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发布时间: 2022-02-27 22:47:05

1. 做一道菜的英文叙述

Slightly Fried Dumpling with Pork 似乎是煎饺 Ingredients: 500 grams (1.1 lb) wheat flour 250 grams (0.55 lb) minced pork 5 grams (5/6 tsp) salt 5 grams (1 tsp) sugar 5 grams (1 1/4 tsp) MSG 10 grams (1 1/2 tsp) soy sauce 15 grams (1 tbsp) cooking wine 5 grams (1/6 oz) finely cut scallions 5 grams (1/6 oz) chopped ginger 150 grams (12 tbsp) cooking oil Directions: 1. Mix the minced pork well with the salt, sugar, MSG, soy sauce, cooking wine, scallions and ginger. Add 50 g (3 tbsp) of water and stir in one direction till you feel the sense of elasticity. 2. Mix the flour with 200 g (2/5 cup) of boiling water, make the dough into long and round shape and rece to 40 pieces. Press and roll into wrappings each about 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) in diameter. Put in the filling, fold and wrap into crescent shapes. 3. Put the cooking oil into the frying pan, heat and when the oil is about 135-200�0�2C (275-390�0�2F), place the raw mplings in. Heat for one minute, sprinkle 100 g (6 tbsp) of water and put on the pan cover. Use strong fire to heat five minutes. When the water disappears, the mplings are ready. (It may take several repetitions to cook all the 40 mplings because of the size of the pan.) Features: Beautiful to look at and delicious to eat. Taste: Salty and tasty.

稍微锅贴猪肉 似乎是煎饺 成份: 500克( 1.1磅)小麦面粉 250克( 0.55磅)碎猪肉 5克( 5 / 6茶匙)盐 5克( 1小勺)糖 5克( 1 1 / 4茶匙)味精 10克( 1 1 / 2小勺)酱油 15克( 1大勺)料酒 5克( 1 / 6盎司)精细削减大葱 5克( 1 / 6盎司)切碎生姜 150克( 12大勺)食用油 方向: 1 。混合剁碎的猪肉以及盐,糖,味精,酱油,料酒,大葱,生姜。购买50克( 3大勺)水和一个方向搅拌至您感受弹性。 2 。混合面粉200克( 2 / 5杯)的开水,使面团纳入长期和圆形和减少至40件。新闻和滚动到包装每个约六厘米( 2.4英寸)的直径。放在灌装,折叠和包装成新月形状。 3 。把食用油到煎锅,热,当石油约135-200 ℃ ( 275-390 ℉ ) ,把原料饺子英寸热一分钟,撒上100克( 6大勺)水和提出的泛封面。使用强火加热5分钟。当水消失,饺子已经准备就绪。 (这可能需要几个重复做饭的所有40个饺子,因为规模的潘。 ) 特写:美丽的审视和美味的食物。 口味:咸和美味。

2. 用英语介绍一道菜的做法,最好有中文翻译,初三左右水平

Egg yolk Fried pumpkin
Raw material:
Pumpkin (powder powder of that kind of, don't be too tender, diameter 20 cm can eat two meal), salted ck egg yellow 3 ~ 5 (egg yolk choose that kind of oil more red yolk).
1, pumpkin slice to use, as far as possible to cut thin little oh, not easy ripe.
Salted ck egg yellow pounding, the broken the better, sometimes will put some rice wine help it broken.
2, hot pot of oil, the oil slightly more, to 5, 6 into hot add egg yolk Fried a Fried, Fried to egg yolk bubble.
3, add pumpkin piece of Fried, add salt to stir.
Stir-fry for a while stop for a moment and stir well stop for a moment, want to fry a long, because the pumpkin not easy to practice.
4, a little behind can put a little bit of water, so that the Fried coke.
Fried process can try it's ready.
5, add chicken, stir fry can out of the pot.
May also can be in before fry the pumpkin to go through the water, easier to practice a little

3. 一人做一道菜用英语怎么说

everybody should cook a dish

4. 上下一道菜翻译英文

serve the next dish

5. 用英语介绍一道菜的做法及翻译

Fried egg
The use of materials: an egg, a little soy sauce
Practice: Break the egg and put into a bowl, and then heat the pan. Add oil to lay down the egg frying, it can be half-cooked, or cooked whole, or on both sides golden. Add some soy sauce in the egg or can sprinkle pepper,salt while fry it.


