❶ 化工英语文献翻译
作者:Shantanu Roy, Jinwen Chen, Sailesh B. Kumar, M. H. Al-Dahhan,* 和M. P. Dukovic [* 表示通讯作者的意思]。
摘要:液-固循环流化床在各种工业过程中均是一种有潜在价值的反应装置,如炼油和精细化学品、石化产品及食品的合成。这些过程中,迅速失活的固体催化剂需要在基本反应完成后再生,并在提升管的固体中再循环。本研究表明,计算机辅助放射微粒示踪技术(CARPT)可用于构建提升管中固体流速模型和供试流体流速下的固体回流。?-射线计算机层析摄影(CT) 表明,在分馏柱中部固体浓度稍高。这和气-固提升管反应器的情景相反,后者的固体浓度在柱壁上更高。
液-固循环流化床在精细化学品、石化产品合成及炼油等各种工业过程中作为一种备选反应装置迅速得到推广(Liang等, 1995)。该过程在液相反应物(典型高压、低温下的烃)(Thomas, 1970)和可快速灭活的固相催化剂(Corma和Martinez, 1993)存在的反应器中完成。基本反应在高液/固流速比的垂直提升管柱中完成(在提升管中固体变成可被液体运载的液化状态)。失活催化剂在通过连续内环流中的循环固体和基本反应偶联的独立处理过程中再生。此类连续流动的液固系统的设计和组装需要每相中的流动模型以及相含率分配方面的知识。本工作的目的是通过实验研究实验室级循环液固系统流动模型的提升管中固相的流速和含率分布问题。
实验室级液-固循环流化床的装备图纸如图1所示。提升管是一根直径6英寸、高7英尺的有机玻璃柱。提升管中的自来水带动直径2.5毫米的玻璃微珠流动,并通过柱塞和喷射器回流进入系统。用喷射器(已把固体流速预标定为水流速函数)控制液流法来维持提升管中的固体物料流。全部固/液流速比可通过柱底部分配盘来调控。用内环流中的泵和储水罐中的循环水来维持气馏柱和喷射口部分恒定的高速水流。实验在密苏里州圣路易斯市华盛顿洲立大学化学工程系化学反应工程实验室研发的CARPT和CT装置中进行(Devanathan, 1991; Kumar,1994)。也许有必要指出,本研究使用的系统是致密的,粘滞性小,惟有非浸入式流体检测法如CARPT和CT才有能力精确测量固体流速和浓度。当前的装备使得提升管可以在CARPT-CT操作平台上安装用于本研究。早在固相水动力学的研究之前, 液相停留时间分布测定仪就在液相中得到应用。脉冲式快速注入氯化钾溶液后测定液相在既定位置的传导情况。本研究的结果其他地方也有报道(Roy 等, 1996),我们发现液相实际上呈集中流势,具有小的分散效应。液体示踪颗粒E-曲线的二维方差总是小于0.1。
美国化学学会的CARPT研究(Devanathan, 1991; Yang等, 1992)把放射性Sc-46微粒(发射波长350 íCi,半衰期83天)引入一个粒径和密度与待混流的玻璃微珠相匹配的中空铝球中来制备示踪颗粒。采用精妙的CARPT标定步骤(Yang等, 1992), 颗粒被放入供试反应段的约200-300个已知位置,就得到了每个检测器的距离-密度关系标定图谱。标定完成后,设置并保持所需的液体超临界流速,且容许固体微粒自由进入流场来模拟典型的玻璃微粒的运动。长时间后(8小时),示踪颗粒的位置(用检测器获得的光子数目来表示)记作时间的函数。随后,固体颗粒的平均流体组分和波动流体组分、粘滞系数和动力学能量可以通过舍弃和处理粗略的原始数据后计算得出(Devanathan, 1991; Larachi 等, 1997)。这是CARPT技术首次在一个体系中的成功演示,该体系中示踪颗粒周期性地离开和重新进入被检测器检测到的分馏柱反应段。
