When it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star ,the main factor I'd like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols,teenagers firmly believe that their choices , hairstyles and hobbies as well as their behaviors in public , are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent , they many be considered improper or even ridiculous.
In my opinion , having idols is not a bad thing . However , we should make it clear who are the real "heroes.". As far as I am concerned , the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society ,
⑵ 8上英语作文,对于青少年追星的建议,
For young people advice
Youth, the most important is to learn, to this point I have been emphasizing that. How to do later in the society of at least one of their own can be responsible people, is very important.
Talk about myself, I grew up never Starchaser, I am not a groupie, never believe fans these.
Give some advice to teenagers: good good study, don't become a neet, as far as possible in the university time to company internship. I don't know how, meaning star to you but parents raise children at least do not want you to become a burden to them, but also to be able to self reliant, recently always said these topics, apparently some commonplace. I hope you can help. You nearly thirty years old, I think you will know what is responsibility, what is love, what is love? By the time now, while a good reading, while at least annually to travel time to two times, more than to see the outside world, some things need to be foot through the more road you can understand a lot of truth and things. The world changes, time changes, walking in the way you, someone would come to mean to slander you, nothing will be someone to black you, in your time for walking revile you and so on, tell you one sentence, hoping for patience, patience students experienced. Living, and as your imagination of so easy, but remember, always use a tolerant, caring heart to forgive everything, your world will be not the same color.
⑶ 关于中学生追星,赶潮流看法的英语作文
Fan bingbing is my idol. She is one of the most popular stars. She is beautiful and capable. I love watching her movies and TV serials. But last Saturday, I had seen her in the reality. She came to take part in the opening ceremony of the MIXC. Hearing her coming, I went there in the morning in case of missing with her. I waited there until seven o’ in the evening. It was tired but worthy. There were so many people. I tried hard to get a good place. Oh, god. I saw Fan bingbing. She was more beautiful than in TV
⑷ 英语作文:<对追星发表自己的看法>
⑸ 中学生是否应该追星 求一篇英语作文
There is a sharp discussion on whether a high school student should worship a star.It is no denying the fact that some stars are quite popular among us,this situation makes us come up with a strong feeling to love this person.About 60 percent of students apqrove that it is good for all of us .On one hand ,we can relax ring our discussion,On the other hand,we can learn good advantage from them,what's more,it makes us not out of date and help us know more customs。 others do not accept these.They think it waste of time and money,For one thing,if they are addicted to them ,it is easy for them to lose theirselves.For another thing,they imitate the stars,they can easily become to have some bad habit.In my opinion,everything has two sides just like a coin.In terms of this serious situation,effective measures must be taken before things get worse,we should theat this thing in a good way,only with these measures taken can we expect a sound growth of students
⑹ 急需关于追星的英语作文,谢谢大家!
Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many
university students.
Why? When it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star ,the main factor I'd like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols,teenagers firmly believe that their choices , hairstyles and hobbies as well as their behaviors in public , are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent , they many be considered improper or even ridiculous.
In my opinion , having idols is not a bad thing . However , we should make it clear who are the real "heroes.". As far as I am concerned , the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society , such as teachers, doctors and scientists. As students , we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful persons and be real popular stars in the future.
⑺ 追星看法 英语作文
Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many university students.
? When it comes to the symptoms of worshiping a star, the main factor I’d like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols, teenagers firmly believe that their choices are the best. As a result, the stars’ clothes, hairstyles and hobbies, as well as their behaviors in public, are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent, they may be considered improper or even ridiculous.
In my opinion, having idols is not a bad thing. However, we should make it clear who are the real “heroes”. As far as I am concerned, the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society, such as teachers, doctors and scientists. As students, we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful persons in the future.
⑻ 关于追星看法的英语作文
⑼ 中学生追星的利与弊 英文作文
有相当一部分年轻人追星和崇拜偶像,有自己独特的见解。他们没有盲从性,能正确分析偶像的优点和不足,追星是为了追求明星的亮点,学习明星好的东西,并以此为榜样,在学习和生活中严格要求自己,培养自己积极奋进的精神,这种人都能健康成长。我邻居家的孩子就是这样的人。他很喜欢迈克尔·乔丹,常常对乔丹在球场上的精彩表演,投球的高超本领赞不绝口。但更使他佩服的是乔丹的优良品质,有一次乔丹已发高烧近40度,躺在床上打点滴起不来,但他的球队在球场上连连失利,在最后3分钟时,他不顾痛苦毅然投入战场,不过几分钟他就频频得手投了几个3分球反败为胜。他的这种英雄气概使这孩子暗下决心,一定要学习乔丹坚忍不拔的毅力,做一个坚强有为的人。 追星是一种正常的社会现象 追星是青少年从孩童向成人成长过程中的生理心理过程的反映。青少年处于由孩子向成人的发展阶段,正是长身体、长知识和树立远大理想的时期,他们的理想、愿望正处于迷茫和混沌中,需要自我的实现和完善,他们既想摆脱儿童的心理,又想像成人那样体现成熟。明星的出现使他们眼前一亮,从明星的身上看到了自我实现的希望,追随他们、崇拜他们,已成为心中的渴求。 追星是青少年寄托希望和理想的一种表现。大多数明星都有一技之长,或在体育竞技上,或在艺术上。加上其外观或是英俊潇洒,或风姿绰约,体现了美的风采,年轻人常常被他们吸引,从思想、行为和外表等去模仿学习。 追星也是广大青少年心理的需求和情感宣泄的需要。青少年时期,是生理和心理的重要转型时期,性的发育正走向成熟,但性意识仍是朦朦胧胧,对异性产生好感,心中或多或少都有异性的影子。在年轻人的眼里,明星是快乐的使者,是美的化身,是最有成就的典范。他们都向往梦幻般的青春,生活在自己虚拟的世界中,幻想着自己成为了明星,成为顶尖人物,并以此成为生活中的目标。 另外,在充满竞争的社会里,学生学习负担很重,升学的压力,学生相互竞争的压力,课后家长安排的各种辅导等,压得很多学生喘不过气来。当明星以光彩夺目的形象展现于大众,进入他们生活后,他们就会情不自禁去崇拜,与明星一起疯狂,一起宣泄,以满足心理的需求。 追星热还是社会诱导的结果。有的商家和“星”们的经纪人利用各种手段,对“星”们大肆包装,以追求最大的利益。这些“星”高高在上被推了出来,满足了青少年的心理需求。有的孩子经受不住诱惑,出现了种种偏差。 偶像崇拜是青少年对人生追求的体验,是人生的一个重要过程,每个时代的青少年都有自己人生的理想,心目中追求的人生目标和偶像,当前的追星也是这样。因此,对追星现象和偶像崇拜既不要一概反对,也不要放任自流出现问题,而要积极引导,使之理性化。
⑽ 学生追星应该理智英语作文
Celebrity worship has been identified as one of the most common forms of
idolatry these days, However, many fans go too far with pursuing stars. Some
have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they
worship. Others even pay all their money to see the stars in person. I
personally hold that blindly worshipping famous people should be deterred from
becoming rampant.