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发布时间: 2022-02-07 00:05:43

⑴ “我到家了”用英语怎么说


1、 I'm Home

2、 I arrived home

3、 I just got

4、I got home

5、 i'm back home again

6、 I go back home


老公我到家了I got home her husband ; My husband arrived home

我终于到家了I'm home at last ; I finally arrived home ; Me finally arrived ; I am finally coming home

今晚晚些我就会到家了I'll be home late tonight

我刚回到家I just got home ; I just came home

今天我回到家Today I go back home ; Today I got home

当我回到家When I got home ; When I get the home ; When I go back home ; When I home

你当我回到家you when i get home

我回到的家I'm turning for home

我只要回到家I'm only going over home

我希望我又回到了家I wish I was back home again



1、 John:Iwasat homelast night.


2、Iwasathomelast night.Icalled,but youweren't at home.Where were you?


3、Itwas latewhen Igot home,butIwas veryhappy.


4、AlittlewalkandI’ll behome, I’ll bebackwithTommen,inmyownchambers

insideMaegor’s Holdfast.


5、WhenIcame back homemygirlfriendpunchedmein thefaceandaskedwhothe



6、The driverturned aroundandtoldmethat Iwashome.


⑵ 去我家用英语怎么翻译

come to my home

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

⑶ 我想让你来我家 用英语怎么说

I would like you to come to my home.

⑷ 你想来我家玩吗用英语怎么说

would you like to come and play at my home?
would you like to come over to my home?

⑸ 欢迎你来到我家用英语怎么说

⑹ 你愿意到我家来吗用英语怎么翻译

Would you like to come to my home?

⑺ 欢迎你来我家玩用英语怎么说

welcome to my home

⑻ 你想来我家么用英语怎么说

Would you like to come to my house? 你愿意来我家吗?/你想来我家吗?
Are you going to come to my house?你打算来我家吗?

⑼ 让我告诉你怎样到达我家[翻译英文]

这是带疑问副词的动词不定式 作 直接宾语 相当于一个宾语从句
原句= Let me tell you how you can get to my house

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