密苏里州圣路易斯市华盛顿洲立大学化学工程系化学反应工程实验室的CT扫描仪采用扇-线几何学来测定?-射线通过提升管中给定物体后的放射衰减。然后用粗略的衰减测量仪器重构中横截面上各相的时间平均含率分布。该放射源被置于100 mCi的Cs-137同位素中, 11个碘化钠检测器(最大值)组成的角阵列用于衰减测试。基于极大似然原理的期望极大算法(Lange和Carson, 1984)用来做投影仪中获取的图象重建。CREL扫描仪的软件和硬件方面的细节问题已经由 Kumar 等 (1995)、Kumar和Dukovic′(1997)讨论过。本研究中供试液-固提升管在沿柱的四个轴向位置被扫描。
实验在液体超临界流速(12-23 cm/s)的范围内进行。本研究报道了在20 cm/s液体超临界流速的条件下运行的系统中得到的典型结果。所有实验采用直径2.5毫米的玻璃微珠,喷射器的水流速度为25 gal/min。提升管底部的水流速度保持在33 gal/min,以便使柱中的平均液体超临界流速达到20 cm/s。
图2 是在20 cm/s的液体超临界流速下4个轴向位置测得的对数平均化和时间平均化的径向固体含率 (固体浓度) 分布图。我们观察到固体含率的级数并不随着径向位置的升高而呈显著变化(最大变异是4%),但随轴向位置的变化而稍微下降(最大变异4%)。和柱壁比较而言,任何既定轴向位置的固体含率稍高于柱中部。这是一个有趣的结果,因为在气-固提升管中广泛报道的是相反趋势(Rhodes和Geldart, 1989; Rhodes, 1990)。这里报道的固体含率分布的径向梯度也更小。
图3表示CARPT实验中估计的固体流速场。图3a是流速矢量图, 该图清楚地表明,从时间平均化的角度来考虑,固相有一个内循环回路:固体在柱心上升并在柱壁上下降。图3b表示柱中部四个位置的固体流速的时间平均化轴向成分也有相同的定量结果。有必要指出,柱壁上固体的下游流速和上游流体相比较有较小的数量级, 下游总的固体质量仍然是令人满意的(本实验为9.6%)。柱的33cm高度处固体含率图一般来说是有序的。这个高度恰好位于柱中分配器和喷射器的上方(图1),是混合区域的一部分, 显然比78 cm高度处有较低的固体含率。这也为CARPT的实验结果所证实:图3a 清楚地表明固体流速矢量的方向在该高度上是随机取向的, 而柱中较高的位置则出现清晰的循环回路。因此,柱中33cm高度处的流体仍待斟酌,并且和柱的其他部分相比呈现明显的偏离行为。用一种新颖的方法, 提升管中固体残留时间分布(RTD)可间接从CARPT数据计算得出。由于示踪颗粒被认为是可重复循环进入提升管的典型分散系组分,其每次通过提升管在其中停滞的时间的分布是其RTD值。这些不间断采集数据获得的“残留时间”被作成图4中的柱状图。提一个武断的假说,这就给出了固相的RTD值。最后,在图5中, 固体沿轴向的平均轴向流速被表示为液体超临界流速的函数。不同条件下实验表明,柱中线以及柱壁(下游)的流速整体上都是增加的。当然,这也可能是由于通过相同区段的液相模量较高引起固相模量的增加导致了固体平均流速提高。纯粹基于这些实验,结果似乎表明随着液体超临界流速的加大固相流速有一种趋于“饱和值”的倾向。然而,这些结果仍期待着未来进一步的实验来做强有力的验证。
直至今日,流化床和提升管的设计仍停滞在经验法则的水平上。此类系统中的实际现象远比作为设计程式基础的启发式近似算法获得的结果要复杂的多。因此,液-固提升管的使用者和设计者可以从此类系统中的水动力学基本认识中获得极大的启发。当前的研究只是向同类实验定量方面迈出了一小步。在CREL(作者的实验室), 各种操作条件和使用不同粒径的颗粒的提升管配置研究工作正在进展中。此类体系中的静止现象研究也在未来的计划中。数据将做进一步的处理来计算固相的动力学能量、粘流剪切应力以及粘流分散系数。本研究努力的整体目标是了解影响液-固提升管效能的一些关键变量,进而研究更基础的按比例增大规律。我们期望我们的实验数据能作为液-固提升管流体的计算机动态建模的基准。
