then, lanterns have became popular in many parts of China. Lanterns are usually made of brightly-colored tissue paper in a variety of shapes and sizes. In traditional Chinese culture, red lanterns symbolize a happy life and flourishing business, usually hung ring festivals like the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and National Day. Today, red lanterns can be seen in many other parts of the world.



Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese folk art and has a history of more than 2,000 years. Paper cutting probably originates in the Han Dynasty, following the invention of paper. Since then, it has gained popularity in many places of China. The materials and tools used for paper cutting are simple: paper and scissors. Paper-cuts are usually made of red paper, because red is associated with happiness in traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, on festive occasions such as weddings and the Chinese New Year, red paper-cuts are the first choice for decorating doors and windows.


『肆』 灯笼翻译成DengLong可以吗


『伍』 灯笼英语单词字母


lantern 英[ˈlæntən] 美[ˈlæntərn]
n. 灯笼; 灯塔; 灯罩; 灯饰;
[例句]The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness
[其他] 复数:lanterns

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