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发布时间: 2021-01-25 22:41:06

Ⅰ 生殖出问题影响很大,特别是对男人来说,想问一下该如何预防生殖系统疾病


Ⅱ 请你简要说明如何做好女性泌尿生殖系统保健


Ⅲ 我记得初中生物课本上说人体生殖道支原体细胞是人体最简单的细胞,是


Ⅳ 为什么说生殖系统是生儿育女的器官





Ⅳ 我是苗勒氏管永存综合征患者,说白了就是我一个人拥有两套完整的,功能齐全的两性生殖系统,而且不同于两

正好在知乎上看到个相同经历的po主讲述了性转换的经历,那人选择的是做女生,回因为她染色体查出来是女的。之答前被当做男的来养,父母也是哭笑不得。她一开始用的是激素治疗, 慢慢的改变外貌, 所以同学们其实都没发觉, 很久之后她才做的手术。题主我看了下你的介绍说自己个子较矮,声音还是挺细的,那我觉得你还是做女生吧,挺合适的(当然前提是染色体确实是女性)。 我把那篇文章放在下面,希望能对你有帮助。

PS:人生路长着呢,大家不会因为这种事改变对你的看法,让人彻底改变对他人看法的我觉得是为人。 你人缘不错,那就算大家知道了也不要紧,都会理解你的。

Ⅵ 人体的八大系统分别用英语怎么说

运动系统locomotor system、神经系统nervous system、内分泌系统hormonal system、循环系统circulatory system、呼吸系统respiratory system、消化系统digestive system、泌尿系统urinary system、生殖系统reproctive system。




It consists of bones, joints and muscles, accounting for about 60% of alt body weight. Bones and joints of the whole body are connected to form bones, which can support weight, protect viscera and maintain the basic shape of the human body.

Skeletal muscle adheres to bone, contracting and relaxing under the control of nervous system. When contracting, the joint is used as the fulcrum to pull the bone to change its position and proce movement.

Bone and joint are the passive parts of the motor system, while skeletal muscle is the active part of the motor system.




The nervous system is the dominant system in the human body. All kinds of information in the internal and external environment are received by the receptor, integrated through the peripheral nerve to all levels of the brain and spinal cord.

and then controlled and regulated by the peripheral nerve to maintain the relative balance between the body and the internal and external environment.

The nervous system is composed of brain, spinal cord, brain nerve, spinal nerve, vegetative nerve and various ganglia. It can coordinate the activities of organs and systems in the body, make them a whole body, and interact with the external environment.




Endocrine glands are some glands without output cts in human body. Its secretion is called hormone. It regulates the growth, development, metabolism and reproction of the whole body.

The main endocrine glands are hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, islet, thymus and gonad.




The blood circulation system is a system of body fluids (including intracellular fluids, plasma, lymph and tissue fluids) and the pipes through which they circulate.

The blood circulation system is divided into two parts, the heart and the blood vessel, which is called the cardiovascular system. Circulation system is the transportation system in organisms.

It transports nutrients absorbed by digestive tract and oxygen absorbed by gill or lung to various tissues and organs, and transfuses metabolites of various tissues and organs into blood through the same way, and discharges them through lung and kidney.




The respiratory system includes the respiratory tract (nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus) and lungs.

Animals need to consume oxygen and proce carbon dioxide in the process of metabolism. The process of gas exchange between organism and environment is called breathing.

There are two places for gas exchange, one is the exchange of gas between the outside and respiratory organs (such as lung and parotid), called pulmonary or parotid breathing (or external breathing).

the other is the exchange of gas between blood and tissue fluid and organism tissues and cells (called internal breathing).



The organs related to digestion and feeding in human body include oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, salivary gland, gastric gland, intestinal gland, pancreas and liver, so they are called digestive organs.

These digestive organs work together to digest food and absorb nutrients. The sum of all digestive organs is called the digestive system.




The urinary system consists of kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. Its main function is excretion.

Excretion refers to the physiological process in which all kinds of substances proced in the metabolic process of the body are not utilized by the body or are transported to the outside world by harmful substances.

The excreted substances are part of the metabolites of nutrients, and part of the procts formed when aging cells are destroyed. In addition, excreta also contains some superfluous substances that are ingested with food, such as superfluous water and inorganic salts.



Reproctive system is a general term for organ components closely related to reproction in organisms.

The function of the reproctive system is to proce germ cells, reproce new indivials, secrete sex hormones and maintain secondary sexual characteristics.

There are two types of human reproctive system: male and female. According to the location of genitalia, it can be divided into two parts: internal genitalia and external genitalia.

Ⅶ 女性生殖系统如图所示,下列说法不正确的是()A.1的作用是分泌雌性激素,产生卵细胞B.受精卵形成


Ⅷ 为什么说女性生殖系统必须要保养



But the appearance function of the mollusk can is divided into the digestive system, organ of respiration and excrete the system, nerve again with the sense organs, grow with the 5 set : growth

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