图1. 液-固提升管的装备图纸
图2. 20 cm/s液体超临界流速下不同轴向位置的固体含率(浓度)分布
图3. 20 cm/s液体超临界流速下的固体流速场: (a) 流速矢量图; (b) 轴向平均流速图。
❷ 谋国而贻天下之大患翻译
❸ 温州话大全带翻译。
翻译:相当于“八字还未见一撇”,是指事情离完成还远着,温州话叫“还没显”。也说成“十八个捣臼画岩上——还没显”。例:甲:你啦新屋还未分来啊? 乙:十八个捣臼画岩上——还没显。
翻译:意思相当于脑子想疯了像烂番薯。比喻贪得无厌的人,总喜欢沉浸在不着边际的狂想中。揶揄别人不切实际地想入非非。例:甲:我啦啊大国外快走来罢,过经来我就有名牌手表、名牌皮鞋,名牌…… 乙:你真心想唐底烂番薯恁,你啦啊大宿国外生意做空黄罢,有个屁带给你。
翻译:新盖的茅坑热闹了三天,就变得冷冷清清了。揶揄别人做事情光凭短暂热情图个新鲜,而没有坚持力。例:甲:我啦钢琴新买来,我该经来每天一走啦归,就弹钢琴,味道好显好! 乙:你黄,新起茅坑三日兴,弹两天仍单黄吧。
翻译:咧开嘴笑得灿烂,像糖金杏打裂了一样。送糖金杏是温州人的一个订婚习俗,代表多子多孙。这句俚语比喻笑得开心彻底。例:你勿牙儿塌开糖金杏捣裂黄恁,留心穷人快活有糟难。 三日风,四日雨------ ①犹言反复无常。②喻 常发脾气。
13.三粒板,两条缝 ------喻事情明摆着,一清两 楚。
14.三脚蛤蟆儿趵下趵下 -----讽喻学艺不精、 无能耐,却喜欢卖弄、炫耀自己。
15.大麦未割,韭菜先割 ------ 多指大女儿未婚, 小女儿倒先嫁。
16.大猫赶来,草鞋帮断爻 -----喻关键、紧急时 刻偏出问题。
17.大街上打巴掌,冷巷里相唤 ----当他人面 打人显威,背地又向人赔不是、讨好。讽喻两 副面孔。
18.口渴呷盐卤 义同饮鸩止渴。-----比喻只顾 缓解眼前之急,不顾严重后果。
19.千年打个石狮子,一槌敲 ----多年心血结 晶或积累钱财,一旦付之东流。
20.门神贴反爻 --------喻两人意见不合,互不理 睬。贴门神时,两画像本侧面相对,贴反了则变成背向反目。
21.幺幺对六六 -----------比喻两人勾勾搭措,臭味 相投。幺幺、六六:骰子最小、最大点数。
22.开喉奶吃赚爻 -------喻某事一开始就做错。 开喉奶:婴儿吃的第一口奶。
23.天罗瓜打鼓 -----------①喻物非所用。②指不中 用的人或物。
24.天塌落来只箬笠恁大------ 喻不怕惹祸。
25.云始月恁 -------云朵中月亮,时隐时现,时明 时晦,喻人神思恍惚,昏头昏脑
26.丐儿米倒草坛里爻 ------乞丐好不容易讨来 米,倒在草坛里收拾不起来。形容人烦意心 情。
27.不会撑船怪河弯 ---------义与“不会泅河儿,埋 怨臀重”相近。
❹ “我的英语退化到这种程度,真的很难过。曾经付出的努力都付之东流了。”翻译成英语是什么
My English is degraded to such an extent, really sad. Efforts have been undone by
❺ 把中国知网上的硕士论文翻译成英文,可否当做英国硕士毕业论文。会不会被英国的论文抄袭检测系统查出来。
❻ 付之东流的英文翻译
Thrown into the eastward flowing stream; all one's efforts wasted; irrevocably lost.
