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发布时间: 2022-01-05 10:16:51

『壹』 想你啦!老婆最近冷了 记得多穿点衣服。英语怎么翻译

I miss you.Honey,the weather is getting cold.Don't forget to keep warm.
请楼主采纳我的答案。 英语要说地道,机器翻译或者中式英语在外国人看来都是很别扭的!

『贰』 多穿一件衣服用英语怎么说

wear one more piece of clothing


『叁』 “多穿点衣服,否则你会感冒”各位麻烦翻译成英文,谢谢!


多穿点衣服,实际上袭想表达的意思是穿暖和点。如果直译为put on more clothes,
多少有一点儿Chinglish的味道。英语当中有一个很地道的表达法,to bundle oneself

Bundle yourself up before you go outside, otherwise you'll be likely to catch a cold. 外出的话穿暖和点,否则你会感冒的。

『肆』 天气边冷了。你需要多穿衣服 用英语怎么说

It's getting cold. you need to wear more clothes.

『伍』 英语多穿点衣服,注意保暖怎么说

Be sure to keep warm by putting on more clothes.

Put on more clothes to keep warm.


『陆』 ”天气冷了,记得多穿点衣服“用英语怎么说


  1. The weather is cold, remember to wear more clothes.

  2. Cold, remember to wear more clothes.

『柒』 '你最好多穿点衣服,外面很冷'用英语怎么说

It’s very cold outside. You’d better put on more.

『捌』 “你要多准备点衣服,来保证即使你洗的衣服很久不干,你也有衣服可以换”英语怎么翻译谢谢

You need to prepare more clothes to ensure that even if you do not wash clothes for a long time,
You have clothes to change

『玖』 你必须多穿衣服 英语怎么说

You shoud wear more clothes

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