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发布时间: 2020-12-28 14:09:06

1. 用英文翻译-"情系你我,大爱无疆"

Emotional ties to you and me, love is not the marginal.

2. 心怀苍生 大爱无疆翻译成英语是

Whole heart Great love without borders

3. 情系玉树,大爱无疆这个词语英语怎么说

Caring the Yushu with the limitless love

Help comes from all eight points of the compass for the one place in need

4. 大爱无疆翻译成英语

Great love is beyond boundaries.

5. 大爱无疆共建家园 翻译成英文

家园估计是毁了,用reconstructe 好吧。Reconstruct our home with boundaryless love. boundaryless 就是没有界限的意思。大爱无疆 共建家园,大概就这专么翻属译了。 endless 是无穷尽的意思,我们是无疆界。

6. "上善若水 大爱无疆"...众亲友些帮我翻译成英文,以简要不失主题为佳,尽量中英文对应,在此谢过

Be as tolerant as water; There is no boundary in great love.
Global Warming
The world's population tend to saturation
The natural resources will be exhausted
Protect the environment
Cherish the intelligence
and focus on the future

7. "上善若水 大爱无疆"...众亲友些帮我把宣言翻译成英文

全球气候变暖 Global climate is changing (climate change 和 global warming 在国际上通用)
世界人口趋向饱和 World population is approaching its crest
自然资源消之殆尽 Natural resources are running out
请版 Please
保护环境权 Protect Environment
珍爱智慧 Cherish Wisdom
关注未来 Focus on Future

上善若水 大爱无疆 the supereme benignity is as water and love is immense

8. 英语如何翻译大爱无疆这四个字大爱无疆是什么意思

Great love
Boundless love

9. 有一种爱叫大爱无疆的翻译是:什么意思

There is a love called great love

10. “迈克尔杰克逊,你的大爱无疆”英文怎么翻译

Michael , your love is boundless!

我也很喜欢抄MJ!叫他 Michael ,感觉很亲切,好像他就在身边一样……我知道他一些关心人类的曲子有black or white\heal the world\we are the world\man in the mirror\gone to soon 等等这些 好感动额~
(Michael Jackson, your boundless love 这是不完整的病句。。。Micheal Jackson's love to the world is boundless 这种说法有些生硬不太通顺)

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