你的努力似乎付之东流 。
Your efforts seem to go nowhere.
Because of the big mistake, what we had achieved was irrevocably lost.
Saw all her plans go down the tubes.
I mean, it would be my whole social life down the drain.
All the efforts of the last two years will be blown away.
All their efforts came to nothing.
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
In this one day the accumulation and accomplishment of years were swept away.
Saying just one wrong thing can negate an entire day of good statements and actions.
Soon the secure, enclosed life the poet had built up for himself wound fall about his ears.
Past attempts to trade credit derivatives on bourses have flopped.
This will fail most of the efforts made by export-oriented asian countries to revive and develop their economies in the wakeof the financial crisis.
❼ 我想成为一名自由翻译,都需要作什么准备
能否成为一名优秀的自由翻译工作者,这与学历的高低和年龄的大小是无关的,知识的积累才是最主要的,时间管理、自律力与毅力也是你成为一名自由翻译工作者的必要条件。 从翻译的专业技能方面来说,一名优秀的自由翻译工作者一定要拥有全面、综合的素质。首先,语言功底一定要扎实,其次,所要涉及到的知识领域一定要广。因此,想要成为一名优秀的自由翻译工作者,就要多读书多了解各个领域的知识。还有,在做翻译的过程当中要学会适度的査漏补缺,语法的使用正确是非常重要的。最重要的是,翻译时需要多査、多问,遇到自己不是很确定的问题,一定要虚心向职业翻译请教。而且,就算自己是自由翻译工作者,也要保证自己能够不间断的每天进行翻译一些稿件,哪怕是很少的内容,也要坚持,不要三天打鱼两天晒网,让自己的心血付之东流。 翻译的水平高只是成为一名自由翻译工作者的基础,当然,你所要学习的东西还有很多。这里有三条黄金法则,能够帮助你成为优秀的自由翻译工作者。 (1)做时间的主人 做为一名自由翻译,安排好自己的时间是非常重要的。你可能会有其他的工作,所以一定要劳逸结合,但是要记得,该工作的时候就一定要工作,不能在做翻译的时候还看电影打游戏,这样不但会耽误时间,还会影响你的翻译质量。自由翻译,是没有人要求你什么时候去做什么的,所以,你的时间,你自己一定要安排好,切不可浪费。 假如,今天是你成为自由翻译工作者的第一天。起床整理收拾后,你会对这一天做一个安排。在没有翻译稿件的时候,可以先休息一下,也要为了突如其来的稿件做准备。多看些书籍资料对你的翻译也是有好处的。一旦你确定了工作的时间,首先,你必须要将自己所有的任务分清主次,哪一项应该先完成,列好清单。然后用你认为最有效的方式,将自己的时间规划好,什么时候该做什么事情,将一天的亊情全部做完。做时间的主人,在你精神最充沛的时候工作,让你的生活与工作两不耽误。
自律,是你成为一名优秀的自由翻译工作者的必要条件。如果你无法做到专注于眼前的事情,便很难做出成绩。在家工作的自由翻译工作者,很容易因周边发生的事情放弃工作,例如打游戏和聊天,但你要知道,那些事情不会比你成为自由翻译工作者的亊业更重要,舍本逐未是不可取的,因为打游戏不是谋生的手段。如果是其他重要的事情的话,那就要规划好自己的时间去逐个完成。 当然,自律力是可以培养的,对于一些刚踏入自由翻译这个行业的新人来说,一开始在家工作难免会受到影响,这时的你,可以去一些家庭以外的地方工作。比如公共图书馆、附近咖啡厅等等覆盖无线网络的地方。
毅力将会战胜所有的疲惫和辛劳 楚韧不拔的毅力是成为一名优秀的自由翻译工作者的另一个必备条件。在学习怎样成为一名自由翻译的过程中,要具有不怕苦的精神。俗话说,只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针,要坚持不懈去训练、去提高自己的水平与能力。 在刚开始找客户、接业务的时候会很难,因为客户不知道你的水平,不放心将自己的稿件交给你,但你也要有耐力,要坚韧不拔,不可因一时拿不到项目就气馁放弃。当你这些技能都具备了之后,你要做的就是宣传推销自己了。给各个翻译论坛、译员论坛投简历、联系翻译公司,不放弃,幸运女神总将会降临在你的身边。 在做自由翻译的过程中,同样不要怕吃苦,必须要承受加班赶稿子的压力,要学会忍受孤独,调整自己克服劳累,保质保量地完成客户的稿子,这样你才能留住一个客户、发展新的客户。 当你把以上这三条黄金法则都掌握好、运用好之后,你一定能成为一名优秀的自由翻译工作者。因为,心中有梦,所以,一切困难都将会客服。
❽ 给我篇有关管理层激励或年薪制的英文文献吧有中文翻译的我追加给分
The annual salary system based on the incentive mechanism on stock options
Abstract: The Entrepreneurs of the incentive mechanisms that affect the development of the key factors. Based on the analysis of the current implementation of many of our enterprises on the basis of the annual salary system, studied and discussed more concive to encourage entrepreneurs of the stock options of long-term incentive mechanism.