6. 英语(一道菜)怎么说

如果是中餐,比较口语,一盘 可以a dish
明确是西餐,或者中餐菜谱上,书面点的,可以a course

7. 求一道菜的英文名字

"Harsh burglary livers"

8. 菜用英语怎么说

用来吃的蔬菜 vegetable
一盘盘用餐的菜 dish

n. 盘, 碟;一盘食物, 一碟食物, 一道菜, 菜肴;餐具;外貌有吸引力的人, 漂亮的人
vt. 盛于碟盘中; 分发, 提供;使某人的希望破灭, 使某人不能成功

n. 蔬菜;生活单调的人; 植物人

9. 一道菜的制作过程,并且用英语表述

干煸肉丝,四川人是用牛肉,顺切,咱换猪肉吧!纯瘦,顺肉丝切火柴梗粗细,5、6公分长,这菜与其说考刀工,不如说考火候,菜不是练牙的,半斤肉够吧?也 3、4块钱啊!滴料酒,一点盐(盐的好处是让肉紧滑,知道氽丸子不?)一勺淀粉(干)一个蛋清,拿手抓吧,感觉一下,挂的粉不要太厚,像虾仁的浆就可以。三分温油,先放一点试试,肉丝能用筷子能滑开,不抱团,浆不散就行。再升温7分热,下肉丝,去表面水分,然后再炸一遍,定型,外皮脆。好了,底油,过一下辣椒,好多饭店都用朝天椒,哎!凑和吧,别糊了,黑了影响食欲,关键是鲜姜丝,和肉丝一样粗细,中偏小的火和肉丝一起炒,对了忘了芝麻了,加上!关键的关键是四川的大红袍,麻椒,没有就用花椒吧,一把,相当与3勺,别糊了,花椒一胡,就不麻光苦了。就是辣椒,花椒,姜丝,肉丝一起中火炒5分钟,肉丝外干,靠出一点油,老抽一点,糖多一点,0K!不兴放水!可以用点番茄酱出色,底油多放点。

Both fresh dry, Sichuanese is beef, with sincerity, for a life of pork! Pure thin, with meat 2nd Huochaigeng coarseness and 5,6 cm long and vegetables rather than take this knife, but rather that take the temperature, and vegetables instead of the dental practice, dried meat enough? Also 3,4 yuan ah! Drop cooking wine, 1:00 salt (salt of the benefits is to allow gravely slippery and boil for a short time meatball not know? ) One scoop of starch (dry) 1 egg white, good at grasping it, I feel that not linked to the thick powder, like the slurry mixture can be. Wen third of the oil, let it point try, fresh can be used chopsticks can slide open, unile, plasma linger on the line. Warmer 7 pm heat, under fresh to the surface water, and then bombed again, stereotyping, Picui outside. Well, bottoms, pepper over this, a lot of hotels have used capsicum frutescens var, hey! Cou and bar, the other paste, and the impact of appetite, the key is fresh ginger and stir fresh and the same thickness. The fires were too small together and fresh speculation of a forgotten sesame seeds, plus! The key, the key is the magnitude of Sichuan, Ma Law, no use of pepper bar, a considerable and three spoon, do not paste, a Chinese prickly ash, not Ma-time. Is the hot pepper, pepper, ginger and stir together fresh speculation fire five minutes, fresh dry outside, from 1:00 to rely on oil and black, a little more sugar, 0K! Impermissible rescue! Can tomato sauce excellent point, bottoms up more points.

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