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发布时间: 2020-12-28 08:08:31

1. 英语作文语句不连贯扣多少分


2. 高考英语作文句子间的连贯词或词组有哪些常用的以及

一、表示列举的衔接语常见的有:for example; for instance; like; such as; as an illustration; as an example; take...for example; as a case in point; namely; that is等。
二、表示解释的衔接语常见的有:to put it simply; as a matter of fact; in this case; in other words, for one thing..., for another...等。
三、表示总结(归纳)的衔接语常见的有:in summary; in brief; in general; in a word; all in all; in short; in conclusion; on the whole; generally speaking, to sum up; to put it briefly; were I asked to make a judgement等。
四、表示强调的衔接语常见的有:above all; indeed; especially; particularly; surely; most important of all; undoubtedly; needless to say等。
五、表示比较的衔接语常见的有:similar to; likewise; in comparison; in contrast; on the contrary; on the other hand; like; unlike; comparatively speaking等。
六、表示转折的衔接语常见的有:but; instead; however, nevertheless, although; though; despite the fact that; rather than; it is true that...but...等。
七、表示层次性常见的衔接语有:firstly, secondly, thirdly; to begin with; what's more; last but not the least; besides; moreover; in the first place; furthermore; in addition; for one thing...for another等。
八、表示因果的衔接语常见的有:e to; owing to; because; as; since; because of; on account of; on the ground of; considering; given (that); now that; so that等。
九、表示条件的衔接语常见的有:as(so) long as; if; in case (of); in that case; only if; in the event (of); on condition that; providing (provided)that等。

3. 英语作文 用6至8个意思连贯的英文句子介绍你们家是如何过春节.

there are many traditional festivals in our country.
to our chinese ,the most important is the spring festival.
we have our spring festival ring the winter holidays.
sometimes it is in january.
sometimes it is in february.
usually people are on leave for seven days.
ring the spring festival ,children alaways put on new clothes.
the whole family have the traditional dishes such as mplings,and fish for the dinner together.
there is much delicious food.
people often visit friends or relatives.
we often get many nice presents,too.
every evening we are allowed to stay up and play with fireworks.
we all have a good time.

4. 写英语作文的时候,怎样才能将文章写的连贯一些

(一)立意要正确 正确是文章立意的第一要义,所谓正确就是要保证文章的感情和思想观点正确,符合客观事物的本质和规律,符合我国基本政治原则,符合人的基本道德要求,能给人以积极的启发。
(二)立意要专一 “作文之事,贵于专一,专则生巧,散乃人愚。”无论多么复杂的事情,主旨不能分散。一篇文章如果既想说明这个问题,又想阐述那个观点,东拉西扯,必然立意不明确。
(三)立意要新颖 文章最忌随人后,人云亦云,新颖的角度是作文创新的核心。立意新颖要求跳出陈旧的框框、不按顺向思维、习惯思维或原有的心理定式进行立意构思,而是以独到的视角去审视题目中所蕴涵的另类内容,避开他人所常写,写别人所未写。多角度、多侧面思考,或联想、或扩展、或类比、或逆向,发人之所未发,就能在五颜六色的天空里构筑属于你的最美的彩虹。
(四)立意要深刻。 立意的深刻是指确立的主题不是人所共知的肤浅的道理,而要透过现象看本质,挖掘出更深层的意蕴。
(五)立意要巧妙 在习作有限的文字内,要表现较为深刻的思想,就只能一粒沙里看世界,从生活中的一斑一点、一枝一叶去再现生活的全貌,从一个点、一个片段、一个瞬间、一个现象入手,对社会、对人生进行描述和深思,即立意要大处着眼,小处落笔,角度虽小,却能小中见大,平中见奇。

5. 写英语作文的时候,怎样才能将文章写的连贯一些

  1. 英语作文和中文不一样,结构层次十分清晰,一般用演绎法。

  2. 首先。英语作文一般是回开篇提出观点,然后像答数学证明题一样证明,最后总结。也就是开篇必须有一个main idea.每一段必须有一个 topic sentence.

  3. 其次,段落之间注意衔接,也就是所谓的transtion。一般是firstly,secondly,lastly/for one thing,for another/on one hand,on the other hand(一般表对比)、first of all,what's more ,besides/等,这些可以在网上搜一些衔接词 连词

  4. 最后,段落中心句之后应该有足够的论据,分点说明。即supporting details.其间也要有连接词,也是什么besides,what's more,moreover等。

  5. 总之,你看我上面所说的,其实也就是遵循了英语作文的结构。


6. 写英语作文的时候,怎样才能将文章写的连贯一些


7. 求英语作文中的连贯词

first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place
second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore
third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least
also, and then, next, besides
and equally important too moreover
besides in addtion finally
by contrast although though yet
at the same time but despitethe fact that even so
in contrast nevertheless even though for all that
notwithstanding on the contarary however in spite of
on the other hand otherwise instead still
therfore consequently because of for the reason
thus hence e to owing to
so accordingly thanks to on this account
since as on that account in this way
for as a result as a consequence
still nevertheless concession granted naturally
in spite of all the same of course despite
even so after all
furthermore moreover likewise what is more
besides also not only...but also...
too in addtion
for example for instance for one thing that is
to illustrate as an illustration a case in point
as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely
in other words
in summary in a word thus as has been said
in brief in conclusion altogether in other words
to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms
indeed in short in particular that is
in other words of course on the whole to put it differently
namely in all therefore to summarize

递进: then(然后), besides, furthermore(而且),moreover (此外), what’s more,even ;in addition ;What’s worse / Even worse / Worse still /To make matters worse等。
what’s worse, above all, not only …but also

转折: however(然而),but,on the contrary(相反),after all(毕竟) ,although; in spite of ;On the other hand; instead ; yet, while, though,

总结: finally,at last,in brief(总之),in conclusion(最后), in short ; in general ; generally speaking,at last, in a word,

强调: indeed,certainly(一定),surely(确定),above all(尤其)等.

8. 在英语作文里面,什么时候能够使用连续动词写一句句子有什么要求哇

这个没看懂你的意思,如果是一句话里有三个连续动词的话 ,可以是:he likes reading , dancing and eating.


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