The development of domestic and international business practice that: enterprise can do a good job, the key lies in people who have enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, the key is management, management can upswing, the key lies in the choice of entrepreneurs, incentive and restraint mechanisms And the incentive mechanism is the key to key.
First, the theoretical basis for the annual salary system
In recent years, the annual salary system graally income entrepreneurs in China to promote, to follow the needs of enterprise reform, but also the value of human capital and entrepreneurs specific functions to be recognized and the results.
(A) entrepreneurs have a special human capital
Business entrepreneurs, though not the owner of physical capital, but they have excellent quality and management capacity, for the proction and operation of enterprises to provide special human capital, human capital is such a modern enterprise survival and development of the most important and most dilute Lack of resources. Entrepreneurs, business development planning, internal management system, investment programmes and profit distribution plan and other major issues of policy makers and organizations perpetrators. In a sense, entrepreneurs hold the fate of enterprises, dominated the rise and fall of corporate survival. Entrepreneurs of the scarcity of human capital in its own survival period is longer, higher training costs, many business operators, but can really become entrepreneurs of the few.
Entrepreneurs to provide the most important and special scarce human capital, making them in a modern enterprise system in general was different from the human resources of the powers, responsibilities and benefits. They have the corporate management decision-making power, charged with the responsibility of corporate capital appreciation, the benefits should also be its power, relative responsibility, not only in their remuneration is higher than that of the general staff and workers compensation, performance is more important to Entrepreneurs should be involved in business in the remainder of the profit-sharing.
(B) of entrepreneurs with internal and external al function
Entrepreneurs is the internal function within the enterprise entrepreneurs to other proction elements of organization and coordination, the overall configuration, to the maximum play to the role of various factors of proction, specific performance in: entrepreneurs decided to internal organizational settings, Develop their internal management systems and to develop business profit distribution plan. This organization of the internal allocation of resources is a senior labor and complicated labor, entrepreneurs, according to the labor intensity and complexity of remuneration, this part of a general income distribution according to work areas.
Entrepreneur's external feature is that entrepreneurs of foreign competition features, including innovation and risk management capabilities. Innovative features including the introction of new procts, the introction of new technology, opening up new markets. The introction of new proction and management organizations. Risk management function is that entrepreneurs in their process of innovation should also be considered in their decision-making and analysis of market risks, social risks and natural risks, and actively pursuing hedge the risk of revenue at the same time. Foreign entrepreneurs function is determined by the innovative entrepreneurs take a risk and revenue income, income does not belong to this part of the general distribution according to work areas, we can call it "technical know distribution." And the innovative capacity of entrepreneurs and risk management capability can be attributed to their level of knowledge and level of knowledge and management as a special labor involved in the creation of corporate profits, and entrepreneurs have reason and right to participate in the sharing of corporate profits.
Second, entrepreneurs, the reality of the annual salary system
For these entrepreneurs, the theoretical basis for income, in real economic life, entrepreneurs, the annual salary income from salary income and profit sharing composed of two parts, namely S = α + βπ, for distribution according to work-α in the annual fixed pay, π is Profit targets, β coefficient is shared.
