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发布时间: 2024-06-22 16:51:02

A. 订婚用英文怎么说


英文意思是:Be engaged


从事[cóng shì ]

go in for; devote oneself to; be engaged in; be busy with; deal with;

be engaged

英 [bi: enˈgeɪdʒd] 美 [bi ɛnˈɡedʒd]



英 [ɪnˈgeɪdʒd] 美 [ɛnˈɡedʒd]




与某人订婚;保证,约定;从事( engage的过去式和过去分词);吸引或引起(注意、兴趣等)

B. 翻译成英语:“浪漫的约会”

Romantic rendezvous
(rendezvous源自于法语,个人觉得更有浪漫色彩~ 或者干脆不要romantic)

C. 约定翻译成英语

动词形式抄:promise,engage,appoint,make a date,to agree on,to promise

名词形式:commitment,convention(这个单词主要用的正式场合),promise,appointment,arrangement,engagement, treaty 和assumpsit(这两个单词主要用在合同、条款等正式文件里)

D. 将下列词组译成英语

握手shake hands 犯错误make mistakes
与……交谈 talk with sb 与……初次见面meet sb. for the fist time
顺便(偶然)拜访某地 drop by 约定时间做……,约会make an appoitment to do
习惯于某事/做某事 be/get used to doing sth 敬茶serve tea for
准时(区别be in time 及时)on time 花时间何某人呆在一起spend some time with sb
毕竟 after all 变得厌get bored
计划/打算做某事be going to do sth 钟表之邦the country of watches
能应付自如地(做)feel free to do sth 邀请某人做……invite sb to do
正如你所能想象 as you can see 捡起;拾起pick up
应该做某事be supposed to do 把……插进……put into
与……不同 be different from 指向point to
切碎;切开cut off 很开心be glad
做……是粗鲁的(表现)it's rude to do 餐桌礼仪table manners
特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事 get on one's way to do 起初at first
使某人感到宾至如归 make sb feel at home 发现做……是困难的find it different to do
不应该做某事shouldn't do it 不再no longer
发出令人不愉快的声音make unpleasant noises 以……开始begin with
为……而感谢thanks for 节约时间save time
敬酒 toast for 把……和……组合在一起combine A and B
赞扬 phraise sb 做鬼脸make faces
自学learn by oneself 用手机给……发短信send message to sb by phone

E. 鈥滆㈠氬吀绀兼㈣繋澶у跺厜涓粹濈殑鑻辨枃鎬庝箞璇


Welcome to the engagement ceremony "

F. 銆愯嫳璇銆戙愮炕璇戙戝姩璇峜ontrast缇庨煶鍙戦煶搴旇ユ槸锛籯ən'træst锛斤紝鍙鏄杩欐湰涔﹂噷杩欐电殑褰曢煶

contrast verb涓ょ嶅彂闊抽兘瀵筟闊︽皬]閲嶉煶鍦ㄥ悗[鐗涙触銆佸墤妗]缇庨煶鏃剁殑doing褰㈠紡閲嶉煶鍦ㄥ墠闈[鏈楁枃]

if two things contrast, the difference between them is very easy to see and is sometimessurprising銆恦i銆

The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.[鍓峕

contrast sharply/strikingly with something(=be extremely different from something)These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.[鍚嶿

to compare two things, ideas, people etc to show how different they are from each other銆恦t銆

contrast something with something

In another passage, Melville again contrasts the land with the sea. [鍚嶿

an essaycomparing and contrasting(=showing how two things are similar and different)Verdi and Wagner and their operas [鍓峕

compare and contrast bring and receive into / perceived as no one in the family could the enormity of the misfortune / in the light of experience銆愯繖鍙ヨ瘽鏄鎴戜笉鏄庣櫧銆

vt. to set off in contrast: compare or appraise in respect to differences <contrast European and American manners>鈥攐ften used with to or with <contrasting her with other women鈥擵ictoria Sackville-West>

vi. to form a contrast

Her black dress and the white background contrast sharply.

We compared and contrasted the two characters of the story.

contrast verb kən-'trast, 'kän-, contrastable-'tras-tə-bəl, -,tras contrastingly-tiŋ-lE


contract锛2a & vi 1 usually ˈkän,trakt others usually kən-'锛<--涓嶆槑鐧"&"鐨勫惈涔


[鍚嶿1a: to bring on oneself especially inadvertently: incur<contracting debts>

[鍚嶿b: to become affected with <contract pneumoia>鑲虹値/njuːˈməʊniə/

[鍓峕2a: to establish or undertake by contract<contract a job>

[qian锛焆b: betroth; also: to establish (a marriage) formally ////璁㈠氾紝璁搁厤(betroth)

[qian锛焆c(1): to hire by contract <contract a lawyer> (2): to purchase (as goods or services) on a contract basis鈥攐ften used with out

[鍚嶿3a: limit, restrict <contract the scope of their activities>...鐨勮寖鍥

[鍚嶿b: knit, wrinkle <frown contracted his bow>

[鍚嶿c: to draw together : concentrate

[鍚嶿4: to rece to smaller size by or as if by squeezing or forcing together <contract a muscle>

[鍚嶿5: to shorten (as a word) by omitting one or more sounds or letters


[鍓峕1: to make a contract

[鍚嶿2: to draw together so as to become diminished in size <metal contracts on cooling>; also : to become less in compass, ration, or length <muscle contracts in tetanus>鐮翠激椋庯紱寮虹洿

inadvertently鏃犳剰鍦; 涓嶇粡鎰忓湴 锛歐e hadinadvertentlyleft without paying thebill. 鎴戜滑鏃犳剰涔嬩腑鏈浠樿处灏辩诲紑浜嗐

incur if you incur sth unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it : She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent. 濂规湭缁忕埗浜插悓鎰忓氨缁撳氾紝浣跨埗浜查渿鎬掋 寮曡嚧锛屽甫鏉ワ紙鎴愭湰銆佽姳璐圭瓑锛塱f you incur costs, you have to pay them : You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit. 濡傛灉瓒呭嚭浜嗛忔敮闄愰濓紝灏辨湁琚閾惰屽姞鏀惰垂鐢ㄧ殑椋庨櫓銆 鎷涜嚧;甯︽潵;閬鍙桰f youincursomething unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done : The government had also incurred huge debts...鏀垮簻涔熷凡璐熷虹疮绱銆

In the 1980s, theeconomycontractedand many small businessesfailed.

Afailuretoconformto a .

These issues were outside thescopeof thearticle. 杩欎簺闂棰樹笉灞炴湰鏂囪鸿堪鑼冨洿

diminish verb 鍑忓皯; (浣)鍑忓急; 璐浣

The world's resources are rapidlydiminishing. 涓栫晫璧勬簮姝e湪杩呴熷噺灏戙侷 don't wish to diminish the importance of their contribution. 鎴戝苟涓嶆兂璐浣庝粬浠鎵浣滆础鐚鐨勯噸瑕佹с


N-COUNT鐣岄檺;鑼冨洿If something is withinthe compass ofsomething or someone, it is within their limits or abilities. Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable. 鍦ㄩ氬父涓鏈涔︾殑绡囧箙涓瑕佷綔濡傛ゅ叏闈㈢殑璋冩煡涓嶅お瀹為檯銆

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