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发布时间: 2020-12-28 19:00:53

❶ 我们的下午茶作文,英语,

  • 一个阳光明媚的下午,爸爸妈妈都出去了,家里只剩下我一个人。人家外国人都要喝下午茶,我为什么不能呢?可是家里没有红茶,那该怎么办呢?

  • 我想了想,打开了冰箱,看看有什么饮料能代替红茶。我找了找,终于发现了一袋乌梅汁,这是夏天妈妈买来解暑的,没喝完,还剩一半。这乌梅汁夏天用来解暑,冬天用热水冲泡,是否有暖和身子的作用?我决定试一试,便拿出乌梅汁,取下夹子,又找来一个咖啡杯和小勺子,往杯子里倒进了少许的乌梅汁颗粒,再倒进热水,用勺子搅拌均匀,就OK了!我拿来一本书,借着一缕阳光,边喝乌梅汁边看书,别提有多惬意!我喜欢一小勺一小勺的慢慢喝,盛起一小勺放进嘴里,乌梅汁慢慢地流入了我的口腔,先是暖洋洋的,然后是酸酸的,细细品尝,能感到一点点甜味,随后一股清香像一阵和煦的春风,回荡在口腔里,令人回味无穷。照我这样的速度,喝完这一小杯乌梅汁,至少也要一个小时,所以只剩几小口时(基本上已经冷了),我会一饮而尽,那叫个痛快!喝完这一小杯乌梅汁,我的下午茶时间就这样结束了,你们是否也想试试?

  • Asunnyafternoon,momanddadareout,thefamilyleftmealone.,whycan'tI?Butthereisnoblackteaathome,thenwhatshouldIdo?Ithink,opentherefrigerator,.Iamlookingfor,finallyfoundabagofplumjuice,,left,lefthalf.,brewedinhotwater,whetherthereisawarmeffect?Idecidedtotryitout,thentookouttheplumjuice,removetheclip,,,thenpourintothehotwater,stirwithaspoon,OK!,drinkjuiceplumwhilereading,don'tmentionmorecomfortable!,dishupasmallspoonintothemouth,,firstiswarm,thenitissour,taste,feelalittlesweet,,echoedinthemouthinacavity,.AsIliketofinishthisspeed,asmallcupofjuiceplumatleast,onehour,soonlyafewSIP(basicallyalreadycold),Iwillcalloutthatinonegulp!Thisisasmallplumjuicedrink,myteatimewouldendthisway,ifyouwanttotry?

❷ 英文的有关下午茶的介绍

Afternoon Tea History
Tea consumption increased dramatically ring the early nineteenth century and it is around this time that Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford is said to have complained of "having that sinking feeling" ring the late afternoon. At the time it was usual for people to take only two main meals a day, breakfast, and dinner at around 8 o'clock in the evening. The solution for the Duchess was a pot a tea and a light snack, taken privately in her boudoir ring the afternoon.

Later friends were invited to join her in her rooms at Woburn Abbey and this summer practice proved so popular that the Duchess continued it when she returned to London, sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for "tea and a walking the fields." Other social hostesses quickly picked up on the idea and the practice became respectable enough to move it into the drawing room. Before long all of fashionable society was sipping tea and nibbling sandwiches in the middle of the afternoon.

Occasionally you will see hotels serving a ‘ tea'. Traditionally, the upper classes would serve a ‘low' or ‘afternoon' tea around four o'clock, just before the fashionable promenade in Hyde Park. The middle and lower classes would have a more substantial ‘high' tea later in the day, at five or six o'clock, in place of a late dinner. The names derive from the height of the tables on which the meals are served, high tea being served at the dinner table.

Many visitors from overseas still imagine that we are a nation where, in the words of the well-known song, ‘at half past three, everything stops for tea'. Sadly these days Afternoon Tea is usually only an occasional luxury for the British; a birthday treat in a country house hotel, or a welcome break from a hectic days shopping ‘in town'. Luckily the tourist is still able to inlge in a little bit of British tradition for him or her self.

The Afternoon Tea Menu
There are no set rules about the content of a traditional Afternoon Tea menu, but it usually consists of sandwiches and a variety of sweet items. A typical menu might read:

Traditional Afternoon Tea

A selection of freshly prepared finger sandwiches.

Warm scones with clotted cream and preserves.