α as the income distribution according to work, its decision mechanism and the general staff remuneration for labor's decision mechanism is similar. However, e to labor management is a more advanced and complex work, so, α the identification more complicated. In addition to comply with the "minimum wage can maintain the survival and reproction of labour" principle outside, α the size of the main decisions on the following factors: First, the entrepreneurs affected the market supply and demand situation, to a large extent depends on the marginal proctivity of entrepreneurs Second, the entrepreneurs the opportunity cost (such as access to ecation and training expenses and spend a result of the loss of income opportunities) on the impact of the third, the complexity of the activities of management experience and risk degree of influence; fourth, Should take into account the "high-paying Yang Lian" needs.
∏ profit targets based on their own situation there are three main options: first, π means that the actual profit or that actual profits exceed the profits of the » Second, π means that the total profits or profits compared with last year's increase in the » Third, π can also be relatively few, that is, profitability, the profit margin is sales revenue or profit margins funds margin »
Share β coefficient determined by the size of entrepreneurs on the marginal contribution to profits. β have identified the three options: first, by the business owners in accordance with the specific situation of enterprise decision; second, entrepreneurs from the same instry competition to decide, within the same instry in the implementation of a unified β; third, from all social enterprises Home competition to decide, when the average β is the social entrepreneurs to share coefficient, the management decided to entrepreneurs working on the social average profit contribution.
From the reality of the annual salary system, we can see that the annual salary system more complete and objectively reflect the performance of the work of entrepreneurs, the wage relations, highlighted the importance of entrepreneurs, human capital, while making entrepreneurs and the economic efficiency of enterprises linked to income, Reflects the interests, responsibilities and risks of the principle of consistency. However, the annual salary system to consider only the company's annual revenue, in the case of asymmetric information, entrepreneurs will lead to acts of short-term, the pursuit of short-term high-income after Yizoule. In addition, the annual salary system does not include long-term rewards, in the absence of dynamic IP cases, entrepreneurs may obtain income through other channels, such as through various channels, "rent-seeking", in-service consumer, eat or drink, and other public funds. To remedy this deficiency, we can learn from foreign enterprises to implement the stock options and other long-term incentive mechanism, so that the personal interests of entrepreneurs and business interests more closely together.
Third, the connotation of incentive stock options and the feasibility of
The so-called incentive stock options system, the intent is to give entrepreneurs the company within a certain period of time in accordance with the established price to buy a certain number of shares of the Company's rights, made by the entrepreneurs of the cost of equity capital markets and equity prices on the poor Formation of a reward for entrepreneurs to add. This article discussed the incentive stock options, has a special meaning is that entrepreneurs will be paid an annual salary in profit sharing in whole or in part into the form of stock options to achieve long-term incentive effect. Incentive stock options will be "incentive pay" and "ownership incentives" ingenious combination of, on the one hand to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs make the long-term behavior and interests of solidarity with the interests of business owners and entrepreneurs make a business One of the owners, have some ownership of other enterprises, at least have the following benefits: First, open a corporate ownership structure, and stability can continue to attract outstanding management personnel; Second, the entrepreneurs of the stock options from income Provision of the securities market, enterprises can rece the burden of paying cash reward, save a lot of working capital to enterprises in the non-payment of funds under the incentives to entrepreneurs; Third, can rece the asymmetric information, rece agency costs; four enterprises can be corrected Home of short-sighted mentality, so that entrepreneurs are not only concerned about the enterprise, more concerned about their future.
