A. 把关于历史的英文翻译成中文。请不要“网站翻译”
有一些拼写错误, 不过不影响翻译.
commom law 普通法, 共同法
契沙比克北部的农版业社会中妇女的地位一权直是个令殖民地史学家们争论不休的话题. 有些学者指出英国当时的共同法以及习俗都认为女人低男人一等. 还有些学者则认为那时是妇女地位的"黄金时代". 根据这类解释, 妻子与丈夫并肩劳作, 从未脱离有意义的, 生产性的劳动. 他们并没有变成那种十九世纪中产阶级男士特别欣赏的弱不禁风的寄生虫.
B. “历史”的英语怎么说 Hi~Myname is Oliver~ 你们知道历史的英语怎么说吗
C. 思想品德用英语怎么说历史与社会用英语怎么说
思想品德 Moral Ecation
历史与社会 History and Society
D. 用英语说语文,英语,历史与社会,科学
历史与社会:权History and Society
科学:science或scientific knowledge
E. “历史与社会”这门学科用英语怎么说
History and Society Course
F. 翻译成英文--------有关历史的。谢谢!!!!!!!!
Abstract: Because the Northern Song Dynasty is through the coup d'etatform establishment, under the such special background, caused theNorthern Song Dynasty to choose the official system is extremelycomplex, it including advantages two aspects. The advantageous aspectmainly is it causes the more center young landlord and the lower levelintellectual is absorbed in the political power organization, this isadvantageous to the consolidated political power rule. Eliminated thepotential important person in the very great degree which before thisall previous dynasties dynasty throughout is unable to completelyprohibit no matter what the sentiment operation country governmentofficial selects environmental damage. Pure Brightness makes which tothe government official has also had the positive influence and so on.The malpractice mainly was it causes the Northern Song Dynastybureaucrat politics malignancy to inflate, creates the overstaffedorganization, the official has overflowed, to form the numerousand disorderly bureaucrat group. The official excessively are many,must tie the clique, the struggle authority, the repel engages infactional strife, the clique struggles specially fiercely. theofficial consumes the national massive financial resource, aggravatesto farmer's exploitation. Northern Song Dynasty's graciousness shadesystem had guaranteed the powerful official juniors enter the Shi wayunimpededness, overflowed the good graciousness shade to enlarge inthe social politics life 冗 shortcoming of the official. Enable onebatch not to know by heart the article playboy to mix in thebureaucrat troop, caused the government official overall quality dropand so on. In brief, the Northern Song Dynasty chooses the officialsystem both to be advantageous and has the shortcoming.
G. 历史与社会课用英语如何翻译
History and Society
H. 历史用英语怎么说
history,英 [ˈhɪstri],美 [ˈhɪstəri],名词,意思是历史,历史学(指过去发生的所有事情);发展史;履历,经历;(某地的)沿革,(有关某个地方、主题等的)发展史,历史;复数为不规则形式:histories。
例句1,She's studying art history .她正在研读艺术史。
例句2,. 他的小说融合了大量巴尔干半岛的历史和神话故事。
1,be history,非正式用法,完蛋;已过去了;不再重要;成为历史 。
例句,That's past history now. 那是以前的事了。
2,the history books,指历史上重大成就的记载。
例句,She has earned her place in the history books. 她名垂青史。
3,make history,go down in history,指载入史册;青史留名;创造历史。
例句,It's a discovery that made medical history. 这是载入医学史册的一项重大发现。
1,annals,英 [ˈænlz],美 [ˈænəlz],名词,意思是编年史;历史记载;(学会等的)活动年报。复数为annals。
例句1,He has become a legend in the annals of military history. 他已成为军事史上的一个传奇。
例句2,. 英国议会的历史记载于一份称为《议会议事录》的出版物中。
2,past records,英 [pɑ:st,rɪ'kɔ:ds] 美 [pæst,rɪ'kɔ:ds] ,past为形容词,意思是过去的;以前的 ,也可以做名词表示经历;过去之事 ,往昔。records表示经历;(有关过去的)事实。
例句1,. 检索历史记录你可以找到这些价格上的变化是何等精确。
例句2,,thealienationofscience and technology 'pursuitthegoalofmodernization. 纵观历史和全局,科技异化与各国追求现代化实现现代性的目标有密切联系。
I. 去了解英国的历史,社会和文化 英文怎么说
...get to know the history, society and culture of the Great Britain.