A variety of home made pastries, fruit cake and biscuits.

Your choice from a range of teas.

A ‘Cream Tea' is generally scones, clotted cream and preserve served with a pot of tea. Many hotels also offer set menus that include a glass of champagne, or the option to add this for an additional charge.

The range of teas on offer can vary from half a dozen to over a hundred, including some very rare and obscure ones. Some of the common teas on offer will include the following:

A strong full-bodied tea from India, which has a distinctive, ‘malty' flavour.

An aromatic and astringent tea from India, with a hint of almonds and wildflowers.

Earl Grey
A blend of black teas scented with oil of bergamot named after Charles, 2nd Earl Grey, who was Prime Minister from 1830 to 1834.

Lapsang Souchong
A Chinese tea fired over smoking pine needles, which proces a striking smoky odour and flavour.

❸ 请问.. "下午茶"的英文要怎么说..


❹ 英式下午茶的英文介绍


Afternoon Tea is the service that comes to mind when we think of a sophisticated British tea. It’s the elegant repast served at 4 or 5 pm, consisting of tea with scones, small sandwiches, cakes and other pastries.

A Cream Tea means that clotted cream is served as well. Clotted cream, also called Devonshire cream, is a thick cream made by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then cooled and skimmed off.

Afternoon tea was "invented" by Anna, Duchess of Bedford (1783 – 1857), wife of the 7th Duke, in 1840 as "a way to quell the inevitable hunger pangs between lunch and dinner". In other words, she “got too hungry for dinner at eight…”!

In the 19th century large meaty breakfasts were common and luncheon was a light sort of picnic with no servants present. Dinner was not served until 8 pm, so it is perfectly understandable that the chess got a little hungry in the late afternoon.

Traditionally, a formal afternoon tea is performed according to certain rules of etiquette. At intimate gatherings the tea server (usually the hostess) pours the tea while seated with her guests.

The server first asks "Sugar?”, then “one lump or two?". The sugar, if requested, is placed in the cup using specially designed sugar tongs.

Then she asks, "Milk, or lemon?" Milk and lemon should not be used together since lemon curdles the milk. Fresh milk is the best choice for Indian or African teas, and lemon for Ceylon or China teas.

The milk is poured before the tea. (But see Tea Trivia below!!)

For the lemon-takers, a plate garnished with thinly sliced lemons is offered with a small fork. Most British think that the addition of lemon is pretentious/affected!

After handing the cup to the guest, hot water is offered for those who like their tea weaker.

Once everyone is served tea, the guests select traditional tea fare from the table or a tiered cake stand. The goodies can include crumpets slathered with butter, tea breads with fresh and dried fruits, dainty well-trimmed tea sandwiches, tall stand cakes, flaky scones, tart jams, lemon curds, small cookies, etc. Each guest takes a napkin, a small plate, and a butter knife for spreading jam, cream or sweet butter.

It takes some practice to balance a full cup, saucer, plate piled high with cakes and sandwiches, knife and napkin, but dropping crumbs and spilling tea are initiation rites and part of the enjoyment of the ceremony.

For Hotel restaurant or Tea Room service, wait staff serve customers at indivial tables.

❺ 邀请函喝下午茶的英语作文

Invitation Letter
Dear Lucy,
Next Friday(October 1) is Chinese National Holiday,we plan to invite some friends to celebrate. We believe we will enjoy happy time together and we sincerely invite you to come.The party will begin from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
We sincerely expect your coming, we believe you won't make us disappointed.
Student Union of English Department

❻ 下午茶英语短文急啊!!

Afternoon tea

Afternoon tea is a light meal typically eaten between 3pm and 5pm. It originated in the United Kingdom, though various places that used to be part of the former British Empire also have such a meal. However, changes in social customs and working hours mean that most Britons only take afternoon tea on special/formal occasions.

Traditionally, loose tea would be served in a teapot with milk and sugar. This would be accompanied by various sandwiches (customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham, and smoked salmon), scones (with butter, clotted cream and jam — see cream tea) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenberg, fruit cake or Victoria sponge). The food would be often served in a tiered stand.

While afternoon tea used to be an everyday event, nowadays it is more likely to be taken as a treat in a hotel, café, or tea shop, although many Britons still have a cup of tea and slice of cake or chocolate at teatime. Accordingly, many hotels now market a champagne cream tea.


Afternoon Tea
Tea is the steady companion of the Scottish day, and each hotel, no matter how humble, stocks its rooms with supplies for brew-ups: electric pot for boiling water, ceramic pot for brewing, china cups and small tea-creamers, a raft of teas, honey, fresh milk, and lemons. This is a delight and astonishment, for not only is there no such thing in American hotels, but room service even in respectable ones, when asked for tea with milk, can deliver a plastic jug of tepid water, this covered by a square of Saran Wrap, and a drinking glass of milk. To request tea in an American office is often to throw the receptionist into a swivet: he or she believes that there is tea somewhere in the corporate pantry, but where? One prefers not to ask rather than to send this person on a scavenger mission, especially because the tea, if found, is a grim bag-tea like Red Rose. Naturally, one might as well ask for a trip to Bombay as to ask for looseleaf Earl GREy, or first-flush Darjeeling, or Assam tips. Home is a fluid place; each day at four o'clock, I could easily be an expatriate.

One afternoon we are poking up the rocky coastline from Black Craig near Stromness north past Skara Brae to Brough Head; this western end of the island is folded and fissured in a steady cascade of bays, headlands, gloups, caves, and the handsome invasions of ocean into the land that are called geos. These places are named Lyre, Nebo, Axna, Saed, Sand, and Skipi, in a succession of sounds as quirky and original as the land. We wind slowly north toward Skipi Geo just around the Brough of Birsay, stopping to walk Marwick Head. The wide plateau at the summit of the cliff tilts at a precipitous angle toward the sea, covered with GREat, loose, cracked plates of flagstone in thin layers: orange, grey, ochraceous rocks that will weather into fertile soil or be pried up for roofing flags if they do not first slide into the sea. The bluff perpetually wet and glistening, and cold water pools dot the depressions and rectangular fissures in the rock. Over the exposed plateau, wind blows in steadily and coldly from the sea. This is the home of the largest and most spectacular seabird colony on Mainland; some thiry-five thousand guillemots, ten thousand kittiwakes, as well as fulmars and razorbills, who favor the eroded flagstone ledges for nesting and the abundance of shoaling fish for eating. But in this stormy weather, only a few guillemots -- auks, and clumsy on land -- bumble along the slabs of pitted rock cliff. For miles to the west, there is flat, grey, choppy ocean; for miles to the east, a grey, clouded sky under which low, treeless fields roll smoothly into the moors.

It is nearing four o'clock in the afternoon, and sure enough, parked just off the road, overlooking the pungent tidal flats, we come upon a small caravan camper with its aluminum door open to a late-middle-aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits. Passing by, one only has a glimpse: his thick, white socks and heavy black shoes; her plump pear form and print dress; the electric kettle on the table. The archaeologists are puzzled as to why the people of ancient Skara Brae would locate their huts so close to the sea, and have surmised that in fact the settlement was originally located in a protected hollow, that time has eroded the shoreline inland toward the huts. That would make sense. Indeed, when presented at Skara Brae with the lure of a sparkling sea and the howling wind, we ourselves tucked into the hollow of a ne for lunch, eating cheese and apples in the sun with wind skimming our heads, blowing the sand into rippling ridges, flattening the beach grasses. Probably the archaeologists are right, but this utterly typical sense of Scottish domesticity blithely planted at the edge of harsh cliffs, afternoon tea concted in the wind and cold, suggests another possibility.



Afternoon Tea Good for the Health of White-collar Women

For white collars, too little lunch or too much work often causes their stomachs to make noises, signifying they're hungry. At this time, if they have afternoon tea on time with balanced nutrients, it would not only drive away the sleepiness, but also help in creating a "perfect" body.

A test shows that people who have the habit of taking afternoon tea are better than those who don't by 15 to 20 percent on average in terms of memory and responsive ability. Some people in the west have afternoon tea most days because they believe it makes people feel refreshed, improves mental attention, relieves fatigue, and promotes work efficiency.

According to He Jiguo, associate professor of the College of Food Science, China Agricultural University, an extra meal at around four o'clock helps people sustain their energy until dawn. Moreover, it cultivates people's habit to have less food for supper, which is considered good for people's health.

Afternoon tea is different from snacks. The calories from snacks will be stored in the body. However, like other regular meals, a lot of calories from afternoon tea are consumed by the body. Select 2 to 3 foods that are supplementary to each other and you can guarantee the balance of nutrients. For example, a kind of grain food (biscuit or bread sticks), together with a portion of dairy food (sour milk or bean milk), or a fruit as well as water or tea will be fine to the body.
Other than this, British scientists also discovered that afternoon tea is beneficial to rece blood fat. Cholesterol level is not only influenced by food, but also dietary frequency. Researchers pointed out, if three meals a day are divided into four or five meals or even six, it is even better to lower the cholesterol level.

(Source: rayli.com.cn, translated by www.womenofchina.cn)


❼ 求下午茶的英文介绍

Afternoon tea is a small meal snack typically eaten between 3pm and 5pm. The custom of afternoon tea originated in England in the 1840s.
Traditionally, loose tea is brewed in a teapot and served with milk and sugar. The sugar and caffeine of the concoction provided fortification against afternoon doldrums for the working poor of 19th and early 20th century England who had a significantly lower calorie count and more physically demanding occupation than most Westerners today. For laborers, the tea was sometimes accompanied by a small sandwich or baked snack (such as scones) that had been packed for them in the morning. For the more privileged, afternoon tea was accompanied by luxury ingredient sandwiches(customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham, and smoked salmon), scones (with clotted cream and jam, see cream tea) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenberg cake, fruit cake or Victoria sponge). In hotels and tea shops the food is often served on a tiered stand; there may be no sandwiches, but bread or scones with butter or margarine and optional jam or other spread, or toast, muffins or crumpets.[3][4][5]
Nowadays, a formal afternoon tea is usually taken as a treat in a hotel or tea shop.[citation needed] In everyday life, many Britons take a much simpler refreshment consisting of tea (and occasionallybiscuits) as one of many short tea breaks throughout the day.[citation needed] Most quality hotels in Britain serve afternoon tea, sometimes in a palm court, and more recently have offered the option of champagne instead of tea.
While visiting Belvoir Castle, Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford, is credited as the first person to have transformed afternoon tea in England into a late-afternoon meal rather than a simple refreshment.
[7][bious – discuss]
Isabella Beeton, whose books on home economics were widely read in the 19th century, describes afternoon teas of various kinds: the old-fashioned tea, the at-home tea, the family tea and the high tea and provides menus.[8]

❽ 请帮我翻译下这几段关于下午茶的英文


油、凝结的奶油和果酱 - 见奶茶)通常还有蛋糕和糕点(如:巴腾保蛋糕,水果蛋糕或果酱夹层蛋糕)。这些食物通常会以层叠的样式供上。





❾ 下午茶时间到了的英文怎么说

下午茶时间到了的英文:It is time for afternoon tea.



英 [taɪm] 美 [taɪm]

n. 时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数

vt. 计时;测定…的时间;安排…的速度

adj. 定时的;定期的;分期的





英 [ɑːftə'nuːn] 美 [,æftɚ'nun]

n. 午后,下午


She studies art two afternoons a week.



It is time for是一个固定搭配,表示是做什么的时候了,afternoon tea.表示的是下午茶,类似的用法还有It is time for breakfast等等。

It's time for和it is a time for的区别:


it is time for表示是时候、是时间的意思,强调时间点;it is a time for多了一个冠词a,强调一段时期。如:

it is time to break the chains of life. 是时候去挣脱生命的束缚了。


it is time for一般是虚拟语气,表将来时;it is a timefor既可以是虚拟语气,也可是陈述语气,可以表示过去时、现在时、将来时。如:

It is time for this war to be brought to an end.这场战争必须结束了。

❿ “下午茶”用英语怎么说

下午茶的英文翻译是afternoon tea。

afternoon tea

英 [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n ti:] 美 [ˌæftɚˈnun ti]


变形 复数: afternoon teas


1. What time do you have afternoon tea usually?


2. Would you like to enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea?

喜欢用茶包享用一个下午茶的时光 吗 ?

3. Please look under plate glass at the menu for afternoon tea.


4. This hotel serves an afternoon tea, that's on the house.


5. So many delicious food to choose from, even just for afternoon tea.

尽管这只是下午茶, 但已经有如此多的美食供人选择.

6. An Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea.


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