In contemporary developed countries, business manager's remuneration structure of a larger change than ever before, to stock options as the main reward system has been replaced by a basic annual salary and bonus as the mainstay of the traditional pay system. According to statistics, the world's top 500 large instrial enterprises, 90 percent of the enterprises have their senior management adopted a stock option compensation system, of course, these enterprises are joint-stock listed companies. At the national level, corporate stock options incentive mechanisms in recent years in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan and other places in infancy. 1993, Shenzhen Vanke developed a strict standard "staff shares scheme rules" for implementation in three phases, but because the relevant laws and regulations did not keep up, making the first phase of the "stock options" in 1995 after the employee shares into Has not been listed, the second phase of abortion. In early 1999, Shanghai's instrial system initiated the "operators revolution," the pilot system of incentive stock options. In 1999, the Wuhan City in the form of stock options to honour the six companies the legal representative of the annual salary. His annual salary from the base salary income, income risk and special incentives, such as the annual salary component. One risk of revenue in net profit in accordance with the approved enterprises, 30 percent in cash honoured, and the remaining 70 percent into stock options. Although these experiments is not the strict sense and norms of stock options, but it is a useful and positive exploration, to a large extent inspired the operators.
Fourth, stock option incentive mechanism design
The above analysis shows that the current remuneration structure of the annual salary system in the implementation of joint-stock enterprises have yet there are still some applicability, but also for the implementation of joint-stock companies listed on the stock incentive period only laid the foundation. As the annual salary system of compensation contract extension, entrepreneurs, business owners can pay part of profit sharing in cash paid to entrepreneurs, will be transformed into the rest of the stock options. Such stock options is the intrinsic value of stock options expire at the present value of the transfer, in the efforts of entrepreneurs, if the company's operating condition and stock price rising, entrepreneurs can be higher than the annual salary of stock options System for the proceeds of the contrary, if the company to operate properly, the stock was up against or not, are not entrepreneurs, not only the current stock options, but the previous efforts (of the stock options have value) will also have been in vain . Based on the above ideas, we designed stock options incentive mechanism.
First of all remuneration structure in the annual salary system S = α + βπ on the basis of the introction of the relative performance comparison information - another corporate profit targets z. In this way, the entrepreneurs to improve the remuneration structure:
Ε for which the income of entrepreneurs and other corporate profit targets z relations factor: If ε = 0, entrepreneurs of income and z, otherwise, the income of entrepreneurs and z clearance, that is, business owners in the development of expectations Profits when the standard reference to the profits of enterprises related to other indicators. Comparing the relative performance of the introction of information aimed at enhancing the strength of incentives to entrepreneurs objectivity. Of course, the entrepreneurs pay the profit-sharing programmes in the coefficient of standards and expectations of the determination of profits, ultimately a matter for the business owners and entrepreneurs to balance the results of Concorde, the owners and entrepreneurs can not be the initial desire to be fully met. Generally speaking, the desire to meet the level of the specific values of variables and the two sides in the negotiations depends on the status of the greater amount of information, the higher the position, the easier it is to satisfy the desire.
Determine the matter reward entrepreneurs profits in cash to pay the proportion of i, cash income from entrepreneurs such as:
Where p after the announcement of the corporate annual report one month's average price.
In addition, the business owner provides entrepreneurs, before the expiration of stock options may not be listed in circulation, but entrepreneurs have stock options dividends, by配股rights. After the expiration of stock options, entrepreneurs have full ownership, he can be realised or stock to continue to hold. Their specific operating under the rules of the actual business case may be, for example, will reward entrepreneurs, profit sharing of 30 percent in cash honoured, and the remaining 70 percent into stock options, this part of the shares of the voting machine temporarily by the owner of the exercise, The second year of the return of last year, equivalent to 30 per cent of profit sharing paid shares, then the third year in the same form of the return of 30 percent, while the remaining 10 per cent of total retirement.
Five of China's enterprises, stock options Thoughts
Domestic and foreign enterprises reform of the system of remuneration Practice has proved that the stock options is to coordinate the interests of shareholders and entrepreneurs the most direct way is to implement long-term incentives to entrepreneurs an effective means of restraint. However, stock options the feasibility and effectiveness does not mean that each and every enterprise in China must be adopted, nor does it mean that all enterprises have access to immediate effect. Stock options in order to make the smooth and effective implementation, it will be dependent on the following aspects of the work of common development.
(A) actively promote the stock option incentive mechanism pilot
China's enterprises in the internal and external conditions are ripe circumstances, must not blind action, Yihongershang, select some good joint-stock operation, standardize operations in recent years, no significant adverse events listed companies, especially those who grow up with good development potential Large high-tech pilot listed companies, to be made and the experience of all aspects of the promotion after the conditions are ripe.
(B) pay close attention to amend and improve laws and regulations governing securities
States should step up the formulation of the relevant stock option incentive mechanism of policies and regulations, including the mandate of the main stock options, incentive target, source, proportion, volume and price, the stock option shortest retention period, the minimum retention and non-negotiable, and Entrepreneurs such as the middle of separation or retirement of the approach, and so on, so that the enterprise incentive stock option plan law, rule-based, standardized operation.
(C) to speed up the establishment and improvement of professional entrepreneurs market
China's entrepreneurs, the cultivation, selection and use of still lacks clear and effective channel and contract protection, therefore, it is necessary to fully tap and entrepreneurs to play the function of the market, improve the mechanism by an agent, to the entrepreneurs of the term of office, powers and responsibilities, such as the establishment of Lee Clear and strict provisions of the lease for the smooth implementation of stock options to provide organizational guarantee.
(D) focus on cultivating effective stock market
It is necessary to guide investors adjusted attitude, focus on rational investment, guard against blindly speculation, to rece body speculation, the stock manipulation phenomena, to form an effective stock market, correctly reflect the operating results of enterprises so that the entrepreneurs of the stock options income and business performance Has a high correlation.
(5) to improve corporate governance and oversight mechanisms
Stake in the implementation of the enterprise must encourage the establishment and improvement of corporate governance and oversight mechanisms, and ensure the General Assembly and the Board of Directors by the shareholders determine compensation incentives to entrepreneurs of the specific programmes; entrepreneurs with the signing of a legally binding contract by the board of supervisors to exercise day-to-day Oversight functions.
❾ 我要参加比赛了,老师不给我翻译啊,跪求,急!!!!!!!!!!!!
Climb over the mountain
Life is like the endless mountains which are always possesing "mountaintop" as well as "valley". However, our life are just like climbing hills with continously getting hurt. The strong ones will keep on climbing after getting hurt while the weak ones will stop at that point.
When time goes back to primary school grade four, our school opened a course for math progress. Only 10 applicants from each class were qulified to take the course, obviously, everyone including me wanted to be part of the team. Thus, we hold a qualification test to decide whom were the right ones to have the honour to take the class. Fortunately, I got number 10 sharing with someone others in my class. More fortunately, the other number 10 denied to take the chance and I automatically got the opportunity.
I felt I was suffering because I've never have this kind of course experience. I cannot understand in the class time and to review was competely a mass. At that time, I was something like a directionless bird flying in the sky and don't know what will happen next. No matter how hard I tried, my score never went to much up.
I cried, I hesitated, I also told myself to give up for the meanless hard-learning. But I cannot get my heart to accept to give up the golden chance. At last, I decided to go on and decided to changed the situation step by step.
With the help from the teachers and classmates, I entered into top 5 in the class in the course finishing test for I spent double / triple or more time in learning. The early bird will fly to the destination early was a good saying to encourage me going on.
Probably, there will be tear, pain and will get hurt by the herb or get tumbled when climbing the mountain. But remember, if we don't give up, if we keep on walking, something will be achieve equally.
When someday you get to the top and look back to the difficulty you've ever overcome, you can strongly feel that everything that I've persited is the reason for my now good result...
❿ 求英语高手翻译这封信(翻译网的就不要了)
Dear Master;
If you finish reading my letter with patience, I will be happy. First of all, I would like to apologize for my rudeness today. You came to me to have a talk. However, I just ignored you. I hope I haven't make you unhappy for my bad attitude. I am really poor in expressing myself. In fact, I do like you. You have made an good impression on me. Every time I think of you, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart. It warms me and encourages me. so how you feel means so much to me. I am afraid I will make you disappointed. If that happens, I would be to blame myself.
这是本人自己翻译的,当然,不可能逐字逐句都翻译下来,但是也大概表达了你对校长的歉意,以及你对你自己做法的原因及反省。 希望你能及时发送给你校长,并得到谅解。
希望可以帮到你。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻。